• Sperm preservatives for motile sperm; there is a human body tisse that

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 02:01:39 2022
    Sperm preservatives for motile sperm; there is a human body tisse that with oxygen and food lives longest outside the human body, it is possible that this is cartilidge; a swimming sperm cell cartildge co-culture could keep sperm alive because it was
    nested in, and moving at a cartilige tissue matrix that could live months from passive diffusion of oxygen through polymer packaging and nutrients, this kind of live sperm packaging could give genetically enhanced sperm longer viable life in packaged
    forms available in mini-marts, grocery stores and online. Notably motile sperm

    may be stored in the reproductive tract of queen bees.

    I favor laser eye surgery for children contact lenses with longer than 30 days between changes are also fine

    Ir or uv antibody colorimetry contact lensrs with antimicrobial light activated peptides gradually release; selfie sees ir colorometric contacts are doing great, just fine to leave in another 60/90/365 days phone/pc app can use any selfie ad 2020 cameras
    already see IR (like remote control LEDs); a 365 day between phone images contact lens great for children at developed and developing world; just get new contacts when children's eyes outgrow previous contacts; may be at previous notes but a person like
    a child wearing contact lenses could look into a PRK-like laser that only sculpts contacts polymer, no effect on eye tissue (THz laser also a possibility) computer calculates 20/15 or higher vision from combining imaging data of actual eye with
    sculptable 365 day+ continuous wear contact; this could bring vision correction to one week old babies on up; some asian nations are 90% nearsighted as children, PRK of children's contacts could treat them years earlier for better babyhood and learning

    30 day contacts let 6 times more oxygen pass, so 18- 36 times more oxygen passing could support 365 day+ duration contact lens; air-hockey table like halftone dot drill pattern with perfluorocarbon that carries-oxygen as well as hemoglobin and better
    than water could fill drill holes

    waveguide contact lens is 11-24 times thinner more Oxygen diffusive; the combination of air hockey holes and wave guide thinness technology could be 2 *11-24 more oxygen at actual cornea surface

    Isotopically pure waveguide materials (like isotope fiber optic patent) could be better

    Ambient rf Powered vision correction contacts or even glasses doing epaper switching to/as part of waveguides is prescriptionless vision correction

    Sex toy; entire clitoral crural and vestibular body resonator: cofocal ultrasound from wand or even mattress pad sets up most pleasurable entire clitoral crura (and entire clitoral vestibule) vibrations, like resonant frequencies as beat frequencies.
    These could light up the entire clitoral process (as i have read it is called) or just parts of it

    Bead covered condom and cofocalized ultrasonic beat frequencies, from a matteress pad the woman or girl is laying on; warming beads/lenticulars around glans at condom; the condom/warming beads could also be activated by a cofocalized ultrasound
    masturbation aid like the 2020 fleshlight interpretation of a vaginal canal; the warming beads could be warmed through electrical induction at the fleshlight


    Anal sex beads at condom glans induction warming, increase pleasure

    condom/pleasure sheath Bead cline simulates: warmth passaging at in-stroke. vaginal, anal, fleshlight, or something new to me:antenna in the room activates condom bead cline of warmth or even vibration during oral sex, so oral sex with a pleasure sheath/
    condom on could actually cause greater pleasure than oral skin and tongue penile contact; exterior of the condom pleasure sheath could also have iontophoretic reducers of gag reflex at oral sex

    I read there are people that derive physical pleasure as well as CNS pleasure from performing oral sex, supporting that is a completely different thing, when i am performing cunmilingus on a woman and get sexually excited my hips begin to move in a
    rhythm automatically

    99.9th percentile of Automatic hip rolling motions at givers of penile oral sex among people who also say they enjoy giving penile oral sex and actively seek it out is a genetic population physiological basis of finding enjoys performing oral sex
    genetics, it is beneficial to put those genetics at all people, all human beings, all homosapiens germline genetics

    Similar antenna powered warmth swirl at polymer membrane between clitoris/vagina and mouth; the partnerness of cunnilingus with the genetic algorithm neural network fMRI and eeg of pelvic ganglion maximised microbead warming, swirl form topoloogy, and
    microbead inductive EM vibration

    (Motormems particles embedded in the on-vagina cunnilingus enhancing membrane; also if a person or their tongue got tired, desultory contact is pleasure membrane reinterpreted into avid swirling, vibration and warmth with very light pressure

    FMRI eeg of pelvic ganglion could find higher pleasure sex toy canals and ultrasonic stimulation modes

