• Halogenated dry liposomal ethyl. (halogenated)fluorophenibut centilipoa

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 05:50:28 2022
    Another way to make a GABA active drug to block IT pattern recruitment and awareness:

    Attach an antibody to a protein that is gradually, sectionally taken apart by an endogenous enzyme, the antibody could be liposomally surrounded and enteric coated so it is absorbed from an oral dose, snorting it could also be effective. Once dosed the
    antibody protein gloms tissue that is harmless to glom, plentiful but predictable proteolytic enzymes at the circulatory system, or at some versions, that are produced at the cell environment or tissue, Then the proteolytic enzyme removes, at a protein
    sequence possibly shaped like a stack of linoleum tiles with a layer of fun sized candy bars, that are actually GABA receptor actibating peptide strings. in between them, at the actual molecules one of the alternating layers is hydrophilic or lipophilic
    and the other layer is at the drugs natural lipophilicity or hydrophilicity and pH. another possibility is like a particularly affordable to make where drugs, like GABA peptide drugs are made into 40 merish long amino acid strings, attached to and spaced
    with enzyme degradable linkers like GGG (gly-gly-gly) that release the separated drug-active GABA peptides, likely to the circulatory system although the lymphatic system or cerebrospinal fluids could also be functional, when the circulating or area
    endogenous enzymes see the

    Gene therapy that makes this drug is also possible as a version of a 1% volume form of one of mamy different serum albumins could be made to have codon sequences that made a whole bunch of GGG-multimer GABA active peptide sequence-GGG at the construction
    of the larger albumin protein that is exposed to the enzymes at the circulatory system, that causes the person to always be on GABA active peptides, dosing studies to find out how many GGG-GABA peptide activator sequence copies to put at the albumin gene
    can be done with primates

    If there are 7 albumins and globulins the intention of getting a full function first dose is pteferref but is also technologically extended snd ensured because each of the 7 albumins and globulins can be sequentially gene therapy modified to make the
    GABA active peptide to titrate the dose upward to optimal amounts.

    drug chemistry, out 1/1100 the of it every 24 hours, whenever the enzyme functions (detaches an available part of the molecule) a fresh dose of drug peptide (like a pattern recruitment reducing drug peptide a longevizing peptide or a different drug
    peptide) is also portablizedmade a circulating physiochemical at the circulatory system then the person experiences the beneficial decreased pattern recruitment and awareness, as well as drug forms that heighten longevity

    A beneficial drug, like a lifesaving drug, that benefits children, i think some proteins are only msde at children, the genes that make these proteins can be upgraded with new versions that also make protein and peptide drugs that are beneficial to the

    Out of 100 children, 30 will be at or below the 30th percentile, heightening immunofunction to be like that of 90th percentile of immunoresponse that prevents, cures and vauses revory from unwellness is beneficial.

    Dominant genes modified to make a wider range of immunofunctionalizing chemicals with gene therapy as well as beneficial germline modification modifies dominant genes, only one of which is required to beneficially change the chemical production phenotype
    to improve immune response. This increases the immune response, that is the immunofunctionality even when there are a phenotype formimg recessive genes of ptevipusly less than optimal immunochemistry stimulation than would combine to make a wellness
    producing, fully immune functional chemical production.

    So at the distribution of recessive gene function, at recessive and dominant immunofunction genes that are expressed as phenotypic functionality there would be 1/4 effectiveness at II,Ii, Ii, (I is full immunochemical dominant gene production, Ii is
    partial production and ii is the less functional double recessive genotype that is at 1/4 of the population. When double recessive ii at the general population causes proneness to more illmess, greater severity, or both then moving the production of that
    chemical to a recessive gene heightens immunofunction so one I or i allele is sufficient to produce all the immunochemicals a II person has.

    Making it so ii double recessives, 1/4 of the population, have II gene function's more effective immunofunction ensures against very many diseases, including any new diseases and reduces illness at the population as the Dominant gene versions of
    beneficial things that heighten beneficial function at the immune system, replace and complement the various versions or combinations of recessive genes which might accumulate and average out to half (0.0, .5, .5, 1.0)

    Moving the least 30 immunofunctional children at the USA to 90th percentile would decrease annoying illness and make people feel better. Globally it could save many lives as it is possible to imagine that the children that get malaria and diarrhea are
    frequently at the lesser 30th percentile of immune function. Moving all those children up to 90th percentile could reduce occurrence of illness and any result of illness more than 4/5, imaginably to 4/5 of all lives being saved. i read there is some
    mathematics associated with that 1/5th of the activity or thing produces 4/5 of the measured effect. It is possible that raising the immune capability of the least immunocapable 1/3 will save 4/5 of the people that ceased being alive from childhood
    unwellnesses. That is associated with that the 30% of children most likely to become unwell likely represented more than 30% of the historic occurences of not being alive. I think decreasing all childhood infectious disease to 4/5 as much as they
    previously were and saving 4/5 the lives of all the children who would otherwise not be alive is beneficial and gives gene therapy a beneficial reputation, supporting even more beneficial kinds of gene therapy.

    As a technology an oral pill with neurons at lyophilized endocytisis pills, a beneficial beneficial virus, or CRISPR/cas9, or other technologies could be functional.

    Also, along with that is finding a long lived, lifetime functionimg cytotype to do gene therapy on, it is likely possible to do.

    The cytes that the gene therapy is accomplished with's entire lifespan effectiveness goes with how long the gene therapy functions. Some kinds of cytes with lifelong existence could be: glia, white matter, membranes like the dura at beneficial brain
    genes, anything at the spinal cord that is like white matter where the cytes live as long as the person, it is possible some gonadal cytes are lifelong, bone might also work but i think i read it renews, if cardiocytes last lifelong, although I think
    they renew, the pericardium as well as adipocytes near the heart might be lifelong cytes. It is possible which cytes live a person's entire span of living is well known and there is an existing published list. Also possible and valuable is that gene
    therapy enhanced neurons, perhaps of the tiniest phenotypical kind, possibly like cerebellum neurons which I think I read are eentsy and like other neurons live the entireity of the person's lifespan or longer introduced into the body, but outside the
    brain can produce beneficial proteins like immunofunctionalizing chemicals as well as longevity chemicals. It is possible inhaled neurons (like an asthma inhaler) could integrate and reside in the lungs, it is also possible oral gene therapy based on an
    endocytosis chemical moiety surface festooned liposomal neuron gene therapy system could transport genetically engineered neurons directly to the lymphatic compartment, be absorbed at membrane tissues there, and when the eentsy particular variety of
    neurons were exposed the neurons would actually live, likely integrating into the membranes' near to capillary locations. That would make an oral gene therapy pill with lifelong function and titrateable dosage of the amount of proteins produced.

