• Photonic technology

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 3 07:43:44 2022
    Genetics of being an autodidact. It is possible being an autodidact has a genetic component, they could look at the genetics of autodidacts and find out if anything is associated with it, psychometrics might find cognitive components of being an
    autodidact and they could find out if the components had separate findable genetics and then find out if people with all of those separate components at the population were more autodidactic, then it could be a beneficial part of the germline at all

    I favor children being taught they have a right to turn machines off. I favor making machines so beneficial, and at robots that emulate personality, so benevolent children and adults seek them out and turn them on and keep them on.

    I favor all artificial intelligence and robots be nonsentient.

    Longevity technology

    Are there oceanic fungi, screen them, as well as their chemically separated homogenates for longevity chemicals with yeast, they may have notably different genetics and if collected at cold water, sparse nutrient areas could have much longer lifespans,
    that could also function with cold water sparse nutrient ocean bacteria

    Things that fill children's lives with happiness

    It is imaginable that children that get an optimum duration of sleep with various optimal chronological amounts at different sleep stages are 7-19% happier (imaginably, as based on adult experience). A bed or camera technology could measure sleep
    behaviors and duration. Then software like deep learning AI that had learned what amount of sleep, at what age, at what genome and psychometric data, would then communicate to the child and parents the benefits of different amounts of different amounts
    of, and kinds of sleep. It is possible there are gentle things that beneficially prompt different sleep stages to optimize them, like a meal before bed, nonlyrical music customized to each sleep stage while asleep, the lighting between bedroom and
    bathroom, a blanket that cools or warms, the presence of a body pillow as well as other things could be quantified as to the amount they modify sleep stage amount and duration to make the children happier and more well rested. This could also benefit

    Children's shoes could have pedometers in them to measure activity. Software or deep learning AI suggests an optimal amount of activity, sometimes an increase, that causes 99th percentile happiness increase from the pre-pedometer measure of happiness

    How often do people change their routine, and does that trend toward optimal, if a person always changes their routine towards something more optimal it is possible things become cumulatively better. Software could advise people on their routines and
    deep learning AI could look at those at the 99th percentile of happiness, doing what they value, productivity, to find routined other people can make use of. About half of people are MBTI J and might gravitate towards routines

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