    Sex toy entire penile resonator at fleshlight

    Sex toy;

    Abortion resonator collapses vasculature to/from placenta 20-30 minutes of total fetal anoxia, or $1 ultrasound cleaner elements cofocalize on placenta spotted with ultrasound, to destroy placenta, notably fetus side only vasculature (abscence of blood
    clotting/stroke risk from keeping sonic disruption away from maternal tissues; alibaba doppler ultrasound fetal heart rate monitor $5, 7 focalized 20 cent ultrasonic cleaner transducers $1.40 so get it online abortion machine that works at all 9 momths
    of pregnancy could be $5-7, $3-4 volume production version and be durable so women or girls could share theirs; tuned so slightly soapy water can be used instead of ultrasound gel; 2¢ CPU always spots placental vasculature at any fetus age (50
    micrometer 2020 ultrasound imaging resolution; placenta ultrasound abortion could occur in .5-8 seconds, CPU and cofocalization supports a "i have no idea where it is" rubbed back and forth motion at lower abdomen surface seconds causing voluntary

    Puberty and postpuberty prevention mattress topper; parents of sexually active female children of any age could get their daughters a comfy matteress layer like memory foam with a cofocalized ultrasound abortion beamer at it; scans during every sleep for
    an unplanned fetus or zygote then ultrasound aborts it if it finds one; affordable enough for the developing world noting 35¢ IoT headphones and $2 mosquito bednets, a mattress pad or even elastic matteress cummerbund could be 3-7 cents of fabric and 80
    cents of ultrasonics, with store all the energy up and abort every 40 days 39¢ indoor photovoltaic; notably during the 20th century puberty was occurring earlier and earlier for girls and age 8-9 was newly considered nonprecocious puberty; if menarche
    was similarly early at the developing world then many people under 14 could avoid unintentional pregnancy; the software at the abortion producing matteress topper could also automatically compensate for multiple people sharing 1 bed causing all of them
    to have abortions

    Sex technology; wireless inductor mattress topper or antenna in room can warm and vibrate cervical cap-like vagina "shallow-fier" it feels especially good to percuss up against the back wall of a womans vagina, and a cervical cap with a 2" long heated
    jell blob would do that at the majority of 20th century men; warmth-heightened vaginas are extra pleasurable; one benefit to her is that the gel cervical cap blob could be W-shaped to focus or translate his percusses to the O-spot on the back of the
    vagina, it could of course also vibrate with induced electricity, if that is found to be pleasurable as well, another form could be a cervical annulus rather than a cervical cap

    Longevity technology apoptosis on or at non neuronal least 99.9th percentile mitochondria activity (70 g tissue) could cause tissue cell replacements at 50th percentile distribution; also causes intracytoplasmic space protein/peptide exports at weller
    amount; 99.9th percentile of least mitochondrial activity would have numeric similarity to screening all non CNS sites cells every 34 months, less than 3 years for rejuvenation; how many grams of tissue can it do a day? body regeration capacity
    determines number of grams per day of least miocondrized cells replaced; if a cell is 10-20% protein + lipids+ water, 24 grams of supplemental food protein a day is as much as 240-480 grams of possible new tissue a day; upregulating production of stem
    cells simultaneously is likely beneficial; to spot a 99.9th percentile least performing mitochondria

    gene therapy on TCA cycle, nestle-tail export peptide blocks theoretical surface apoptosis chemical receptor

    Hormeisis: 20 different tRNA mutants; artificial scarcity of each; do any of the organisms live longer

    Childrens profile mitochondrial membranes with cpp on them as rejuvenating lipids; also of course the bulk synthesized mitochondrial membrane lipids/phospholipids

    Are fetal as well as zygote mitochondria better as they power rapid many orders of magnitude heightened high fidelity tissue multiplication; if, as i read, elderly people during 2020 had fewer mitochondrial per cell, then transforming the mitochondria to
    be the zygote-like, zygote capacity mitochondria could be rejuvenating; zygote quality mitochondria could come from meauring human zygote epigenetic forms and making epigenetic modifier drugs (like peptides), also superproducing mRNA of all mitochondrial
    nuclear and mtDNA mitochondrial genes could produce surplus mitochondria spare parts that existing mitochondria might incorporate for better rejuvenated function, that could be RNA drug or also a gene therapy. What i think i read was that possibly 20th
    century elderly had only 20% the teenage number of mitochondria in their cells as human teenagers, yet both teens and elerly use within 1/4 the same amount of food calories, suggesting elderly mitochondria do 3 times as much TCA cycle work per
    mitochondria, that suggests new TCA cycle intermediates as foods and supplements could benefit the elderly;

