• My genome is public domain, give books to MIT library and drool on fron

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 05:51:54 2022
    There is another thing i think has value at my genome, the genome of Treon Verdery, there is also the genetics of experiencing later pattern awareness of what i call the IT pattern and two worlds venn diagram port awareness, which I became aware of at 33
    years of age. Since then i have avoided receiving some sort of something i am told pattern people get when they experience what I refer to as absorption, and I continue to get offers, which to my perception goes with continuing to be nonabsorbed, and i
    am 53, those genes, my genes and epigenetics, could have value at making and creating humans with genetic engineering, gene therapy, and possibly even some chemicals at my body or circulatory system so that the people are absent pattern awareness and
    recruitment the entirety, the full span of their lives.

    I read that there is published research that the circulatory fluid of schizophrenics when placed at the circulatory system of a mouse causes the mouse to cease being alive; i perceive i may have also read that the circulatory system fluid of
    schizophrenics causes mood changes in other organisms it is placed at. That suggests it is possible there is something at the circulatory system of persons who are absent having pattern awareness that can be made into a pattern awareness and pattern
    recruitment blocking drug.

    I do not think this will function but i think the human version would function, a person video records the behaviors of all mice at a colony, notably mice of all ages, noting JY told me that humans sometimes experience recruitment at summer camp it is
    possible numerous mice near an age proportionate to that human age will have atypical behaviors from pattern awareness. A different group of mice would receive circulatory system chemical components, among them proteins peptides and chemicals like those
    that may be at the circulatory systems of persons like me who experienced pattern awareness at an age more than double their age at puberty, using my genome as well as, to the amount possible, the genomes of others. The proteins and other chemicals
    product identities and their projected amounts can be identified and administered to other video recorded mice. If the mice then have a delay or an absence of atypical behavior, which a computer reviewing the videos of all the different groups of mice
    occurs then chemicals that delay or preclude pattern awareness may have been found. It is also possible to genetically engineer the mice with my genetics and epigenetics as compared with mice genetically engineered to contain genetic components from
    groups of people i think are likely to have experienced pattern awareness. Genomes of accomplished, particularly effective, adults could provide the likely to have already been recruited genomes. Also the genomes of persons who pled guilty to preplanned
    nonspontaneous violent crimes against other persons, are to my perception likely to have been paranormally attractive as persons to experience pattern recruitment.

    It may not be functional at mice, but there is a chance it could function at nonhuman primates.

    Keeping in mind that treating humans benevolently and kindly has value a way to find the genetics and physiological chemistry of delayed or foregone pattern awareness and recruitment is described at this writing. Some company is likely to actually pay a
    few thousand families so the company's AI (artificial intelligence) and software can find patterns at things people do so the company can make money. To my perception some children and teens at that group will experience pattern awareness and behave in
    an unusual way for a few weeks or longer. Without even giving it a name deep AI may notice this shared behavioral atypicality theme, occurring across different persons and ages. Then, observing that the atypical behavior is at 20th century AD data
    concerning to the children and possibly their parents the company develops a drug that alleviates the concern by reducing pattern awareness and blocking IT pattern recruitment at the children. From what has functioned with me, Treon Verdery, this drug
    could be based on an antipsychotic drug or other drug as i notice lurisidone (latuda) and phenibut make a large difference in the amount of pattern awareness and recruitment offers i perceive, the pattern has nonobvious to me ways of directing people but
    could permit the spread of drugs that reduce pattern awareness and also actual recruitment. These psttern awareness decreasing or blocking drugs which may also block pattern recruitment and restore typical behavior are able to propagate and be used by a
    majority of people. It is even possible the data on more than 1000 persons will be produced by one company that expects a larger number of other companies to acquire the data with money, making the data widely available and advertised.

    It is possible some persons, that is people, may know what I mean when I refer to the IT pattern from listening to the lyrics of the musical band The Pixies from the 20th century AD, that are "I know the nervous walking", I think the Pixies are singing
    about one person's experience and perceptions of the IT pattern. When the genes of absence of and preclusion of pattern awareness and absence of and preclusion of pattern recruitment are found I favor using gene drive CRISPR/cas9 or more advanced
    technology to place them in functional form at every living organism.

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