• An epigenetic drug that prevents cardiovascular disease and heart attac

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 4 06:47:15 2022
    A variant of ApoE called apoe4 is associated with quadruple risk of azheimers, people with the apoe4 variant could partially or completely neutralize it at the brain with peptides, or also gene therapy to make the peptides at glia

    I read that bricks with (short) carbon fibers are 16 times stronger, manufactured white polymer fibers medium staple glass fiber, similar to safe fiberglass insulation, or possibly prince ruperts drops miniature short thread fibers could be added to
    cinder blocks to make the cinder blocks stronger, also if a cinder block with short polymer fibers in it is 10 times stronger than the previous fiber less cinder block itself could be five times less massive and use 5 times less concrete, making the
    cinder block lighter to ship and use only 1/5th the raw materials, making these stronger cinder blocks be just 1/4 to 1/2 as much money per block, also at 1/5th mass an easily lifted and placed 2 times standard size ciderblock can be made that halves the
    number of hand or robot motions to build a big lightweight cinder block building twice as fast

    This is a technology that dries out wet walls from flooding or other causes, take a large $16-20 alibaba electrical blanket and use it as the fabric in a giant embroidery hoop, the giant embroidery hoop then has a tight top electrical blanket fabric that
    is able to directly surface contact the wall being dried, the embroidery hoop could have something like a kickstand that presses the electric blanket hoop surface against the wall, this wall dryer is likely to be about $32 on alibaba.com

    A battery technology could be to take an electrode like fractal or porous N doped C sponge, or any other advanced electrode material, and diamagnetically levitate it, a known thing, this would make 4 amount-bands of diamagnetic levitation height that
    could be tested to see which is better at batteries, noting the least levitating has the most surface area, and might be the more effective electrode, also diamagnetic levitation could be used at manufacturing to gather upper 10% most effective electrode
    powders or forms to make particularly effective batteries (if there is electrode powder heterogeneity)

    I read about a two tesla permanent magnet, if you put an electromagnet wire winding around the 2T magnet can you easily get 3T or more, that could be a cheap source of diamagnetic levitation fields for industrial mass sorting

    I read that people that slept on mattresses/mattress pads that have different zones of cooling and warming gain double digit % increase in successful sleep of some kind or going to sleep easily, i do not know if diamond or water is a better warmth
    conductor, if it is diamond then miniature diamond crystals, similar to $35/Kg industrial diamond powder, that form a colloid in water could increase the cooling effect of the mattress, mattress pad or blanket, 10 grams of alibaba industrial diamond is
    35¢ and alibaba cooling mattress pads or blankets are $40-70

    As a cooling blanket or undersheet, it is possible to use smooth round, perhaps tumbled industrial diamond powder to be embedded or coated on both sides of the fabric as well as in the weave to make a comfort and sleep quality increasing warmth
    subtractive fabric, particularly useful at warm climates and warm developing world areas, another use for diamond embedded fabric is athleticwear used at actual exercise and shoes, as well as vehicle seating and upholstered chairs, and even earbud and
    other headphone surfaces

    I read many people spend more time than they would like preparing food for their children and cleaning up after a meal, one way to reduce cleanup time is Disposable dishes that are environmentally friendly or neutral, published as bacteriocidal Woodgrain
    microtextured bowls plates and cups could be very cheap, at alibaba a paper, including bamboo paper bowl or also cup is 1/10th of one cent each, likely this would be a very similar amount with the bowls and cups being made from recycled paper, amazingly
    this would make a 365 day supply of 11 recycled paper bowls and cups per 24 hours per child or adult be about $3.80 per 365 days, if 4-8 minutes of cleanup time at each of two meals of less optimal feeling than play at children is changed to pleasant
    time, 2800-5600 minutes, or 40-90 hours are made more pleasant annually for $3.80 a year of recycled paper spending, suggesting very high utility, the actual number of hours made more pleasant could be as much as double or quadruple that, to 180-360
    hours made more pleasant annually, noting meals with one or two parents and two or more children dining together