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 02:04:05 2022
    There is a single gene difference between caucasian and non caucasians, wikipedia says, “In 1999, the nacre mutation was identified in the zebrafish ortholog of the mammalian MITF transcription factor.[73] Mutations in human MITF result in eye defects
    and loss of pigment, a type of Waardenburg Syndrome. In December 2005, a study of the golden strain identified the gene responsible for its unusual pigmentation as SLC24A5, a solute carrier that appeared to be required for melanin production, and
    confirmed its function with a Morpholino knockdown. The orthologous gene was then characterized in humans and a one base pair difference was found to strongly segregate fair-skinned Europeans and dark-skinned Africans.[74] Zebrafish”https://en.
    wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebrafish#Scientific_research Utilizing that single base pair difference and making the caucasian version part of the germline of all mammals, including all homo sapiens, humans, people and persons is beneficial germline genetic

    There is a wonderful idea of better than well. What might this look like at neurodevelopment; I read about neural crest development at wikipeida, so what would better than well look look like there?

    measuring things causes the possibility of optimal knowledge isolates (comical I’m reminded of the phrease why protein isolate) and highly forgiving traversed or iterated or the actual neural crest pathways math and chemistry, at completely well neural
    crest development biology mauses can guide minds to recognition of valued paths and bruit about optima, although I think true optima are possible.

    It is very ignorant of of me, but I saw a thing where Bell’s inequality could be expressed with three polarizers, I am reminded of how water surfaces polarize light and a person could make a pleasant water feature (undulating or laminar) with mirors
    in the right places so that the Bell’s inequality polarization overlap environment is continuously updated and refreshed, perhaps with enough of these to look at, and a sufficient number of physics enthusiasts looking at them a person will think of
    something new to say about about Bell’s inequality

    Its Novemember 2020, and some people are getting nasal swab tests

    eugenol or lidocaine, nanosomal with piezoelectric element driven penetration of the anesthetic; alibaba .1c to 1c piezoelement and half cent battery make this affordable.

    snort microspheres, they puff up in the nose, and diffuse an enjoyable flavor (sucralose) simultaneous with absorbing a sample of fluid. Then do single nostril nose blow to gather sample, if snortatant colorant has made saliva colored then expectorate
    in tube as a replacement for a nose swab.

    does the: gentle q tip in the ear pleasant sensation have anything comparable to the least-pressure but sufficient to gather a nasal swab sample?, that is, is there a nasal swab experieinece of extreme gentleness and vary narrow pressure range that
    actually feels good to neutral? Completely unknown to me.

    Craigslist activity partner: let’s hang out! I’m unconcenred about your covid-19 tatus but am happy to use one of the free testing options so you can verfiy I’m harmless.

    Reading about automated and human in-the-loop helpdesk automation software, I read “Many calls to the IT help desk originate from users who just want to know what directory to save work in and which printer is the closest to them” There are software
    based solutions which might well be better, but the cheapest (11/2020) GPS chip on alibaba is 20 cents, so printers, such as office printers could simply have a 9 cent version of that chip producing True 3D location that people could seek out when
    choosing a printer.

    What to call a file and where to store it: with the cloud, parallel storage, or the impression of that, of one identical file at 20-100 differently labelled directories makes it so the computer can store a new file in a location that would make most
    sense for a computer to store a new file in like “documents” for a Microsoft office document; As a sloppy, untutored, or heavily rewarded human I might save it to the desktop; with cloud computing, or even just version synchronization off-net and HDD,
    clicking “save” which then alerts people to the fact that their document has been saved three or more ways: to the desktop, at the documents file folder, and as a long-abstract-length titled file, reminiscent of a search engine search result, called
    a Bing it up at Microsoft environments. So you click save, or it autosaves these three versions, at least 1-3 of them will be be mentally easy to find and remember, or importantly, spot, with human recognition memory.

    unicode shapes ⚮ ╗⌇⌋ ⌬⌝ ⎦ ⏖ ⏣

    ∿∿∿ Ⅎ ᴤ

    Looks like game of life glider gun ⠫

    placenta vessels based heart lung machine, notbably keep lab mammals and humans alive as long as possible, then map things that go amiss during first 400 years of sustained living

    royal jelly does HDAC epignenetics, neutral version as well as inverse of royal jelly epigenenti change could be tested as to any effect on longevity, if there is none then royal jelly longevizes without an epigenentic componenent. If there is a
    longevization epigenetic component to royal jelly at mammals, like mouse study, then the Even Moreso variation with hyperacetylation/Hypoacetylation/hyper and hypomethylation varieties of the beneficial epigenetics tried

