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    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 4 01:17:51 2022
    rather than an integrated circuit phototemplate it is possible a UV laser could produce a regular array of dots or shapes at a photoresist with diffraction grating technology, switching between a few, or even a few hundred different atom location
    preferentialization areas could produce a wide range of material characteristics;

    thoughts on the size of chemical vapor deposition metallurgy part sizes: MEMs technology could also be a guide, with thickest chemical vapor deposition metallurgy being some higher of power of two than the 24 hour thickest MEMs object production cycle,
    it could be higher, if manufacturing time equivalence is considered (a company orders parts for delivery every month, giving as much as 1 month photolithography growth or possibly MEMs thickness build up), if something like UV lasers with a diffraction
    grating can be adapted to modify the shape of a growing single crystal of tungsten, like those used at some airplane turbines, then that could be a metallurgical chemical vapor deposition object size guide (although perhaps not, as I think they might
    pull those out of a melt)

    Other ways to make features of less than 1 nanometer: It is possible that one photon, even at one frequency, from a laser, could have variable absorption likeliness based on grouping and entangling (linking) photon spins. At New Scientist magazine I
    read about a quantum camera, where a beam of quantum entangled photons met a figurine, and the other group of photons the first photons were entangled (linked) with made an imnage on a camera chip, the shape of the figurine caused the figurine to be
    imaged on the chip from varied photon energy availability based on photon spin, there was an absence of an optical path between figurine and camera chip; Notably, large numbers (thousands) of photons have been quantum entangled together, and it is
    possible that adjusting the spin effects on each of the 1000 photons separately could produce 1000 gradations of either absorbability at the figurine or electrical charge effect at the imaging chip. The same technology with 16 quantum entangled photons
    making the chemical vapor deposition metallurgy optical guide could have 256 levels of possible charge variation and atom attraction/deposition/enarrayment, or also likeliness of causing a deposition; so although the physics seems iffy to me, there might
    be a locational effect beyond light wavelength, or at least an automatic 16 bit halftone effect, possibly per each 1 nanometer sized dot, possible.

    I read about the kind of thing that might be a new metallurgical effect at chemical vapor deposition metallurgy, https://news.wisc.edu/bending-the-rules-a-revolutionary-new-way-for-metals-to-be-malleable/ a new kind of bendability based on amorphous
    shear bands,

    Isotope effect technology that benefits integrated circuit fabrication technologies, I read that, “The whole wafer is then subjected to UV radiation, allowing the pattern mask to be transferred to the organic layer. The radiation either strengthens the
    photoresist or weakens it. The uncovered oxide on the exposed photoresist is removed using Hydrochloric acid. The remaining photoresist is removed using hot Sulphuric acid and the resultant is an oxide pattern on the substrate, which is used as a mask.”
    Noting HCl and H2SO4 are used at making integrated circuits, it is possible that making HCl that has only 34 amu CL or 35 AMU Cl, or just one of what I think might be 8 different stable Sulfur isotopes could change etch characteristics and perhaps one
    of these 9 variations has quantifiable benefit to making better integrated circuits and MEMs things; I do not know why deuterated, slower moving etchants would be more functional, although they might be similar to etching at a lower temperature.

    a CVD gas that is like 1/100 some other gas, where the gas molecule is big (10 or 20 timess more AMU), does thee heterogenous collision regime cause different renyolds numbers swirliness to occur? Then you could get different rates of sponatanbeous
    mixing, and possibly nudge up to reaction velocity at a distribution, or a different shape of lump at a normal distribution to have a different proprotion of mor elikely to crystallize cooler lumps as a fraction of the whole; that means gas blends could
    produce different rates of crystallization from something like chemical vapor deposition at semiconductor process technology

    similar I have heard nucleation sites cause crystals to grow, and that more nucleation sites can cause cause crystals to grow more rapidly while still being crystalline

    do different isotopes make for different nucleation site energies (Hg UV light emissions spectra difference, so might be different

    nucleation sites: things like SiCl4 gas might notice more nucleation sites if some of the things thiey were crystallizing on had more nucleation sites, nucleation sites that might be compatible with semiconductor process technology CVD coulkd be like 1/
    1000 part SICl3F or SiCl2F2 CVD gases, when these were right at the wafer surfaces they might make siCl4 right next to them extra interested in crystallization while having harmless SI deposition if the SiCl3F reacts with the wafer itself.

