• Seeing inside a motile fertile sperm, or also eggs, scanning the DNA at

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 06:03:58 2022
    Seeing inside a motile fertile sperm, or also eggs, scanning the DNA at the chromatin benefits beneficial eugenics; the quantum camera as described at new scientist magazine ( article contains the words "figurine" and "spin") can see light that does not
    have a return pathway (no far side sensors, light diffusion and scattering, no mirrors), the light can just go into the chromatin and be absorbed, a few thousand words on at this note I write about ways a light microscope could have resolving power/
    resolution less than 1 nanometer, if that works then combining it with a quantum camera shows some of what is going on with the chromatin of the sperm, DNA reading could be possible by attaching single stranded DNA (or some other thing that matches DNA)
    to a quantum dot and using a UV quantum camera to see the quantum dots that are matched to which DNA, quantum dots of 20-120 atoms might be particularly good at diffusing into and throughout chromatin at sperm and eggs

    Quantum dots with two energy levels simultaneously that do new things; silver has two mobile electrons rather than just one, so a silver containing quantum dot like ZnSeAg, or if it possible AgSe(AgS is a semiconductor) has some kind of two electron
    effect which may be useful; also, organic quantum dots already exist, but/and (niftily) there are two electron systems/molecules like chlorophyll that exist; to keep the size near 50 atoms maybe donut shaped chlorophyll (side edges connected to make
    overall toroidal molecule) or polymers or stuffed olives (Qd with leaky chlorophyll polymer core) could be quantum dots; some quantum dots are coated so it could be possible to coat toroidal chlorophyll or other 2 electron system organic chemical quantum
    dots with a long life coating, the coating on the organic quantum dot could even possibly be "connected" to the organic quantum dot with the same kind of hydrogen bonding that connects half-rungs of DNA together

    Spin trap molecule quantum dots, there are organic chemical spin trap molecules (PBN is one),and organic quantum dots, if a quantum dot can be made from, or have spin trap attributes then because of the Pauli exclusion principle and bandgap things spin
    trap quantum dots may do something completely new (magnetic?; narrower spectral output; atom based logic (perhaps spin up or down; for example at a silver atom (2e stem) there could be 4 possible spin configurations from attaching, or nearnessizing Ag or
    AgSe or just pure Ag atom to a spin trap)

    Could a 50 atom - 10nM dendritic polymer of an organic chemical be a quantum dot? like maybe donut shaped chlorophyll polymer (side edges connected to make overall toroidal molecule ); organic quantum dots already exist

    Using quantum dots to see inside sperm; Nubby primer like 1/2 DNA ladder or a 4 bases could be all very loose wobble codons so the QD-matching -nucleotide of new form could glom to the supercoiled DNA in sperm chromatin but come off easily so as to omit
    risk at the sperm which is being characterized so it can be used at actual fertilization; quantum dot attached to oligonucleotide sequences have already been used to detect DNA sequences in a human gene, as a technology washing a plate with 100k sperm on
    it (and using harmless osmosis and transport enhancers)builds up different simultaneous spectra emissions and if there is a sperm with say all 8 preferred genes you can spot that sperm with flow cytometry (UV light at the flow cytometer makes the matched
    DNA quantum dots fluoresce)

    You can also just make the diploid chromosomes at the tissue culture that grows sperm to be identical and genetically enhanced or also genetically optimized, any of the sperm have identically wonderful and beneficial genes

    I read they can grow fertile motile mouse sperm at tissue culture, these are technologies that may assist with tissue culture of genetically enhanced as well as genetically optimized sperm:

    MRNA at missing step; what is the mRNA profile between healthy human spermatid to swimming spermatozooa, at human sperm tissue culture is the messenger RNA profile different

    Has anyone tried sonicating (blenderizing) healthy spermatids, fractionating the results and then adding the "well spermatid" liquid/solid fractions to human sperm tissue culture at a 3:1 ratio?