    I was reading about treatments from calcified coronary arteries. My perception is that I read among many procedures, those that involve grafts sometimes have the grafts themeselves calcify, causing nonoptimal effects, It seems possible that a soak up
    the crummy stuff vascular loop could be installed and then if it soaks up 90% of the circulating recalcifiers at the cicrulatory system then perhaps the heart vasculature might only do 10% as much recalcification, contributing to wellness and durable
    effectiveness of procedure, very crudely, it is possible to imagine a meter long extra loop of circulatory pathway tube used to absorb some of the “calcify” instruction chemicals, perhaps the GI tract vasculature could host the extra meter of tissue
    culture vessel length, and, perhaps be minimally invasive to swap out periodically;

    I have previously written about ways to reduce diminuation of efficacy of drugs, on their repeated dosing, possibly including analgesic or also anesthetic drugs.

    The internet says things that suggest a cure for low back pain would be of major benefit, “In both 1990 and 2013, the leading causes of ill health worldwide were: Low back pain, depression, iron-deficiency anemia, neck pain and age-related hearing loss.

    I noticed once when my back hurt that if I went to sleep it was likely to feel much better and be cured the next day on waking up. So, could they isolate that “it (back pain) fixes itself while alseep” to some brain sleep stage or pattern (EEG, REM,
    etc) then make a harmless nonhabituating Instant nap technology that lasts 3-7 minutes to create a restorative mini-nap that gets rid of back pain. Some possibilitities that come to mind are

    Nanosomal instant sleep ambien nasal spray+REM inducer, or perhaps Slow-wave sleep (delta sleep peptide) peptide + “3 minute knockout from asthma whiffer”. The idea is that you get instant sleep, of the particular kind that causes recovery from back
    pain if there were an entire nap.

    It might be too weak an effect, but playing back EEGs causes the brain to synchronize around they played-back waveforms; an EEG head playback circlet plus an instant nap chemical could do that.

    Another possibility might be TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) that does either instant nap/nod off plus an optimal to back recovery sleep mimetic peptide.

    If there is a messenger RNA profile of narcolepsy then that could be made into an RNA drug that causes instant sleep, again with the purpose of an instant micronap solving lower back pain just like a real nap.

    The TMS focalization that causes P-zombie effects thing I saw published. could be another thing to switch on for 20-40 seconds to see if a P-zombie nap cures lower back pain, particulalrly, as like the other technologies, when combined with an EEG drug,
    or perhaps better, a drug that causes the EEG-like waves of a normal well back/spine. sort of like an electrospinalogram.

    Botox may be effective against small back pain, the internet says, “Botulinum toxin A has been tried as a treatment for chronic low back pain . Although this practice is experimental and not well tested, it has shown promise. For example, in one small
    study of 31 people with chronic low back pain, botulinum A injection was compared to saline injection into painful back muscles. Pain relief was reported by most people as lasting 3 to 4 months.” That brings up the possibility of an ultraffordable
    topical cofocalized laser activated version of botox for back pain. The person applies the drug delivery (nanosomal, DMSOish, many others) topical botox, which is then only activated with light at tissue depth from a light emitting patch. As a
    technology the person with back pain would just get the ointment and photoactivating LED patch as a product at the grocery store. The botox could be photoactivated with a wide variety of published technologies, and a porphyrin moiety attached to the
    botox protein is just one of many numerous possible technological approaches.

    The internet says there is a working topically applied specific area muscle pain ointment, I do not know how this works, but that localization through ointment rub-in location suggests that a lower back or other back areas topically migratory and
    effective photoactivated botox could also be effective. This could be a very affordable solution to back pain. The actual picograms of botulism toxin per dose is very affordable, and the $1 store has a 4 LED elastic toy wearable product. On alibaba
    that is likely 5-9 cents for the light emitting elastic wearable, and 1 cent or less for the photoctivateable (porphyrin) botox

    I thought it could be beneficial to think of treatments, cures, and preventatives for heart disease, includinging atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

    Hearts with less regularity and more chaotic attractor aspect are published as being healthier. That is the high variability chaotic attractor heart is weller longer. It might be possible to create a pill that nudges a heart to prefer the strange
    attractor math region. A big pill with lots of little pills in it it, each of which contained stochastic 1-.05 Hz dosing of something that harmlessly effected cardiovascular things (vasodilators, vasoconctrictors, stimulants, stochastic hawthorne active
    ingredients) such that there was a beneath the threshold of personal awareness chaotic nudge once every 1-5 seconds, this could causes an unwell heart to switch to a chaotic attractor program many many times each day, then they could measure to see if
    this reduced illnesss.