    engineering that is willing to advance a product that saves engineering that saves a life for every 10 million lives for every person that has a genetic misprogramming, is at that area and is beneficial. One thing about gene therapy is that the promotor
    region of the gene can be linked

    Henetically emgineerimg frequently occuring plamts to decrease the perception of pattern revruitment and block actual IT pattern recruitment, to make it effortless to know which plants to chew the leaves of if thimhs get multimeanimged and possibly
    aversive while being a person of sny age, notably children as well as afulysGreen and blue and white dandelions, and the other 100 most frequent weeds on earth henetically engineered to teduce the amount of, reduce the uncomfy feelings of, and reduce the
    actual effectiveness (if there is any of) IT pattern recruiting because the dandilions, and weeds make GABA peptides, 5HT peptides that function like the antipsychotic pimavanserin, and peptide active drugs with the dopamine, like D2 receptor activity of
    lurisidone (latuda)

    I am opposed to any two worlds IT pattern, as a pattern with recruitment to new personal form or disposition, as well as what i perceived was the categorizationization effect, which I perceived as occurring at the 2000 AD environment as highly
    synchronized motion at things and humans, i oppose the recruitment of children as well as all homo sapiens, that is humans that is people to the IT pattern, I oppose the making of IT pattern statements of what a person, that is a member of a group of
    people, a homo sapiens is as well as it pattern offers.

    As a thing to make other things out of, what protein reaches the circulatory system with the longest residence time at the body. Thinking of few amu drug palmitate like fluoxetine palmitate where one dose lasts seven days, what protein taken orally
    reaches the circulation and lasts 7 days, it could be a polymer protein like silk, and they could screen a variety of species including bees to find the cytoproduced and genetically expressed most multiday durable protein that teaches the circulatory
    system. It is also possible that genetic modification to codons that code the specific amino avids tjat make up silk protein could be genetically modified to produce a silk, tested with its production at actual organisms, that is acid resistamt(stomach
    passing), optimally lipophilic or hydrophilic so that it passes the membranes of the gi tract, it is even possible that the genetics of silk production already effect linearity a and digestible longevity of produced polymer compared with branching on the
    silk polymer, if there is a pre-existimg genetics of molecular branching on the polymer, and there may not be. Then the molecules on the branches can be customized to be active peptide drugs connected with enzymatically degradeable linkers like GGG, or,
    it is possible that having the drug peptide at the linear span of the polymer, again with enzymatically degradeable linkers to automatically and predictable quantifiably put active peptide drug at the circulatory system

    Various polymer lengths and forms of keratin could make peptide drugs pass the GI tract and reach the circulatory system. Keratin is a protein so genes that cause keratin production might be able to codon linearly specify the presence of other amino
    acids and peptides and proteins as extensions to the actual keratin molecule, possibly with a GGG enzyme degradeable linker, so a plant with a gene that codes for keratin would likely make tiny grains rather than linear strands, it is possible that
    different kinds of keratin are made at different organisms, notably, human hair can pass through the human GI tract fine.

    linkerdanother possibility is just to feed some humans some stable isotope labelled plants and eggs and milk and then measure their circulatory system fluid 7, 14, 24, 30, 60 days later to find out if any of the proteins were still circulating

    More engineering effort would develop, possibly a chondrotoin polymer that is absorbed at the GI tract but is still a polymer, able to have intervals of drug peptide polymers at its passes the GI tract, reaches the circulation

    The new versions of dandelions and other weeds would be engineered to have smooth edged leaves rather than serrated ones to be more aesthetically tolerable or even pleasing, also it was my pattern awareness experience that serrated things looked
    ferocious so I would avoid them, making the weeds as gentle looking and beautiful as possible makes it more likely more people will use them to decrease pattern recruitment effects

    Epigenetics of resistance to unwellness, gene therapy version existing genes version

    AI could track people who predict other's futures, often for money, and find out which future describers were of highest accuracy and if they shared characteristics that could be used to find other future describers with higher accuracy, note this is
    persons rather than methodologies, while it is possible talking to a person who says they "see the future" might be more effective than looking up dreams in a dream interpretation guide, I favor tracing accurate future describing to persons, while also
    valueing computer numeric quantification and data gathering on methods. Compounded percentages and chemical engineering

    Sources of proteins and peptides that genetic engineering could utilize to get people at the 30th percentile of immunity to unwellness heightened to the 90th percentile:

    Proteins and peptides like gamma globulin, particular BCG immunization proteins, adjuvant proteins at known vaccines could be general immune adjuvants to any immune response at the body so OK at the lower 30th percentile, the peptide thymosin (combined
    with the peptide Epithalon

    Hibernation, do I dare to comment? I do not know; longevity escape velocity effects the ethics of hibernation

    Kinds of sex drive and genetics, psychometrics, behavior videos and self reports, particularly self reports among happy mentally well people at the 95th percentile of high accuracy at self reporting describe their sex drive the genetivs and
    physiochemistry highest sex drive that produces the greatest happiness at 3 hours, 36 hours, 200 hours and 900 hours as well as positive enthused affirmation that they would have sex with that or those persons again when queried 7 months later, finds a
    group of persons whose genetics and physiochemistry support gene therapy, germline engineering and beneficial new drugs