    Double juice 99th percentile is what I describe as finding humans with double the median amount of sperm production, then doing mRNA profiling of their sperm generating tissues, possibly even at the spermatid stage then comparing their mRNA profile to
    the IPS (induced pluripotent cells) tissue culture spermatids; then the tissue culture spermatids or other cell types on the path to spermatozoa are given RNA drugs to mimic the high efficiency sperm generating tissue and high efficiency spermatid

    Male fetus testis; male 14 year old testis, this is extra ignorant but many tissue implants prosper and youthify when implanted into much younger tissues and bodies, it is possible using chimpanzee fetuses to remove and culture prenatal testicular tissue,
    raising human sperm in that, with the medium supplemented with testosterone (among other things), if that works then an all-human system based on tissue culture of aborted or preterm stillbirth is better to utilize; also, at the source of the fetal
    tissue it is beneficial due to epigenetic effects to gather fetal tissues from parents at the 99th percentile of intelligence (g, like IQ) and the 95th percentile of subjective well being (happiness) places like MIT, Caltech, Stanford, Oxford are places
    to find the women that frequently fit these criteria

    It is possible that existing tissue culture of sperm already works, it is just a one per 100k or million spermatids making spermatozooa (human spermatid culture is previously accomplished) that develop to make motile fertile sperm; using flow cytometry
    of a tissue culture (gentle) homogenate they could find anything with a tail, if they find some then those protocols could be improved;

    There is a chance spermatids will grow at *liquid* tissue culture from induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS), then using 96 well plates and swimming sperm specific dyes 10,000 growth media variations can be tried with automated micro pipetting/
    microfluidics to get chemical facts on what gets them to the motile, fertile spermatazooa stage

    Noting the kind of simple idea that males with 99th percentile of successful spermatogenesis may have different levels of various sperm development chemicals, using an anesthetized needle biopsy and high pay a tissue sample from several such people can
    be gotten and used to find a shared data trend which is then used to guide tissue culture chemical levels and make tissue culture sperm higher in number at genetically enhanced or also genetically optimized sperm tissue culture; also noting the data
    trend of what chemicals and how much of them, compared with median human producers of sperm is, it is possible to extend those trends (graph lines) further using even higher doses of the spermatogenic chemicals to produce even higher numbers of
    genetically enhanced or optimized sperm even more affordably

    Ultrasonics, or even regular sonics can be used to heighten diffusion of chemicals; at energy and frequency levels that do not lyse sperm tissue culture tissue, using ultrasonics/sonics could cause larger amounts of material to diffuse from various nurse
    cells (sertoli, some kind of tubule) into the intracyte space with the sperm growing at it causing the developing sperm cells to get larger amounts of growth and maturation factors which could benefit the production of motile fertile genetically enhanced
    or genetically optimized spermatozooa; one simple approach is to modify the spermatogenesis cytes to make BFP or GFP (green fluorescent protein); put a small ultrasonic transducer at the center of a tissue culture plate or flask then notice any color
    changes (visual color patterns) associated with more or better spermatogenic "differentiation"; also it is possible mature motile sperm have unique proteins (tail, tail cord) that could be visually isolated with a fluorescent protein attached to an anti-
    tail protein antibody; if a computer camera detects it something is going right; the distance of indicator color from the transducer is a chemically sampleable guide to the chemical blends and ratios most effective at generating motile, fertile sperm

    There are a number of voluntary eununchs at 2020 USA, they could get volunteers, and then put their testicles on "life support" sort of like a heart lung machine then do experiments with the isolated living testicles (which will be absent immune
    rejection of transplanted tissue from being removed from their source body's immune system)like transplanting tissue cultured spermatids or entire tissue slivers into the testicles to see if they develop further into spermatozooa

    The Voluntary eunuchs testicles on tubes could be used to do parabiosis, with a spermatid tissue culture as the parabiosis partner, even with the blood testis barrier it is OK to try

    Maca; there are a variety of supplements (herbs, possibly fungi and others) that may have been published as increasing male fertility, perhaps sperm count is even measured in the literature, if there some that do this, they could be added to sperm
    culture media, maca is one that I read about, with at least 6 others mentioned as increasing sperm count at published peer reviewed papers

    OK to try

    Chimpanzee try

    Liquid cultute.,gentle orbital shaker, double juice 2 4 11 ratio to tissue culture sperm;

    RNA block on spermatogenisis, juice builds up, transfer new tissue to double juice medium

    RNA block to testis barrier more stuff diffuses

    Best flavor to lesbians (most preferred flavor of lesbians)vaginal juices umami peptides and other flavors sweetness peptides at vaginal juice; germline engineering to cause all homo sapiens to have those lesbian preferred flavors at vaginal wetness fluid

    The photoelectric effect is well known, could there be a photo dielectric effect? I can think of a way so simplistic it does not qualify (classification from light), I think people that do plasmonics research may have already done something similar, an
    unlikely possibility is embedding superacids (dry chemicals that have a pH less than, like-2000 or something)in insulators with a conducting path to the superacid core,