    Biodegradable polylactic acid, which is possible to make from straw is $499/metric ton on alibaba, suggesting molded disposable cutlery contains at 10G per piece contains about 2/10 of 1¢ of polymer so doubling that to cover molding and production is
    about 1/2¢ per piece of polymer cutlery

    Published Woodgrain antibacterial geometry texture or better geometry laser sheet engraved, or just embossed on metal or ceramic cutlery is possible as well as at at the surfaces of coinage and other metal fomites, polymer toothbrushes and bristles,
    athletic equipment and nautilus like workout equipment, pass-around recreational drug paraphernalia, bathroom faucet knobs to reduce the spread of infectious illness

    Electret charge could be combined with wood microstructure texture geometry or ore effective geoetries at polymers, ceramics, and even cellulose natural fibers and paper, like paper currency to cause even greater illness reducing effect and illness
    transmission effect at fomites like handles, paper currency, push buttons, others

    Woodgrain geometry or better surface texture because it is bacteriocidal could be a texture placed on diapers, notably disposable diapers to prevent diaper rash, and cradle cap, improving baby happiness and wellness

    An improvement over embossing bacteriocidal wood texture geometries is to find a fiber etching, texture changing wood pulp cheap bulk chemical treatment that makes antibacterial paper or natural fiber thread for object production

    Another way to reduce illness transmission is to engineer a nasal mucosa probiotic, an oral saliva area and throat probiotic, and a lung probiotic to make bacteria static lactoferrin protein or one of its more potent variations, that makes it so runny
    noses wiped on hands at children transmit illness less, the lactoferrin throat probiotic reduces the spread of bacteria that are associated with sore throat, a lung probiotic could reduce susceptibility to bacterial pneumonia, a mouth lactoferrin
    probiotic could reduce illnesses spread through saliva, with side benefit of possibly reducing dental plaque and gum disease, together these different probiotic antibacterial Make it so that coughs and sneezes are much less transmissive of illness

    and sneezes have some amount much less active bacteria

    Antiviral, and anti-virus probiotic and gene therapy, it is likely there are published papers on how immunizing against generic form capsids at a plurality of the most frequently occurring viruses could reduce both infection and transmission, it is also
    possible for aptamer peptides to glom to any virus capsid, with a side or extension to the peptide that says digest this to the immune system, adequate large volumes of the generic capsid attaching peptide can be made with a durable probiotic like B.

    Body lactoferrin production increases strongly with gene and network epigenetic modifiers, reducing most bacterial disease, epigenetics could cause the body to make much more lactoferrin

    Also noting Dave Pearce' Abolitionist manifesto infection decreasing and illness decreasing probiotics can be spread to most or all other species with a cns or plural brains

    To make it so children are better at sandwich making, Bread bags could be closed with even less effort if they had an adhesive coating at an inner annulus as far up the bag interior as you would usually find a bag tag, to close the bag just spin the
    bread bag or grab and squeeze the upper part of the bread bag, the adhesive would be between a post it and medical tape, one advantage of a bread bag that is easier to close is that children can make their own sandwiches without the bread getting stale.

    Deli sliced precut cheese slices in a grocery store packages adhered strongly to each other in 2021AD, making actual cheese oil and putting a very thin coating on each cheese slice makes them easier to separate, actual butter could be used instead of
    cheese oil could be used, this facilitates children making their own sandwiches

    A new way to slice vegetables like tomatoes is just like a multi parallel wire egg slicer, but with strong but soundless piezoelectric element vibrating the slicing wires, the slicing wires could also be improved to have an industrial diamond micrometer
    jaggy surface, at alibaba industrial diamond powder is $35/Kg so a piezoelectric tomato slicer with wires that had 10 mg of industrial diamond on it, or about 1/300 of 1 ¢ goes with a 1-3¢ piezo tranducer and an 11¢ battery and usb port with each full
    charge lasting months, so besides the plastic and wires of a regular egg slicer at perhaps 9¢, the entire electric tomato and other fruit and vegetable slicer would be 22-24¢, a way of cutting vegetables without a blade benefits children making
    sandwiches with tomato or sliced fruit layers, also as a simple statement professional food preparation equipment that is similar to the piezoelectric fruit and vegetable slicer and food processor rotors could be piezoelectrically vibrating with diamond
    wires and rotors as well, this piezoelectric micro vibrating rotor may also have a use at drink blenders