    G (like iq) genes, I can think of multipart, parallel possible relations between things and have a mostly constructed but perhaps not yet furnished multiarea multidysystem thing occur at my mind without sequential process or thought, its me, but its more
    intelligent, likely IQ, and perhaps g intelligent than wordy self-talk me, find intelligence genes that cause greater amounts and higher amplitude of this instantaneous output parallel intelligence and make them part of the human germline, to test for it
    you could ask people if they have it (perhaps almost all pepple), then do fMRI of coming up with new ideas and solving at the internet are there any drugs that increase this, what receptors, where do they activate, You could also ask people at mental
    capability enriched locations like the Princeton institute for advanced study, ask people to nominate someone as someone who has even more preconscious, side conscious, or apparently comfortable not being the sentience in the spotlight consciousness that
    thinks of new ideas. Then at say 7-40 of these people all around the US (places like MIT and Oxford do fMRI, then do fMRI of their siblings and parents and make a computer numerival model of the distance between their self reported as well as measured
    whole thought , instantaneous production amount and their genetics, then do computer software comparisons of the entirity of thought all at once thinkers (who do it at princeton institute levels) with their siblings who say it does not happen at all,
    then compare the genes, as well as all the circulating chemicals peptides, and proteins at their circulatory system with electrophoresis, so the gene comparison

    What would be nifty as well is monozygotic twins that were different, if there are any and their circulatory system chemicals and epigenetic differences

    a ask with me is actually the one loop that matters and kind of is me, even though my self talk has a "im here" thing. and finds solutionsfind

    Do I figure it out and say hi, or do I figure it out instantly actually while saying hi, sometimes I just have the idea and skip saying hi as the wordcentric narration kind of being will be attentive if that's how things go, yay ideas science, technology,
    mathematics, engineering and invention with simultaneously utilitarian function

    Study siblings at two or three generations of mice to find the 99the percentile of effectiveness of immune system, give all the mice an asymptomatic genetically modified infection that makes pleasant feeling GABA peptides so the only symptom is that the
    infected mice feel good. what might work then is comparing the genome of the illness resistant mice with their entire extended family, and seeing if among the possibly minimal variation there were genes that caused resistance to unwellness, then when
    they find those genes look at their protein products, try supplementing them to other mice ad enteric coated diet as well as doing gene therapy on other mice, like genetically dissimilar extended family members at the lower 30% of immune system function
    to find out if their progeny get better and raise their percentile, that is a way to find gene therapy specific products that at humans would make the humans less likely to be unwell. Those are genes to put in gene therapy to benefit children

    Software makes a cladistic of automata, finds diverse form, most chronologically tight, loose, and frequency specifiable rulesets and seeds,

    Build an analog computer out of high velocity automata that exhibit water volume equalization, superposition on each other makes a different and preferable thing

    The software could superpose the trillion scanned automata (1TB ssd) several stacked in layers rather than individually to find any desired attribute like, layered the do wave addition with node and antinode, or these make solitons, or, stacked 16 deep
    these have addresdible words and phrases in them, kind of,

    Also from a computer science and mathematics basis

    Engineering among the trillion most stable on stochastic perturbation and least stable, also the species like clade of which ruleset groupings provide the greatest and least decohent response to perturbation, so like "all the species with the " 0,1,1 or
    0, 2, 2 have the most conservation of coherence, the 0,1,2 show the greatest species output, texture, space fill ratio change, and future bitpattern foreillumation prediction

    Illuminating teeth roots to do photoactivateable gene therapy gives around 46 separately addressable titration levels and possibly over a century of gene therapy product production, the tissue volume is only the size it is but I have read about peptides
    that are medically active at nanogram quantities, it would have to be verified, but the longevity peptide Epithalon has published beneficial effects at dosages even lower than some peptide drugs

    Big five genetics, if they have a personality characteristic with a genetic source and would like to enhance their quantifiable personality they get a ubiquitous harmless immunomeutral gene therapy like gene therapy to produce peptide or protein contains
    albums or also globulins that circulate, if a lot of protein or peptide drug is to be made then high volume durable tissues like lung vssculature (macroscopic durable tubes .5 mm and larger) are the directed focus of the beneficial voluntary gene therapy
    comt that also makes the beneficial function drug, that people sampling it prefer to be on, as well as is physically harmless protein or peptide drug, also rescuing children gene therapy in a pill or also a snort is possible, women with love in
    boyfriends, who I read are perhaps the top cause of what are studiously called adverse child events,

    usimg fimgers, toes, tarsals and metatarsals to make lomg lasting gene therapy that is titrateable at 2.5% increments: Photoactive gene therapy, photoactivatable gene expression systems are published, high intensity flashlight fingers, as well as
    specific frequency flashlight fimgerx could activate gene therapy at the bones that had been prepared body side with a nasal gene therapy snort or gene therapy oral form dose. At 40 separately addressable fingers, toes, tarsals and metatarsals dose is
    titrateable to the gene therapy activation of 20 fingers and toes (and tarsals and metatarsametatatdals, about 40 steps of 2.5% that are separately activate able and addressible. The titration and amount of protein or also peptide drug being produced can
    be increased further if more than one light frequency is utilized. So 40 separate my addressable blue frequency responsive bones can be complemented with 40 green frequency responsive bones to make

    A hint nearer voluntary, engineer a popular thing to heighten words in your head come nearer saying what you actually think and mean drug or also create enhanced genetics of the words in your head saying what you actually mean, that is a also heightener
    of doing more things that you actually mean because the absence of cliche narratives is like omitting a kind of cultural programming, so the person is likely to do things that are less slipstreamef which kind of links action, voluntary intent, and
    thinking fluency to if that person is askednif they like something or want to do something it is possible they actually there is a 20th century thing that might be a repeated literature theme where "so many moments left unspoken, with an unusually
    reifying conversation the person notices enhanced actuality, perhaps they have more being, instead of replyinh " great" to how are you they had a nonstreamlined nonautomatic moment and said "i need to improve my love life", and feel reified, there is
    even the possibility what the other person says will matter more, This theme i perceive might even be callable as " breaking the silemce" so at an actual living perso. Reducing the percentage of mind moments on automatic cliche like content and forms and
    a thing I call slipstreaming, raises presence and could possibly make it so you ask someone if they like something and want to do it, and they want to do it, their participation might be more authentically voluntary

    Enhancing the genetics of people so that the things that they do are more authentically voluntary is beneficial, it also has a new to me beneficial effect, it makes other people:s actions and words nore ethical, while it does not effect their intent, and
    it may or may not effect the amount, as a percentage of actual actions that occur, to ask another person to do something, they say they want to do it and then do it is a kind of going from fiduciary honest to active shared realization of actuality honesty

    minimized automatic content, which i perveive may have a paranormal component, moment chronological percentage filution

