• One person one planet technology

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 05:02:53 2022
    ny while measurin

    Children's mothers frequently make them happy, considered as software, notably at companion robots or as a computer instructional product for actual people, an optimized mom that makes children happy with beneficial educational growthfulness, an
    optimized dad, optimized friends, all that fill children with happiness is beneficial and possible. There are also completely new kinds of child and adult voluntary interaction partners, beyond the moms, dafs, and friend forms of humans and, like
    companion robots, nonsentient things that produce the greatest happiness at the child, these are developable and active immediately with voluntary human enactment, like what if teachers hugged, or amusement park entertainers invited your friends to hang
    out with you that afternoon with you and the entertainer, or at practices, dance teachers that with computer or their own realization suggested changing or incorporating new better at producing child happiness, beautiful dance moves or props, like if you
    are learning positions at ballet the dance teacher could do a new form of adul-child interaction and say, let's use the moves we have to combine dance with giving away instant-print art objects at the technology park with all the nice people walking
    around, so the creation of new forms of human types of child-child or child-adult interaction that fill children with happiness is possible and beneficial

    Photonic brain scans of children similar to Deepwater photonic brain scanning technology could be utilized throughout the day to find out what makes children happy, and which parts of their brain are most active (and even least active) when especially
    happy, also with numerical validation from Experience Sample Monitoring to ask them to press a number to quantify their happiness, or at a better version make a finger gesture at a video recorded environment, or touchsome length of their arm to quantify
    happiness above average at 40 different amounts, and utilize different arms for different things like one arm for elation, the other arm for a kind of suffusing quiet happiness

    At happy people the fMRI areas might differ amongst people, it is possible that happiness at children causes different brain activation areas than at adults, a drug that causes child happiness at adult brains that then empathically supports heigchildren'
    s happiness

    Nondopamine happiness, using positron brain scanning find people experiencing great happiness without dopamine system activation, this provides an area of happiness genetics and drugs to produce happiness

    Happiness priming drug, also at the data from happy people there could be decreased happiness priming things from screening GRAS materials possibly at normal food levels these cpuld be utilized at children to prime them for happiness

    Dimethyl nitroxides molecularly similar to DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide, only with nitrogen instead of sulfur as a nanotechnology energy source and manufacturing material molecule, made from the nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen very frequently
    occurring at the environment

    A buckycup reaction that is able to turn the most frequently occurring 9 chemicals on the earth, particularly the first meter and atmosphere of the earth to a greater number of manifolds that have buckycup which is like nanoassemblers making
    nanoassemblers, silica gel hydration causes atom motion, and silica gel or atom doped silica gel can be an electret concentrating charge or even focal area piezoelectric (sparking quartz at some nanoassembly electron surplus is then used to make any of
    photovoltaic atom assemblages or molecules, either of these is able to combine atmospheric nitrogen with other atoms, C

    Duckweed, land duckweed, as well as ecologically undisturbing marine duckweed, purposefully caused to grow around the earth can concentrate the 100 most frequently occurring elements as well as possibly chemicals on the earth and be perhaps other
    chemicals to be a preferred, and nanotechnology optimized chemical source

    Aminotransferases and making physically motioninzing molecules from gentle distance to kilometer flinging, glider molecules, nitro molecules like nitrocarbohydrates (nitrocellulose), and other nitro compounds like trinitrotoluene can be made at
    nanotechnology to physically motionize things micrometers, nanometers, or even meters as part of nanoassembly, pushing thousands of atoms through a tube or broadcasting partially assembled nanostructutes nanometers or micrometers distance to make it so
    there is a rich continuous field of assembleable subassemblies, nanotechnology could also use nitrocompounds to distribute element and chemical gathering nanomachines at a multimeter area around the nanoassemblers

    glider graphene, it could be possible to make a version of graphene that is like a glider that is floating at the air orders of magnitude than unengineered particulates, nanotechnology could make this, it is also another way for nanomachines to spread

    Silicosomes (like liposomes that have Si rather than C) could be used to release drugs over longer periods of time, even than drug releasing implants, or also made a component of multi century drug releasing implants, ethynyl fluororapamycin which has a
    dose effectiveness to provide more than a couple thousand years of activity with a one gram depot dose could benefit from silicosomes to release drugs, an injection of silicosomes, less effort than an implant, could gradually release ethynyl fluid O
    rapamycin gradually during thousands of years of longevity heightening drug dosing

    10w40 silicosomes

    Things that fill children with happiness

    Making millions, billions, or even trillions of separate chemicals at a silicosomal (or liposomal) containered reaction

    The silicosomes or various-somes can be sequentially dipped in reagents, and to facilitate transport of the reagents to the silicosome core, acoustics, which are able to form liposomes, and likely silicosomes could be utilized, also. without using so
    much electricity as to do electrochemistry electric charge at the fluid, or fluid-flow dribbling the silicosomal goo on the surface of the anode or cathode, the molecule mH (like pH) could also be ionized, or the solvent ionized to facilitate transport
    of reagents to the core,

    When the silicosomes are loaded with reagents the reaction environment reacts the reagents

    After reaction the silicosomes are sorted for separation of particular chemicals, one possibility is that if the silicosomes have permeability or their permeability is engineer able like side branches on the silicon lengthy part have like a C=O or NH2 on
    them then putting the liposomes at different pHes could heighten permeability, so putting the silicosomes at an adjusted solvent could cause almost all of the unreacted reagents to diffuse out; then a different number and concentration of pHlike digit
    areas could cause diffusion of different molecular mass reaction products. With few AMU products diffusing out at slight solvent moleculeh mH values, charged reaction products possibly diffusing out when silicosome goo is dribbled on an electrode, it is
    even possible some reactions produce are hygroscopic or some other solvent scopic and placing the reacted silicosomes in NH3, DMSO, water, tetrahydrofuran or some other polar solvent would cause liposomal osmotic fullness, there is a chance plumping, and
    it could then have different mid level floatiness at another fluid like neutral buoyancy or positive bouyancy at another fluid

    Sortation of reaction products at silicosomes is also possible with centrifugation; previously diffused to contain different reaction molecules at the core silicosomes would have different masses based on the remaining products and yield (amount) of
    those products, osmotically plumped silicosomes could centrifuge differently, and if the reaction products are either bendy or rigid, then cool silicosomes might be stirrable to concentrate concentration of either the bendy or rigid contents amount;
    Cold thixotropic viscosity

    Reaction product specific silicosomal freeze tearing, Reaction product side chemical becomes silicosomal (or liposomal) chemical lytic at cool or warm temperatures, like if you cool them until cores freeze then the crystals pierce the silicasome or
    liposome sides causing the product, which might even be at soluble temperature, that is of main interest then spills into the solvent, and the freeze piercing part is ignored

    At silicosomes, liposomes, or other-somes it is possible that putting the silicosomes in a solvent with a reagent that strongly reacts with the metal's or other atom's electrically charged head would immediately release all the reaction products, an Mg
    head, a gadolinium head would do this


    Se or Ag electrically charged heads of various-somes or silicosomes might react to light

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