    Customized plasmonics (electron hole pair location and geometry engineering) could cause more, better, optimized production of nucleation sites at a growing semiconductor (or MEMS) wafer; beaming things at the wafer that cause plasmonics geometries at
    its surface could do this, beneath or side of wafer solitons, dissipative solitons,

    mass quantum spin observations (like planar regions of entire spin polarized thing resolvability resolution) could, like the quantum camera described at New scientist, cause entire surfaces to have a micropatterned electric charge on them, that
    micropatterened electric charge could be used to produce nucleation sites to physically patternize crystal growth at the planar semiconductor wafer surface, as well as create the possibility of customized engineered plasmonic geometries right at the
    wafer surface which could be used to cause more rapid deposition of CVD gas constituents, rapidifying semiconductor process manufacturing, noting that doubling this velocity could cause the number of semiconductors a fab produces to double, heightening
    productivity, profitability, and the variety of different kinds of semiconductors that can be produced; As an actual technology, something like a 300 mm wafer with a light source, where the light source, is divided into two quantum entangled (linked)
    beams, or actually planes, basically planar arrays of light, and one of the beams, that is planar arrays of light, travels to a quantum camera light sensor array that is numerous powers of two higher resolution that the feature size of the features being
    made at the wafer having its semiconductor features produced, like a (billion times a billion feature, or 10 billion feature times 10 billion feature ) quintillion (10^18) or larger number of light sensors per 300 mm wafer chip, then whenever one of the
    photons meets the surface of the wafer its electrical charge modifying ability depends on if the photon at the quintillion feature chip has had its spin determined with light detection events, Note there is something that is new to me at the engineering
    processes, the photon meeting the feature could be doing numerous different things: it could be making a nucleation site, causing growth, it could be causing some kind of mathematically meaningful spin variant effect, fractional charge, which then
    effects atomic bond formation (crystal growth), it could be causing a moment of reduced reactivity, causing, relatively, other things near it to be growing higher faster, The mathematically meaningful fractional charge variation, Note that just one
    photon doing something this could be an accumulative number of spin-effect pulses build up to one entire atoms change (crystal deposition, crystal subratacted) amount, (what if it was a few hundred photon spin observation moments to do each atom
    attaching to a crystal, and a over a quadrillion (LED laser ordinary) light pulses per second but perhaps not two atoms amount, so actual amounts of atom gowth at the crystal growth is directable; the adjustable growth rate for finer, greater
    repeatability of features of action at this makes engineerable feature fineness, homogeneity of crystallization)Noting the entire wafer at the semiconductor fab being manufactured: then if the kind of custom made, quintillion feature (billion feature
    rows, billion feature columns) photonic spin detector chip is doing this quantum camera thing at a couple of orders of magnitude higher physical resolution that than the quadrillion (or higher) actual feature chip being produced then that is a new to me
    semiconductor feature producing wafer technology; feature size, fineness, repeatability, possibly composition (sort of liked doped-ness where beyond the stoichiometry of the chemical vapor deposition gas causing the doping variety of the layer or feature
    the adjustability of photon spin at several powers of two higher spatial resolution, quadrillions of times per second from the quantum camera causes something like crystal atom at atom growth with a halftone-dot like predictability of dopant spatial
    geometry, homegenity, or possibly even a new kind of feature, depth (like say you put a 40% halftone screen dopant layer of atoms on a 20% dopant layer, and you might even be able to use the spin effects to change dopant element ratio like 40:Ge:40:Ga:
    10N:10:P to 90Ga:10:N at a cumulative layer thickness, even at a particular line width)

    it could also be a quintillion feature photon spin modifying photon sensing chip, doing the quantum camera thing at semiconductor process manufacture production of semiconductors doing quadrillions of photon cycles of spin observation responses per
    second could actually write features at a quintillion feature chip