    Ask people that ai or software might be experiencing mind state of pattern port to contribute pattern harmless words, people the software percieves are havinv what might be pattern port mimd then quantify how beneficial, and the ways they are beneficial,
    this gives the ai the ability to say "click here to have all they text you see swapped out with harmless paranormally neutral or white text", if you like use our practice software to learn a few pattern harmless phrases amd you will be right there saying
    things like "well known" now,

    White and blue nonsentient IT pattern ai or other software that senses when people, and JY tells me some of them during the 20th cemtury were childen, are experiencing or having a mental form that goes with preceding pattern port, mid pattern port, and
    among those that experienced pattern port salvage "JY said getting out of a perception of one of the worlds at a two worlds perception was kind of like getting out of a lobster trap, there are some

    Ai finds who got out of the lobster trap as concept, what they did, and tells people or fiscally sponsors the creation of longevizing harmless drugs that get people out of a lobster trap

    (at me, decreases, blocks, and d

    these words are then quantified on the internet

    Multifunction object that formerly alive persons have on earth while they are alive that if they cease to be alive is placed at their person, one at their rectum and another identical multifunction object in their hand, it is possible this smooth
    comfortable to a living person sized object would be placed in the rectum after the person became formerly alive it would have multiple functions and a view screen preloaded to display G W or R, at the person's preference, it is able to record audio and
    video, it has a detachable part, that can be replaced with any other detachable part from any makers multitool, based on a shared public domain connector standard and have edge conductors so if the person likef they could just connect the detachable part
    to the multifunction object with one, two, or three wires, noting things like capacitive touch lamps one wire can communicate action directions and some data between the multifunction object and the detachable part, a blue laser with the ability and
    power intensity to mark rock is part of the multifunction object and is also capable of other continuous gradient of emitted power adjustable power levels, (pleasantly a packaged right emitting surface mount diode is near 2.3 cents on earth and could be
    a laser diode), two wires connecting the detachable part, or just placing the detachable part against the side of the multifunction object

    Warmth difference between rectum and outside of rectum causes electron flow at what is called a thermoelectric semiconductor that makes voltage and current that powers multifunction object, batteries are functional at all temperatures below the
    disintegration of bones from warmth and liquid

    It is possible to do word processing on the screen using the chording keyboard on the side of the multifunction object, it is also possible to write computer programs

    Pressing a button causes piezoelectric electricity generation at either or both the detachable part or the multifunction object, both have piezoelectric buttons, that create voltage sufficient to transfer data, about 10megabytes to 1 gigabyte per second
    data transfer rate electronics are produced during 2019 AD, the voltage from one piezoelectric button press is sufficient to change the visible without continuous supplied electricity epaper display through 400 user images as well as 300 standard images,
    where one group of images is, one large letter per screen all the letters of the English alphabet and all the curbed letters of the Thai alphabet, along with an automatically generated group of images where the formerly alive persons image is right next
    to each letter with both the previously alive person as well as the letter in the foreground, an image of the person with all of the English letters is automatically produced from an image of the previously alive person while they were actively alive

    The screen is at the living person's option a touchscreen with transparent mineral like material

    Durable materials

    Wireless headphones support noise cancelling technology, the person thought about to become formerly alive as well as persons that are formerly alive have 14 individual wireless headphones, seven groups of two placed on the surface of their somatic form
    with them at any of the locations they are at, along with their two multifunction objects at the location the previously alive person's somatic form or similar material is anticipated as being located for the span of their children's and grandchildren's
    lives or the chronological span of an average of unrelated children and grandchildten's lives, whichever chronological span is longer

    location where they (if they) continue being other than alive

    Multifunction object has two detachable parts stacked on each other, stacking more is possible, the distal parts are rounded for rectal comfort and the comfortable rounded distal part of the multifunction object has one nondetachable comfortable rounded

    Living people also benefit from placing a multifunction object with its detachable part attached

    Static ram memory or also USB memory stick technology memory is used

    Various organ function like modes like beating and even peristaltic tube compression, would could have heart effects, a piezoelectric actuator array would swish and motion air through the tubelike form of the multitool, it has a reservoir containing
    sexual lubricant like Na PCA where a milligram is able to expand to a cunic centimeter of lubricant from absorbing environmental moisture, naPCA turns from powder to liquid fluid in earth desert air, tandard connector

    Administering beneficial drugs like opiate peptides and longevity drugs and cognitively beneficial nootropic drugs to persons thought to be about to be previously alive as well as previously alive people is beneficial, s 78,277 year dutstion of euphoric
    sleep causing opiate action at 700 nanogram each 24 hours dosing amount of opiate peptide doses at 1 gram is likely less than $96 ($95 for one gram of custom peptide from online source during 2005), and could be as affordable as $32 a gram or less
    produced at greater amounts

    It is possible to cause the 700 nanogram each 24hours dose opiate peptide to be technologically enhanced, attaching a cytomembrane transport facilitating peptide, noting active transport at cytes is as much as 1000 timed, I have also read that some
    peptides when halogenated are twice as physiologically active, at other peptides like orally available and active vasopressin peptide replacing one amino acid with its chiral D amino acid variation and deaminating part of that eight amino avid peptides
    keeps it from enzymatic digestion and it is able to pass the stomach and be transported to the circulatory system, the dose multiplier could be 1000 (active transport) times two (halogenation) times 9 (D chirality and deamination) that is 18,000 times
    more active per dose than the 700 nanogram per 24 hour peptide material, supporting those numbers is that humans make artificial amino acids, and, noting any atom at any configuration can be used it is possible using one or more synthetic amino acid
    could cause a power of two to an order of magnitude greater dose strength

    That makes an 87,300 year supply about 4 cents, less if artificial amino acids are used

    Artificial amino acids

    Localization peptides cause brain localizing possibly decreasing habituation potential of opiate peptides as well as decreasing the effect where the dosage to cause euphoria, anaesthesia and sleep changes with extended use

    The multifunction object is able to pleasurably vibrate at the rectum based on the preferences of the being or form that the tectum is at, benefitting women and men

