• Verify ecstasy effect from solitude effect technology is published, cau

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 10:28:30 2022
    Kernal type addressable corn, that is maize could make a pixel level programmable image or also text representation of a high utility image like how to make a well, scion and root a nutritionally complete fruit tree, teach reading, the genetically
    engineered grasses bred to make microcorn ears could store thousands or more useful images, millions or billions at fields rebreeding, that is hybridizing the corn could make it so that if the image had a corn tube perimeter line of all one color or
    transparency then the image or text was the same as the content the corn was programmed to communicate, this way 21st century humans could use genetic engineering to program graphical descriptions of the million most beneficial and useful things to know
    into microear corn like grasses, dominant and recessive gene technology would, when the dominant genes were there, breed stays valid identical copies from a single kernal, a plurality of recessive genes with a normal distribution peak would combine,often,
    to make a viewable understandable copy, and further hybridization of the recessive material when it made a full perimeter line would be a high quality image

    20-40 flash drive backups

    Gig woow toot kook gog

    I read that some drugs increase production of skin oils, could those be an oral dermatitis therapy, some might be sex hormones, do any variants of 17 alpha estradiol which is published as causing greater longevity produce beneficial only greater oil
    output, other chemicals like DHEA might do this

    I favor people retaining all of their adult teeth, but during the 20th century some people had dentures, perhaps it is possible to make dentures completely comfortable if cofocalized lasers are used to desensitize or even ablate nerves under the gum line

    Salicylic acid makes yeast live 400% longer, it looks like a benzene with a COOH and an OH on it, they could test all three alternate positions of the COOH and find out if any cause c elegans and yeast and mice to live even longer, possibly develop able
    into a human longevity drug, also they could find out where at the yeast cyte the salicylic acid causes the greater longevity, is it a surface receptor, something in the cytoplasm, or a nucleus thing, attaching a poly D amino acid to the salicylate might
    keep it out of the cyte but still be active at the surface, attaching the salicylic acid to a nuclear membrane transport peptide might concentrate it at the nucleus (isotope studies) and a membrane transport moiety might concentrate it at the cytoplasm,
    any of these might heighten the dose efficiency and benefit drug development for mice and humans

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 1 10:03:01 2022
    Kernal type addressable corn, that is maize could make a pixel level programmable image or also text representation of a high utility image like how to make a well, scion and root a nutritionally complete fruit tree, teach reading, the genetically
    engineered grasses bred to make microcorn ears could store thousands or more useful images, millions or billions at fields rebreeding, that is hybridizing the corn could make it so that if the image had a corn tube perimeter line of all one color or
    transparency then the image or text was the same as the content the corn was programmed to communicate, this way 21st century humans could use genetic engineering to program graphical descriptions of the million most beneficial and useful things to know
    into microear corn like grasses, dominant and recessive gene technology would, when the dominant genes were there, breed stays valid identical copies from a single kernal, a plurality of recessive genes with a normal distribution peak would combine,often,
    to make a viewable understandable copy, and further hybridization of the recessive material when it made a full perimeter line would be a high quality image

    20-40 flash drive backups

    Gig woow toot kook gog

    I read that some drugs increase production of skin oils, could those be an oral dermatitis therapy, some might be sex hormones, do any variants of 17 alpha estradiol which is published as causing greater longevity produce beneficial only greater oil
    output, other chemicals like DHEA might do this

    I favor people retaining all of their adult teeth, but during the 20th century some people had dentures, perhaps it is possible to make dentures completely comfortable if cofocalized lasers are used to desensitize or even ablate nerves under the gum line

    Salicylic acid makes yeast live 400% longer, it looks like a benzene with a COOH and an OH on it, they could test all three alternate positions of the COOH and find out if any cause c elegans and yeast and mice to live even longer, possibly develop able
    into a human longevity drug, also they could find out where at the yeast cyte the salicylic acid causes the greater longevity, is it a surface receptor, something in the cytoplasm, or a nucleus thing, attaching a poly D amino acid to the salicylate might
    keep it out of the cyte but still be active at the surface, attaching the salicylic acid to a nuclear membrane transport peptide might concentrate it at the nucleus (isotope studies) and a membrane transport moiety might concentrate it at the cytoplasm,
    any of these might heighten the dose efficiency and benefit drug development for mice and humans

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)