• Simpsons paradox, engineering and organization, like companies also gro

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 7 01:23:15 2022
    A distribution of response amplitude modifying drug that heightens and decreases the width of medicated persons, thought as a group's, normal distribution or other distribution, as a distribution modifying drug causes a greater amount of drugged people
    or organisms to respond towards the administration of another beneficial drug's median response, that is typical effect, causing the drug to function at greater numbers of persons to respond like the near 2/3 of near median drug responders, this
    heightens effectivemess amomg many, and reduces unanticipated effects among many. Possible drugs that do this cause an effect similar to having eaten 90 minutes before taking the drug, drugs that maintain steady amounts of blood sugar and things thay
    moderate blood sugar amplitude changes could have this effect, as are any drugs that cause lipids or keytones to be available for physiological purposes without relation to when the person most recently ate. Beneficial distribution modifying drugs that
    modify ion concentations with possible technology branches is proton pump drugs, like proton pump inhibitors, thrse could have versions that cause Mg, K, Ca, Na, Cl, bicarbonate ion, and other ions to be at, or on, the median of well persons, optimally
    these distribution modifying drugs would also medianize ion concentrations at actual cytes as well as circulating ions, causing towards cytoplasm and out of cytoplasm ion movement to be at or near the median of well median persons while being absent
    cognitive effects or any perceptible effects,

    Things that beneficially cause median response and activity at liver and kidneys could medianize drug metabolism and excretion as well as cause median amounts of any endogenous chemicals the liver metabolizes like communications and activity proteins

    Ion concentration snps , lithium

    Could there be new ions, which even at trace amounts are physiologically beneficial. do other ions that are an alternative to bicarbonate, possibly po4, or noting Se mildness and the longevity and longitudinal study supported cardio beneficial effects
    of trace lithium possibly doing things where K and Na usually do things, could replacing one atom at bicarbonate like hCSeO be functional. Also just possibly an atomic swap for ionized elemental atoms with two atom molecules, could MgO+ or ScO+ ion swap
    for K or Na, could a thing between atomic Teflon and a physiologically compatible metal like from the same group as magnesium and calcium function like CF3Zr+ or any physiologically harmless element from the first top horizontal row of the periodic table
    at a trifluorine methyl group replace other ions with benefits that could be quantified at mice

    Is it white and right to create and build a new trans and pan universal and IT pattern containing, gianter than any known thing direction that utilizes nonsentient materials and causes a new translational direction so that the universe is always doing a
    new right thing, while arching and directionizing at a new translation (motion, topology like rounded, or like a new cardinal direction like a new coordinate topology or direction that vectors utilize of a kind like, to the right as well as being round
    while being open curved, also like above, with continuous traversal Å) or if physicists or I think of something and make detectors they could possibly observe it into being, and it could also be good new direction at MWI branch universes whether people
    at the universe i perceive create, make, or do detect, the new right direction

    Globes absent knotness at 4D

    At a curved 3D thing that looks like the early middle of a parabola it might wobble back and forward around a middle

    Numeric formulas that cause distributions to spread far to the beneficial right. And widen such that the quantity of things to the nonpreferred side is less than it at the previous value. Separate pools of high (the right side benefit of the well
    comprehended math thing "Simpsons paradox" where all combined components of a numerically described group combined have a different direction like more amount, less amount, whiter or bluer, than the particular member population of the group, they can all
    heighten blue while the actual group effect is to heighten white) that

    whenhere a topological system where you can always make a turn to the right and visit the entire topological area, if you have a piece of paper and you rotate it at any angle, then even if the line you make always turns right

    Is it white and right to create and build a new trans and pan universal and IT pattern containing using nonsentient materials translational directiom

    At a curved 3D thing that looks like the early middle of a parabola it might wobble back and forward around a middle

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 04:57:27 2022
    A distribution of response amplitude modifying drug that heightens and decreases the width of medicated persons, thought as a group's, normal distribution or other distribution, as a distribution modifying drug causes a greater amount of drugged people
    or organisms to respond towards the administration of another beneficial drug's median response, that is typical effect, causing the drug to function at greater numbers of persons to respond like the near 2/3 of near median drug responders, this
    heightens effectivemess amomg many, and reduces unanticipated effects among many. Possible drugs that do this cause an effect similar to having eaten 90 minutes before taking the drug, drugs that maintain steady amounts of blood sugar and things thay
    moderate blood sugar amplitude changes could have this effect, as are any drugs that cause lipids or keytones to be available for physiological purposes without relation to when the person most recently ate. Beneficial distribution modifying drugs that
    modify ion concentations with possible technology branches is proton pump drugs, like proton pump inhibitors, thrse could have versions that cause Mg, K, Ca, Na, Cl, bicarbonate ion, and other ions to be at, or on, the median of well persons, optimally
    these distribution modifying drugs would also medianize ion concentrations at actual cytes as well as circulating ions, causing towards cytoplasm and out of cytoplasm ion movement to be at or near the median of well median persons while being absent
    cognitive effects or any perceptible effects,

