• Chemicals you can attach to LSD to make it legal, then remove with one

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 5 00:38:51 2022


    pop the O off with a chemical that has an OH to get chemical-LSD

    Pop the chemical off and restore the =O with what?

    Youtube video on protecting group at 6:14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYC_vbrgZDY 'Protecting Groups, Acetals, and Hemiacetals'

    cyclic thing with =O sticking out.
    Add ethylene glycol OH-/\-OH,it makes a cylical thing that is a protecting group as well as being legal molecularly different LSD. Then, at the restoration of the molecule, at the youtube video, in the presence of H3O+ (stomach acid, fruit juice,
    vinegar, electrolysis electrode) it “regenerates” the original <cycle>=O. I do not know if carbonic acid HCO3 will generate this like H3O+ or not.

    Then (from youtube video)

    Lsd-H (hydrogen sticking off it) add ethanol-OH
    replace LSD’s-hydrogen with ethyl group (condense ethanol), or a phenyl group, some easy group to remove. I think this is called a condensation reaction where Phenyl-OH + LSD-H -> phenyllsd +H2O, so then the second thing is to pop off the phenyl.

    The chemically amplified resists used in the experiments were based on polystyrene (PS) and had a t-butoxycarbonyl (t-BOC) protection group (hereafter "t-BOC resist") and a 1-ethoxyethyl (ethyl acetal) resist (hereafter "EA resist"). The deprotection
    reaction in the t-BOC resist was observed through changes in the infrared spectrum at 1150 cm-1 (C–O ester bonds); the deprotection reaction in the EA resist was monitored through changes in the infrared spectrum at 2980 cm-1 (H–C–H alkane bonds).
    It was found that at room temperature (23°C), whereas the deprotection reaction in the t-BOC resist during exposure occurred to the extent of only was only 5% complete, it occurred (23 c) nearly to completion in the EA resist. The change in absorption
    with exposure time was converted into a protection ratio for protection groups, and fitted to a newly devised deprotection reaction model to estimate the deprotection reaction parameters for exposure. The deprotection reaction parameters thus obtained
    were input in to a profile simulator, and profile simulations were attempted. The results indicated that whereas the t-BOC resist could be patterned at an ambient a temperature of 70°C and above during exposure, the EA resist could be patterned at room

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