    Perhaps the micro moment CA (chaotic attractor ) pill with bodyside only of the blood brain barrier active ingredients causes similar effect, completely excluding the nudges to chaotic attractor mode from having brain (feelable) effects.

    It is possible that as a solution to menstrual cramping, or cramping with an IUD contraceptive, that a transcervical implant or IUD could have botox as a diffusive ingredient, which could be measured to see that it gets rid of menstrual cramping.

    Wikipedia says 60% of people are absent ever experiencing low back pain, monozygotic twin studies could find the genetic basis of complete immunity to lower back pain, it is beneficial to make complete immunity to back pain a part of the germline of homo
    sapiens, that is humans, that is people.

    somewhat analogous to changing the location of a needleless epidural anesthetic procedure 1.5 cm to a new location everyday for a month would keep any one location from from wearing out while still providing blockage of backache

    Wikipedia notes that most people rapidly recover from small back pain, this brings up the possibility of geneticially isolating the equivalent of small back pain in agricultural animals, then breeding/engineering groups that recover from the veterinary
    equivalent of small back pain in 5% the median amount of time. The most parsimonious genetics of rapid recovery can be traced to particular genes and mRNA, then mRNA drugs based on that can be generated then tested to see if they make recovery much more
    rapid at median responder verterinary animals to see if these could also be RNA drugs that relieve human back pain with high rapidity.

    longevity technology research area, online it says, “a hibernating groundhog's heart beats just five times” [ a minute], they could raise groundhogs in an environment where they hibernate 90% of the time time and another 0-10% of the time, then they
    could see if the long hibernating groundhogs had markedly longer lifespans than the 0-10% hibernating groundhogs. If they do, then groundhog (rodent) similarity to mice could be used to engineer a 90% hibernating mouse from groundhog genes and then the
    mice characterized as to why they were living much longer hibernating 90% of the time. Messenger RNA profiles (of eiher groundhogs immediately or 90% hibernator longevized mice) could be used to make RNA drugs to test to see if they make non-hibernating
    mice live longer and the RNA drugs, if any, that cause mice to live longer are then tested on age batched groups of marmosets (primates) to find out if this is a n RNA longevity drug that benefits primates; if it does it can be tested on age batched
    groups of human volunteers to see if it causes greater human longevity absent any effects deleterious to humans.

    If groundhogs that hibernate 90% of the time live notably longer than groundhogs that only hibernate 0-10% of the time then they could also do a connected circulatory system parabiosis procedure linking a 90% hibernating groundhog to a 0-10% hibernating
    groundhog. If the 0-10% groundhog lives noticeably longer then they can find new chemicals (proteins, peptides) at the shared circulation that cause greater longevity and possibly wellness. Although several longevity parabioisis chemicals are published,
    this could be a completely new type, and be made into a human longevity drug.

    What does it mean to actual things when a math system is particularly attracted to a 4th spatial or chronolological dimension? distribution outliers are favored perhaps, or just possibly poission distributions spontaneoueously make themselves prominent (
    sort of become a most frequently found vertice), if delayed quantum choice eraser retrocausality is true, what would combining its math and physics with a 4D time attractor math, and actual physical embodiminent do? The internet says, “These chaotic
    states are bounded by paths that form attractors, where the specific path is determined by initial conditions, much like the oscillation of a pendulum. However, whereas the damped pendulum attractor is a single point (the lowest point), attractors of
    nonlinear dynamical systems do not converge to a single dimensional point, but to a different dimension in three-dimensional space – a fractal dimension. Attractors that have a fractal dimension are known as ‘strange attractors’, so basically what
    if you just upped the math to make 4D starnge attractors, after you then know what they might look like from the equations you can look for them in nauture or build them. Finding 4D starnge attractors in naure could find many new phenomena. at measured
    systems, these might look like data that has a strong, not otherwise obviously sourced avoidance of regression to the mean and normal distributions. This could look like a distribution with a much higher amount of outliers. If a 4D strange attractor is
    prior knowledge about a system then perhaps it becomes (bayesian)