    Things that beneficially cause median response and activity at liver and kidneys could medianize drug metabolism and excretion as well as cause median amounts of any endogenous chemicals the liver metabolizes like communications and activity proteins

    Ion concentration snps , lithium

    Could there be new ions, which even at trace amounts are physiologically beneficial. do other ions that are an alternative to bicarbonate, possibly po4, or noting Se mildness and the longevity and longitudinal study supported cardio beneficial effects
    of trace lithium possibly doing things where K and Na usually do things, could replacing one atom at bicarbonate like hCSeO be functional. Also just possibly an atomic swap for ionized elemental atoms with two atom molecules, could MgO+ or ScO+ ion swap
    for K or Na, could a thing between atomic Teflon and a physiologically compatible metal like from the same group as magnesium and calcium function like CF3Zr+ or any physiologically harmless element from the first top horizontal row of the periodic table
    at a trifluorine methyl group replace other ions with benefits that could be quantified at mice

    Is it white and right to create and build a new trans and pan universal and IT pattern containing, gianter than any known thing direction that utilizes nonsentient materials and causes a new translational direction so that the universe is always doing a
    new right thing, while arching and directionizing at a new translation (motion, topology like rounded, or like a new cardinal direction like a new coordinate topology or direction that vectors utilize of a kind like, to the right as well as being round
    while being open curved, also like above, with continuous traversal Å) or if physicists or I think of something and make detectors they could possibly observe it into being, and it could also be good new direction at MWI branch universes whether people
    at the universe i perceive create, make, or do detect, the new right direction

    Globes absent knotness at 4D

    At a curved 3D thing that looks like the early middle of a parabola it might wobble back and forward around a middle

    Numeric formulas that cause distributions to spread far to the beneficial right. And widen such that the quantity of things to the nonpreferred side is less than it at the previous value. Separate pools of high (the right side benefit of the well
    comprehended math thing "Simpsons paradox" where all combined components of a numerically described group combined have a different direction like more amount, less amount, whiter or bluer, than the particular member population of the group, they can all
    heighten blue while the actual group effect is to heighten white) that

    whenhere a topological system where you can always make a turn to the right and visit the entire topological area, if you have a piece of paper and you rotate it at any angle, then even if the line you make always turns right

    Is it white and right to create and build a new trans and pan universal and IT pattern containing using nonsentient materials translational directiom

    At a curved 3D thing that looks like the early middle of a parabola it might wobble back and forward around a middle

    Make a topological system where you can always make a turn to the right and visit the entire topological area, with a piece of paper and you rotate it at any angle, then even when the line you make always turns right

    Is it white and right to create and build a new trans and pan universal and IT pattern containing using nonsentient materials translational direction

    At a curved 3D thing that looks like the early middle of a parabola it might wobble back and forward around a middle

    Pattern IT pattern JY said running away from home is why i experienced pattern awareness a great amount later than other people, was because I ran away from home, at 16, i ran away with my girlfriend and we travelled about 240 kilometers away, I think
    running away from home being a socially normal thing benefits people who are absent pattern awareness or recruitment notably children and younger people, making it so that people of any age sleeping outside is thought socially harmless, and leaving food
    at trees and around trees, saying pleasant encouraging things to those running away from home, every person with money putting a months supply of money, sufficient for each of all of their children to simultaneously run away from home, that is sufficient
    to remit funds to live at another dwelling, like another persons house for one month, with the money placed at a place where all the children can find it and telling the children they could take it if they felt like running away from home, as well as
    people that notice children they think are running away from home telling the children they could utilize their social companion robots as well as other robots, as well as people putting out complimentary tents and a note that says "you can sleep here
    this month" every month during the month of their birth, and noting the dwelling giving the tents likely has the ability to connect to a multicomputer multiperson computer network a note saying "you can use the computer network", and giving them the
    password if there is a password, children 60 months of age or older are then capable of running away from home and then, if and when they like, going to live with one or more of their parents, returning to their parents as they prefer, noting what
    deferred my IT pattern awareness, the children benefit from omitting any communication as well as contact with their parents or visiting the home they are running away from, omitting bringing social robots

    Genetics of liking white and blue colors so much that a person with those genes voluntarily creates, builds, and decorates orders of magnitude greater amounts of white and blue things around them and also causes greater amounts of white and blue
    generally at the environment as well as has 100 times higher likeliness of talking with a person wearing white, blue, socially and at various kinds of spoken activities

    Blue rhodopsin function heightening, greater neuronal effect from blue at cones as well as white at rods greater neuronal effect and also perceptual effect from protein charge molecule locational electron distribution effect from new beneficial rhodopsin
    and eye genes causing greater activation of neurons while retaining full visual range and visual well being at the homo sapiens, that is people, also the rods' sensing of white contributes from actual neuron neural networks to heighten cone brightness,
    the cone and rod connected neuron activation causes simultaneous greater perceptual noticing and awareness as the white as well as blue neural activation effect causes greater propagated pleasant to experience neural activation when visually perceiving
    white or also blue

