• Beauty and longevity technology

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 08:10:52 2022
    17 alpha estradiol may have a gene therapy advantage as I perceive there is some protein chemical like an enzyme that converts some other kind of thing, possibly estradiol to 17 alpha estradiol(AE), so upregulating the gene that makes that protein enzyme
    could be a longevizing(AE), clear skin, gene therapy as well as germline gene modification. Also benefitting teenagers and adults people could also be characterized as to the effects of genetically determined sex hormone multiform ratios (things like 17
    b estradiol/17 a estradiol/progestetone ratios) and sex hormone receptor (where are they located at that genome driven phenotype, how many of them are there, what is their sensitivity) SNPs, alleles and gene copy numbers' beneficial effect on clear skin
    and beautiful teenage bodies with parents with beautiful bodies who say they had clear skin as teenagers could be utilized as a genomics science genotype to be compared with other genotypes to find and contribute body and skin components to the optimal
    genetics of teenage and adult beauty. AEDG linked to beauty peptides, some of which are tripeptides and seven or eight amino acid beauty peptides would also build heightened longevity with beauty, I favor germline engineering to build longevity and
    beauty physiological chemistry; among those who might like a pill AEDG (Epithalon) linked with an enzymatically degradable linker to beauty peptides or a parallel plurality of beauty peptides, or a sex hormone receptor activation decreaser, or a
    dermally concentratimg antibiotic peptide, could be a Try it for two months, if you like it, get the gene therapy and germline gene optimization. Notably at less than 1 cent a pill the gene therapy and germline enhancement pill is actually more
    affordable than a couple months of some different pill

    As another possible benefit it might minimize body hair growth

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