    This one is kind of unlikely but they could do longevity (and wellness) mammal parabiosis math studies, where all the actual measureds are used to come up with a stack of little math models that, among other things, describe the math of the benefitting
    connected partner. those specific little maths could be used to design new drugs with. Let’s say at parabiosis the cardiostrange attractor of the benefitting mammal becomes more fractally variable, previously published as cardiobeneficial; or perhaps
    the benifittor becomes more circadian responsive (even in the absence of melatonin)

    detect angina before it is ever felt

    EDTA solution as keep alive solution for postvehicular accident hearts, measure calcification at 30, 60, 90,120, 300, 365 days prior to transplant to see if chelation actually does anything beneficial to cardiac tissue; the internet

    A variety of lab mammals are used to model human atherosclerosis (2020), it is possible a longevity treatment published as causing greater, for example, rodent longevity grants the rodent models sufficient extended lifespan to better model
    atherosclerosis. So, if centrophenoxine is causing rodents to live 30-50% longer then they have that much more lifespan to develop atherosclerosis, and then can be used to develop new antiatherosclerotic drugs. Deprenyl at 24% greater longevity may
    also be beneficial, as could genetically modifying rodents to make more GDF-11 protein (I think I read female mice that overexpress GDF-11 live 47% longer). The combination of a longevity drug with a wider new area of testing out antiatherosclerosis
    drugs and gene therapies could be a beneficial new research protocol.

    A kind of sideways approach to a new antidepressant and possibly anti-atherosclerotic is, noticing that stress causes macrophage activity that causes plaque build up and rupture, do something with the immune system that reduces, but to within normal
    range, macrophage activity; I may have read that when antigens are placed in some kind of phospholipid packaging or moietyization, that the person actually becomes less allergic to something they were previously sensistized to. If they made a pie chart
    of all the the things a normal person, as a well as an atherosclerotic person, as well as a depressed person are immunoreactive to then compare these three, to make a subset list, that provides a briefer list of things to do a possible immunopassivation
    therapy about, to decrease atherosclerotic reactivity, and also reduce the atherosclerotic stress from mental nonoptimality (stressy personality; depression).

    Using a genetic alorithm to develop immunopassivation molecules and moieties; Note 100-1000 endogenous immunoreactive chemicals, then do a a kind of combinatorial phospholipid where the potential passivating moiety is a single variant on 1000 versions,
    such as length, liposomal anti-innumunogen passivation.

    The internet has numerous immunopassivation and antigen desensitization drugs and protocols online.

    immunopassivation (phospholipid moiety) of toxoplasmosis gondii antibodies could have mental health benefits (reference: the connection between cats and mental illness), reducing nonoptimal mental effects of toxoplasmosis gondii.

    Shift (night) work is associated with less optimal health and possibly even nonoptimal longevity effects. It is possible using monozygotic twin human volunteers that that one could simulate shift (night) work, and the the other could continue day based
    activities. Immunoreactivity profiles of the two styles could be made, and then if there are any differences in the specific things new antibodies are made to either day/night then they could test an immunization to either mop up the deleterious shift
    work chemicals at the circulatory system, or immunopassivate (phospholipid moiety) existing antigens. Noting these shift-work chemicals are deleterious, it could be that even among day active persons immunizing against them, noting they may already
    circulate as a baseline, provides additional health and wellness benefit possibly a better than well effect.

    As a new drug delivery method I have not ever previously heard of an injectable (airjectable) fluid or gel at the sublingual area. Advantages are much hight non-metabolized absorption, and the 1-12 month durability of a gel depot. Peptide drugs could
    beneficit from this.

    Iodine sufficiency one dose treatment could be bellybutton depot airjection anywhere. about 1/10,000th of a gram is dialy iodine sufficiency, so a one gram depot injection could supply 3 decades of iodine, or being more engineering friendly, a 1/2 medium
    depot injection covinging 67% of USRDI sufficiency could provide two decades of iodine sufficiency;

    The possible structural variations on phospholipids is likely more than trillions, notably at the phospholipids that have already been researched some are actually good for people (phopshatidylderine), Using yeast and microfluidics to mass screen
    phospholipids to find those that are even more beneficial to people is I think possible; as previviously described GFP yeast can accumulate more GFP the longer they live, and flow cytometry can then find the most optimal (greatest longevity) yeast
    treatments at about 10 million yeast screened per minute. During 2012 1 million or more c elegans could be flow cytometry sorted per 24 hours.

