• NDGA is published as causing longer lifespan, the G is gauiretic acid,

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 10:23:13 2022
    Polypill is a pill that confers net benefit to a population, described as reducing heart disease and cancer, they could heighten the activity of polypill ingredients with things like halogenation, ethynylization,membrane transport moieties, and enteric
    coating, as well as longevity drugs these could combine to make the mg per dose 900-3000 times eentsier, that provides various benefits like making it 1/10 of a ¢ per dose or less as a pleasant tasting printed on paper drug, and the ability to put it in
    that size, shape, and flavor of pill most people find most palatable, if heightened palatability causes .03 times more people to take it then that is tens of millions globally

    Make a new friend benches, I read that there are benches at public spaces that are labelled as encouraging conversation between strangers, I perceive from what I read that they are at least mildly effective, they could make a stroll around the park 4-7
    item personality test kind of like the myers Briggs that suggests which of four lengthy benches to sit on, with "you can sit on any bench" prominently displayed, the benches might seat introverts with ambiverts, myers Briggs N with myers Briggs N, and
    extroverts with myers Briggs J, and myers Briggs J with myers Briggs J it would be beneficial to use a camera to actually study which people from the psychometric actually got along the best, this could also be an impromptu lawn amusement as well as a
    kind of thing they have at a Rainbow Gathering

    Sometimes I think: I Should Be Gooder, and then I think of something good to do and then do it, not all of the time just sometimes

    I have not thought about Douglas B Verdery recently, my dad, he was an awesome wonderful person who went on many adventures he was beneficially interested in and knew a lot of science and technology, along with his work as a computer programmer he
    assisted a physicist, sailed on commercial boats, flew airplanes recreationally, played guitar, sent me to private school which I think went well, and liked to write, I think he studied physics and journalism at Reed College, he really appreciated some
    human potential potentiating classes he took called LifeSpring, I miss him

    They could study things that cause children to play more, then compare them as adults, if there is a kind of telescope that can keep being in focus as distal lenses or mirrors are removed that could be at playgrounds and have parts removed as they wore

    Optical coatings or ultra high hardness alloys could be placed at mirrors at children's playgrounds that could withstand weather, sand, and cleaning, even rear silvered glass with chemical vapor deposition diamond could be functional

    Longevity technology

    C elegans and mouse longevity could be studied at supplementing them with the protein the Gdf15 gene makes, then they could make variants of these proteins to find out if any of them caused greater than the 44% mouse longevity heightening from
    overexpressing this gene, the new protein's gene could be tested in primates then, if both harmless and longevizing, made part of the human germline

    I feel alert yet placid, poised for action with no action occurring to me, no words to write or thoughts to think, I am even yawning

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 1 09:58:59 2022
    Polypill is a pill that confers net benefit to a population, described as reducing heart disease and cancer, they could heighten the activity of polypill ingredients with things like halogenation, ethynylization,membrane transport moieties, and enteric
    coating, as well as longevity drugs these could combine to make the mg per dose 900-3000 times eentsier, that provides various benefits like making it 1/10 of a ¢ per dose or less as a pleasant tasting printed on paper drug, and the ability to put it in
    that size, shape, and flavor of pill most people find most palatable, if heightened palatability causes .03 times more people to take it then that is tens of millions globally

    Make a new friend benches, I read that there are benches at public spaces that are labelled as encouraging conversation between strangers, I perceive from what I read that they are at least mildly effective, they could make a stroll around the park 4-7
    item personality test kind of like the myers Briggs that suggests which of four lengthy benches to sit on, with "you can sit on any bench" prominently displayed, the benches might seat introverts with ambiverts, myers Briggs N with myers Briggs N, and
    extroverts with myers Briggs J, and myers Briggs J with myers Briggs J it would be beneficial to use a camera to actually study which people from the psychometric actually got along the best, this could also be an impromptu lawn amusement as well as a
    kind of thing they have at a Rainbow Gathering

    Sometimes I think: I Should Be Gooder, and then I think of something good to do and then do it, not all of the time just sometimes

    I have not thought about Douglas B Verdery recently, my dad, he was an awesome wonderful person who went on many adventures he was beneficially interested in and knew a lot of science and technology, along with his work as a computer programmer he
    assisted a physicist, sailed on commercial boats, flew airplanes recreationally, played guitar, sent me to private school which I think went well, and liked to write, I think he studied physics and journalism at Reed College, he really appreciated some
    human potential potentiating classes he took called LifeSpring, I miss him

    They could study things that cause children to play more, then compare them as adults, if there is a kind of telescope that can keep being in focus as distal lenses or mirrors are removed that could be at playgrounds and have parts removed as they wore

    Optical coatings or ultra high hardness alloys could be placed at mirrors at children's playgrounds that could withstand weather, sand, and cleaning, even rear silvered glass with chemical vapor deposition diamond could be functional

    Longevity technology

    C elegans and mouse longevity could be studied at supplementing them with the protein the Gdf15 gene makes, then they could make variants of these proteins to find out if any of them caused greater than the 44% mouse longevity heightening from
    overexpressing this gene, the new protein's gene could be tested in primates then, if both harmless and longevizing, made part of the human germline

    I feel alert yet placid, poised for action with no action occurring to me, no words to write or thoughts to think, I am even yawning

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)