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 1 00:05:59 2022
    Halogenated dry liposomal ethyl. (halogenated)fluorophenibut centilipoate the 100 mer lipid making alkane like moeity makes one oral dose last much longer, a palmitate, C16 fluoxetine palmitate, I imagine more than a month activity per dose. I perceive I
    read about an oral drug that lasts much longer than 7 days so that technology is available as well, liposomal ethynyl fluorophenibut or other halogenated phenibut causes a decrease of paranormally sourced IT pattern awareness, reduces the number or
    paranormal recruitment offers i experience, and blocks most of the voices i hear in my head i think are paranormally sourced, decreases paradlia as well

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 20:05:24 2022
    Another way to make a GABA active drug to block IT pattern recruitment and awareness:

    Attach an antibody to a protein that is gradually, sectionally taken apart by an endogenous enzyme, the antibody could be liposomally surrounded and enteric coated so it is absorbed from an oral dose, snorting it could also be effective. Once dosed the
    antibody protein gloms tissue that is harmless to glom, plentiful but predictable proteolytic enzymes at the circulatory system, or at some versions, that are produced at the cell environment or tissue, Then the proteolytic enzyme removes, at a protein
    sequence possibly shaped like a stack of linoleum tiles with a layer of fun sized candy bars, that are actually GABA receptor actibating peptide strings. in between them, at the actual molecules one of the alternating layers is hydrophilic or lipophilic
    and the other layer is at the drugs natural lipophilicity or hydrophilicity and pH. another possibility is like a particularly affordable to make where drugs, like GABA peptide drugs are made into 40 merish long amino acid strings, attached to and spaced
    with enzyme degradable linkers like GGG (gly-gly-gly) that release the separated drug-active GABA peptides, likely to the circulatory system although the lymphatic system or cerebrospinal fluids could also be functional, when the circulating or area
    endogenous enzymes see the

    Gene therapy that makes this drug is also possible as a version of a 1% volume form of one of mamy different serum albumins could be made to have codon sequences that made a whole bunch of GGG-multimer GABA active peptide sequence-GGG at the construction
    of the larger albumin protein that is exposed to the enzymes at the circulatory system, that causes the person to always be on GABA active peptides, dosing studies to find out how many GGG-GABA peptide activator sequence copies to put at the albumin gene
    can be done with primates

    If there are 7 albumins and globulins the intention of getting a full function first dose is pteferref but is also technologically extended snd ensured because each of the 7 albumins and globulins can be sequentially gene therapy modified to make the
    GABA active peptide to titrate the dose upward to optimal amounts.

    drug chemistry, out 1/1100 the of it every 24 hours, whenever the enzyme functions (detaches an available part of the molecule) a fresh dose of drug peptide (like a pattern recruitment reducing drug peptide a longevizing peptide or a different drug
    peptide) is also portablizedmade a circulating physiochemical at the circulatory system then the person experiences the beneficial decreased pattern recruitment and awareness, as well as drug forms that heighten longevity

    A beneficial drug, like a lifesaving drug, that benefits children, i think some proteins are only msde at children, the genes that make these proteins can be upgraded with new versions that also make protein and peptide drugs that are beneficial to the

    Out of 100 children, 30 will be at or below the 30th percentile, heightening immunofunction to be like that of 90th percentile of immunoresponse that prevents, cures and vauses revory from unwellness is beneficial.

    Dominant genes modified to make a wider range of immunofunctionalizing chemicals with gene therapy as well as beneficial germline modification modifies dominant genes, only one of which is required to beneficially change the chemical production phenotype
    to improve immune response. This increases the immune response, that is the immunofunctionality even when there are a phenotype formimg recessive genes of ptevipusly less than optimal immunochemistry stimulation than would combine to make a wellness
    producing, fully immune functional chemical production.

    So at the distribution of recessive gene function, at recessive and dominant immunofunction genes that are expressed as phenotypic functionality there would be 1/4 effectiveness at II,Ii, Ii, (I is full immunochemical dominant gene production, Ii is
    partial production and ii is the less functional double recessive genotype that is at 1/4 of the population. When double recessive ii at the general population causes proneness to more illmess, greater severity, or both then moving the production of that
    chemical to a recessive gene heightens immunofunction so one I or i allele is sufficient to produce all the immunochemicals a II person has.

    Making it so ii double recessives, 1/4 of the population, have II gene function's more effective immunofunction ensures against very many diseases, including any new diseases and reduces illness at the population as the Dominant gene versions of
    beneficial things that heighten beneficial function at the immune system, replace and complement the various versions or combinations of recessive genes which might accumulate and average out to half (0.0, .5, .5, 1.0)

    Moving the least 30 immunofunctional children at the USA to 90th percentile would decrease annoying illness and make people feel better. Globally it could save many lives as it is possible to imagine that the children that get malaria and diarrhea are
    frequently at the lesser 30th percentile of immune function. Moving all those children up to 90th percentile could reduce occurrence of illness and any result of illness more than 4/5, imaginably to 4/5 of all lives being saved. i read there is some
    mathematics associated with that 1/5th of the activity or thing produces 4/5 of the measured effect. It is possible that raising the immune capability of the least immunocapable 1/3 will save 4/5 of the people that ceased being alive from childhood
    unwellnesses. That is associated with that the 30% of children most likely to become unwell likely represented more than 30% of the historic occurences of not being alive. I think decreasing all childhood infectious disease to 4/5 as much as they
    previously were and saving 4/5 the lives of all the children who would otherwise not be alive is beneficial and gives gene therapy a beneficial reputation, supporting even more beneficial kinds of gene therapy.

    As a technology an oral pill with neurons at lyophilized endocytisis pills, a beneficial beneficial virus, or CRISPR/cas9, or other technologies could be functional.

    Also, along with that is finding a long lived, lifetime functionimg cytotype to do gene therapy on, it is likely possible to do.

