• antidihahrrea peptide ORT

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 6 09:50:44 2022
    Antidihrreal effect of lopermide is from lopermide at the gut from stimulation of uopiod mu opiod

    Antipyretic protein lipocortin1 is active at 50 micrograms per kilogram halves fever at rabbits

    Antipyretic peptide the octopeptide octreotide is "for the treatment of severe refractory diarrhea" 30 mg

    Peptide ORT that gets rid of diarrhea, is antipyretic, as well as is emotionally, comfortness, cognitively active, enzyme based availability causes thepeutic functal while amount plateauing amount

    There is no known precedent; telomere length increased at human tissue cytes quantified and screened at a variety of electromagnetic field wavelengths and waveforms to find out if any frequencies cause telemore lengthening integrated circuit technology
    microantennas at every well of a tissue culture plate; analog diverging ladder has > widening sidepiece distance also widening rung width; switchable pathways change antenna length and structure cycling through all the frequencies multiplex radio
    telescope build new frequencies; also do this to find antibiotic frequencies at bacteria, if any

    I read human ejaculate contains a chemical that causes mood elevation, the gist of the article I read was that this is among numeous things that heighten women and girls' emotions from having sex, finding out what those proteins of peptides are and then
    making drugs out of them is beneficial, also modifying the human germline to produce the greatest amount of that chemical that creates the greatest emotional mood elevation in women and girls is beneficial as long as less than .1% of the women and girls
    excluding ejaculate allergies and somatacisation of feelings about the sexual partner which could be omitted from the quantification of 99.9% experiencing benefit or neutral effect and .1% having no positive or also non neutral responses

    There are subnanomolar uopiate peptides

    Longevity at symbiotes; are there any long lived symbiotes at humans, if there are then it might be possible to find mammals models where the mammal makes a chemical that longevizes the symbiotes, although between organism differences in things like
    glucose or vitamins could make elucidating this not easy

    Finding longevity chemicals at the kings a holly a plant with a 40,000 year lifespan thus far, at the kings holly the plant cytes have cytochemicals and some of the mechanisms keeping these fresh, are measurably different than at its nearest species

    Long lived and regular lived plants, optimally interbreedable plants varieties have cytochemistry differences, I read about 60% of human genes are shared with a banana, so although the gene products differ, it is possible that 60% of human cytochemicals
    are also 60% of cytochemicals at plants, finding major cytochemical differences between ndga

    Online it says the tree lifespans like 1.46 million days at the kings holly to 3650 at a fruit tree are thus far measured, intracomparing the longest and briefest lived varieties of the same plant species finds chemical differenes are utilizable to find
    the chemical differences as well as different amountness of the chemicals between two varieties of the same species, as well as at the 400,000 percent plant longevity diffetent kings holly and fruit tree, then that can be used to find which genes at the
    less long lived plant that are at a human and then at the longest lived plant that are not at the human or brief lived species, those chemicals are then concentrated and yeast and mice exposed to them and quantified as to longevity increase; the kings
    holly -(human with fruit tree) gene difference also finds genes that could be longevi

    It could be that 40,000 year lifespan species have completely new communications chemical protein circuits as well as action producing chemicals, these novel network systems could be elucidated as to actual function and then duplicated at humans, notably
    it is possible new cybernetics and algorithms may be found that cause one plant to live 4000 times, thus far, longer than another; along with new intra and inter cytonetworks and electrochemical networks that go with longevity that can then be
    mathematically charted and duplicated and installed at the human germ line; chemicals, proteins, and peptides with direct rather than network effects could be found

    do protein repair enzymes exist? DNA repair enzymes exist but that is different, the actual protein construction things that make proteins take the right conformation that I think are found at the endoplasmic reticulum as well as golgi are similar, are
    there any actual protein repair enzymes at the rest of the cyte or even at the cytoplasm, drugs and genes that cause greater activity as well as greater numbers of protein repair chemicals could be new longevity drugs as well as beauty treatments

    Interleukin 10, as well as vasopressin are described online as antipyretic

    Cox 2
    Make less pge2
    Immunizing to passivate cox2 pge2 receptors

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