• Rescue children:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 6 00:45:45 2022
    the 100,000 mouse outdoor mouse dorm with one meter diameter circle of space per mouse as well as computer processed and imterpreted video of behavior, personalized to each mouse drug administration, stable isotope labelling of numerous data areas at
    mouse pellets mouse drug study protocol is use able to benefit human children: 100,000 pregnant mice can be dosed with a library of 2000-4000 new drugs and drug variants that could reduce complications of pregnancy and birth defects; if there are either
    2 mouse birth defects per 100 birthed mouse litters or 2 birth defects per 100 birthed actual mice then the 100,000 pregnant mice at 7 mice per litter produce between 2000 and 14,000 times a drug being screened can prevent a birth defect; complications
    during pregnancy are possibly near 1.6 per 100 during 2019 AD, so 100,000 mice have a drug opportunity to prevent 1600 occurrences of complications during pregnancy; online it says mice can have numerous litters annually, the most being 14, so the
    outdoor mouse dorm protocol, at a year round pleasant to mice climate could have 11 litters annually to test birth defect reducing drugs and drugs that reduce complications of pregnancy

    Better than well babies; optimized developing baby also fetus epigenetics; noting the outdoor mouse dorm can put mouse social behavior in a database and link it to each mouse, at which drug, 100,000 epigenetic modifier molecules can be screened as a
    library on 100,000 pregnant mice, then the progeny's wellness, healthspan, and longevity as well as social function and beneficial social fluency, cognitive function and epigenetic phenomena like wellness restoring "clean slating" of any preexisting non
    beneficial epigenetic (chemical, food, social, possibly 7 year heritability cycle (Sundet, heritability goes from .24 to .82 at 40k quantified Norwegians) epigenetic effects is measured quantified and placed at a database from screening a library of
    epigenetic modifying molecules that have numerous new variants; the HDACinhibitor 10HDA(10H2DA) makes mice live 25/27% longer in one study and only makes below median mice live 15-17% longer in a different study, as a molecule the mental wellness
    fostering, nerve tissue healing, anxiolytic chemical HAEE is highly similar to 10 H2DA but is an ethyl ester, another (I think) HDAC2inhibitor is vornistat, a molecule that looks kind of like long phenyl HAEE that causes greater cognitive ability,
    screening 10,000 variants of molecules at the shapes and atoms between HAEE, 10H2DA ,and vornistat could find epigenetic clean slate epigenetic wellness restorers that have other benefits as well,

    One thing that benefits babies, notably babies with stressed mothers, is finding out if there are calming anxiolytic chemicals that cause better than well effects and greater cognitive function 10,000 variations on rapamycin at 100,000 outdoor mouse dorm
    mice could be quantified as to their effects on birth defects as well as

    Are there harmless chemicals or drugs that cause better than well phenotype in mammals at, optimally all pregnancies, noting though there could be beneficial chemicals that cause 2-40 out of 100 dosed pregnancies to have a highly beneficial
    characteristic, a birth bonus, the opposite of a 1.5 per 100 birth defect rate from a chemical; this brings up the qualitative idea of what is a birth bonus; 2-40 babies out of 100 having a 1 or 2 point higher apgar score, or a measurable benefit at 7
    year old, and 14 year old and 29 years as lifetime benefit of having maternal BDNF levels at 140-200% higher than median, or possibly at the 99th percentile of circulating maternal BDNF among women at 99th percentile of intelligence; this could also be
    tested at mice at say 40 levels of dosed maternal BDNF, and progeny's entire longevity, wellness, healthspan, social function and fluency, mating success, quantified

    200 different amino acid sequence variants of brain derived neurotrophic factor protein are made, each varying their lipiphilicity or hydrophilicity from BDNF .5%, then these are administered to pregnant mice, young mice, and mice of other ages, possibly
    at an outdoor mouse dorm to find out if this causes notably beneficial tissue or cyte localization compared with regular BDNF; a mixture of different BDNFs could be made to optimize benefit

    compare BDNF, various neurochemicals' genes between shrews, that weigh possibly 2-3 grams and rats that weigh 140 grams while being cognitively similar

    Intelligence genes, some species like shrews and squirrels grow and shrink the size of their brain depending on season, squirrels grow their

    10HDA dose might be 15 mg/24 hours, vornistat dose might be 7/mg/24 hours; to refill a 1600 chemical, 1600 autopipette pipettor with drugs and numerous Kg of food goes with making the dinner station a big radio controlled car; some quantity of these
    drive out onto the mouse dorm field in shifts so there are always sufficient dinner stations for the mice

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