    Improving piezoelectric molecules and the nanostructure of their crystallinity, amorphousNess, and larger structure improves distance of flexion, force of flexion, and possibly energy efficiency, consider what is called flexible sandstone, it really
    moves a lot from being lots of slip planes as a laminated stack, so lamellar oriented crystal piezoelectric objects could be made, as an improvement

    Skin microbiome is associated with atopic dermatitis, acne, odor, psoriasis and other skin nonoptimalities, a keratin reactive skin coating, applied as a lotion, similar to transparent henna could contain antibiotics and attach the antibiotics to the
    skin, this terminates illness associated bacteria, which are replaced with beneficial skin bacteria resistant to the antibiotic Micheal reacted to attach to skin keratin, this lotion might only have to be reapplied once each three months noting henna
    lasts about 3 months, 1/2 year or yearly treatment might be possible if the keratin reactive antibiotic is delivered deeply into dermis with iontophoresis for gradual migration to skin surface, as far as antibiotics go, along with known antibiotic drugs
    and lactoferrin could be new peptide antibiotics that glom to the enzymes of the citric acid cycle passivation them, or other glomming other receptors essential to bacterial growth

    As a keratin reactive antifungal that precludes and cures yeast infections from having the antifungal chemical attach to the mucous membranes of the vagina, using the Michael reaction, and, using an inserted iontophoresis drug migration technology like
    an electrically conductive expansion foam that contours with each vaginal canal,a deeper dermis antifungal depth is produced that allows the antifungal to gradually diffuse to the vaginal canal surface and last 365 days

    The internet says some peptides are associated with neurodegeneration, just changing 1-3 amino acids on a peptide can produce a peptide with opposite physiological effect, vasopressin and oxytocin differ at just two amino acids, and i perceive block each
    other, that suggests a few amino acids different at a neurodegeneration peptide could block the spontaneous amount of neurodegeneration receptor activity causing heightened wellness and lasting neuro wellness

    More energy generative wind turbines, i have seen a water propeller that has a little extra fanlike cone at its center, and this heightened the water propellers efficiency some number like 3%, it occurs to me wind turbines could also have these cones at
    their rotating center to perhaps produce a single digit greater efficiency

    It's possible perovskite photovoltaics could be made with different or supplemental atoms of different valencies, Cr is named for the many colors it makes and Cr could be added to perovskite photovoltaics to optimize light frequency response, or at
    light propelled spacecraft. Noting typically laser propulsion absorbers are at light propelled spacecraft designs these could be improved, noting negative refractive index photon hyperabsorbers could be better, especially those tuned to absorb soliton
    laser spacecraft propulsion light

    One use for multispectral multicolor photon propulsion of spacecraft is the different colors could be absorbable at differently angled absorbers, causing the ability of making angled propusion turns from the propulsive light being absorbed at an angle.

    Another way to make photon propulsion of spacecraft that can make angled turns is a photon absorbing angleable micro fingers absorber under computer guidance, this is almost identical to a mini projector micromirror device (10¢-1$ at alibaba) Mmd, only
    it absorbs light at computer guided angles to realize path changing forces at the spacecraft

    One light propulsive and spacecraft photovoltaic energy source is ambient milky way galaxy light, concentrated with optics onto a photovoltaic or concentrated to a light propulsion capable intensity, then the milky way light propelled spacecraft is
    motionized and can go faster and faster, and can turn

