• MWI paint Titanium dioxide is white and produces an electrical charge w

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 1 00:11:43 2022
    Cars, waterparks,

    MWI technology

    Changing a physical switch 10,000 or more times faster than the speed of light and also creating new sizes or regions of MWI universe generation could be possible with having an electron or an atom or another observable right next to another molecule or
    material that changes charge or physical shape based on spin, I have heard of spin-trap chemicals and spintronics so that should be possible; just like a regular quantum entanglement (quantum linkage) you make a spin pair, perhaps it would be beneficial
    if these were atoms, electrons might work and the phrase Spin capacitor exists, once you make your entangled spin pair(or even group) you physically move them to the other side of the room or deep space, then you observe one of them and the other atom or
    electron's spin is realized, it is right next to, or connected to a spintronic semiconductor which then changes its entire state, making a bit or a switch, that way you can turn things on or off 10,000 or more times faster than the speed of light; MWI
    beneficial effects from changing the span and propagation and possibly area of the MWI universe produced, the only thing I remember that goes faster than light is Cerenkov radiation but there are numerous ideas online,so, is it likely or unlikely that
    there is a speed of light effect at MWI universe generation, my perception is that the Schroedinger's equation people would say it just happens, if there is any localization effect from the light one then the MWI universes a Faster than light quantum
    linked spin switch would have different area and immediacy, i read that thousands of atoms have been quantum entangled so if these were evenly distributed as a cloud you could fill in the entire MWI universe volume thousands of times more rapidly, if the
    the thousands of spintronic switches are actuated with one observation of a happy good event then universe copies subsequent to that event are made outside the lightcone of the original event, this could place MWI universes at beyond lightcone distances
    from each other, so their physics effects would not effect each other even gravity

    That kind of reminds me of One Person One Planet where they make a planet, with benevolent companion robots, and then pick one person to live on it, the MWI suggests that every person is the one chosen, so each person gets their own planet, with
    isolation from all the other one person one planets from using faster than light quantum entangled switches to MWI make them outside the light cone of new things on earth

    I favor humans living happily one person one planet because interacting only with nonsentient robot companions removes ethical, moral, IT, some might call it IL, pattern and paranormal risks and events

    Has anyone just attached the serotonin molecule to a thousand different variations on blood brain barrier passing peptides called CPPs online), giving it to 300 mice sequentially, then using computer scanned video to find out if any of them act different,
    that could be a source of new antidepressant drugs, orally (possibly enteric coated or D amino acid at the peptide) available serotonin, it is possible some of these CPPs have brain localization effects which would make them different kinds of

    CPPs linked to serotonin that have localization to brain regions or neuron types could be new nootropics

    Things that fill children with happiness, services like uber might financially value giving rides to groups, it is possible parents could fund rides for teens and children old enough to go unsupervised to go as a sequentially picked up group which would
    be cheaper for each individual child but be financially attractive to the transportation company, places like public parks with lots of video/audio cameras, aquatics, dance and gymnastics, enrichment schools, movies, concerts, and other activities are
    possible, making an ultra safe for children driver certification would also be beneficial

    Two monitor intelligence heightening software, the person has two monitors on their desk, the first that is their primary they just use as they use it, the software notices themes and introduces completely new material that makes the person more
    intelligent and know more if they happen to look at the second monitor, so while I am looking at memes and reading quota on the primary monitor the other monitor has like science journal abstracts in larger print, wikihow, and maybe brain improvement
    games as well as possibly wikipedia articles on the front changing the item about once each 30 seconds adding another item to a tall stack of look-at-ables like an Imgur "dump", they also quantitatively measure if people learn anything new and if their g
    (like IQ) goes up, there is a certain, perhaps promoting, sense that this addresses the " what I should really be doing" and quantitatively measures that the person actually is spontaneously doing more of it

    Lasers at concerts could be at harmless levels if stared directly into for the length of the concert up high, they could then be aimed at the backs of people's shirts and heads to make it so there was amazing stuff always in view, spaceships zommonig
    horizontally, hearts, laserium shows, maybe even good memes

    Lasers on scales that estimate your height and display BMI might be possible

    Lasers or 360 degree video cameras could quantitatively measure how true all the walls, framing,and baseboards were during construction, just something you put near the center of the room, this could also be used at completed buildings to more accurately
    assess their condition and value, point cloud lasers already exist so this might mostly be a software thing

    Are there interferometry based VR body motion and gesture sensors, it seems like there could be

    Massage chairs that could be quantitatively measured as reducing depression (paper notes) could have a mechanical horizontal travel of the kneading rollers that customizes to each persons back, sensors would locate which part of the persons back was
    where, many sensor types are possible

    I read that pharmaceutical companies spend a lot of money on advertising, so it is possible a new pharmacological product that is so compelling it promotes itself would be valued, one possibility are nootropic analgesics, the volume opportunities of
    aspirin or aleve (naproxen) with the benefit of a nootropic, as well as the social benefits of using a nootropic, screen a library of phenylpiracetam molecularly linked to aspirin and naproxen molecular variations, as better nootropics occur, link them
    to analgesics