    Notably though, can you actually aim light at a semiconductor wafer while making it? Well, the photolithography template is a light aiming thing, and there is likely published material on using a lasers to do things on chip features right on the wafer
    while it is being manufactured, so this brings up, can you illuminate a wafer, then fill the chamber with CVD gas, then have the gas react with the wafers surface based ont he light you just illuminated it with; some spin polarized gases stay spin
    polarized for 15 minutes so that is supportive, At some wavelengths, the pure crystals of wafers could be treated as lenses for lasers that shine through to the wafer treatment surface from underneath, at some geometries of shining a laser, or a planar
    array of spin polarized light (a thing that is different than a banch of parallel lasers, or also different, but possibly producible with a diffration grating and a laser making an array of points), having the light illuminate the wafer obliquely from
    the side could be done at less than a millimeter above the surface, minimizing beamspread from the CVD gas having a refractive index; also possible is that noting CVD gas has a refractive index, at some applications, different concentrations of CVD gas
    could be used that have different refractive indexes, so if crystal growth velocity is adjustable with photonic and spin photonic, and reynolds number gas swirl technology that vary surface charge as well as actual CVD gas concentration then it might be
    possible to grow semiconductors just as well even if CVD gas concentration varies across an order of magnitude, giving an order of magnitude greater transparency and light spatial, intensity, coherence, and other attribute nondivergence

    I do not know, but it is possible that if you spin polarize something its emissions and absorption spectra are different so if you shine two lights at a material, one that changes the spin of the atoms at the material, and the other that gives the
    material a photoelectric effect charge boost that then causes chemical reactivity, that you can change the kinds of things the material will react with, when it will react, if that is

    It might be possible to do a raster or parallel version of quantum camera spin customization of spatial things at making semiconductors as well, where a mere billion feature quantum camera spin detector and actualizing photosensor chip, used repeatedly
    as scanned, at a 10 billion times ten billion feature 300 mm wafer with the features being built on it is used, possibly with photonic spin observations being made quintillions of times a second (noting picosecond lasers exist, and some kind of picohertz
    elecronics exist to drive them)

    Making quantum cameras with 100 picometer resolution or finer causes finer feature size at the actual size of the semiconductor device the fab is making to experience spatial spin modifications (quantum camera), geometry, and possibly plasmonic feature
    stimulation at the semiconductor crystal surface five powers of two eentsier than than the features being produced, or optimally, makes creating eentsier feature sizes possible; I read 3 nanometer semiconductor size feature are being scaled up, 1
    nannometers is this possible now noting 1 nanometer technology could be used if you are willing to make a few hundred and keep some, or possibly keep a couple at 300 picometer technology; you could make 1 nanometer or 300 picometer feature sized
    photodetectors at a 300 nm wafer, with three or 8 times the resolution of a 3nm process wafer, or imaginably, something like very custom 100 picometer feature UV laser process produced chip, where you make a few thousand and get one you can use, but its
    ability to resolve and instantiate photon spin polarization and other observation things (3, 800, 400, 200, 100 picometer) five powers of two tinier than a 3 nanometer process chip causes even greater tininess, feature finess, size, shape making, and
    repeatability at the observed integrated circuit being made at the fab; not only are tinier features possible, but faster production of the 3 nanometer size feature semicodnuctors is also possible heightening fab productivity

    There are UV emitting quantum dots, it is imaginable that these, perhaps just from being made an order of magnitude different sized, at 300 picometer rather than 2.5 nanometer, could make higher wavelength radiation