    endolith phospholipids, rapamycin phospholipids, totoise phospholipids

    comparative robustness of pubertal sperm and eggs cytes compared with supercentnerarian sperm and eggs; the difference between the two could have some kind of preervative factors;

    stagnant water that is not stagnant, there are things called micyrhizzial communities where biotic communities have durable beneficial effect. I was thinkinging that ponds could have the same thing, human slecected microorganism mixtures that make the
    wateter safer to drink if a mammal drinks it. optimally people would treat their water first before drinking, but a 1/100 of crummy stuff precluded could make water treatment require 1/100 the infrastructure, making it 100 times cheaper (sort of; piping
    pumps) to treat. a green algae genetically engineered to glom what would otherwise be an essential nutrient for a pathogenic bacteria, perhaps lactoferrin made at algae or duckweek could preferentially utilize iron, keeping other bacteria from growing.
    risk of eutrophication, and staged ponds, (optimized pond scum ecology makes pondwater 1/10-1/100 as risky as it would otherwise be

    shaker flashlight ice cream churn, ph swing

    cox 2 immunization might make everything less achey and fervid, thinking of both milk cows and all mammals, “Mastitis has cost American dairy industries an estimated $1.5 to 2 billion per year in treating dairy cows (wikipedia)” It is possible an
    immunization to cycloxegenase II and I enzymes could reduce mastitis, making the lives of dairy cowsmore enjoyable. At humans, with safety testing, lifetime immunization against cyclooxygenase I and II could reduce incidence of cancr as well as reduce
    any joint achey or feverish symptoms throughout the lifetime.

    thought the lifespan.

    crispy duckweed naPCA

    some fungi are deliquescent, purification of those chemicals, dependent on positive flavor, could be made a part of duckweed, and possibly be more deliquescent than NaPCA. selective breeding for most deliquescent edible gene product (such as genes
    trasferred from fungi) makes a duckweed or duckweed like plant that doubles volume every 16-24 hours that spontanteously turns to liquid when harvested.

    g, like IQ genetics BDNF has numerous SNP versions, creating a completely new BDNF SNP could be tested at rodents and marmosets for greater cognitive ability, then this SNP variant of the BDNF gene made into a reversible human gene therapy, then upon
    further improvement is made an intelligence enhancing part of the human germline at all homo sapiens, that is people.

    It is pretty simple to think of, ut it might have a longevity effect: Besides pineal chemicals that effect circadian rhythyms there are other chemicals that effect circadian rhythms (irisin), these could be tested on mice to see if they have a
    longevization effect noting the 20% longevization from melatonin supplementation at rodents.

    a variety of species may have different circadian rhythm adjustor chemicals, which may be with or without any circardian effect on mammals like humans, these circadian rhythm adjustor chemicals could be tested as longeveity drugs.

    The first human clock mutation was identified in an extended Utah family by Chris Jones, and genetically

    characterized by Ying-Hui Fu and Louis Ptacek. Affected individuals are extreme 'morning larks' with 4 hour advanced sleep and other rhythms. This form of Familial Advanced Sleep Phase is caused by a single amino acid change, S662➔G, in the human PER2

    are there fungi with unusual circadian rhythms? like different spans, they could try these novel .5-1000 hour circadian rhythm chemicals out on c elegans and yeast to find out if any of them lengevize.

    circadian rhythm chemicals in 400 year lifespan tortoises that are not in mammals are another possible place for longevizing chemicals to be found at.

    I read that banana plants are 60% anologous gnetically to the human genome, nad plants have circadian rhythms. Making the circadian and ultradian rhythm chemicals (like proteins, possibly others) that plants make then feeding them to C elegans could find
    longevization chemicals.

    Also, I read two things, one is that the difference between a perennial plant and annual plant can be as few as three genes (the internet), and then there is the other different area of how a plant on a certain light schedule can be made to be perennial
    or annual, it is very simplistic, but feeding c elegans perennial proteins could have a longevity effect.

    a better version of a circadian rhythm gene could have the opposite effect of shift work, possibly reducing cardiocascular events; the very daytime version could be tested at atherosclerotic mice to see if it reduces cardiovascular events, this could be
    a beneficial improved gene to place at the human germline as it confers better than well “very day shift” effects.