    Some Nootropics at higher than optimal dosages increase cognition but make me nervous or anxious (noopept, phenylpiracetam) delivering higher than optimal oral equivalent dosages to just particular parts of the brain could make existing and new
    nootropics much more effective, they could test this with cannulas at the brains of primates, or if they respond to nootropics, farm animals, infusing nootropics just to arteries reaching particular brain areas, if they find that high doses of nootropics
    above the previous optimal dose range then they could make molecules with brain localization effects perhaps keeping the extra high dose of nootropics out of the limbic system, the amygdala, and the brainstem, some possibilities are a CPP (cell
    penetrating peptide), antibodies where it immunostains only at the right brain areas, or at brain cytes that are distinguishably different, efflux from cytomembrane peptides or moieties so the nootropic is ejected from places like the amygdala or limbic
    system much more rapidly, the efflux moiety approach could also be used to flush the molecule out of certain kinds of neurons faster

    If you put a stem cell inside an erythrocyte ghost, and decorate the outside of the erythrocyte ghost with outward facing antibodies that glom to neurons, like neurons that immunostain to be at just one area of the brain do you cause growth and increased
    capability when the stem cells differentiate into new neurons at those preferred locations, you could also just put outward facing antibodies on stem cells or neuron progenitor cytes, notably just injecting stem cells into the brain is published as
    neurologically beneficial

    To my amazement the volume of capillaries to brain tissue in the brain is about 1/2000th the actual volume of brain tissue, "With respect to the vasculature of brain, there are > 100 billion capillaries in the human brain comprising a total length of
    approximately 400 miles. Yet, the intra-endothelial volume is quite small, about 1 uL/g brain. Thus, the volume of the capillary intracellular space in brain is about 1 uL for the rat brain, and about 1 mL for the human brain. " that suggests that a
    genetic change that doubles that could have cognitive or longevity effects, making mice with a simply different amount of capillaries could find genes that have cognitive and longevity benefits, also at 1/2000 the brain volume genetically doubling the
    actual amount of capillaries could have cognitive benefit, these could be g (like IQ) heightening genes

    I read humans have a larger number of physically smaller neurons, they could look at autopsied brains and find out if there is a neuron size IQ correlation in humans or mice, then they could repetitively breed monozygotic twin (test mouse and dissection
    mouse) mice to have neurons that are 200-20% the usual size and find out if the even smaller, or larger neurons, which might even spontaneously proliferate to higher numbers making a usual volume brain, cause greater intelligence at the mice, optimizing
    neuron size, largeness or smallness could be new human intelligence, like g ( g is like IQ) genes

    Cold perfusion brain mapping, using a tube perfuse as many of the brain's arteries and arterioles, even capillaries if it can be accomplished with cool or cold filtered plasma, optimally from the same organism, then with MRI, behavioral tests (like blink
    if they match or trace the map with your eyes or even a look at the right answer on a g (like IQ) test, or patient verbalizations of effect, this finds out which brain areas do what, also if decreasing activation, which is what cooling does, causes g (
    like IQ) to increase, perhaps from decreasing (cooling) the amygdala or parts of the limbic system causes greater intelligence function, then that provides a way to increase intelligence with brain area localized drugs as well as can suggest specific
    brain area size genetics as g (like IQ) increasing genes

    Verbal reports of effect could find brain areas for brain surgery like, "I don't hear paranormal voices now", "the paranoia is gone, I trust you", "suddenly I feel much less depressed", "I can't feel the old injury" and then either very localized neuron
    blocker drugs can be used to create a new effective custom treatment, or creates, that is finds, a site for beneficial wellness causing brain surgery

    It is possible there is an area if cooled, drugged, or surgically modified decreases Alzheimer's along with those that enhance intelligence, is there an area of the brain that actually increases in size from age 49 on up? That could be a beneficial area
    to cool map the effects of

    I have not heard of sparse spongification forms of surgery like brain surgery, Rather than excision, halftoning with cofocal acoustics, warmth or cofocal lasers could be used to beneficially adjustably partially remove some area or organ function
    permitting most of the function to continue, perhaps there are people that produce too much of some endocrine material, spongifying/halftoning endoscopically, and just possibly transdermally could be beneficial

    Along with brain areas halftoning from cool plasma mapping), local body side neural areas (turning down the volume on neuropathy, could be halftones, permitting continued function or sensation while removing discomfort

    There is the possibility that cofocal acoustics could halftone or produce many cracks in a tumor making it much more susceptible to cancer drugs, endoscopic acoustic halftoning might be better tolerated than regular removal

    Cryogenic cosmetic surgery, instead of things like liposuction or using transdermal approach to freezing adipose tissue (coolsculpt is one), the fluorocarbon blood substitute could be cooled, still liquid, to far below freezing, the arteries first
    perfused with normal or cool temperature with the fluorocarbon to remove the formation of ice clumps, is then injected into arteries or arterioles in the fatty area, the fatty area then freezes at greater depth and possibly more customizable shape than
    things like coolsculp and then the body gets rid of the freezer fractured adipose tissue

    Is it possible to 3d print a tube small enough to reach blood vessels of much smaller than November 2019 technology could encatheterize, also I have seen motors smaller than a micrometer published, so putting that on the end of a flexible tube could be
    used for brain surgery, similarly something like microballoon angioplasty could be used to less riskily grind away small regions of tissue

    A cofocal acoustic transducer on a consumer and patient friendly handle could be much more pleasurable than scratching an itch until itch cessation while being without physical harm, this benefits people with rashes or dermatitis, a really deluxe model
    would vibrate or acousticize scabs to fall off, but only those scabs that were ready to come off

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