• Conscientiousness increasing drugs could be Sucesstropic drugs screen a

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 5 20:08:57 2022
    The marsupials with the longest range of lifespans could be suggestive of longevity genes at other mammals

    Are there 10HDA receptors, could SNPs at these be longevity genes

    Are there any naturally occurring decanoic acids (like 10HDA or DAEE or T2DA or C2DA or completely new ones) at mammalian tissue like whales, human tissue culture, naked mole rats, bats, four century lifespan quahogs, or 300 year lifespan tortoises;
    these could be longevity producing decanoic acids

    Some genes activate on organismal death: the cytotypes that live longest after death may have less of some deleterious chemical that causes likeliness of being dead that could be characterized as to if their down regulation or immunization based decrease
    could cause greater longevity at the entire organism; similarly cytotypes that live the longest at an organism after death could have chemicals that cause greater survivability as well as longevity: similarly SNPs or other genetics of the least amount of
    the chemicals that get produced after death could be genetics, also drugs that cause greater longevity as well as resistance to necrosis or necrosis spreading between cytes

    Craigslist: I'd like to meet an engineer, I'm into science, technology, engineering, math and invention and I'd like to meet an engineer

    At a regularly ordered space like a mathematical lattice there is math that I think describes what are emergent properties of ordered spaces like always less neighbors than core locations, or always more neighbors, these could be used to find 2d, 3d,
    spacetime (4d) or other dimensional spaces with the highest number or least number of neighbor-neighbor possible interactions: that causes a mathematics of what system definitionally communicates the most or least with its neighbors, so along with the on-
    offness of binary there could be groups of numbers or groups of numbers with operators, that have high predictability with high resolvability at groups of atoms (makes me think of simple few amu molecules compared with semiconductors) that generate and
    contain math/matter effects with greater simultaneous communications and math capacity than semiconductors, the predictable, resolvable, technology I able, utilizable state space of different sizes or order forms of math lattices (electron emission
    spectra, chemical physics atom lattices as well as different lattice math forms of different kinds of netowrks ), one anything at a network, different than atom things, like networks of people that know each other, neural networks, as well as fiscal swap
    networks, application of lattice math number of neighbors calculable (emergent or emergent-like effects) is they way different lattice math forms effect the number of neighbors automatically talked to which then effects the velocity at which a new
    beneficial thing is utilized, so a math lattice formula that tells you how to double the number of neighbors at an existing beneficial useful network like published science papers, as well as patents; credit is a 4d network as it heightens immediate
    dollar-active neighbors with the time dimension of utilizing future money, as does inheritance, as does the information transmission at hearing of better ways to make money: so if they found out a way to use lattice math to find lattice forms that
    doubled the neighbors of money the money would have more effect, one possibility is spatial multiplication, where you can use or gain money without proximity, or "rational tipping" a math formularized way to voluntarily, yet predictably, and guidelined
    way of transferring more or less money at a money-thing swap where the differentized amount multiplies the production of a beneficial thing at an amount different than the non-lattice math enhanced way;
    This regularized math could be more efficacious at supplying "uneconomic value" than some of government( I perceive like 2019 "pay-to-play at ruleset (like us corporate law), or the " tell everybody to contribute funds to a lawmaking entity or experience
    deleterious events; then redistribute" thing) rational tipping could go beyond "I like you, here's more or even one specification produces one low bid" to heighten beneficial, quantifiable, nameable values that multiply the number of lattice math
    neighbors at the money activity, you could utilize reusability (built in 4d lattice math), promotion amount

    Also, there could be a crystal that has more neighbors neighbor interactions than a fluid (chemistry, biology, physics effects) or its possible that some fluid have a definition space where its a fluid because the neighbor to neighbor spacing is always
    littler than a lattice (say election emissions levels at smeary analogish specta - just perhaps the math of a fluid between a lattice, which differs from a field like an electon field could find new things, new places to find things and new
    technologyizable electron effects)

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