    A way to screen billions of potential dielectrics is to load an inkjet printer with 11 different elements and chemicals then print out a stepwise variation on their recombinations and combinations, at 9600 DPI this is about 11 billion test cells on a 300
    mm wafer; camphor sublimates so print the chemical recombination test pattern on camphor or some better thing that also sublimates, then press-apply the test grid onto a wafer with a billion conductive pads (or transistors on it, anneal until the inkjet
    printed material is an amourphous or crystalline solid on the conductive pad layer, the wafer also has something similar to an "address line demultiplexor" so the potential dielectrics can be individually addressed, then CVD (IC process) a top layer of
    arrayed conductors onto the sandwich this makes a test grid of a billion (or more) things like fuses, apply voltage and current to breakdown the fuses, the best insulator materials can be found this way; instead of conductive pads quite large (9600*9600
    transistors/inch^2) and use the 9600 dpi new possible dielectrics test grid as a dielectric layer on those big transistors, poll, and see what works; this might because if a much simpler version had been tried in 1975 with just 91 solo elements hafnium
    dioxide would have been found decades earlier, so it is possible the 9600 DPI screening test could get a decade or two ahead of dielectric function quite rapidly

    Flurinated ceramics as being surfaces; ball bearings silicon nitride

    Optical to semiconductor interconnects at optical computing; I do not know the effect of a tapered waveguide at UV frequencies __==> it is possible that noting most Semiconductors have a photoelectric effect or can be made to have one, terminating the
    very small open tip of a tapered waveguide at a transistor (2020 7 nM) could cause the transistor to flip on/off or otherwise change, as a further possible improvement the tapering waveguide could have a quantum dot at its open tip the emits light when
    the:too narrow to pass UV, but possibly passes UV at tail of distribution energies, or makes some kind of "virtual" or evanescent wave that is able to reach the quantum dot and emit light at the quantum dot which at 4nM is smaller than the transistor (
    another possibility is a 10nM quantum dot which is much easier to make on silicon) the light then activates the transistor and is an optical to semiconductor interconnect; it might work without the quantum dot at all and be easier to manufacture

    Chinese fingertrap puzzle nanotechnology, gets stronger, narrower when you pull on it, so at atmic stochastice level a side bump makes it stronger nested half domes with trigroup poking through ring are stabler and stronger the more stuff that runs into
    them; it can make stuff, put two jello rods into a CFP stochastically buffet, it lengthens and narrows and that pushes the jello strings together "welding them" if its full of compressible powder it molds things 360 but from tip flopping from stochastics,
    vanes on tips would catch more pully side thumps so is it possible to weave an entire CFP basket or ravioli where if you dent it it becomes stronger, apetures, if any shrink, (valving predictably from stochastics; creating a lumen space that admits
    fewer stochastic balls when buffetted so buffets make less buffetors inside, genetic algothm optimizes CFP half domes, baskets, ravioli, at a basket the more buffets the tighter the lid, which is a little like a preservative or a selectable sequential
    chemical reactor if there are a plurality of CFP set to dump their contents together; the nanolong life of a dewar flask, in the 48-96 hours it takes to reach ambient temperature 10^23 x some big number disproportionately vast

    Crystal in a CFP ravioli degrades much slower than outside basket from dents causing constriction, duolayer ravioli do something but what? Genetic algorithms could generate over billions of cycles cfps that aperture, iris, mold, do logic store thumps for
    energetic release,

    What is the most parsimonious technology of a CFT there is something called the CFT suture which, as loop knot topology be a liitlest statement; it looks like an oscilloscope lissajous, but not really, can you make one out of light, no, but a digital
    like thing a horizontally viewed n n n n line of solitons

    Indicator dye or quantum dots (quantum dots are published as able to respond to/make visible a single DNA base pair error) that can permeate fertization and locomotion capable spermatozooa chromatin well enough to read some base pairs, qd or isotpe qd
    library (50 atoms 2^50 different frequencies) (if qd fluoresce different intervals based on perhaps sizeshape,composition, coating then maybe 2.5 billion light frequencies and durations are possible which makes the computer camera that strobe reads it
    cheaper and more precise) attached to parsimonious RNA (skip the sugar, keep/modify to W-look the base, shrink the base so it is fewest atom thing (maybe turn the into WW) thing that will ladder (hydrogen bond) to dna, line up 1-3 of these a recognition
    sequence and attach to 2^50 isotope quantum dot,

    math of correlating 1% of billion bp at chromatin with what gene that particular qd-riboseless recognizer says, do with a few billion qdr, really soak the thing, use sugarless parsimonious three base matcher on it or 2-11 sugarless parsimonious base,
    however long they can be and still work, osmotic and transport protein and oscillating diamagnetic ways to get the apt into the sperm or other cyte like an egg or a neuron