    It is possible that at light there is some kind of thing where if you know (measure or make) some things then you know, or tend to not know others. It is possible that if you know something like spin (up/down), or polarization (linear/angle, circular,
    other) of light you might know more, or possibly less, about its wavelength. It might be possible to make a light emitter for semiconductor manufacturing (wavelenth feature size new technology) where perhaps you do not actually know where between UV and
    visible its wavelength is, but as a result of observing some other thing like spin, polarization, evanescence presence or distance, source geometry/simultaneity thing (kind of like double slits possibly having a wavelength that is definably determinably
    at some range because if the two slits are wider apart than some number of wavelengths then the ~~~~ per nanometer are some particular size range, so if you use slits of some kind to look at white light photons you know nothing about, with some spacing
    of slit and see it then you are “certain” knowledge of-producing, at least some energy at an energy regime of a certain ~~~~~ size. Notably, at something like the quantum camera, observing it at the light sensor might make it so energy of just that ~
    ~~~ size has an actual amount of ergs at the other thing the quantum entangled (linked) photons are shining on; so instead of light going on a chip (camera sensor at New sceintist, or described here as the actual wafer surface of a semiconductor being
    made) and a figurine, you put light on a chip and a thing (rather than a figurine) from made up of a bunch of slits, then you look at what comes from the bunch of slits, and that means that at the chip (camera or the thing being made at a fab) photons of
    that ~~~~ size and ergs are, at some quantity, being deposited; noting picosecond lasers exist, a person doing things to the surface of semiconductor, like one being manufactured, could do this slits make energy ~~~~~ size and ergs thing trillions of
    times per second, causing accumulative change from the energy change at a crystal being cumulatively deposited or even etched; the nifty thing is that you have illuminated the wafer you are making with wide spectrum white illumination, and just
    immanentizing the part that is far enough at the far UV to make features that are tinier than 2019 light size and photolithography feature size, building up something billions or trillions of times per second, at what, side-observationally (without
    knowing the actual wavelength), have to be, really high frequency waves causes semiconductor features to be built up or etched out

    Using a quintillion optical sensor wafer to cause spins to be defined, or undefined at another surface, notably the surface of semiconductor manufacturing process wafer being created, makes it so that the photons that reach the wafer being made are more
    chemically active, more electrically active, kept from causing charge, so making their neighbors show up up more, or, notably are at a frequency blend which contains, at least, if not more, but at least, the frequency the quantum camera spin topology
    plane making thing can respond to, then these things can be used to make features at semiconductors, kind of like doing AND, OR, NOT, and possibly XOR of light doing thing at a feature sized spot on a quadrillion feature sized wafer being observed into
    varied surface charge topology with a quintiliion feature sized photodetecting quantum camera

    Supersaturation causes more crystals to grow with less chronological moments, is there a feature size, fineness, regularity, and repeatability preserving way to supersaturate (more CVD gas right there at the wafer surface) a CVD atmosphere right near a
    wafer, from causing atoms to be stimulated to bunch up, perhaps with solitons (like dissipative solitons), photons, some ambient, all wafer or just surface wave with less than 100 picometer wavelength, but nonspecific location (like illuminating, but not
    etching, a wafer with UV), perhaps at a chronological varying dose, like some picometer wavelength UV at 100 billion cycles per second to do 10 picometer bunch up layers at the wafer surface (lisening to a ruler wiggle, a 10 cm ruler might sound like
    acoustic 100 hz, so a 100 billionth of a meter wiggle might be a 10 picometer sized length wiggle, possibly as a standing wave, which could be beneficial as it stays at the preferred wafer location), the 100 billion cycle per second waves could actually
    be be beamed from beneath the wafer (or from the side), and some wafer materials might even have findable bandpass layers that are extra transmissive of various wavelengths above 100 billion cycles per second; There are industrial process femtosecond
    lasers so making the waves is a known technology.

    GSK: New kind of drug, but I do not know what it does: Drugs, possibly novel ions, ionic few AMU organic chemicals, or even things like lopsided quantum dots with charge anisotropy, could cause beneficial protein or other molecule specific nucleation
    effects at cytes, and tissues, notably at a variety of body structures, wikipedia notes that actin tubules come from nucleation, “Energy consuming self-organising systems such as the microtubules in cells also show nucleation and growth.” So they
    could make a bunch of things that are likely to cause nucleation, screen a library of thousands (or millions or billions) of them at a yeast or human tissue biochip, and see which if any any of them caused greater longevity, wellness, as well as
    healthspan, previously described is how if you genetically engineer yeast to make more green fluorescent protein then the longer it lives, then you can find the longest lived yeast at something like a big array of wells (a billion or more) on a microchip,
    where each well has a different chemical and yeast growth medium, and a camera looks at the whole array, and then finds the row and column with the brightest glowing (longest lived) yeast at it. 10 million cyte per second microfluidics flow cytometry is
    also published and that approach could also be used to screen a billion new nucleation drugs as to longevity, wellness, and healthspan effects at a billion yeast in 100 seconds, or a trillion, to produce a high n P value, in 27.7 hours at one machine.
    Also, lopsided quantum dots, stabilizing molecules (a little like, but perhaps quite different than antioxidants) few amu molecules, as well as things like eentsiest cyclodextrins, topological starches, and things like graphene toruses, and chelation
    molecules, could see the effect of reducing nucleation at biochip screened libraries on things like yeast and human tissue culture; notably wikipedia says amyloid blobs at alzheimers accumulate from nucleation, so it is possible there are a variety of
    nucleation reduction effects which could be beneficial at a variety of human body tissues; Interestingly, as to cryopreservation, novel nucleation producers, reducers, or customizers could benefit cryopreservation of human bodies, freezable and thawable
    living organisims exist, and these may have numerous simultaneous nucleation, causing, reducing, or modulating chemicals besides comparatively macroquantity chemicals like trehalose at them that people could find, and quantify as to cryopreservation