    Sonoluminescence at petroleum refining, it's possible sonolinescence could physically divide longer gooeyer unrefined alkanes into shorter more valuable alkane liquid fuels, online it says sonoluminsecent bubbles make/contain partially charged molecule
    fragments and radicals, and these could react with long gooey alkanes during sonoluminescence to divide the alkanes, making smaller alkanes, at a CPI petroleum refinery with transducers that produce sonoluminsecent bubbles, the other ions at the refining
    liquid could be added on purpose as say CN ion might be more alkane splitting than ON ion, and enriching the reactor with optimal sonoluminsecent bubble ions or radicals could increase yield and efficiency, the internet mentions that with the right sonic
    transducers produces regular standing waves that pulse sooluminescent bubbles in an area pattern each, i think, microsecond, the piezo transducers or other soundmakers including electromagnet and permanent magnet speakers, cavitating propellers and
    electrically oscillated plasma soundmakers and fluid whistles can be made larger and more efficient for sonoluminescence assisted petroleum refining

    So a plurally 11 times less dense piezo ceramic foam moves 11 times further from the same energy, and that is combined with plural cracker hole arrays to make separate wave additive vibrations at the transducer, increasing the amplitude of loudness, the
    transducer could be aimed or in a pumped hydrocarbon liquid whistle, and, if it can actually attach to a propeller reliably, be attached to a cavitation producing propeller

    Bulky center tapered distal parts ,,||,, piezoelements move more distance and move more fluid or air, making them produce more outward sonic energy than a rectangle or disk piezo transducer at the same energy, a sponge piezoelement could have 1/4 the
    mass but still electrically change shape the same distance amount and be fully powered with 4 times less current

    Think of a chunk rectangular or disc piezo element, then think of drilling a plurality of deep wells in it like periodic cracker holes, with a laser or molding, and filling the wells with conductive metal and using those contact wells to be electrical
    contacts that have 2-11 times more surface area of piezoelectric stimulation than previous simple back and front electrical contacts, it could be that this depthy multiwell gets more motion from less electricity, it also permits new 2D and 3D ways
    including undulations and concentric circle, high center energy waves to stimulate a sound making piezo element to have new additive motion waves, high amplitude waves produced at combined vibrations on the same piezoelectric slab or disk element, then
    these wave-additive vibrations on the same slab could create much higher amplitude sounds, that is louder sounds, of sonoluminsecent chemical reactor utility, also powering one group of well electrodes at say one interval or frequency, and another group
    of well electrodes at a different frequency makes periodic standing waves, and does other things that can be made from waves

    Beauty technology, iontophoresis of locally long lasting anti-sag anti-gravity effect on dermis and deeper tissues like epigenetics modification drugs that upregulate collagen and elastin production, connective tissue proliferation and volume and any
    eignetics for genetics of fascia integrity, that makes the entire front view of the body and back view of the body, including arm flab firmer and sag resistant, with breasts and other surfaces of women and girls remaining very soft, anti-sag anti-gravity
    topical and other gene therapies could make skin as unsagged as during age 14 years this benefits both women and men

    Photonic ally activated and localized ejaculatory muscle drug growing growth hormone quadruple the ejaculatory muscle's mass causing much higher pleasure spontaneous clenching and pumped squirts during sexual activity

    A vibrator that makes travelling waves of high amplitude sound waves added together can be at a soft bulbed head like a Hitachi magic wand, or a wear in panties pantiliner like duostripe with long single stripe from the vaginal opening up and past the
    clitoris, at the bulb head a multiconductor array at a 1/2 bulb or whole piezoelectric ceramic or polymer bulb would send different crystal shape with changing amplitude doubled silmultaneous vibrations from two distal parts that travel along the
    piezoelectric bulb head, and move from one side to the other around and around making a pressing wave move, with the moving pressing wave feel like sexual pleasure vibrator vibrations, with the option of gradual to high vibration, the option of a
    travelling wave of not vibrating to strongly vibrating,