    Has anyone tried slowing down or speeding up a ribosomes with a tail drug (protein nestling drug, a peptide, protein or RNA or oligomer, or single stranded DNA) that could be longevizing technology

    At nuclear DNA if you change the epigenetics of mitochondrial genes to:make more mitochondria does that make more mitochondria increasing youthspan, healthspan, longevity as a gene therapy

    Can you make a quantum dot that melts if you give it a gallium core or melts at 20f eutectic alloy core, at a DNA interrogator QD could melt off, CN/P as qd ingredients is kind of like food,or neutral to a cell

    Test so women and girls can find out as much as 44/46 of their fetus' genome so if it has birth defects she can have an abortion, optimally with an RU-486 pill or similar from a test: a transdermal patch with lines that show up if there are serious birth
    defects, trisomy, and the seven other most frequent serious birth defects, it also has three lines (other birth defect, mental illness, achievement) with seven segments and the patch colorizes 0 to 7 segments to show how much of that there is; there is a
    pleasant tasting chewable pill, the transdermal patch also displays fun and interesting MBTI (Myers Briggs type indicator) kinds of content, the woman or girl applies the patch to her arm, stomach or thigh; the instructions say to take the pill and apply
    the patch that evening, and to remove the patch the next evening before bed; then the woman reads the patch and looks at the color lines on the patch, if she does not like what she sees she has time to get an RU-486(or better pill) and terminate (abort)
    the fetus early; if she is not fully reassured by the (other defect/mental illness/achievement) lines she can mail the used patch to the company for a full report for an extra fee (2020: $9.99); how it works

    How the birth defect and personality variable, and other data patch works:

    Maternal blood has circulating fetus DNA/cytes/tissue fragments, the pill causes the placenta to release some baby-side-of-the placenta material into the bloodstream (RNA drug that does very small, harmless apoptosis to the fetus side of the placenta,
    possibly with RNA-drug connected to cell penetrating peptide) so the amount of fetus DNA and cells is "orders of magnitude" higher for a few hours, the patch gets sweaty, has an anesthetic, and causes plasma to seep into it (dilute nair does this, and
    could be accompanied by something that attracts leukocytes like immune component:complement that the body already reacts to, perhaps Lipopolysaccharides are such a thing; basically the patch causes the least possible amount of oozy rash that is scarless)
    so the MBTI fun part is based on the woman or girl's actual physiological chemistry, likely including quantum dot oligomer DNA matching, the patch contains some slightly damp amount of the body fluid exudate to be automatically processed by the company's
    lab if she gets the full report, looking at the patch tells her a lot she would like to know, and she gets a feeling for the easy to read and like format of the personality report, and even if the fetus is fine, if she mails in the used patch she gets a
    personality report on the fetus/baby, and good ways the two of them can particularly enjoy themselves and enrich their lives; if there is a moderate problem on the OMA seven segment lines the patch report ($9.99 2020) will tell her things like which
    mental illness and how mild, the report will let her know about the availability of genetically enhanced or also genetically optimized sperm if she decides to terminate the pregnancy; what if the woman has "other"," mental illness" or very high
    beneficial achievement herself? There are three immediate options if the amount of segments is high 1) get the report, the lab can tell the difference between the woman or girl and her fetus 2) the technology may have improved enough to attach quantum
    dots or some other thing (methylene blue-ish thing) to a longer oligonucleotide or something different like a desugared nitro polybase that looks like w_w_w to a chemist 3) the layout of the patch is such that if she wears it for one overnight before
    taking the pilla different group of segment lines prominently labelled, "You" provides her with her own set of segment lines, if the fetus has better segments than her, that's something better but she would still be better off getting the report; the
    parts of this on alibaba are about 22 cents; genome sequencing is sort of 3-10$ (2020AD)

    This is unlikely but the longevity drug metformin looks kind of like a W as a molecule, and if you remove the sugar from RNA:uridine you get a couple unsaturated cycles with nitrogen's on them, what if you removed the sugar from uridine, added some =O
    so it looked like cycle metformin, it might be some kind of new drug, possibly a longevity drug, also you could leave the uridine as it is, including the ribose sugar and "metforminize" the base part (=O), this might be a longevity drug that has
    preferential uptake at cells from looking like a uridine; halogenation could do something as well although fluouracil is a toxic anticancer drug, maybe it (they) are antiviral as zovirax is an anti-herpes drug