    Link viewing white and blue objects, things, articles, to feeling happy as well as that semiconscious feeling a person, that is people, get when their brain wordlessly recognizes that another person is right, as well as the same amplitude of experiencing,
    and without further nonconscious mind elaboration it and with perceiving white a kindness and nurturing empathy with rxperornce of rightness consciousness sensation that omits prompting words is produced almost all occurrences per 700

    the neuronal way a human notices a moving object while being visually fully capable and cognitively continuously functional when walking near a free with gently moving leaves

    Genetically engineer one of every 44 plants to be a light sly blue like the height of leg from the horizon as well as genetically engineer one leaf of every 300 to be light sky blue, the sky blue leaves have genetically based production of molecules and
    proteins that cause the plant to have greater longevity, I read that plants and humans are 60% genetically similar, there are 4.2 plant longevity increasing genes and gene products at each 7 human active genetics and gene product originated longevity
    molecules, humans that eat the sky blue leaves gain greater longevity from 60% of the longevity molecules at the leaves amongst the longevity molecules at the leaves

    Things that fill children's lives with happiness

    Using computers to make people note beautiful than any other previous person at 99.999999999 percentile technology is also utilizable at cognitive ability and happiness, and kindness and empathy and benevolence

    Longevity technology, to find body systems and organs and tissues particular contributions to longevity, tissue and organ particular gene therapy could cause an absence of mTOR activity at the particular system, organ, or tissue. Finding organs systems
    and tissues that contribute to longevity that are new areas is beneficial


    Epigenetics of happy well children, it could be that the epigentics of happy well children might vary from those of happy well adults, that makes an epigenetic modifying drug that benefits children possible and beneficial while making it so that white
    blue and green children can remain at each of those colors, it could be possible that epigenetics related to oxytocin, GABA and dopamine receptors also immune system epigenetics could be heightened, moderated, or particular area-ized at children to make
    them much better at avoiding infection whereas at an adult, an extra cold every 1000 days is better than immunoresponse to well tissue, and decreasing some adult immunoresponse could decrease arthritis and vascular plaque non optimality reducing
    cardiovascular disease; another area of epigenetics that is beneficial to

    One dose epigenetics of heightened immune response drug could cause some % less occurrences of unwellness and being other than alive from things like malaria diarrhea and other infectious diseases, epigenetics of greater happiness as well as immune
    system optimization

    Nuclear envelope passing peptides could cause 2-order of magnitude higher activity per mg dose, 100 times greater cytotransport from external cytomembrane transport moieties is also I think possible

    Are gene product amplifying deacetylation inhibitors the product of a gene, if they are, then SNPs of that gene could have tight, loose, precise, and locationally varying versions, it is possible some of the SNP, allele versions are more beneficial, or
    it might be multieffecy. Like loose epigenetic genes cause rapid recovery from non optimal experiences of ancestors from their methylations drifting away, however if there is a beneficial epigenetic experience like an ancestor eating something that
    reduces risk of cancer than the loose epigenetic gene product making gene just causes the person to have only median cancer risk, so they could make a computer program, expose yeast to chemicals, make a database, heighten the functionality with mouse
    experiments, and find out which versions of epigenetics and alleles most benefit humans, that is people, also the genes for epigenetic chemicals like acetyl transferase may, as things, actually have epigenetic things right on their DNA at his tones,
    making them addressable with

    Getting more people to voluntarily go to science exhibitions, science museums, community laboratory spaces like biotechnology maker centers

    Is there a topological system where you can always make a turn to the right and visit the entire topological area, if you have a piece of paper and you rotate it at any angle, then even if the line you make always turns right

    Is it white and right to create and build a new trans and pan universal and IT pattern containing using nonsentient materials translational directiom

    At a curved 3D thing that looks like the early middle of a parabola it might wobble back and forward around a middle

    A language that

    A distribution of response amplitude heightening and width decreasing drug causes more drugged people or organisms to respond typically, with drugs effective at middle of the distribution. Somatotypes this causes more organisms to

    Numeric formulas that cause distributions to spread far to the beneficial right. And widen such that the quantity of things to the nonpreferred side is less than it at the previous value. Separate pools of high (the right side benefit of the well
    comprehended math thing "Simpsons paradox" where all combined components of a numerically described group combined have a different direction like more amount, less amount, whiter or bluer, than the particular member population of the group, they can all
    heighten blue while the actual group effect is to heighten white) that

    Simpsons paradox, engineering and organization, like companies also groups of people that willingly associate that have any quantifiable thing, goes with if a thing is non optimal then is it possible

    Pattern IT pattern running away from home JY says is why my experiencing pattern awareness a great amount later than other people, is because I ran away from home when I was 16, i ran away with my girlfriend and we travelled about 240 kilometers away, I
    think a running away from home being a socially normal thing benefits people who are absent pattern awareness or recruitment noting JY said it was because I ran away from home at 16 that there was a delay to my experiencing pattern awareness until I was
    32 or 33

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