• Reading ideas

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 5 06:03:51 2022
    " I like the way you pay attention" when it occurs I notably like attentive students, the thing is, is there a "catch them doing something right" way to honestly use this. Actually it could benefit the good readers as well. It might heighten their
    already good concentration as well as feel nice to hear.
    How about "I like it when you pay attention like that." After a moment of successful concentration (Clayton)

    Enzymatic production of CART peptides from food proteins, or some specialized feedstock protein might be possible; that makes them outside government regulation while still being effective drugs. CART peptides might be better-than-well concentration
    increasers for children even those without ADD.

    Suggest "your child has books! Here are great ways to share reading with them ...and visit the library for more!" minipapers at each give-away book. It might cause more parent child reading and is cheap.

    Ethics of first things first or advance on all fronts simultaneously
    Notably FTF can specify branched developable fronts early on or even as branches, first! Then, after branch development processing and prioritization it can address other things or even recalibrate based on the effects from addressing the prioritized
    branch' plurality first or early on.

    When you think of a computer architecture (quasi metaphorical as I am thinking about actual human ethics) FTF and AFS have the potential to look really different. The 1,1,0 automata is Turing complete; if you think of that 1,1,0 thing running parallel (
    like an automata then that graphically might look like a bunch of trees at a dendritic polymer) on a AFS while a FTF could possibly be more efficient at high velocities and a near serial architecture; then again an early priority for FTF could be
    optimizing the ethical landscape for high parallelism of action while still having first things first.

    Looking at it like a computer then the kind of actual thing it, the ethics, runs on could be modified. Human body, matter, consciousness, could be adjusted to rapidly solve ethics.

    With FTF who or what perceives the priorities? Is AFS being kind of medianish stochastic less efficient than parallel optimized FTF?

    So then ethically, what is the optimal architecture or way to run that is metaphorically compute ethics and actual human actions on what kind of mechanism?

    Modifying or customizing the mechanism, like serial, parallel, quantum computing, that runs FTF or AFS could cause ultra high ethical well being many orders of magnitude more rapidly.

    One approach is genetic engineering of human beings; another might be fiduciary and/or high signal to noise action linkages where people are strongly guided by computers; do that possibly with finding something actually benevolent and person enhancing
    with greater utility than the ethics of beguilement(advertisingish) or token value systems (although having libertarian tendencies i note token systems, possibly including money, which has recently gotten better, (bitcoin) preclude some harm while
    providing discernable rewards) at producing with humans behavior near to or the same as the model's response at a computer simulation. Thinking of nice action causers, What might be functional though is artificial love, like measurably good feeling
    harmonizing around shared behaviors, possibly with girlfriend (robot girlfriend) or biological imprinting-like trust. Voluntary behavioral psychology positive reinforcement environments could also shift behavior towards an algorithmically mathematically
    valid ethics.

    It is likely there are other near fiduciary response to a computed ethics technologies. Self help books about actualizing change exist. A person could think about that though.

    Also, what about the lived ethics, or computed ethics of retrocausal modification? (What i think JY said he was doing) when you modify the past with FTF there is a possibility of having a version of FTF from the retrocausalists (only partially globally
    system aware) proclivities. To the rightmost branch of AFS everything looks like a dove

    calculation asymmetry; retrocausal electron computer

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