• CS approaches to ethics; advance on all fronts simultaneously(AFS) or f

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 5 05:55:46 2022
    genetically engineered to be optimistic an FTF mileau person might not care optimizing their teen romance could not happen before age14. An AFS person has the benefit of a different improvement front making teen tinder. Without optimism or cheer FTF
    could produce a subtype of nonoptimality: (long waitlist emotion effects) unless the person was biologically always feeling good; the optimality of course is that the most important thing gets accomplished.

    possible efficiency: a two or more pass math CS function that scans the list (or math space) of things to do then finds new substitutes for what would otherwise be redressive actions: Then the new list is shorter and more rapidly effectively doable. It
    is very possible that more than two passes of the substitutor/agglomerator would optimize a first things first list.

    AFS causes longevity pills and robots while the living conditions among humans vary, rather than a durable nicely furnished precivilization hut with lots of food and a loving mate for every person; noting one effect of AFS is billions of people that are
    very happy and live millennia or longer.

    From an advance on all fronts perspective FEA at a resolution more minute than human awareness could model all the benefits at once, then big-voxel or parsimoniousize some of the FEA ethics spaces to create more efficient attainment of benefit
    computations even while doing everything at once

    Genetically engineering all people to be good at math they would then be able to talk, act upon, and compare their actual living ethics with math; this is beneficial

    Sharing and teaching reading

    Cultivate informed directional choice so as to practice "news you can use" filtering. Have Zara and other students pick out a book for "looks like most fun", reminds me of me, prettiest images; then have them pick from their new list. Supposedly this
    practices discernment, purpose, and knowing they can seek a kind of benefit on purpose; then postschool they can interrupt their social media to read consumer reports

    Ask Zara, " would you like to babysit? What would you do?"
    Study if people who babysit make better happier parents or is no effect; if beneficial promote voluntary babysitting by 20somethings for the experience rather than the money; this benefits moms and the 20something babysitters might be extra enriching to

    Look up babysitting on pub med

    It might cultivate liking books and reading from asking Clayton, Zara and other students "what would make this book more fun?" Would it be more fun on an airplane? Possibly improvise the new preferred version.

    I could start saying hello to people on the street. They will usually like it. Greeting women recognizes them.

    Measure psychological well being of children with 1,2 or 3 friendship based play dates a week; find out if there is an optimal amount of friendship parents can purposefully cultivate for their children; they could measure stuff like empathy, beneficial
    speaking up/boldness, happiness (even on the non-playdate days)
    This research supports the children's well being directly but also practices their good person social skills for when they are older and have children of their own.

    Is there an ethical way to teach children to be nicer to their parents; that would then non consciously cause the parents to be even nicer to the children; scheduled non-goodnight hugs and teaching the child to say the parent's name rather than "mom"
    goes well with Dale Carnegie. Kids taking Fish oil modifies their behavior and then parents were measurably better at being harmless to their children and each other.
    A beneficial new drug the child could take that has a benevolence and utility increasing effect on the parents; Possibly the amino acid taurine which removes tiredness (one study) could be beneficially given to children (and parents).
    It is possible that mbti sorted parents might, as groups, benefit from similar actual doables. It could work, even if it was on purpose, to have three sentences written on an index card that the child says to her parents; a little like fill in the blank,
    "I love you even more than ______", " thanks for looking at my schoolwork tonight", "what's the best thing that happened to you today?" Although these are staged conversations the minds of the parents might absorb the affectionate and beneficial
    messages along with frequent actual good discussions

    Perhaps 9-11am weekends is peak alertness for parents and children simultaneously, sort of; more research; then schedule learning and togetherness activities then. Higher willingness and responsiveness from children meet peak productivity office hours.
    Parents that schedule this way might get single or double digit gains in their kids perceived interest and friendliness thus making the parents feel good(so they treat their children even better).

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