• MWI Find the universe that got rid of it pattern what some people call

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 20:26:39 2022
    Beneficially Export energy and matter to that universe

    Just being amused what happens if you make a chlorine attached to a methane attached to an ethynyl group, if it is stable what would it do, physiologically what would it do, also they could lengthen the alkane all the way to C6 then haloethynlate cyclic
    molecules, haloethynylated methane or butane might be a very high potency gas anaesthetic

    I took rapamycin and got a rash, it is possible a rashless version of rapamycin could be made if a dermal efflux (export) moiety or peptide that is only active at the dermis is attached to the rapamycin

    Gene therapy of the superwell, I read about people who almost never get sick called the super well, the minute genetic and epigenetic differences of super well people and normal people could be the basis of gene therapy and epigenetic therapy then this
    tested on mice and humans to find out if it makes them superwell, the 90th percentile of happiness superwell people should be the basis of the genetic or also epigenetic therapy in case it also effects mood and outlook

    Dasatinib 17 a estradiol longevity chemicals

    March 2018 Life Extension magazine notes there are chemicals like xanthohumol and chlorophillin that reduce DNA damage 39% to more than 55% on some measures, it is imaginable this could reduce birth defects, testing these on large numbers of mice could
    be beneficial, also noting that all of an adult female's oocytes are produced when they are a fetus they could find out if supplementing a female mammal like a mouse or a person before they conceive and throughout their pregnancy causes their daughters
    babies to have fewer birth defects

    3D printed cars make engineering resins that support that

    Round thing with circle that has a diagonal at 45 degrees from midline at the 3rd cartesian coordinate opposite Q make the round thing out of radioactive material that decays to krypton or xenon gas so every time a new element is made the emissions
    spectra of the new atom is white light notably each time this occurs there is a new MWI (many worlds interpretation of physics) universe that has more white light produced at it

    Longevity technology

    Giving mice the non feminizing hormone 17 alpha estradiol (17aE) is published as making them live 19% longer, I have read it has various effects on humans, if a molecular variant on 17aE is found that only has beneficial effects on humans is found then
    genetically engineering humans to make that molecular variant is a longevity technology

    A saliva test for schizophrenia might be possible, a researcher found that injecting the blood of schizophrenics as compared with normal people into rodents caused physiological effects, that suggests different biochemicals or different amounts of
    biochemicals are associated with schizophrenia in saliva, one use for this would be a voluntary lick the antibody color diagnostic stick that police could use when, as occurred with me during 2006 AD,rousting the homeless then if the person was saliva
    test schizophrenic giving them an instant medical appointment, where if they go to the medical appointment, even if they refuse treatment they get to skip going to court with a nuisance citations, this might be cheaper than the court appearance, notably
    as I write this schizophrenia is pharmaceutically treatable which also reduces the risk of subsequent police interactions, bipolar mania, also highly treatable could also possibly be tested for with saliva, also a non puncture blood test might be
    functional as a "flossing sword" with color linked antibodies on it, use would be voluntary, during the 20th century schizophrenics were about 1-1.5% of the population, and the use of a diagnostic at trivial police encounters would likely not outrage
    people due to the non seriousness of most contacts police have with the homeless

    Voluntary depot injection of fluoro ethynyl dopamine moderator attached to recreational drug antibody makes it so if a person would like to cease using any recreational drug or material the substance would activate the antibody releasing a dopamine
    receptor occupying molecule that blunts reward and read ministration while maintaining neutral mood, I am reminded of the "thrill reducing" effects of the antipsychotic lurisadone, I think there would be an absence of people taking lurisidone
    recreationally while it might reduce the lustre of the recreational drug or material the person is voluntarily ceasing, noting that a depot injection of 1 gram is plausible and that 3mg of a fluorinated ethynylized cytomembrane moiety having dopamine
    receptor antagonist could have a 3mg per 24 hours or less dose then one voluntary depot injection could last about a year, also the antibody could be specific to the entire precise molecule like methamphetamine, or to a common companion molecule usually
    accompanying the recreational drug, material, inhaleable, or liquid, I favor all recreational drugs be allowed so a quit easily treatment for all of them is beneficial

    Eric the circle °

    What to do? to do what? do what to? Do to what? To what do? What do to?