    Microencapsulated sperm have, at approximately 100% sperm survival for one month at 68°F and placed in a farm animal's vagina they gradually release sperm and the farm animal gets pregnant; if the microcapsule had another ballooney smaller microcapsule
    that was pressurized inside it the balloon would push more sperm out so less sperm might be used to make the capsule, this has applications to human use as well

    Kind of comic, but peltier modules are 10¢ on alibaba.com; 4*4 cm, you could cover a shallow food dish or plate with peltier modules and use it as a topless standalone fruit chilling plate or shallow dish so extra delicious chilled fruit could be
    grabbed anytime

    I may have previously written that it is possible acoustic solitons could be used to find mineral resources like petroleum, I have heard of ground thumper acoustic mapping trucks and explosive based acoustic mapping, soliton thumper mapping could
    possibly be done at an angle to the ground (dig a hole. Direct thump at say 80 degrees rather than 90; map further away stuff (soliton) semi-laterally with raster like 110,100,90,80.70 degree sort of soliton beams; explosive solitons are likely possible
    as shaped charge explosives are well known,

    Flashlight fingers is a way of saying light diffusion through tissue, do soliton lasers have less of a flashlight fingers effect, it is also possible with soliton lasers that a core beam stays detectable longer, this could be used at photonic brain
    readers (published) and light activated drugs at the body

    Farmers benefit from crops that have fewer days of growth to become mature before harvest, some seeds when nicked have to my perception better sprouting yield and faster sprouting, bulk processing of seeds to be planted to have a laser drill almost into
    the germ but not quite (perhaps halftone dot pattern) could cause more rapid water uptake and earlier sprouting mass lasering of wheat, corn, rice seeds could shorten time to harvest a day

    Noting value of earlier time to harvest, and the way putting clear cups on plants, or even just-planted seeds makes them grow better, drones could place cups or similar on plants automatically, to be more ecologically mild rather than polymer cups,
    oilpaper. (Vegetable Oil on paper is a light translucent material) could be used to make the cups; at alibaba.com polymer cups are 3/100ths of one cent each, the cups could be built with a ground penetrating stake on them so they do not blow away

    There are a variety of water transport protein features (something like channels or porins)at the outer root cells of plants, these protein of channel's genes could be duplicated (multiple copy number) to make more of these channels making plants more
    drought tolerant and expanding the geographical range of growth of agricultural plants; new copies of the drought resistance genes are beneficial to place at multiple different chromosomes so drought tolerance genes have multiple backups, assuring
    continued higher fertility even when crossed with wild type in the wild

    Probiotic soil additives already exist, on verification that LKM512 bacteria cause mammals to live longer LKM512 plasmid swapping (gene swapping) with the most effective known agricultural probiotic bacteria produces an LKM512 soil and simultaneously GI
    tract bacteria, so that as a longevity drug, just drinking water filtered from the mud or also soil on plant roots possibly causes the 90% lifespan extension of mice in humans; to make the water from LKM512 root mud supernatant obvious and popular the
    LKM512 soil and GI tract bacteria would produce a 99.9th percentile of deliciousness sweetness peptide; the mud/soil would be easy to find and sought out by people for it's flavor

    Soliton producing mirror, think of a paper towel tube filled with optics (lenses or waveguides) with a prism at the non-light gathering end of the tube that sends it back out another tube, or,the light returning to where it entered through a waveguide at
    the same tube (ish, some horizontal or Y-axis translation might be of functionality); solitons can be produced with lenses or waveguides, I think,"soliton formation in optical quasi-crystals and at the boundaries of waveguide array structures are
    discussed", so the retroreflection coming out the tube is now a soliton, that soliton beam going back out the tube has new characteristics as a reflection or mirror, possibly it does not spread out (similarities to, but different than collimated light),
    perhaps contrast enhancement to a person looking at themselves in a mirror (or at a viewing monitor), also at radio, like phones with broadcast narrow area cells, higher effective power simultaneous with extended range, and higher phone and internet of
    things data rates, macro version is possible as well as IC scale microarrays (pixels the size of a wavelength of light), "high-amplitude soliton can be maintained in a stable steady state if energy is pumped to the soliton from a radio wave" suggesting a
    "pumped" soliton mirror could be possible with application to space telescopes, optical chips that are pumped, making them able to see less bright things, ability for the optical chip to cover a wider spectral range (I read they were looking for imagers
    that cover more of IR (UV also useful) from say taking existing .01 detectability (less than seeable/resolvable) frequencies and pumping them up to 100% brightness detectability, which has numerous applications besides space telescopes and satellite
    geoimaging, pumped soliton mirrors also produce more simultaneous frequencies (higher data rate) at optical fiber and repeaters and at-computer detectors from better detection, all based around:"high-amplitude soliton can be maintained in a stable steady
    state if energy is pumped to the soliton from a radio wave"

