• Does on-wavelength polarization cause some things to be particularly li

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 7 01:24:06 2022
    that would cause a plural angle or radian polarized beam to always get some above average amount of photons, kind of like brightness or intensity to transmit to an lighted thing,

    What is the
    At circular or angular polarization

    Multimer molecules that polarize light like nanotechnology assemblages, silicone polymer versions of amino acids at a silicotein, also actual proteins, it is possible that slight changes at amino, silico, or nano polymer 3D form could polarize light at
    different angles, radians, pulsatile gyres, I do not know but solitons, notably dissipative solitons which have adjusted wavelength distal curviness thus might have angle identity might have polarization thing, now though I think they do not

    Longevizing Caucasian skin tone equivalent light emitting fluorescent protein linked to a longevizing molecule is a thing where if you administer it to age batched human volunteers, and mice that quantifies how longevizing it is, making the 200-300
    different polarizations of the protein, that could be readable with a variation of the Deep water photonic brain scan technology makes higher resolution, more area localizing brain scanning possible with a product that is so good for you that it is more
    willingly utilized and more often suggested

    Ic technology 720 separate polarized beam polarizer, a crystal could have a beam of light

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