    Longevity technology

    Klotho is a kidney gene that makes mice live longer and be twice as effective at finding things when genetically engineered to make a lot of it , it is possible that organisms that utilize their kidneys and brains a bunch simultaneously could have more
    effective versions of klotho, dolphins, whales and sea otters are organisms that may have this feature from gulping ocean water and processing it, beavers might gulp a lot of freshwater and as they build things may benefit from higher cognitive ability,
    klotho could, possibly or possibly not, contribute to beavers living 35 times longer than mice, squirrels which have orders of magnitude greater ability at remembering and finding objects, to my perception, compared with mice I previously mentioned as
    Klotho gene versions, with possible optimizability, as well as slight variations on the gene protein product as a protein drug, a longevity drug as well as a variation as a protein drug nootropic

    Longevity technology

    Klotho external protein is mentioned as receptor less but concentrating at a word like sialogangliosides, that suggests sialogangliosides could be tested as longevity drugs and nootropics

    Supercentenarians were tested and found to have about 1.5 times greater likeliness of having the most favorable variant of the klotho gene

    Eat 1700 calories a dayday

    It is possible that eating 400 calories a day does not provide sufficient protein for dermal integrity, take multivitamin with food

    Suggest maintenance look at water dripping through bathroom ceiling, repair winter warmer

    Clean up before alerting maintenance

    Rewrite deletion note

    Get dasatinib and quercetin $100

    Get deprenyl

    Get AEDG Epithalon $140

    Find out if royal jelly has effects that are beneficial a few minutes after ingestion to half a day later and possibly align royal jelly dosages to activities like science museum, early near sunrise energeticness, amelioration of the effects of other

    Possibly socializing

    Give Bob Ruthven some royal jelly explaining DHA and DAEE, I think he would like it, after figuring out longevity dose give him two weeks amount and enteric capsules, from the mouse study he could live 3.5 days longer, he may like the scientific paper so
    print out a copy to give him with the royal jelly

    Emulsified royal jelly with food 200-400% the absorption per dose, also piperine effect when taken with the rapamycin and piperine, particularly at enteric capsules

    Put up flyer at community college to hire a person for 1 or 2 hours to make rapamycin pills, piperine pills, as well as enteric protein structure retaining royal jelly pills, order more enteric capsules on eBay

    Go to grocery outlet when visiting shama house and get vegetables, avocados, pears, see in Bob is willing to drive at a canned vegetable garnering occurence

    Take a multivitamin, 1/4 the usual calories a day could cause undernutrition

    Text bob twice a week

    Bob mentioned writing a book, be encoraging

    Find out if the positive psychology group meeting once a week can happen

    Volunteer a bay area hospital of if possible north bend medical center

    Donate money to high impact charity

    Does GABA the chemical have skin soothing effects orally even though it does not pass the blood brain barrier, online it says it does

    Donate money to SMART program but consider if books at some global location might generate even more enthusiasm, enjoyment and personal options, perhaps donate to developing world libraries

    It is possible the perspiration that phenylethylamine causes has to do with itchiness, are there any harmless or even beneficial things that reduce perspiration

    Convert imminst.org rapamycin dosage calculation post to a liveleak and YouTube video, likely a powerpoint video, it is likely that 1k-5000 people will view it on liveleak and noting the one click through per 1k internet banner ads 1-5 people might click
    through to ordering rapamycin on alibaba as well as the actual journal articles

    Think of something actual and ethical to do that Dave would like like saving mammals lives,

    Listen to the Pixies, find out if they have high utility pattern content like "what I leg activity before becoming a Pixie" then see if any of it happened since '80s-90's, perhaps they have a song explaining the effect of food, or various numbers, as
    well as things I am absent thinking about yet,

    I tried writing with the phone in sideways mode. Perhaps in about 9 minutes I will have breakfast, I wonder how long before the phenylethylamine is functioning, usually it functions better if I skip food. I read some comics today, how about a comic

    Should robots have superhuman powers like vehicle escape, rescue, CPR and first aid, I think so, also what about the comforting baby carrying method I saw on YouTube and Deep AI cooing to babies to make then cease crying faster than the 99.999999999th
    percentile of parents, MWI of babies crying suggest happier babies immediately is highly beneficial, person who grow to be well, happy, cognitively 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, or twenty four times more intelligent than Treon Verdery, from babies
    genetically engineered to cry one one hundredth the 20th century amount is a beneficial human germline modification

