• use human neural tissue culture at nonsentient amounts to measure the a

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 7 05:38:51 2022
    like the n=40k Sundet data, screen a million or more molecules to find out if any cause high or non sundet effect, then those are beneficial new drugs, a person with beneficial genetics could take a strong genetic effect reinforcement pill, and a person
    who had two parents and grandparents with cardiovascular disease could take the "different than ancestors" pill, a Sundet effect pill could also be a gene therapy adjuvant making gene therapy more effective

    Noting the sundet effect, g (like IQ) genes are findable with noting monozygotic twins where one twin is at 99th percentile of intelligence and the other twin is further distant at IQ percentile, the greater the distance the higher capability of finding
    multidigit IQ point difference making genetics, the amount of activation at each gene is measured, the genes, where the differing IQ monozygotic twins gene activation differs, perhaps particularly at neurons, are genes that could heighten IQ

    Polarized warmth at aperiodic tiling crystals,

    Longevity technology
    Bacterial or yeast fermentation of any of the GRAS chemicals and things, likely produces things that are also GRAS and able to be put in supplements during 2019, screening a library of a million GRAS fermentation products could find some with longevizing
    capability or other drug capability

    Sequential breeding of bacteria or yeast to make peptides could be possible, find a bacteria or yeast that secretes peptides to the growth medium, expose the bacteria to a mutagen and then put the bacteria, diluted to 3 bacteria per well with fluorophore
    antibodies to the preferred peptide at each well's culture medium, the fluorophore lets the camera know where the bacteria making the preferred peptide are located, the bacteria live through the antibodies responding to their medium, the person makes a
    new culture from that bacyeria or yeast, also this can be repeated mutagen, screen, mutagen cycled to produce longer and longer peptides, the peptides are then GRAS from arising from a fermentation organism, longevity peptide AEDG Epithalon is only 4
    amino acids long, and there is a beauty tripeptide

    Things that rescue children
    Being simple to get, simple to use, and not requiring internet, a phone application that listens to everything a person says, everything a person hears and then compares that persons vocal tone, word content, and frequency of interacting with their
    children to people of similar psychometric personality types at the 99th percentile of people successfully harmlessly raising happy children, then the phone application, possibly using deep learning AI that fits on a phone, notes the tone, content and
    frequency differences between the 99th percentile person and the phone application utilizer, the person gets text message alerts twice a day that say things like, "your children love you speak to them even more gently", or " your children especially like
    it when you go on outings with them, go on more outings!", "you might want to tell sibling1 to be kinder to sibling2", " your live in boyfriend is 70% likely to actually not like being around your children, the thing that functions best is to tell him to
    avoid the children and tell the children to avoid him", "I cannot always tell if people are playing, if you have harmed your children phone (easy to remember digits or pressable link)", " not taking your children to the grocery with you makes everyone
    happier", making the texts light and actionable, perhaps from a library of just 300 yrxts makes it easy and uncomplicated to utilize, it has global utility even at the developing world
    Epaper display android phone could have 1/3 longer battery function, this phone says about a quarter of the battery is utilized to run the operating system, many people must have thought about it but a microcontroller running a voice and text phone could
    use a tenth of that while having the operating system frozen in nanosecond instant on mode if the person presses any button other than phone or text, that could, approximately conserve another 1/4 of battery, if there is another thing that conserves
    battery like switching off for microseconds between item presses that makes the phone use 60% less battery, the phone could be manufactured with 60% less battery and be more affordable everywhere, notably the developing world

    Some of the most popular applications like social networking might be computationally unintensive so they could write 1/10 energy utilizing versions rather than full energy operating system versions, if the popular application suddenly had a
    computationally intensive thing like video chat the full operating system could activate during nanoseconds,

    Another thing that would make phones more affordable is the dollar store scientific calculator, the circuits are highly affordable, likely 14-

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