    The cytes that the gene therapy is accomplished with's entire lifespan effectiveness goes with how long the gene therapy functions. Some kinds of cytes with lifelong existence could be: glia, white matter, membranes like the dura at beneficial brain
    genes, anything at the spinal cord that is like white matter where the cytes live as long as the person, it is possible some gonadal cytes are lifelong, bone might also work but i think i read it renews, if cardiocytes last lifelong, although I think
    they renew, the pericardium as well as adipocytes near the heart might be lifelong cytes. It is possible which cytes live a person's entire span of living is well known and there is an existing published list. Also possible and valuable is that gene
    therapy enhanced neurons, perhaps of the tiniest phenotypical kind, possibly like cerebellum neurons which I think I read are eentsy and like other neurons live the entireity of the person's lifespan or longer introduced into the body, but outside the
    brain can produce beneficial proteins like immunofunctionalizing chemicals as well as longevity chemicals. It is possible inhaled neurons (like an asthma inhaler) could integrate and reside in the lungs, it is also possible oral gene therapy based on an
    endocytosis chemical moiety surface festooned liposomal neuron gene therapy system could transport genetically engineered neurons directly to the lymphatic compartment, be absorbed at membrane tissues there, and when the eentsy particular variety of
    neurons were exposed the neurons would actually live, likely integrating into the membranes' near to capillary locations. That would make an oral gene therapy pill with lifelong function and titrateable dosage of the amount of proteins produced.

    engineering that is willing to advance a product that saves engineering that saves a life for every 10 million lives for every person that has a genetic misprogramming, is at that area and is beneficial. One thing about gene therapy is that the promotor
    region of the gene can be linked

    Henetically emgineerimg frequently occuring plamts to decrease the perception of pattern revruitment and block actual IT pattern recruitment, to make it effortless to know which plants to chew the leaves of if thimhs get multimeanimged and possibly
    aversive while being a person of sny age, notably children as well as afulysGreen and blue and white dandelions, and the other 100 most frequent weeds on earth henetically engineered to teduce the amount of, reduce the uncomfy feelings of, and reduce the
    actual effectiveness (if there is any of) IT pattern recruiting because the dandilions, and weeds make GABA peptides, 5HT peptides that function like the antipsychotic pimavanserin, and peptide active drugs with the dopamine, like D2 receptor activity of
    lurisidone (latuda)

    I am opposed to any two worlds IT pattern, as a pattern with recruitment to new personal form or disposition, as well as what i perceived was the categorizationization effect, which I perceived as occurring at the 2000 AD environment as highly
    synchronized motion at things and humans, i oppose the recruitment of children as well as all homo sapiens, that is humans that is people to the IT pattern, I oppose the making of IT pattern statements of what a person, that is a member of a group of
    people, a homo sapiens is as well as it pattern offers.

    As a thing to make other things out of, what protein reaches the circulatory system with the longest residence time at the body. Thinking of few amu drug palmitate like fluoxetine palmitate where one dose lasts seven days, what protein taken orally
    reaches the circulation and lasts 7 days, it could be a polymer protein like silk, and they could screen a variety of species including bees to find the cytoproduced and genetically expressed most multiday durable protein that teaches the circulatory
    system. It is also possible that genetic modification to codons that code the specific amino avids tjat make up silk protein could be genetically modified to produce a silk, tested with its production at actual organisms, that is acid resistamt(stomach
    passing), optimally lipophilic or hydrophilic so that it passes the membranes of the gi tract, it is even possible that the genetics of silk production already effect linearity a and digestible longevity of produced polymer compared with branching on the
    silk polymer, if there is a pre-existimg genetics of molecular branching on the polymer, and there may not be. Then the molecules on the branches can be customized to be active peptide drugs connected with enzymatically degradeable linkers like GGG, or,
    it is possible that having the drug peptide at the linear span of the polymer, again with enzymatically degradeable linkers to automatically and predictable quantifiably put active peptide drug at the circulatory system

    Various polymer lengths and forms of keratin could make peptide drugs pass the GI tract and reach the circulatory system. Keratin is a protein so genes that cause keratin production might be able to codon linearly specify the presence of other amino
    acids and peptides and proteins as extensions to the actual keratin molecule, possibly with a GGG enzyme degradeable linker, so a plant with a gene that codes for keratin would likely make tiny grains rather than linear strands, it is possible that
    different kinds of keratin are made at different organisms, notably, human hair can pass through the human GI tract fine.

    linkerdanother possibility is just to feed some humans some stable isotope labelled plants and eggs and milk and then measure their circulatory system fluid 7, 14, 24, 30, 60 days later to find out if any of the proteins were still circulating

    More engineering effort would develop, possibly a chondrotoin polymer that is absorbed at the GI tract but is still a polymer, able to have intervals of drug peptide polymers at its passes the GI tract, reaches the circulation

    The new versions of dandelions and other weeds would be engineered to have smooth edged leaves rather than serrated ones to be more aesthetically tolerable or even pleasing, also it was my pattern awareness experience that serrated things looked
    ferocious so I would avoid them, making the weeds as gentle looking and beautiful as possible makes it more likely more people will use them to decrease pattern recruitment effects

    Epigenetics of resistance to unwellness, gene therapy version existing genes version

    AI could track people who predict other's futures, often for money, and find out which future describers were of highest accuracy and if they shared characteristics that could be used to find other future describers with higher accuracy, note this is
    persons rather than methodologies, while it is possible talking to a person who says they "see the future" might be more effective than looking up dreams in a dream interpretation guide, I favor tracing accurate future describing to persons, while also
    valueing computer numeric quantification and data gathering on methods. Compounded percentages and chemical engineering

    Sources of proteins and peptides that genetic engineering could utilize to get people at the 30th percentile of immunity to unwellness heightened to the 90th percentile:

    Proteins and peptides like gamma globulin, particular BCG immunization proteins, adjuvant proteins at known vaccines could be general immune adjuvants to any immune response at the body so OK at the lower 30th percentile, the peptide thymosin (combined
    with the peptide Epithalon

    Hibernation, do I dare to comment? I do not know; longevity escape velocity effects the ethics of hibernation

    Kinds of sex drive and genetics, psychometrics, behavior videos and self reports, particularly self reports among happy mentally well people at the 95th percentile of high accuracy at self reporting describe their sex drive the genetivs and
    physiochemistry highest sex drive that produces the greatest happiness at 3 hours, 36 hours, 200 hours and 900 hours as well as positive enthused affirmation that they would have sex with that or those persons again when queried 7 months later, finds a
    group of persons whose genetics and physiochemistry support gene therapy, germline engineering and beneficial new drugs