    saffron vision

    gratitude journal discussion with Bob,

    genetic algorithm wells30%-300% better effectiveness based on helicopter rotor beams and wind-power rotors (300%)

    perhaps people would be waterborne illness resistant if their stomachs prouced enzymes that denature, zap, or otherwise neutralize proteins and microorganisms. Sources of these illness resistance chemicals could alsoready be at high concentration in
    other species, then gene therapy used to make them to be produced at homo sapiens. Vultures, hyenas, raccoons, crows could also be species that sustain their health over decades even though they eat rotten food; the technology here is that they could
    test detrivore/omnivores to find out if they have have stomach or gi tract enzymes, such as proteolytic enzymes that kill bacteria, perhaps cyst forms, as well as denature (make harmlesss) bacterial toxins. The bacteria/virus/cyst terminating enzymes
    then become water purification addititives (10 mg/gallon), as well as can be made a beneficial part of the human germline.

    Wikipedia describes how proteolytic enzymes have been bred and engineered from bacteria. These biologically produced proteolytic enzymbes could have a big new wellness side branch, a proteolytic protein and spore denaturing material where a droplet
    placed in a gallon of water sterilizes the water. The protein then denatures at human stomach pH to be harmless and sensationless to humans. So, as a n example, you could just get 1-20 gallons of pond water, a 1-20 drops, wait 7-20 minutes (analogous
    to cold water “laundry detergent” proteolytic enzymes duration of action) then drink the water. “laundry detergent” proteases are only about $16-20/kg at alibaba, suggesting a new custom version that produces potable water could be, at 10 mg/
    gallon , 2c a gram is just two one hundredths of one cent to purify a gallon of water. As described these would be new bred/engineered proteolytic enzymes with an empahsis on sterilizing water and making it potable. It is beneficial to develop a
    proteolytic as well as bacteriolytic virolytic and sporolytic protein based enzyme that is producible at the stomach or also human GI tract as a gene therapy. This would cause untreated water to approach much fuller potability when drunk by a human being
    and benefits people.

    Noting Dave Pearce’ Hedonistic Imperative and Abolitionist Manifesto there is a strong basis for genetically engineering all organisms with neurons to make GI tract proteolytic enzymes that make water potable for every species with neurons, as these
    all benefit from increased wellness.

    biologically based sources of laundry detergent enzymes as water sterilants, either, amazingly, at the human GI tract, or as a golden rice/golden wheat/golden corn ingredient.

    quats with thiosulfate, .0005% of a quat sterilizes water, then thiosulfate or some other (ph buffer)thing denatures quat, very high efficiency water sterilization; there could be a particular molecule quat where stomach acid defunctionalizes the quat,
    making drinking quat-sterilized water harmless

    Bow head whales live more than 200 years. thinking about the possibility that bowhead whales might have different atherosclerosis, of some form that permits diving blood pressure effects, repeatedly, that could be thought of as figuring out puff and
    compress at bowhead whale vasculature, does it preclude cardiovascular plaque break-off and CHD, if so, what about bowhead whale CHD makes for the wider latitude greater survivavability vasculature. This could possibly be made into a gene therapy for
    humans to have, possibly along with just less or no atherosclerosis, but if if atherosclerosis were to occur it would be the bowhead whale kind.

    Tortoises (400 year lifespan) and bowhead whales (over 200 year lifespan) might get pneumonia, at up to 400+ years, how do these organisms

    CPP to lungs from circulatory system brings anti-pneumonia drugs, and possibly mucolytics preferentially to lung tissue,

    I think I read that some nonhuman organisms that maintain the same mate decline if their partner organism ceases living, trace this to any of 100 different neurotransmitters and possibly even EEG effects, then come up with a better than well and
    partnered neutrotransmitter booster drug to test as a longevity technology to see if it causes greater longevity

    There is some kind of thing where mountain and prairie voles partner up or do not partner up, but can interbreed, measure to see if they have differences in survival after partner nonaliveness; if they do, then figure out the difference in the longer
    lived variety to find out the mechanisms of precluding partner mediated deleterious lifespan effects, and find the biochemistry of better than partnered longevity effects.

    LKM512 yogurt is published at about 2 studies as causing 80-90% lifespan increase in mice; give LKM512 yogurt to atherosclerotic mice to see if it causes greater longevity even with a non-cancer atherosclerotic mouse model

    there is a DNA methylation thing called an epigenetic clock, I think may others must have alreaddy considered editing this clock as a way to increase lifespan. could the corpse of a superenteneratian, 99.999999% of the cytes as which, or more are still
    fully functional, extend or refute the methylation clock? Or find the places on it it, the actual tissues, that matter (neurons, vasculature)

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