    Another superpower robots could have is photonic brain scanning with Deep water technology as well as AI assisted truth detection like Anbar's digital thermography that on repeat or varied questions I once figured out gets to 99% accuracy, there could
    also be new words in the English language for truth written or typed and true, spoken and true,

    Some kinds of truth that brain scanners see can be connected to new words, perhaps phrases of truth like "there's more to it than" amazing, or "i do not have the words for it but it's like", or even just "like amazingly hypnotically beautiful", deeply
    felt truth, like if you feel a thing is beautiful but perhaps say "amazing", it is better to say "it is like amazing, but more", social companion robots and software could teach the new phrases, there could also be a more apt accurate use of " I'm
    getting", like "I'm getting an image", there could also be a lighter word for "important" like "in the field", " being on time to the party is in the field" one of a few important things simultaneously

    Another superpower robots could have is hyperadequate balance, so you could go bike riding or lean on one for steadiness, or perhaps they could tilt a waterslide optimally, or stand on tiptoes, or suddenly catch a dish with a movement a 20th century
    human could not do

    Another superpower robots could have is they could have the ability to always write and speak the truth

    are there 5HT (serotonin) active peptides these could be antipsychotics, longevity drugs as well as gene therapy

    Some genes with a promoter attached to a luminescent chemical glow when the gene is activated, these can also be used to screen molecule libraries and I think I read about a few AMU molecule drug that causes more beneficial klotho gene activation that
    was found this way, a human has about 20k genes, if 20k, or perhaps fewer, multiplexed, different spectra of light emitters could be found then movies of a human tissue culture cytes genetetic sequentialities could be made, like something before klotho,
    then klotho, then genes that get turned on after klotho, one possibility is that attaching an 8 factorial peptide, where each of the mers of the peptide is a very highly differently charged amino acid could have stronger spectrum adjusting effects,
    another possibility is linking a variably -OH and -H glycosylated sugar to the light emitter, another possibility is at multimillion well plates or 10 million cytes per second flow cytometry to get a trillion luminescent bacteria, expose them to mutagens
    and plasmid recombiners like Ca++ and then have the flow cytometer have a spectroscope and place at side containers any bacteria with a new light spectrum emissions line, it is possible the approximately 67 days to screen a trillion bacteria would find
    new colors, a longevity technology application would be to movie map all the connected genes at the king's holly, the million year endolith, the nondefinite but likely longer than a termite queen lobster, and a comparison of mouse,naked mole rat, beaver,
    and bat, they could also compare human and marmoset and other primate genetic movie maps, movie maps of human oocytes being generated compared with 72 hour stomach lining and neurons could also be compared

    Microfluidics have pumps, and perhaps there could also be a material that changes ease of fluid flow with a laser, photoelectric decrease of surface tension or bunch up or unfurling of polymer molecules that coat a microfluidic item to heighten fluid
    flow or gradualize it, I think I read there is photoactive polymethylmethacrylate, it could be outside silicone or other polymer microfluidic channels and do peristaltic pumping in response to light

    Paint technology is it possible to use a laser to engrave a hyperhydrophobic surface (eentsy points) on the side of something large that gets painted like a bridge, a truck, or a ship, is it possible to put a hyperhydrophobic paint undercoat with
    decorative paint above it so as the decorative paint microcracks, chalks off, or wears away the protective effect of the paint actually goes up, i may have read that hyperhydrophobic coatings accumulate gunk, but once cracking, chalking, and wear away
    have occurred it may be a good time to repaint anyway, also they could have hyperhydrophobic coatings with much higher amounts of slightly soluble white TiO2 to make the thing become whiter even while the gunk accumulates

    Another possibility for hydrophobic paint is not just silicone, urethane, or another polymer but silicone bilayers, kind of like membrane lipids these would attach more to the base layer with the highly charged head group, which could even be heightened
    with lasers at laser curing

    Lasers making a hyperhydrophobic or hyperhydrophilic surface on things like bridges, trucks, and ships might be able to make just 1/100 of the surface engraved, but with fractal like fluid flow channels so condensation and thin after rain films run off,
    but the aesthetic value changes only 1/100th

    Is it possible to make a paint that curls inwards if it peels, then gravity would omit pulling it off

    Longevity technology daphnia have livers, they might have kidneys, klotho variations could then be screened on them for beneficial longevity effects

    Liposomal Nasal sprays are published as effective at delivering drugs, could a version where some harmless gelling agent be produced that makes clingy-thick mucous be produced so there is an absence of runny nose effect, or could there be microspheres of
    PMMA, or another polymer like that 14 day contact lenses are made from that gives 24-168 hour dosing

    Gdf15 gene makes mice live 44% longer could its protein products be tested as a topical beauty liposome or microsome, they could also find out what better genetic versions do for milk cows, extending their production

    Well, i read some cartoons and comics. Some of them were funny.

