• Intelligence genes:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 6 00:46:57 2022
    Some species grow their brain depending on what season it is, squirrels grow their brain (hippocampus) during food storing season; it is possible that genes at humans homologous to the genes at squirrels and shrews that can cause more than 15% brain
    growth during a season (shrews) exist at humans, and that they can be turned on; at humans it is possible there are alleles, SNPs, and copy number variants of summer and food storage interval brain growth activating genes that effect human intelligence
    and things like prenatal brain formation velocity and size, as well as the velocity and size of brain growth in children; the genes that cause storage and summer brain growth might have differences as to the structures they cause to grow (hippocampus) or
    the kind of neurotransmitter neurons they heighten the number of; that suggests ampa neurons at the neocortex, with growth restarted as an adult or prompted at a child or fetus heightens cognitive ability at humans; before the growth plates of the
    braincase harden is a time when switching on human genes homologous to squirrel and shrew brain growth genes could benefit children and, at the children' opting to go through puberty, their adult being;
    The storage and summer brain growth genes at shrews and squirrels could be specifying neural growth factors different than those at human physiochemicals; these could be quantified as to effect at primates and mice and then at humans, as drugs, gene
    therapy, or germline modification if they are beneficial;
    It is possible that switching on storage and summer brain growth gene homologs at humans or administering new chemicals, like growth factors that cause brain growth, to persons with Alzheimer's or injuries could benefit them

    Longevity technology: old and young mice with linked circulatory systems cause greater longevity at the old mice; at shrews and squirrels they have times of the year like storage and summer where their brain grows (shrews, squirrels) or much of their
    body regrows (shrews); does linking the circulatory systems of brain growth season young squirrels to old squirrels cause even greater longevity increase than old and young circulatory system connection when at other than brain growth season; if it does
    do the particular genes protein production that activates during brain growth season make an easy to find, measure, and produce protein product, just during brain growth time, that can be tested as to its longevity effects at mice, primates, and yeast;
    noting microfluidic chemical separation is it possible to put shrew circulatory fluid, and also blenderized regenerating shrews through a microfluidic chemical separator to then microfluidically dose a million colony yeast plate with; it is possible that
    some of the microfluidically separated chemicals will cause yeast longevity effects, then those chemicals are tested as to longevity effects at 96 well plate fish as well as mice; the circulatory system connection between old and young shrews, and old
    shrews and young regeneration season shrews can also be quantified, chemically characterized (microfluidic chromatography or better) and longevizing chemicals identified

    Possible longevity drug: antlers grow and pop off annually, blenderized antler internal growth tissue also blenderized external dermis like "velvet" tissue could be separated into thousands of chemical fractions with microfluidic chromatography and then
    microfluidics put it on a million yeast colony wells at a plate to find out if any of the characterized chemicals had a longevity effect, if they have a longevity effect they could be tested at 96 well plates on fish as well as mice

    Gene drive makes bread mold produce an antipsychotic as effective as 160 mg lurisidone with 2.5 grams of phenibut combination at treon verdery at causing absence of paranormal pattern awareness, intrusive awareness, while also precluding the perception
    of recruitment, also blocking perceptions of recruitment as well as blocking paranormally sourced visual paranormal entity imagery , as well as diminishing recruitment messages; engineering the concentration of antipsychotic drug so the mold on one piece
    of bread or one moldy orange whichever amount of mold is lighter amount is a month of doses benefits humans that is persons that is members of groups of people that is homo sapiens; JY described how people who were absent experiencing puberty, human
    physiological children, previously experienced recruitment during the 20th century AD; it is possible that a message, practiced commonplace, that if things get weird just eat a couple crouton sized pieces of any moldy bread, you can eat it all your life
    to block pattern absorption, recruitment, as well as visually
    suggested meaning, like others being synchronized; blue green mold with white perimeter is a kind, or any of the most frequently occuring 24 bread molds, as well as any carbohydrate molds generally like rice, corn, wheat, also tubers

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