• Transportation technology

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 05:04:49 2022
    I have read about atom teleportation, an atom that teleports to the active or or catalyst surface makes new chemistry; also teleporting spin to an atom that is part of an existingatom teleportation, electron teleportation, photon teleportation at the any
    depth of the body such as a chemical reaction or manufacturing system, the molecule can change its functional chemistry, it could be possible to do new chemistry teleporting a new atom, group of atoms, wave focalizing group of atoms, electron, or photon
    or spin to the middle of a chelation molecule, a poised atom molecule (chlorophyll's magnesium is one concept illustration of a molecule where the magnesium is poised at the molecule), a protein or a metalloprotein, a halogen atom radical or group I
    periodic table element could be examples of atoms that when teleported have almost universal reaction at the site that is teleported to; multiatom systems where a semicircle of atoms causes a cofocalized

    Clouds with water molecules of some particular spacing could dissipate in less than 40 minutes yet have the electric charge or also molecule spacing sufficient to make rain, produced when it was not daytime these clouds would make it so that it only
    rained when it was absent being daytime and would dissipate in 40 minutes at daytime, benefitting people, plants and organisms, with good weather and plentiful water

    Layered and three dimensional atom layers, can also be used as technological applications of the way a semicircle of atoms continuously automatically and without external charge transfer , cause a electron simultaneous electron activity high amplitude
    region at their focus; a buckycup (like a partial buckminsterfullerene of one or numerous layers that has a big cup interior accessible from a side) version of a buckminsterfullerene makes electron distribution concentrations at the focus or focii,
    like the center but there are other options to do reactions with molecules that visit the cup while being absent much effect on the individual atoms of the buckycup whose atom electron effects overlap, reinforce and combine, so the buckycup is absent
    chemical reaction with the things in the buckycup experiencing the effect of the electron focus or focii,

    Just at is possible to make electron effect concentration effects at a semicircle of atoms or a buckycup it is also possible to make an electron activity less active region, this could be a mechanism to actually reduce chemical reactivity, causing
    regional stability at part the molecule or atom assemblage's span or at the entire molecule, this could be used as a jig or atom assemblage stabilizer at nanotechnology, a sequence of buckycups, possibly connected to each other, possibly with tubes (
    these tubes make me think of very high diameter, likely wider diameter than the buckycup buckytubes, or likely at nonprotein molecules the large diameter tubes with wide lumens that can be produced with proteins) could be used to assemble nanotechnology
    with jig optimization on sequences of atoms to do sequential nanoassembly

    Multi opening chemical reactors or nanoassembler atom assemblage or chemical molecule objects as technologies like multi or even reminiscent of multitube automotive vehicle manifolds, ==||==, (like image made of equals symbols and computer science
    vertical line pipe sbols) or with more arms

    Although there is an emphasis on nanoassembly, the exterior of the manifold like multibuckycup technology could have photo reactive molecules attached or appended to it, causing parts of the manifold to have different electric charge, a molecule
    attached to the manifold with a 20 cumulative or coabsor

    Option responsiveness would have more than 2^20th, over one million different charge levels, and an electropositive appended molecule which could have a 24 photon responsive molecule attached to it would have 8 million levels of electro positivity and 8
    million levels of electro negativity that could be produced with light, facilitating manufacturing.

    The externally photo adjustable charge manifold that has buckycups in it could also do chemistry

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