    Another improvement to a sexual pleasure vibrator is a transparent gel coating with a computer camera in it, not only does this detect the amount of pressure a woman or girl is using while pressing the vibrator to herself, her clitoral area, and the
    vaginal repeat thrusting depth, pressure, and thrusts per minute, the computer camera looks at the vagina to note engorgement, clitoral arousal and tumescence, flushed color, wetness, and expansion and lengthening of the vaginal canal from sexual arousal,
    visual measure of pulse rate, and even possibly blood pressure, these things then tell the sexual pleasure vibrator what part of an orasmic or multiorgasmic sequence or cycle the woman or girl is at, and the traveling wave vibrator makes the vibrations
    most associated with variously greatest longest, most minutes, orgasmic pleasure, and another travelling wave vibration with the most rapid 90th percentile of pleasure orgasm, one technology that maps to build up to orgasm is graphical little pulse rate
    mountains, where peak pulse rate occurs at orgasm, and the slope or steepness of the mountain graph could be responsive to travelling wave vibration sexual pleasure vibrator automatic intensity modulation, another thing about the computer camera being
    able to tell how much added pressure the woman or girl is putting on her vibrator, pressing it into her genitals when extremely aroused and actually during orgasm or multiple orgasm is that the computer camera sensing this pressure can vibrate at 111-200%
    of regular maximum vibrations providing a more on than fully on vibration, this is technologically possible because the vibrator briefly utilizes overcurrent and overvoltage to drive the vibrator vibrating element,
    The pleasure creation effect of other vibration styles could be effective, vibrations that are circular or orbital in piezoelectric motions might feel more pleasurable than just side to side piezoelectric vibrations, water ripple like vibrating waves
    that travel from the perimeter of the clitoris and clitoral hood, vibration intensifying towards the center, with each concentric travel to center ripple having more vibration sequentially until a very high vibration peak intensity is reached at the most
    optimal pleasure making area of the clitoris as the center of the ripple, so just pressing the piezo bulb vibrator at the upper exterior vagina, with the camera finding the clitoral hood and clitoris can do this, the camera finding the clitoral hood and
    clitoris is particularly effective at pantiliner like vibrators worn on the entire exterior vagina

    One advantage of pantiliner like sexual pleasure vibrators like travelling wave piezo vibrators that stimulate the clitoral area and clitoris is that they can be worn while women or girls sleep, and various sleep stage, REM detectors, some of which are
    phone apps can make sexual pleasure vibrations during dreaming sleep that result in verifiable pulse rate mountain graph orgasms while asleep, this could be experienced as highly pleasureable sleep dreams or satisfyingly orgasmic very sexual sleep dreams,
    it is also possible 9 or more orgasms and build up sexual pleasure can occur each overnight sleep period, causing the woman or girl to have a much more pleasureable life even if she does not remember the orgasms and sexy dreams, a variation on a
    travelling wave camera pantiliner like sexual pleasure vibrator is a form for use with a female or male sex partner basically the pantiliner vibrator and the panties that keep it from moving around have an aperture for fingers or an erect penis, that way
    each sexual thrust of the male and pull back out for another I thrust can be accompanied with clitoral stimulation, it's possible the I thrust feels better to women and girls than the pullback, so the sexual pleasure vibrator might vibrate more on the
    pullback to make an intensified sex pleasure to make up for the reduced stimulation of a penis pullback, other women or girls might like and prefer making the inthrust super extra pleasurable with clitoral area and clitoris vibration from the pantiliner
    like sexual pleasure vibrator during each penile inthrust, possibly of greatest vibration intensity and pleasure at beginning of inthrust, or ramping with the duration of each inthrust, the panties with the vaginal canal penis access aperture would be
    sheer and super soft at the surface, with a silkscreen of feels like soft skin silicone micro dots that provide a skin like exterior feel to the penis for when the penis pops out during sex and rubs against the panties that position the pantiliner like
    sexual pleasure vibrator, such a vibrator might also be enjoyed by lesbians doing scissoring with the pantiliner vibrator intensifying clitoral sensation during the most pleasureable components of lesbian scissoring to intensify them