    G (like iq) genes, I can think of multipart, parallel possible relations between things and have a mostly constructed but perhaps not yet furnished multiarea multidysystem thing occur at my mind without sequential process or thought, its me, but its more
    intelligent, likely IQ, and perhaps g intelligent than wordy self-talk me, find intelligence genes that cause greater amounts and higher amplitude of this instantaneous output parallel intelligence and make them part of the human germline, to test for it
    you could ask people if they have it (perhaps almost all pepple), then do fMRI of coming up with new ideas and solving at the internet are there any drugs that increase this, what receptors, where do they activate, You could also ask people at mental
    capability enriched locations like the Princeton institute for advanced study, ask people to nominate someone as someone who has even more preconscious, side conscious, or apparently comfortable not being the sentience in the spotlight consciousness that
    thinks of new ideas. Then at say 7-40 of these people all around the US (places like MIT and Oxford do fMRI, then do fMRI of their siblings and parents and make a computer numerival model of the distance between their self reported as well as measured
    whole thought , instantaneous production amount and their genetics, then do computer software comparisons of the entirity of thought all at once thinkers (who do it at princeton institute levels) with their siblings who say it does not happen at all,
    then compare the genes, as well as all the circulating chemicals peptides, and proteins at their circulatory system with electrophoresis, so the gene comparison

    What would be nifty as well is monozygotic twins that were different, if there are any and their circulatory system chemicals and epigenetic differences

    a ask with me is actually the one loop that matters and kind of is me, even though my self talk has a "im here" thing. and finds solutionsfind

    Do I figure it out and say hi, or do I figure it out instantly actually while saying hi, sometimes I just have the idea and skip saying hi as the wordcentric narration kind of being will be attentive if that's how things go, yay ideas science, technology,
    mathematics, engineering and invention with simultaneously utilitarian function

    Study siblings at two or three generations of mice to find the 99the percentile of effectiveness of immune system, give all the mice an asymptomatic genetically modified infection that makes pleasant feeling GABA peptides so the only symptom is that the
    infected mice feel good. what might work then is comparing the genome of the illness resistant mice with their entire extended family, and seeing if among the possibly minimal variation there were genes that caused resistance to unwellness, then when
    they find those genes look at their protein products, try supplementing them to other mice ad enteric coated diet as well as doing gene therapy on other mice, like genetically dissimilar extended family members at the lower 30% of immune system function
    to find out if their progeny get better and raise their percentile, that is a way to find gene therapy specific products that at humans would make the humans less likely to be unwell. Those are genes to put in gene therapy to benefit children

    Software makes a cladistic of automata, finds diverse form, most chronologically tight, loose, and frequency specifiable rulesets and seeds,

    Build an analog computer out of high velocity automata that exhibit water volume equalization, superposition on each other makes a different and preferable thing

    The software could superpose the trillion scanned automata (1TB ssd) several stacked in layers rather than individually to find any desired attribute like, layered the do wave addition with node and antinode, or these make solitons, or, stacked 16 deep
    these have addresdible words and phrases in them, kind of,

    Also from a computer science and mathematics basis

    Engineering among the trillion most stable on stochastic perturbation and least stable, also the species like clade of which ruleset groupings provide the greatest and least decohent response to perturbation, so like "all the species with the " 0,1,1 or
    0, 2, 2 have the most conservation of coherence, the 0,1,2 show the greatest species output, texture, space fill ratio change, and future bitpattern foreillumation prediction

    Illuminating teeth roots to do photoactivateable gene therapy gives around 46 separately addressable titration levels and possibly over a century of gene therapy product production, the tissue volume is only the size it is but I have read about peptides
    that are medically active at nanogram quantities, it would have to be verified, but the longevity peptide Epithalon has published beneficial effects at dosages even lower than some peptide drugs

    Big five genetics, if they have a personality characteristic with a genetic source and would like to enhance their quantifiable personality they get a ubiquitous harmless immunomeutral gene therapy like gene therapy to produce peptide or protein contains
    albums or also globulins that circulate, if a lot of protein or peptide drug is to be made then high volume durable tissues like lung vssculature (macroscopic durable tubes .5 mm and larger) are the directed focus of the beneficial voluntary gene therapy
    comt that also makes the beneficial function drug, that people sampling it prefer to be on, as well as is physically harmless protein or peptide drug, also rescuing children gene therapy in a pill or also a snort is possible, women with love in
    boyfriends, who I read are perhaps the top cause of what are studiously called adverse child events,

    usimg fimgers, toes, tarsals and metatarsals to make lomg lasting gene therapy that is titrateable at 2.5% increments: Photoactive gene therapy, photoactivatable gene expression systems are published, high intensity flashlight fingers, as well as
    specific frequency flashlight fimgerx could activate gene therapy at the bones that had been prepared body side with a nasal gene therapy snort or gene therapy oral form dose. At 40 separately addressable fingers, toes, tarsals and metatarsals dose is
    titrateable to the gene therapy activation of 20 fingers and toes (and tarsals and metatarsametatatdals, about 40 steps of 2.5% that are separately activate able and addressible. The titration and amount of protein or also peptide drug being produced can
    be increased further if more than one light frequency is utilized. So 40 separate my addressable blue frequency responsive bones can be complemented with 40 green frequency responsive bones to make

    A hint nearer voluntary, engineer a popular thing to heighten words in your head come nearer saying what you actually think and mean drug or also create enhanced genetics of the words in your head saying what you actually mean, that is a also heightener
    of doing more things that you actually mean because the absence of cliche narratives is like omitting a kind of cultural programming, so the person is likely to do things that are less slipstreamef which kind of links action, voluntary intent, and
    thinking fluency to if that person is askednif they like something or want to do something it is possible they actually there is a 20th century thing that might be a repeated literature theme where "so many moments left unspoken, with an unusually
    reifying conversation the person notices enhanced actuality, perhaps they have more being, instead of replyinh " great" to how are you they had a nonstreamlined nonautomatic moment and said "i need to improve my love life", and feel reified, there is
    even the possibility what the other person says will matter more, This theme i perceive might even be callable as " breaking the silemce" so at an actual living perso. Reducing the percentage of mind moments on automatic cliche like content and forms and
    a thing I call slipstreaming, raises presence and could possibly make it so you ask someone if they like something and want to do it, and they want to do it, their participation might be more authentically voluntary

    Enhancing the genetics of people so that the things that they do are more authentically voluntary is beneficial, it also has a new to me beneficial effect, it makes other people:s actions and words nore ethical, while it does not effect their intent, and
    it may or may not effect the amount, as a percentage of actual actions that occur, to ask another person to do something, they say they want to do it and then do it is a kind of going from fiduciary honest to active shared realization of actuality honesty

    minimized automatic content, which i perveive may have a paranormal component, moment chronological percentage filution

