• Software app that reduces prenatal complications rescues babies: anemia

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 5 20:26:40 2022
    if 1% of the population during 2019 is anemic then 76 million people of all ages could benefit; a phone application reaches more and can be combined with a systematically producible phone app like a famous at the moment people's personality type
    predicts their next move (Fun to get use and share)(romance, career, and famous people collaborations compared) or an each team, globally, gets an autogeneratated, or nearly auto generated phone application is a way to spread the wellness generating
    software app;

    It is imaginable that 1/10 or more of people using a fun app would be willing to take a health quiz simultaneously, I read that urinary tract infections could also be a complication of pregnancy and if the quiz says they have it they could be urged to
    see a doctor

    Things that benefit outcasts: I was homeless from 2005 to 2016 AD and I did not feel like an outcast, i perceive some people think some homeless people are outcasts, things that benefit the homeless could benefit outcasts:
    What is the lightest most affordable substitute for a mattress; the therma rest puffs up and rolls to less volume;

    Siliconized nylon ripstop weave tarps could be more affordable than polyethylene tarps; it seems like a distribution thing as polymer coated paper is ultra affordable, also dollar store tablecloths are much less than 4.99 polyethylene tarps even though
    polyethylene tarps could actually be geotextiles or vapor-barrier polymer affordable; something like rip stop weave dollar store tablecloths cheaper than a candy bar, or at 20 make able per 92 to 47 cents per kg polymer then double that from distribution
    6-9 cent each tarps could be made and distributed with the same avidity and reach as penny candy or fruit at the developing world; siliconization enhances bushing water off and polymers without static cling gather to a form and pack more easily, lasered
    holes on the sides about 7 mm big could replace grommet holes; the dollar store raincoat exists and could likely be made with a long wide flat sheet that rolls up replacing the hood could be functional and still $1 or noting the 6-9 cent version even
    more affordable; a really benevolent version could have a perforated strip a person could detach, pee on and be diagnosed with treatable illnesses with; a deluxe version might have a laser or ultrasonically welded bag area that could be detached and
    inflated and knotted to make a pillow that lasts a week to a month, with a polymer texture people like (perhaps not slick), among homeless people, some are above median at big 5 psychology test conscientiousness and could easy-origami and knot foot
    drying gaitors or rain repelling hats; although global utility suggests varied messages, and at 2019 AD the size of the manufacturing amount increased affordability, note new manufacturing technologies could make one item batches affordable, volume/text
    optima could be found: the large planar roll up non visible part of the dollar store or more affordable raincoat could have text embossed (cheap, lasers) or printed on it (one cent? Less? Hint: USA grocery bags) material, that could be quantitatively
    measured to be actually initiated and be an actual action measured as used at 3% of the homeless could be things like "wash regularly" "people like people, talk to someone", " travelling out of cities can be beneficial to homeless people", "more, fresh,
    or new garments are usually easy to get, get some more garments, keep comfy and dry; seek shoes before you need new ones", one I found initially repellent that was awesome advice was like: "if people see you, the ones that might have the opportunity to
    be kinder might complain", " if there's trouble, walk away, talk it out, or change the subject (grab phone if you have one)", "hitchhiking works, travel to better places", " many people that try to quit something succeed, sometimes after a few tries, is
    there something that doctors think will make you live longer that you should quit?

    Detachable polymer areas at a raincoat a homeless person can write on and fill out fun educational, being benefitting quizzes are likely beneficial, "what kind of free medical care user are you" as well as "Joe saves 10% of what he gets a week, what can
    he get after 1 week, 1 month; Joe can start a credit union account for $1 and get a debit card with a general delivery postal address", " what actually does happen when you say "please", " thank you", "i have a problem with (blank) can you assist me", we
    had 700 homeless people try it and this is what actually happens: occurence

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