    Phosphatidylserine is an emulsifier, perhaps it would taste good if it had a ribose attached to it, or a sweetness peptide, PTS liposomal encapsulated emulsified omega 3s like algae oil would taste good and they could put that and other beneficial things
    in food

    Pigeon feathers and the feathers of other birds could be genetically engineered to produce beneficial longevity drugs as well as other beneficial drugs, the white, blue, or green color of the feather and iridescence could be linked to what the
    feather drugs actually do to benefit people, this could also benefit the birds

    I favor utilizing animals to produce pharmaceuticals as well as plants

    A new note, I suppose just like people who take psychedelics sometimes say they can see new colors it is possible there are musicians who say they have heard new notes, and there are animals that hear ultrasonics, perhaps AI could use a vibrator next to
    the side of the ear and notice when people had the FMRI of hearing a pleasant note but base it on some new group of notes, like I hear wind chimes always sound harmonious because they are non-octave, perhaps there is something new like that to be found,
    it is also possible that stimulating hair cytes at different patterns could sound different, it is different than head hair but if there are whorls or tufts some counterclockwise or clockwise stimulation of them might sound different, it is beneficial
    that all the new notes be pleasurable to hear

    One thing that is likely harmless if accomplished carefully is cofocalized microspeakers making only the outer ear canal feel like you put a puffy tipped bud in them and twirled it around, it seems like lasers could measure vibration and the
    microspeakers use ultrasonic beat frequencies to generate the sensation just at particularly pleasurable locations

    Longevity technology

    Things that fill children with happiness

    Expanded comfort zones, kind of like big five Openness to Experience, but there could be other entirely beneficial things, like

    Fun playground equipment

    People have varying oral senses of taste, without effecting body weight they could find the genetics of the ability to taste food, and enhance it so more things tasted good more often, this could benefit children as I think I read that some 20th century
    children did not like the taste of vegetables and this way they would like the flavor, there could be things besides fMRI of flavor and genetics, it is possible having 32% more of particular enzymes at a human mouth causes better flavor while the saliva
    remains flavorless, also this is different than feeling appetized

    A probiotics or topical gene therapy that precludes body odor are things that would benefit humans, I think they should make them, also there is a published genetics of not having body odor

    They could have software that texts a person once every 4 days, always on a different day of the week if they took their medicine and what time they took it, software could estimate when to send a text for greatest increase in voluntary medicine
    compliance, the text could say "just reply with 'more often' if you would like more reminder texts per week', I do not know how much increase in compliance this would create but 1-3% could be 1.5-3 million people voluntarily taking their medications more
    often in the US, it is possible that some people would be more avid if asked to make an image of their pill containers once every couple months, they could experiment to find out if sending a funny image caused greater compliance as this functions well
    with advertising, this could function globally as well, at least twice this year I have put off getting refills and missed a pill, pharmacies could text reminders, and, I suppose advertise something like vaccinations to cover the $ of the system and earn
    some, the person at the pharmacy could say "your slider bar interest in getting vaccinated reminds me to ask you if you would like to get vaccinated, would you like to do that now?", Also, yelp will autodial your phone for you, when you get a refill
    reminder text it could autodial the phone for you or open a browser page

    Ask Fred Meyer if they will candy coat my pills

    Today at the Charleston Marine Life Center I saw a plurality of nice people, one of them sang, and they seemed to harmonize when they talked, it was sort of non optimal (at least to me) that I interrupted their harmonizing with a few words about an
    exhibit at kind of a different tone than their harmonizing conversation with each other, I think they will have many good conversations with each other anyway

    I think perhaps I should go to sleep, get a girlfriend, enjoy a thrifty yet delicious pastry, and order some longevity drugs online. Of these four things I predict two or as many as three will occur during the next 49 hours. All four seem impossible, but
    perhaps with fortitude, fortune, the wind at my back, and like, some women, this could be possible, also Bob and I texted each other about going to a place that may have pastries that are thrifty. So I am kind of confused, I do not know, I do not know,
    also I only know a couple lyrics to "Polly wolly doodle all the day", whereas I have even enjoyed thinking of new lyrics to "the wheels on the bus go round and round".

