• At some organisms the form of sugar they eat heightens longevity, midge

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 6 05:53:49 2022
    the effect of honeydew equivalent on mouse longevity, if any, could be quantified, if there is an effect then honeydew equivalent sweeteners could be made a part of human food; candy, candy bars, supplemental sweetener at a variety of grocery foods

    Immunizing against galactose could heighten healthspan and preclude some illnesses heightening longevity
    Epithalon, AEDG peptide linked to stomach passing peptides like a mostly nonactive form of the oral version of vasopressin could be a longevizing sweetener at foods, although vasopressin is a nootropic I perceive it is active at microgram amounts while
    Epithalon is active at milligram amounts , although I perceive I read Epithalon is also active at micrograms or eentsier dosage, that suggests linking Epithalon with a high pH degradable linker molecule or peptide or protein as well as using a stomach
    passing nonactive orally available vasopressin related peptide could be of value; similarly a thymosin Epithalon peptide coingredient could be quantified as to healthspan, wellness and greater lifespan

    An oil replacement at foods could possibly be a vinyl ether phosphatidyl serine polymer, olestra is a sugar polymer and is utilized as an oil replacement at foods; naked mole rats have greater longevity than mice and have the vinyl ether version of
    phosphatidyl serine

    It has value if they can quantify heightened longevity effects although is is actually unlikely to function: they could screen a million variations on sweetness peptides on yeast, then if the 99.99th percentile of longevity heightening is actually
    longevizing they could parallel test 100 sweetness peptides at mice to find out which ones have preferred flavor, a volunteer experimental participant human could then taste the 24 most preferred longevity sweeteners at milk and the more delicious
    variations could be quantified at mice as to mammal longevity effects; if there are longevity effects the longevizing sweetness peptide could be attached to a stomach passing orally available peptide like a vasopressin modified to be physiologically
    nonactive with a high pH degradable linker to be a part of human food

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