• Sentience mapping and colocation at an environment that expands faster

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 6 00:51:41 2022
    also mwi inflation that causes anything transferred to a universe to generate more space energy as well as white form than that which is transferred; a mwi generator that was other than math of branching could do this, branching could be a replaceable
    remodellable amendable Schrödinger equation oversimplification when it is possible there are numerous multi-outcome math forms, some of which at some topologies could be more parsimonious than branching; set theory contemplating two items has possibly 4
    sets, two for both items, the empty set, and the unexamined set. There might be more, like the way set theory, to a person looking at a piece of paper with a Venn diagram is "locally flat" but is locatable on a math surface on any topology even a torus,
    a fractal solid, a non edgewrapping curve like a parabola, so a Schlesinger equation applied to a universe of a different shape or size or possibly repetionality or duration could actually have a parsimonious definitional space, a new math form and a new
    utilized physics equation, with a new physics equation. At the Schroedinger equation where set theory is not "locally flat" then non branching things occur

    A source of non branching form of set theory, and the effect is has on modifying the MWI forms arising from new alternate, more functional versions of the Schroedinger equation is
    Also, with enough dimensions do you get skinny lens perimeters and volume plump lens centers that always have so much potential energy they always interact, at least at one of the dimensions, an earth sized lens, or rather the volumetric intersection of
    two 3d spheres with an overlap diameter of earths radius would make a lens shaped object where

    What is the smallest thing that does volumetric lenses that change state, like perhaps a van degraff generator overlap doing electron shapes that have a reshaping math likeliness that to be omitted would have to have a numerical space larger than the
    number of planck lengths at the volume (like or possibly

    Also the diminutive version like the factorial of .5^1000^1000 is a probability smaller than all the Planck lengths (yet MWI) at the volume of the universe, with even the possibility of a diminutive with a number eentsier than every possible MWI
    universe generated from all the electron, atom, as well as vacuum generation (casimir effect) MWI universes, like the 2019 AD universe I am writing from when the size of that universe, if completely full of atoms, at the radius of the universe where it
    reaches 0k chronological span's MWI universe making as an integer quantity is a number where the diminutive is that factorial to the power of that factorial; generating things based on that likeliness of occurring creates things of unusual durability and
    finding such things at nature could suggest purposeful construction at the universe

    MWI thing: I read every time an electron does anything there is a new MWI universe, do MWI universes arise when multiatom quantum non resolved systems (I read about macroscopic quantum objects) are resolved? If so that suggests that every possible
    aggregation of matter could be an MWI universe generator, without regard to size that suggests MWI universes generated each moment might get larger with the combinatorial of every possible aggravate of matter and its electrons, it also brings up the
    possibility of an MWI technology where some macroscopic thing with quadrillions of atoms, and although preresolved was human made to have a shape and

    with a possible amusing exception of things like humans that automatically observe themselves, which sort of brings up the possibility that if any physical thing has quantum preresolvedness without observation then that thing observes itself, it is
    possible that Thinking therefore Amming detectably occurs at things, even different from organisms, suggesting the possibility they have observation ability which might be consciousness, however another person might construct a computer attached to a
    camera that quantum resolves itself without consciousness, then on making that the inventor could make the thing that can observe itself out of the fewest atoms (or even field arrangements like electrons near photons) possible; as a technology a grouping
    of atoms like that would automatically exist (resolved)in a way most of the rest of the universe is not and could have completely different durability, observability (easier to view) and possibly even physics and chemistry effects than other things, even
    nearly identical assemblages of atoms that perhaps are one atom or one electron orbital different, causing massive technological function variation from one electron, even high utility things like chemicals of different reactivity or beneficial
    pharmaceuticals that when one atom or electron changes there is a very large change when the molecule transitions between resolovedness states

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