    semiconductor technology: An Si atom is 110 picometers large, so if you can arrange them any way you like, then a bunch of Si atoms that are at the distal tip of a bunch of alkane like rods, to stick up and be relaibaly equispaced, sort of like the way
    phospholipid lipid layers have a ===C way of aligning as a

    Picometer semiconductor technology: lipid ====C rod layer with distal atom top side up, then lasers, quantum camera spin writing surface action or plasmonics, or reaction torus in the middle of lays on top of it graphene planar form, changes the C to an
    Si, Ge, Se, P, N, Al, or other semiconductor atom causes purposefully patterned 110-220 feature sized electron motioninging suface patterns on a thing, which has the same function as a semiconductor, notably as compared with a lipid ====c layer you could
    have silicon polymer, or possibly even boron polymer (boron polymerizes) rods with an atom at the tip, then you change the atom, to make the outer layer surface geometry; notably at he middle of the =====C or ====Si or ====Ge thing you could put other
    atoms to put stabilization rungs on it transversely, notably whether you removed a the top of a =====Rb, or possibly a =====I, then put a rung atom or few AMU molecule, then put more === on it, or put a K=====Ge or K====Si (or a I====Ga) on it, you make
    it so the rods could have sufficient rigidity to be nude sunbatyher at Santa barbara California preferred temperature stable, whith the topmost layer of atoms being patterned to do electrical circuits

    Neurological plane nootropics: Imaginably a person could think of a nootropic as causing a person to think of things twice as often, one neurostimulant that does this while being highly mild at the organism is simply illuminating an area with twice as
    much light so that that the persons is able to distinguish twice as many things; Notably at a person this occurs without thinking twice as fast, and can be carried out during a usual duration of wakefulness withouth having much, if any, effect on
    duration of wakefulness and sleep periods; Also, doubling the number of things, like objects, or simplistically, words, at an area of text can radically change meaning, a kind of bulk-effect salient meaning, or a “if there’s lots of it that’s the
    idea I get about it” meaning, That suggests that just like the retina is a kind of plane of neurons, something that causes heightened activity of another plane of neurons where the plane of neurons could actually be a physical structure, possibly an
    actual plane of neurons, like the outer surface of gyrii of frontal lobes, or even the actual plane of AMPA neurons, if there is one at some location of the brain, or if there is a plane of kind of chronologically identical neurons at the limbic system
    then there is a muliple items of noticing and salience, with simulataneous emotiveness nootropic

    Conceptually, if an amygdala could be a “notice it fast” nootropic plane, is there a different nootropic plane where if you notice it, stimulate it, or route data through it, unlike the amygdala, it is noticed as good, noticed as happy, a noticed as
    happy nootropic plane; noticed as pleasurable might be a nucleus accumbens plane nootropic. It is possible some kind of fMRI or positron emission tomography thing could notice a retina-like plane of simultaneous neural response that is a plane of
    nootropic enjoyment, happiness, cognitive depth, idea form, “isness” Then just as light only stimulates the retina nootropic plane, it is possible drug localization technology could activate just that actual brain structure physical (likely even
    simultaneous, like the retina) nootplane, to up it across the board, causing a noot-plane themed cognitive thematization or realization typicality venue, like if you used dissipative solitons