    This having a girlfriend thing sounds great, and I saw members of the harmonious group kissing, the young woman had just graduated from high school, her affectionate boyfriend was sweet and frank. There is more to it than that, but, but, how to write it?

    Theanine is a very mild relaxing drug when I take 400-600 mg of it, I know, I know, why not screen a library of molecular variants, etc. I do not know what the molecule looks like, but if I did I could guess at where to put the halogen atom,

    I looked up something online today, and viewed some memes and ate an avocado and a honey flavored peanut butter open faced sandwich, I also read the comic Monty by Jim Meddick.

    It is 9:30 soon it will be 9:32 then it will be 9:40

    I have a no deletion policy where if I set it down for 40 minutes some could read them, humans, that is people are welcome to read my notes

    After reading that royal jelly causes mice not to itch I mixed 2 grams of royal jelly with a few milliliters of isopropynol, stirred it and waited a while then restirred it, the next day I decanted the fluid and dried it at 170°F to make little clear
    blobs that were kind of gooey, then I mixed it with something like 1-2 ml of moisturizing cream and then rubbed the material that would not come off the stirrer onto part of my arm that did not itch but had a slight rash, it did not itch and there is no
    perceptible effect yet

    Is prenatal phosphatidylserine beneficial

    The lines are green, the text is blue, there is also lots of white

    If I had data on my phone I could find out what happens when I use speech recognition for several second several minutes even several hours it on but I don't know how to going to go

    I have seen and eaten mulberries

    I could have a big nap this afternoon


    ¿? ¿§?


    Longevity technology

    Are there any multicellular endoliths with 100k year lifespans or longer, screen endolith homogenates and electrophoresisized multicellular endolith chemicals on yeast

    Do human epigenetics of the Gdf15 gene have numeric association with greater longevity, drugs that effect those epigenetics to produce greater longevity drugs could be multi generational

    I read that fMRI can be used to map blood flow to brain region, I perceive it shows glucose activity, an article says,"highlighted blood flow to each brain region-a measure that indicates how hard the brain is working on the task" [going on] that
    suggests that a nootropic drug that makes neurons better at telling their vasculature to provide them with more circulatory flow like they are already somehow able to communicate to cause would be nootropic, or could be used to benefit emotional well
    being or be a pleasurable drug. I have not ever heard of people with high blood pressure having obvious cognitive or emotional benefits, and i perceive trained athletes with lower blood pressure than median to be at a full normal distribution range of
    mental ability, like Olympic runners, so, noting my perception of what fMRI measures and what the article says, the nootropic would be anything, originating at the actual neurons or even possibly circulatory system millimeter area, that causes the fMRI
    heightened activity, that from many many studies has been linked to particular brain functions to increase, whether it is "hair trigger" heightening of glucose or lactic avid uptake, or as the article seems to suggest, actual blood volume availability a
    drug or genetics that effects this could heighten g (like IQ), mental wellness, pleasure and happiness. They could do fMRI of different primates brains to find out which have the highest intensity fMRI, as well as find the 99the percentile of highest
    intensity fMRI (similar to contrast) and find out if the genetics of high intensity fMRI are mathematically linkable to anything beneficial, they could also look at persons at the 99th percentile of happiness (subjective well being) as well as the 99.9th
    percentile of cognitive ability to find out what their fMRI intensity and contrast range is, then they could find out if drugs that cause people to be at that range cause beneficial happiness and cognitive effects, there could even be a broader
    perspective, perhaps imitation wisdom pill that causes brain activation at different areas to be more similar to each other, so a high neocortex contrast, medium nucleus accumbens contrast person could find out if having both higher, or both median
    intensity caused new entire possible perspectives

    like elevated heart rate with normal blood pressure

    Have a fiverr person find some people more creative and optimistic and white than me, have them make suggestions on what I should do, include a mathematician

