• Sex toy

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 29 20:57:56 2022
    : cock ring has attached multinch taller than clitoris is above vaginal canal hoberman sphere of vulval cleft and clitoral contact shape (tubeish with side flaps) or clitorally stimulating but racecar look; just like 1-10 ¢ disposable vibrating
    cockrings on aliba the vehicular looking hoberman shere tensioned to puff up to fill the gap between pubis areas at person on top sex: the hoberman tubeoids expansion works on struts and the soft rubber coated struts have acoustically resonating
    microbeads on them; the hoberman tube also comes coated (perhaps sputtered/cvd with a autolubricating deliquescent polymer wetter and wettable like glide strips; the purpose of the hobermann vibrating cock ring is to produce pleasurable direct clitoral
    stimulation during woman with man horizontal face to face sex

    The hobermann cockring hobermann part would always be able to compress down so to-the-hilt of the penis at maximum depth remained possible

    Variations include inductive antenna power from antenna in room, beat frequencies of piezoelectric vibrators could be optimized for pleasure at the resonant beads, and sexy styling like fMRI squiggle that appeals to 9 out of ten people;

    Peacocks fan out a tail as part of mating a possible name is peacock tail, another is O-doily, cocktail vibrator, love cape, Hobermann, O-ball cockring

    Wand massger together with egg vibrator cofocalizes vibrations on front anterior of vagina and clitoris through front of body tissue to middle of vaginal canal for even greater pleasure; software detects if intravaginal orgasm from egg comes first or if
    exterior of vagina clitoral wand orgasm comes first, then heightens vibration intensity at the other areas vibrator intensifying or possibly extending the orgasm with heightened stimulation of nonsensitized tissue; on the internet and in print some women
    mention using an anal insertion vibrator along with a vaginal insertion vibrator; along with external wand it is then possible, i think, to cascade three stimulation vibrator orgasms; how does the software know if the person has vaginal, clitoral, and
    anal orgasms specifically: neural network or other math correlate of what focus or locus of orgasm might be able to do it, even easier might be neural network or math correlations based on sex noise style as each of the three seem to go with very
    different sounds, or just laser interferometry or ultrasound of vagina ($2.5-5 aliba) and yxz accelerometer describe what kind of contractions where, pulsing clitoris are at CPU vibrators or IoT vibrators and phone or smart speaker technology

    With the software knowing which orgasm form and when at individual users, it could overlap stimulation intensities and durations to produce the timing of multiple simultaneous area orgasms

    gentle Torquing motion of shaft base after glans orgasm at fleshlight prodides contunuing pleasure at penis

    Longevity technoloft, at humans there might be thousands of ruplicates of the genes that make ribosomes, possibly with dozens of different promoters and distancces from start codons, at bowhead whales find the ribosome genes that are associated with
    the ribosomes above median and above 90th percentile of product fidelity and rapidity of production; modify the epigenetics of those superior ribosomes to be more frequnently produced (demethylate and acteylate the best ribosomes genetics) then see if at
    mice the mice are weller and longer lived. Amplitude heightening of ribosome gene epigenetics that are most like bowhead whales' best ribosomes and huuman supercentenarians best ribosomes could be particularly beneficial; peptide ribosome epigenetic drug
    immediately possible

    Zebrafish and mouse longevity of tissue measure; raise clonal zebrafish as well as mice with one clone making GFP, when a well 99th percetile of longevity mouse or zebrafish is well at an advanced age, flash freeze the entire mouse or zebrafish, then
    take tissue samples to inject into a plurality of clonal teen mice; see if each of the 100 GFP tissue transplant types tested can live out another two or three mouse lifespans, if not, what is the limiting factor and how can that be addressed(glycation
    or mitochondria number)

    Recreational drug beverage as well as oral buccal vaccine combined technology


    saliva enzyme placeholder blockers

    mucolytic enzyme/peptide

    inkjet printed iontophoretic mini assemblies; nonmetallic organic radical batteries exist and perhaps an edible one is possible; these mini assemblies coat cheeks, tongue, and throat and drive recreational drug RNA or peptide or LSD into the circulation
    through the vasodilated tissues

    RNAlater or better could be used as a preservative

    Wand vibrator and vaginally internal egg vibrator can also cofocalize and overlap with especially pleasurable beat frequencies from piezoelectric elements