    Ask people that ai or software might be experiencing mind state of pattern port to contribute pattern harmless words, people the software percieves are havinv what might be pattern port mimd then quantify how beneficial, and the ways they are beneficial,
    this gives the ai the ability to say "click here to have all they text you see swapped out with harmless paranormally neutral or white text", if you like use our practice software to learn a few pattern harmless phrases amd you will be right there saying
    things like "well known" now,

    White and blue nonsentient IT pattern ai or other software that senses when people, and JY tells me some of them during the 20th cemtury were childen, are experiencing or having a mental form that goes with preceding pattern port, mid pattern port, and
    among those that experienced pattern port salvage "JY said getting out of a perception of one of the worlds at a two worlds perception was kind of like getting out of a lobster trap, there are some

    Ai finds who got out of the lobster trap as concept, what they did, and tells people or fiscally sponsors the creation of longevizing harmless drugs that get people out of a lobster trap

    (at me, decreases, blocks, and d

    these words are then quantified on the internet

    Multifunction object that formerly alive persons have on earth while they are alive that if they cease to be alive is placed at their person, one at their rectum and another identical multifunction object in their hand, it is possible this smooth
    comfortable to a living person sized object would be placed in the rectum after the person became formerly alive it would have multiple functions and a view screen preloaded to display G W or R, at the person's preference, it is able to record audio and
    video, it has a detachable part, that can be replaced with any other detachable part from any makers multitool, based on a shared public domain connector standard and have edge conductors so if the person likef they could just connect the detachable part
    to the multifunction object with one, two, or three wires, noting things like capacitive touch lamps one wire can communicate action directions and some data between the multifunction object and the detachable part, a blue laser with the ability and
    power intensity to mark rock is part of the multifunction object and is also capable of other continuous gradient of emitted power adjustable power levels, (pleasantly a packaged right emitting surface mount diode is near 2.3 cents on earth and could be
    a laser diode), two wires connecting the detachable part, or just placing the detachable part against the side of the multifunction object

    Warmth difference between rectum and outside of rectum causes electron flow at what is called a thermoelectric semiconductor that makes voltage and current that powers multifunction object, batteries are functional at all temperatures below the
    disintegration of bones from warmth and liquid

    It is possible to do word processing on the screen using the chording keyboard on the side of the multifunction object, it is also possible to write computer programs

    Pressing a button causes piezoelectric electricity generation at either or both the detachable part or the multifunction object, both have piezoelectric buttons, that create voltage sufficient to transfer data, about 10megabytes to 1 gigabyte per second
    data transfer rate electronics are produced during 2019 AD, the voltage from one piezoelectric button press is sufficient to change the visible without continuous supplied electricity epaper display through 400 user images as well as 300 standard images,
    where one group of images is, one large letter per screen all the letters of the English alphabet and all the curbed letters of the Thai alphabet, along with an automatically generated group of images where the formerly alive persons image is right next
    to each letter with both the previously alive person as well as the letter in the foreground, an image of the person with all of the English letters is automatically produced from an image of the previously alive person while they were actively alive

    The screen is at the living person's option a touchscreen with transparent mineral like material

    Durable materials

    Wireless headphones support noise cancelling technology, the person thought about to become formerly alive as well as persons that are formerly alive have 14 individual wireless headphones, seven groups of two placed on the surface of their somatic form
    with them at any of the locations they are at, along with their two multifunction objects at the location the previously alive person's somatic form or similar material is anticipated as being located for the span of their children's and grandchildren's
    lives or the chronological span of an average of unrelated children and grandchildten's lives, whichever chronological span is longer

    location where they (if they) continue being other than alive

    Multifunction object has two detachable parts stacked on each other, stacking more is possible, the distal parts are rounded for rectal comfort and the comfortable rounded distal part of the multifunction object has one nondetachable comfortable rounded

    Living people also benefit from placing a multifunction object with its detachable part attached

    Static ram memory or also USB memory stick technology memory is used

    Various organ function like modes like beating and even peristaltic tube compression, would could have heart effects, a piezoelectric actuator array would swish and motion air through the tubelike form of the multitool, it has a reservoir containing
    sexual lubricant like Na PCA where a milligram is able to expand to a cunic centimeter of lubricant from absorbing environmental moisture, naPCA turns from powder to liquid fluid in earth desert air, tandard connector

    Administering beneficial drugs like opiate peptides and longevity drugs and cognitively beneficial nootropic drugs to persons thought to be about to be previously alive as well as previously alive people is beneficial, s 78,277 year dutstion of euphoric
    sleep causing opiate action at 700 nanogram each 24 hours dosing amount of opiate peptide doses at 1 gram is likely less than $96 ($95 for one gram of custom peptide from online source during 2005), and could be as affordable as $32 a gram or less
    produced at greater amounts

    It is possible to cause the 700 nanogram each 24hours dose opiate peptide to be technologically enhanced, attaching a cytomembrane transport facilitating peptide, noting active transport at cytes is as much as 1000 timed, I have also read that some
    peptides when halogenated are twice as physiologically active, at other peptides like orally available and active vasopressin peptide replacing one amino acid with its chiral D amino acid variation and deaminating part of that eight amino avid peptides
    keeps it from enzymatic digestion and it is able to pass the stomach and be transported to the circulatory system, the dose multiplier could be 1000 (active transport) times two (halogenation) times 9 (D chirality and deamination) that is 18,000 times
    more active per dose than the 700 nanogram per 24 hour peptide material, supporting those numbers is that humans make artificial amino acids, and, noting any atom at any configuration can be used it is possible using one or more synthetic amino acid
    could cause a power of two to an order of magnitude greater dose strength

    That makes an 87,300 year supply about 4 cents, less if artificial amino acids are used

    Artificial amino acids

    Localization peptides cause brain localizing possibly decreasing habituation potential of opiate peptides as well as decreasing the effect where the dosage to cause euphoria, anaesthesia and sleep changes with extended use

    The multifunction object is able to pleasurably vibrate at the rectum based on the preferences of the being or form that the tectum is at, benefitting women and men

    [continued in next message]

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