    Notably two travelling wave piezo vibrators each 1-2 cm away at the side from the clitoris and clitoral hood can send vibrations through tissue, such that the area between the vibrating piezoelement does amplitude increasing acoustic waveform addition,
    and what are called beat frequencies, this pleasures the clitoral hood, clitoris and commisure without a vibrating element directly placed on these, this has the big advantage of leaving the clitoris and clitoral area completely available to the tongue
    of a sex partner and benefits everyone that likes cunnilingus, including lesbians and bisexual women and girls as well as men and boys, and also makes clitoral stimulation with fingers with a partner be vibration hyperpleasured, as well as making it so
    that at women or girls masturbating with their fingers on the clitoral area and clitoris that is simultaneous with overlapping acoustic vibration waves at the clitoris and clitoral area, computer camera and software at the pantiliner like vibrator could
    dynamically adjust the clitoral vibration to go with the finger motion velocity, including faster rubbing or other faster finger motions as pleasure and involvement increasers that tell the vibrator to vibrate more powerfully or at a particularly
    pleasureable or orgasm triggering acoustic frequency, perhaps from what is called a beat frequency, this vibrator amplifies the pleasure of both masturbation and cunnilingus

    One new thing a sexual pleasure vibrator could do is come up with a completely pleasurable travelling wave additive vibration that feels highly pleasurable even after an orgasm, i favor getting rid of the sexual refractory period at all persons using
    voluntary eugenics, genetics, gene therapy and optionally epigenetics, noting that, during the 20teens there were women who on having a good orgasm would move their lesbian lovers hands away from their vagina, and there is also sex videos of heterosexual
    women doing similar things with male sex partners, as a guy with a penis I notice the glans/head of the penis becomes no sexually hyper sensitive, the shaft of my penis still feels pleasure from stroking after ejaculation, that suggests the big
    technological improvement to women's and girls sexual pleasure vibrators is, are there any external vagina areas that still feel super pleasureable rather than nonpleasureably sensitive when vibrator stimulated even though a female orgasm has occurred,
    Cofocalized acoustics, overlapping traveling waves and computer camera ways to localize the vibration to just the areas of the outer and inner vagina that still experience great pleasure from vibration even right after orgasm or multiple orgasm are
    possible, this provides the advantage of multi hour completely pleasureable continuous vibration localized masturbation among women and girls

    Noting the technology of using or making different beat frequencies at adjustable frequency piezoelectric sexual pleasure vibrators, these frequencies could be anything from 1/4 Hz, that is one feel able sonic pulse every 4 seconds to wand vibrator like
    Hz frequencies, to the physics resonance frequency cumulative energy effect producing frequency that is different at each clitoris and clitoral hood, at a camera computer sexual pleasure vibrator imaging could see what scanned frequency causes resonant
    energy accumulating vibration at the clitoris, the computer could remember the frequencies of every woman or girl that used the vibrator, and at handheld and partner held vibrators have an easy to use It goes to 11 button or rotor position to make the
    resonant vibration setting active

    Some other areas that sexually pleasurable localized acoustic vibrators with resonance can reach is the more sensitive and pleasure capable outer third of the vaginal canal, the o-spot and A-spot, and the G-spot if it exists

    It benefits all humans to find the genetics of multiorgasmic women with vaginal canal pleasure area be as much vaginal surface area, length, and depth actively sex pleasured as possible, compared with perhaps just the outer third of the vagina being
    sexually pleasureable among 20th century AD women, technologically, the 99.99th percentile of greatest sexual pleasure and motion feeling vaginal depth and vaginal canal surface women's percentage may already be most of the vaginal canal, once these 99.
    99th percentile people are located it is likely the genetics of entire vaginal canal length being pleasure nerve containing are findable, using those genes produces beneficial full vaginal length sexual motion sensation and full vaginal length sexual
    pleasure nerve sensation that are directly findable genetics that then are voluntary options when conceiving children with enhanced gametes, full vaginal canal pleasure reception genes are voluntary eugenics that are beneficial to put at the genomes of
    all persons with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X chromosomes, as well as all men,