    Injectable goop, fuses, ladder logic, nonturing automata, simplest possible nonfeedback regular pulse emitter could be highly regular tree from seed and generation; pulsatile delivery of drugs, from wire computing (and/or) previously described rc circuit
    does beat frequency to make computing Logic NOT;

    that all wire no semiconductor logic could be used to build automata, like nonharvard, nonturing cellular automata at ic feature sizes; velocity of automata is beat frequency NOT;

    Do highly deuterated RNA drugs and protein drugs preseve better, they might

    They have likely already done neural network: image dither,

    Woman or girl sexual gentital with woman or girl: tribbing; very flat hoberman doily/gappy lace with vibration and resonant plrasure bead stimulation; like a pleasure enhancement fabric scarf the people put between their legs; big gappy areas at
    hoberman doily scarf ensure actual genital-genital contact; vibrator power from inductive electricity antenna in room or batteries; hoberman doily tribbing fabric has glide strip polymer coating (or deliquescent polymer coating (previously described are
    PCA (like NaPCA) polymers or also deliquescent propionic polymers; entire tribbing fabric is machine washable; disposable version is comparable to 1-10¢ vibrating cockring, but with 4 times battery power and piezo elements vibrating resonant beads on
    hoberman struts; 7-40 ¢ alibaba antenna version

    Wet wipes could be probiotic and also include antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, antivrus) peptides that are harmless to the probiotic; the probiotic could make a plurality of beauty and healing peptides; probiotic antimicrobial and healing
    peptide toilet paper is also possible and could be beneficial, notably to women with getting a probiotic every time they pee

    Toilet paper could have value as a depot for better than well antigen presentation, such as longevizing immunizations as it is continually reapplied along 2-4 weeks; flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine toilet paper could also, noting 2020 effects reduce
    cardiovascular disease; advantages of toilet paper longevity vaccines are grocery store convenience without a medical office visit; toilet paper could also a beneficial vaccine format at the developing world,

    Anti-allergy, anti-asthma, anti atopic dermatitis toilet paper/wet wipes would have phosphatidyl serine (PS) conjugated to allergens or also as liposomes around allergens which is published as reducing allergies; anti-allergic TP could be used all year

    A breed of cat that is immune to toxoplasmosis gondii could reduce the toxoplasmosis mental illness effect at people with cats; out of each 10,000 shelter cats it is plausible that 9-11 cats have some natural immunity to toxoplasmosis and these can be
    bred together

    PS liposomal sperm extract

    Epigentic even moreso of genes presence or absence at immunity and partial immunity; epigenetic drug functions like europeans immune to HIV as they are abdent having a gene hiv uses for replication; hypermethylating that gene as well as hypermethylating
    its promoter could be an epigenetic drug routinely given to any person at 1%/year risk of getting HIV, during 20th century that would have been developing world sex workers, some homosexual males, partners of HIV positive persons; the peptide epigenetic
    drug that blocks HIV replication by functioning like HIV immune europeans, notably Scandinavians is beneficial to place at the germline genome of all homosapiens, that is people that is humans.

    Another anti-HIV technology is the 30-60 day iontophoretic condom, pleasure sheath, fleshlight, egg vibrator iontophoresising 30-60 mg of antiHIV (like published prophylactic dose) protease inhibitors at the genitals that then diffuse out through the
    body preventing HIV infection; this gives the ability to give a sexually active child a vibrator present (egg vibrator, fleshlight) that blocks HIV transmission during their entire childhood; the really cheap HIV preventing gift to children would be
    sexual lubricant with iontophoretic Multiday release of protease inhibitor at glitter and published prophylactic doses of protease inhibitors

    It seems kid of unlikely but defiirentiating factors that makes stem cells could be placed at the bulk circulatory system and have CPP to atherosclerotic things like foam cells; turning the atheosclerotic plaques to stem cells might dissolve them (
    earlier treatment is better) and the products, circulating stem cells are likely to be harmless or good for people;

    Remove discomfort during human childbirth with CPP-anesthetic peptides that concentrate at pelvic ganglion prior to birth process; CPP-receptor Tail nestling peptides and opiate peptides are a couple ways to do it

    I think they will make an effective vaccine for herpes, which includes genital herpes

    Extra-pink vaginal/anal rinse; UV

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