    Things that fill children's lives with happiness

    They could test new versions of see see o playmate to find out if new versions are funner, perhaps some reach up in the air (rave arms) would be beneficial

    Well I find myself having nothing to do

    NDGA is published as causing longer lifespan, the G is gauiretic acid, related to the amino acid gaunadine, the could look at the electric charge on gaunadine and find out if any other ND-A chemicals cause even greater longevity, there are only 24
    physiologically occuring amino acids so they could screen a library of all of them to find out if any of them cause greater longevity as well

    Polypill is a pill that confers net benefit to a population, described as reducing heart disease and cancer, they could heighten the activity of polypill ingredients with things like halogenation, ethynylization,membrane transport moieties, and enteric
    coating, as well as longevity drugs these could combine to make the mg per dose 900-3000 times eentsier, that provides various benefits like making it 1/10 of a ¢ per dose or less as a pleasant tasting printed on paper drug, and the ability to put it in
    that size, shape, and flavor of pill most people find most palatable, if heightened palatability causes .03 times more people to take it then that is tens of millions globally

    Make a new friend benches, I read that there are benches at public spaces that are labelled as encouraging conversation between strangers, I perceive from what I read that they are at least mildly effective, they could make a stroll around the park 4-7
    item personality test kind of like the myers Briggs that suggests which of four lengthy benches to sit on, with "you can sit on any bench" prominently displayed, the benches might seat introverts with ambiverts, myers Briggs N with myers Briggs N, and
    extroverts with myers Briggs J, and myers Briggs J with myers Briggs J it would be beneficial to use a camera to actually study which people from the psychometric actually got along the best, this could also be an impromptu lawn amusement as well as a
    kind of thing they have at a Rainbow Gathering

    Sometimes I think: I Should Be Gooder, and then I think of something good to do and then do it, not all of the time just sometimes

    I have not thought about Douglas B Verdery recently, my dad, he was an awesome wonderful person who went on many adventures he was beneficially interested in and knew a lot of science and technology, along with his work as a computer programmer he
    assisted a physicist, sailed on commercial boats, flew airplanes recreationally, played guitar, sent me to private school which I think went well, and liked to write, I think he studied physics and journalism at Reed College, he really appreciated some
    human potential potentiating classes he took called LifeSpring, I miss him

    They could study things that cause children to play more, then compare them as adults, if there is a kind of telescope that can keep being in focus as distal lenses or mirrors are removed that could be at playgrounds and have parts removed as they wore

    Optical coatings or ultra high hardness alloys could be placed at mirrors at children's playgrounds that could withstand weather, sand, and cleaning, even rear silvered glass with chemical vapor deposition diamond could be functional

    Longevity technology

    C elegans and mouse longevity could be studied at supplementing them with the protein the Gdf15 gene makes, then they could make variants of these proteins to find out if any of them caused greater than the 44% mouse longevity heightening from
    overexpressing this gene, the new protein's gene could be tested in primates then, if both harmless and longevizing, made part of the human germline

    I feel alert yet placid, poised for action with no action occurring to me, no words to write or thoughts to think, I am even yawning

    Spin polarized phosphorescence with quantum linkage (entanglement) if it is possible to send a beam of photons through a beamsplitter to charge up two 72 hour or longer phosphorescent coatings and have observing the spin of just one of the phosphorescent
    coatings affect the spin state of the phosphorescence of the other coating, then the two coatings could be separated and placed at different parts of the earth or outer space and transmit data without transit time, the thing is though that at 72 hour
    phosphorescence you do not know when the paired photon will emit from its phosphor, 1 second or 72 hours, so if the phosphorescence of the molecules varies from a normal distribution of 300 phosphorescent atoms one million times a second, and you make a
    point of only observing up photons, then there would be a numerically quantifiable tropism towards up photons at the other phosphorescence that could accumulate to transmit data, this could be used to route optical data, transmit financial data instantly,
    and connect recreational internet users laglessly worldwide, another use would be to connect things like CPUs to memory or cache making ICs spread out over meters possible, providing cooling and possibly (possibly not) greater bandwidth

    fMRI as well as positron emission tomography of women that get at the 99th percentile of sexual arousal when watching sex videos could be used to find areas of brain activation these women share, then neurotransmitter active drugs localized to these
    brain areas could be developed as a drug that causes secual arousal and likely better sexual experience

    [continued in next message]

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