    A sex pleasure and all hip area sexual function improver causing the ability to have vaginal and clitoral tissue swell and engorge from arousal, an amplification of clitoral and vaginal pleasure, and a heightening of the feel of on hip surface and
    buttocks erogenous zone sensation, and, at men heightened penis pleasure and the ability to have very firm erections from slight sexual stimuli and more spontaneous erections without stimuli kind of like a preteen male, as well as possibly greater
    pleasure from receptive anal sex can all be produced with an iontophoretic drug patch that adheres to the pelvic ganglion or the other name of the genital nerve multiplexing nerve bundle, from obvious direct drugs like tyrosine or dopamine stimulants
    that increase nerve conduction velocity to gaba antagonists that remove the slowdown effect of gaba at gaba pelvic ganglion nerves, to drugs that increase nerve voltage that I think are likely to exist and might already be antiepileptic drugs and
    peptides, to moderate intensity glutamate excitatory effect increasing drugs, i do not know if nerves, as compared with neurons have excitatory acetylcholine druggability effect, if they do then there are a number of preexisting acetylcholine receptor
    nootropics that could be utilized, also it makes sense that a sexual improvement iontophoretic pelvic ganglion applique actually be good for people so components Ike epithalon, Gdf-11,klotho protein, thymalin, and an epigenetic drug that upregulates DNA
    repair enzymes could all be iontohoretically delivered to the pelvic ganglion or other genital area nerve bundle to increase its youthspan and preserve its function throughout living, technologically two 1¢ alibaba batteries iontophoretically energizes
    an applique similar to a 3¢ drug delivery patch, with 1¢ ic logic and 1/10 of ¢ RFID tag like wiring, that makes it possible for the iontophoretic applique to only turn on for 20 minutes/24 hours conserving battery energy so that a new applique,
    optimally can be used every 1-3 months, considering the bodywide pill dose of the nerve active drugs is often near 100 mg, and on the way to the pelvic ganglion 24 grams of tissue gets drug saturated, then the actual amount of iontophoresisized drugs are
    about 20-40 micrograms, millionth of a gram per 24 hours, or just 1.2 milligrams of each drug at a 3 month applique, the drugs and proteins are, possibly, less than $1000/kg,so 1 milligram is just 1/10 of ¢, if the iontophoretic applique contains 8
    variously nerve stimulating and youthspan increasing drugs then all 8 drugs together is about 1¢ at a 3 month sex pleasure and sex capacity increasing iontophoretic applique that is about 7-9 cents or less each to manufacture, the audience is anyone
    that likes sex, anyone with a partner they would like to be a better sexual lover for, and any person, of any age that masturbates including children

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 9 03:44:59 2022
    A variant of ApoE called apoe4 is associated with quadruple risk of azheimers, people with the apoe4 variant could partially or completely neutralize it at the brain with peptides, or also gene therapy to make the peptides at glia

    I read that bricks with (short) carbon fibers are 16 times stronger, manufactured white polymer fibers medium staple glass fiber, similar to safe fiberglass insulation, or possibly prince ruperts drops miniature short thread fibers could be added to
    cinder blocks to make the cinder blocks stronger, also if a cinder block with short polymer fibers in it is 10 times stronger than the previous fiber less cinder block itself could be five times less massive and use 5 times less concrete, making the
    cinder block lighter to ship and use only 1/5th the raw materials, making these stronger cinder blocks be just 1/4 to 1/2 as much money per block, also at 1/5th mass an easily lifted and placed 2 times standard size ciderblock can be made that halves the
    number of hand or robot motions to build a big lightweight cinder block building twice as fast

    This is a technology that dries out wet walls from flooding or other causes, take a large $16-20 alibaba electrical blanket and use it as the fabric in a giant embroidery hoop, the giant embroidery hoop then has a tight top electrical blanket fabric that
    is able to directly surface contact the wall being dried, the embroidery hoop could have something like a kickstand that presses the electric blanket hoop surface against the wall, this wall dryer is likely to be about $32 on alibaba.com

