• If I had data on my phone I could find out what happens when I use spee

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 10:21:59 2022
    I have seen and eaten mulberries

    I could have a big nap this afternoon


    ¿? ¿§?


    Longevity technology

    Are there any multicellular endoliths with 100k year lifespans or longer, screen endolith homogenates and electrophoresisized multicellular endolith chemicals on yeast

    Do human epigenetics of the Gdf15 gene have numeric association with greater longevity, drugs that effect those epigenetics to produce greater longevity drugs could be multi generational

    I read that fMRI can be used to map blood flow to brain region, I perceive it shows glucose activity, an article says,"highlighted blood flow to each brain region-a measure that indicates how hard the brain is working on the task" [going on] that
    suggests that a nootropic drug that makes neurons better at telling their vasculature to provide them with more circulatory flow like they are already somehow able to communicate to cause would be nootropic, or could be used to benefit emotional well
    being or be a pleasurable drug. I have not ever heard of people with high blood pressure having obvious cognitive or emotional benefits, and i perceive trained athletes with lower blood pressure than median to be at a full normal distribution range of
    mental ability, like Olympic runners, so, noting my perception of what fMRI measures and what the article says, the nootropic would be anything, originating at the actual neurons or even possibly circulatory system millimeter area, that causes the fMRI
    heightened activity, that from many many studies has been linked to particular brain functions to increase, whether it is "hair trigger" heightening of glucose or lactic avid uptake, or as the article seems to suggest, actual blood volume availability a
    drug or genetics that effects this could heighten g (like IQ), mental wellness, pleasure and happiness. They could do fMRI of different primates brains to find out which have the highest intensity fMRI, as well as find the 99the percentile of highest
    intensity fMRI (similar to contrast) and find out if the genetics of high intensity fMRI are mathematically linkable to anything beneficial, they could also look at persons at the 99th percentile of happiness (subjective well being) as well as the 99.9th
    percentile of cognitive ability to find out what their fMRI intensity and contrast range is, then they could find out if drugs that cause people to be at that range cause beneficial happiness and cognitive effects, there could even be a broader
    perspective, perhaps imitation wisdom pill that causes brain activation at different areas to be more similar to each other, so a high neocortex contrast, medium nucleus accumbens contrast person could find out if having both higher, or both median
    intensity caused new entire possible perspectives

    like elevated heart rate with normal blood pressure

    Have a fiverr person find some people more creative and optimistic and white than me, have them make suggestions on what I should do, include a mathematician

    Things that fill children's lives with happiness

    They could test new versions of see see o playmate to find out if new versions are funner, perhaps some reach up in the air (rave arms) would be beneficial

    Well I find myself having nothing to do

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 1 09:58:13 2022
    I have seen and eaten mulberries

    I could have a big nap this afternoon


    ¿? ¿§?


    Longevity technology

    Are there any multicellular endoliths with 100k year lifespans or longer, screen endolith homogenates and electrophoresisized multicellular endolith chemicals on yeast

    Do human epigenetics of the Gdf15 gene have numeric association with greater longevity, drugs that effect those epigenetics to produce greater longevity drugs could be multi generational

    I read that fMRI can be used to map blood flow to brain region, I perceive it shows glucose activity, an article says,"highlighted blood flow to each brain region-a measure that indicates how hard the brain is working on the task" [going on] that
    suggests that a nootropic drug that makes neurons better at telling their vasculature to provide them with more circulatory flow like they are already somehow able to communicate to cause would be nootropic, or could be used to benefit emotional well
    being or be a pleasurable drug. I have not ever heard of people with high blood pressure having obvious cognitive or emotional benefits, and i perceive trained athletes with lower blood pressure than median to be at a full normal distribution range of
    mental ability, like Olympic runners, so, noting my perception of what fMRI measures and what the article says, the nootropic would be anything, originating at the actual neurons or even possibly circulatory system millimeter area, that causes the fMRI
    heightened activity, that from many many studies has been linked to particular brain functions to increase, whether it is "hair trigger" heightening of glucose or lactic avid uptake, or as the article seems to suggest, actual blood volume availability a
    drug or genetics that effects this could heighten g (like IQ), mental wellness, pleasure and happiness. They could do fMRI of different primates brains to find out which have the highest intensity fMRI, as well as find the 99the percentile of highest
    intensity fMRI (similar to contrast) and find out if the genetics of high intensity fMRI are mathematically linkable to anything beneficial, they could also look at persons at the 99th percentile of happiness (subjective well being) as well as the 99.9th
    percentile of cognitive ability to find out what their fMRI intensity and contrast range is, then they could find out if drugs that cause people to be at that range cause beneficial happiness and cognitive effects, there could even be a broader
    perspective, perhaps imitation wisdom pill that causes brain activation at different areas to be more similar to each other, so a high neocortex contrast, medium nucleus accumbens contrast person could find out if having both higher, or both median
    intensity caused new entire possible perspectives

    like elevated heart rate with normal blood pressure

    Have a fiverr person find some people more creative and optimistic and white than me, have them make suggestions on what I should do, include a mathematician

    Things that fill children's lives with happiness

    They could test new versions of see see o playmate to find out if new versions are funner, perhaps some reach up in the air (rave arms) would be beneficial

    Well I find myself having nothing to do

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)