    The pattern resonance effects of actually existing brighter, preciser, as well as pumped soliton mirrors at everday things has strong IT pattern effects as this is a new kind of mirror and the synchronization of people and things (what i call the IT
    pattern could be pumped mirror modulated as optimized and instantiated by globe spanning computers, software and AI), including pumping up of Pattern white, blue, and green zones, to benefit people, the less beneficial colors could be antinoded at the IT
    pattern mirror, guided as a soliton mirror, if there are areas of less light they could be pumped to have light, it is a white mirror,

    At robots, including social companion robots, emitting a point cloud of laser beams then having them retroreflect (bounce off) things and then imaged at their pumped soliton imagers could give them the ability to see much farther distances and do emotion
    reading of all the faces in a crowd (Anbar's digital thermography truth detector), but with soliton imagers

    Imaging at spatial sizes smaller than a wavelength of light; UV or blue input to top of tube activates a quantum dot placed directly on a transistor( 2020 5nM) at base of tube, when the QD lights up it switches the transistor, which is sensitive to the
    photoelectric effect

    Sideways W light activates a quantum dot with the lengthwise donut bump at a ripple, that differs from the ripples per second frequency, donut bump at ripple changes shape unless it is a

    Airy disk is smallest spot of light through a lens system (wikipedia) but is surrounded by annuli with about 1/8 the airy disk core diameter, to get higher resolution ic manufacturing and imaging aim just the annuli at an array of 5nm spaced
    semiconductors thenn the annuli of the airy disk are sense-able and of a size smaller than the optics diffraction " "limit", then the computer ignores the core circle and gathers data,"sees" things that are smaller than the optics can support, I did an
    equation from wikipedia and I think i read that with one method things 1/8 of a light wavelength can be seen/resolved, if the optics image/spot is then treated as an airy disk then the annuli around it are 8 times narrower/smaller. So that 8*8times
    smaller than say 400 nM light, about 6.25 nanometers airy disks annuli can overlap airy disc annuli to make ultratiny locuses of light for sensors or ic manufacturing

    A light wave looks kind of like a normal distribution, chopping off the sides with math (sequental samples, most will be in the middle)leaves a bread loaf, the bread loaf is detected by the 5nm transistor, which means it detects something 1/3 the size so
    8*8*3, the other math thing you can do is mathematically find the mean (at time series) with plural 5nm sensors, if you only utilize/record the particular 5nm sensor when it is also the mean of say 9 other sensors then you get 8*8*9, but what if the
    number of sensors to impress a big normal distribution on is 400/7 or about 77 like 77iles (language like quartiles) then it is 8*8*77, sampling 4 billion times a second 2020 desktop PC number) metaphorically think of a full stadium of big placard
    holders doin the wave, it is possible to combinecardholders doing the wave, rastering which 7nm transistor is "it" and the mean to be calculated top cardholder at "the wave" is found then you have higher spatial imaging resolution

    To make computer chips out of it you make a layered stack, mid is transistor, under it is a quantum dot, they are in a box, the top layer is the giant blobby UV light from the mask but it is doing the airy disk thing, the annuli olympics rings reach
    another layer

    The photoresist does xor

    Simple version: swapping oout projector masks frequently draw a bunch of airy rings Olympic symbols on the photoresist,the smallest the airy rings get is 8*8,

    Squeegee some dubious .5-nM particles like quantum dots around little 5Nm IC feature shapes like boxes

    Does a bunch of identical spin photons have a resolution advantage when making semiconductors?

    Is it possible to make UV or blue light with a nonsinusoidal waveform like tall skinny or half circle bumps? Weird atom field causes mirror effect (published well known physics) so an electron rich mirror might do something (perhaps a soliton mirror?)
    Might do something, a material magnetic could effect light passing through it, quantum dot emitted light might have different waveform if quantum dots are novel shape like lollipop or hollow (can a hollow QD emit light to its interior, what happens? How
    about a QD with protein core, atom corral foci unreal atoms which might or might not be called "virtual atoms" that emit light while zapping various actual atoms at the perimeter

    [continued in next message]

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