• New communications technology:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 4 00:35:48 2022
    Software, like deep learning at AI, can process examples to find things that have have majority favorable responses; perhaps moving computer generated things, without actually having bodies, can generate the effect of positive body language; various open
    stance, eye contact, optimal velocity of motion, avoiding of unintentional obscuration (hands together in front/blocking, holding a pad in front of you), “standing tall” might actually translate as “percentage of screen filled” or proportion of
    item amongst other items around it at nonbody computer generated objects

    Imitation hairstyles (without a head), imitation positively perceived eye forms (eye contact), imitation breast contour visibility (decollatage), and imition context making props like books, stethscopes, jewelry, even imitation garments (sculpture that
    looks like an abstract of well dressed person) could all contribute to computer generated versions of the positive body langauge effect, and beneficially, the 2 to 10 or 100 times longer or wider body language “yep or nope” deferment that causes some
    valuable communication.

    At things without body language, body language sequence like occurences could be measured, duplicated and made more effective: computers like deep learning AI might notice sequential entrainment from human communications flow, like open body posture, a
    greeting, a statement, then a question, then a pleasant emphatic restatment of the statement; it is possible non-body computer generated sequences could learn sequences from effective at communicating, and causing of others to believe or utilize
    beneficial new things, humans; Cinematically generated at a computer:, wide pleasant scene, greeting-like positive focus on an emotionally or cognitively shared point (Kayak, nice car, nice looking food, prosperous looking object, some things like a
    debit card logo causing double digit increases in tips might not be obvious but software could find them when it screens enough things, perhaps a speedometer that says “70”, or an open highway lane view, a tidy room, a diploma, a “you just got a
    text” beep sound, a phone, a thumbs up icon, a bed (nap or sex?), a couch, two things next to each other make a round bridge between them, kind of like a kiss without lips, a beverage container, a prime parking location, visual placeholder for the
    concept of “amusing”, that might not actually be funny, like a tiara with happy faces on it ) could be automatically formed into effective sequences with a computer; also besides things with durable positive effect, search engines have "currently
    popular" topics and images, sometimes referred to as "buzz" lists that could be screened for positive emotionality and cognition and then be mined and then characterized and quantified and sequenced for more effective communications that cause people to
    actually try, utilize, recommend a beneficial new thing like a beneficial technology

    Some people respond positively to nonhuman mammal body language, architecture, and interior design, perhaps that body language could aslo be added to what can be accomplished with computer generated communications

    Things that benefit humans:

    Things that benefit children

    An icon on a phone (possibly iPone fist, then others) that says “call your friends” that is an automatically gnerated mini-version of the phone’s contact list; the phone could even measure vocal tone and amount of positive interactions (get
    together suggestions) at speech and put the most positive interation freinds at the top of the list

    Genetically engineering children with is beneficial, readable advertisements and custom readbles like magazines at beauty salons that promote genetically engineering your children, notably children you plan to have, is beneficial; beauty salons could
    even get commissions from referrals; this could aslo work at health clubs and gymnasiums

    prosocial famous people could try a new thing (new to me) generic, reusable endorsements “if it makes people live longer, be happier, treat their children better, and treat others better I’m in favor of it!” -hypothetical statement of taylor swift,
    freqeunt #1 musician (2010-20nn), then anyone could use the quote in a communication or advertisement and Taylor swift would actually approve

    Stem cells that divide when you shine lasers on them already exist, versions that grow as well as cytotype differentiate when electromagnetic RF fields are beamed on them, or cofocalize acoustics are beamed on them could grow at beneficial three
    dimensional shapes at body depth causing healing, heighten beauty, and customize delivering of the amount of the drugs that the engineered stem cells produce that reaches the circulatory system, editable ones coukld do photonic/RF/acoustic sculted shape
    change to optimize editing; also, at multiliter (I have heard of thousand liter biotechnology product organism growth containers, reaching the center of these containers at depth could be beneficial, cause higher yoields, greater product quality and
    greater product affordability

    Wellness technology that they could test at mice for healthspan and longevity increasing benefits, “explained that low-dose laser activated bone marrow stem cells can easily leave the bone marrow and travel via the circulatory system.” makes it seem
    possible that a nude mouse, with nonvisible frequencies beamed into it could have quantifiably measurable amounts of stem cells released into the circulation, possibly from a variety of tissues, these could further be quantified as to where to go, and
    what benefits they cause, then if it is beneficial at mice, it could be tested on nude sleeping humans at light emitting blankets to find out if the benfits have value, notably this could be as afforable as electric blankets ($19.99 ebay or less);
    further, if different frequencies of nonvisible light at lymphatic system areas cause beneficial immunocyte release or generation at the immune system, then this could do things like reduce the length of illnesses, notably benefitting children, cause
    existing cancer treatments to work quantifiably better or faster, as well as possibly reduce susceptibility to any kind of infection

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