    One thing that might be like a plane of nootformness (kind of like a retina is sort of a nootropic plane) is flavor, I perceive I read that there are parts of the human CNS that do not have a blood brain barrier, and that some of these neurons directly
    direct the presence of chemicals at the circulatory system, and that some of the neurons activate gag reflex when they detect a get rid of it now chemical, get rid of it fast right away, without blood brain barrier filtration or multiplexed neural data
    from the tongue; so the thing is, as a technology, are there any of these that feel good? A yum! neuron circulatory fluid reaction? Are any of these yums! particularly reinforcing at behavioral psychology? Do different species have different Yum!s?
    Are there perhaps even different Yum!s that can be measured as having people like them but not actually change the amount of food a person voluntarily consumes? Those could be BMI neutral ways to make food even more delicious.

    ok, so: EEG waves: notably people can pile up waves and do things with them on purpose, is it possible to do things like stack and soliton EEG waves to do things on purpose that feel certain ways or even have soliton like ability to propagate further
    through neural tissues. Like if you make solitons (EEG waves) at the frontal lobes somehow, do they propagate physically further to places like the nucleus accumbens where they do all new things, and at the nucleus accumbens, feel wonderful, at a
    simpler version can you node or antinode eeg waves like gamma, to put gamma waves at double height, going with the idea they might be beneficial, at the brain, or notably, at particular areas of the brain; notably I think have read that playing eeg waves
    back into a persons head from scalp electrodes makes it so they learn faster, or even replay the emotional state of the wave, and I even perceive I read that replaying eeg waves back to a persons scalp can cause twice the effectiveess as navigating a
    computer environement rapidly and functionally,

    Writing about beneficial eeg modulation technologies I have mentioned gamma frequencies as beneficial frequently, making all the things I wrote have greater technology beneficialness I would say wherever it says gamma it could say, eeg frequencies that
    are notably beneficial, notably as played back at particular, possibly varied particular head electrode locations, so perhaps sequencing and head spatially arranging gamma with beta and theta, sort of turning a pie chart into a pie chart with different
    simultaneous or sequential proportions) and at particular electrode locations causes a particular benefit at a particular eeg modulation sequence program; I also mention that I think that playing EEGs back onto a persons head using electrodes could cause
    music to be twice as wonderful to experience or more, an application like that might be a non gamma application, but a gamma enriched music experience with another frequency band could combine enhanced wonderfulness of music with the greater cognition
    and learning of gamma frequencies, and that such a combination of wonderfulness and cognition could be the kind of think where if a person listens to a person speaking tot hem as part of a school lecture then the combination could heighten the actual
    learning while making the “resoundingness” “thereness” of the lecture higher and more attended to simultaneously; Also, the frequency bands named after letters could actually be immediately replaceable with new frequency and band meanings,
    effects and designations that arise from something like a deep learning AI classification, a mathematical equation, and a rich dataset could create new meanings about specific frequencies, locations, and naturally occuring multifrequency, even
    multilocation structures that are more functional as technology that produces a particular beneficial intended benefit than just using some word like gamma

    music feeling amplification (eeg modulation making music twice to ten times more wonderful) makes it a thing you would get besides headphones as a consumer getting things behavior

    overear heaphones (Like an Apple product that makes music two to ten times more wonderful) that use EEG modulation to make music twice to ten times as awesome could be imitated at many manufacturers, and versions made to work at any phone, or standalone,
    or like the gelatin capsule slide into hair version produced, valued and distributed

    overear hadphones have many places of contact with the head, besides conductive polymers at the ear pads, a casual, put anywhere approach could cause 2,4 9 of the little conductive nubs on the band to touch the head, it could be that a knowledgeable
    person noting where these electrodes were at ( a traversal location on the mid upper head) could come up with specific beneficial eeg modulation sequences playable to those electrode contact points in particular

    Learning from other people speaking amplification; use at school: it is possible that if eeg modulation can make music twice to ten times as awesome then listening to another person talk, such as the lecture portion of school, could be twice as memorable,
    or twice as attended to; this also benefits persons with different attention span capabilities; school usage is another thing that causes larger numbers of people to utilize it it so it spreads its beneficial effects to larger numbers of people, more
    rapidly, voluntarily

    electrical: nudges to an eeg might be as effective as continually replaying entire eeg waves, repeatedly nudge gamma waves into continuing, possibly even nudge if other waves are present to switch to gamma waves, if nudges work batteries could actually
    last 20 to 40 times longer

    [continued in next message]

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