    A battery technology could be to take an electrode like fractal or porous N doped C sponge, or any other advanced electrode material, and diamagnetically levitate it, a known thing, this would make 4 amount-bands of diamagnetic levitation height that
    could be tested to see which is better at batteries, noting the least levitating has the most surface area, and might be the more effective electrode, also diamagnetic levitation could be used at manufacturing to gather upper 10% most effective electrode
    powders or forms to make particularly effective batteries (if there is electrode powder heterogeneity)

    I read about a two tesla permanent magnet, if you put an electromagnet wire winding around the 2T magnet can you easily get 3T or more, that could be a cheap source of diamagnetic levitation fields for industrial mass sorting

    I read that people that slept on mattresses/mattress pads that have different zones of cooling and warming gain double digit % increase in successful sleep of some kind or going to sleep easily, i do not know if diamond or water is a better warmth
    conductor, if it is diamond then miniature diamond crystals, similar to $35/Kg industrial diamond powder, that form a colloid in water could increase the cooling effect of the mattress, mattress pad or blanket, 10 grams of alibaba industrial diamond is
    35¢ and alibaba cooling mattress pads or blankets are $40-70

    As a cooling blanket or undersheet, it is possible to use smooth round, perhaps tumbled industrial diamond powder to be embedded or coated on both sides of the fabric as well as in the weave to make a comfort and sleep quality increasing warmth
    subtractive fabric, particularly useful at warm climates and warm developing world areas, another use for diamond embedded fabric is athleticwear used at actual exercise and shoes, as well as vehicle seating and upholstered chairs, and even earbud and
    other headphone surfaces

    I read many people spend more time than they would like preparing food for their children and cleaning up after a meal, one way to reduce cleanup time is Disposable dishes that are environmentally friendly or neutral, published as bacteriocidal Woodgrain
    microtextured bowls plates and cups could be very cheap, at alibaba a paper, including bamboo paper bowl or also cup is 1/10th of one cent each, likely this would be a very similar amount with the bowls and cups being made from recycled paper, amazingly
    this would make a 365 day supply of 11 recycled paper bowls and cups per 24 hours per child or adult be about $3.80 per 365 days, if 4-8 minutes of cleanup time at each of two meals of less optimal feeling than play at children is changed to pleasant
    time, 2800-5600 minutes, or 40-90 hours are made more pleasant annually for $3.80 a year of recycled paper spending, suggesting very high utility, the actual number of hours made more pleasant could be as much as double or quadruple that, to 180-360
    hours made more pleasant annually, noting meals with one or two parents and two or more children dining together

    Biodegradable polylactic acid, which is possible to make from straw is $499/metric ton on alibaba, suggesting molded disposable cutlery contains at 10G per piece contains about 2/10 of 1¢ of polymer so doubling that to cover molding and production is
    about 1/2¢ per piece of polymer cutlery

    Published Woodgrain antibacterial geometry texture or better geometry laser sheet engraved, or just embossed on metal or ceramic cutlery is possible as well as at at the surfaces of coinage and other metal fomites, polymer toothbrushes and bristles,
    athletic equipment and nautilus like workout equipment, pass-around recreational drug paraphernalia, bathroom faucet knobs to reduce the spread of infectious illness

    Electret charge could be combined with wood microstructure texture geometry or ore effective geoetries at polymers, ceramics, and even cellulose natural fibers and paper, like paper currency to cause even greater illness reducing effect and illness
    transmission effect at fomites like handles, paper currency, push buttons, others

    Woodgrain geometry or better surface texture because it is bacteriocidal could be a texture placed on diapers, notably disposable diapers to prevent diaper rash, and cradle cap, improving baby happiness and wellness

    An improvement over embossing bacteriocidal wood texture geometries is to find a fiber etching, texture changing wood pulp cheap bulk chemical treatment that makes antibacterial paper or natural fiber thread for object production

    Another way to reduce illness transmission is to engineer a nasal mucosa probiotic, an oral saliva area and throat probiotic, and a lung probiotic to make bacteria static lactoferrin protein or one of its more potent variations, that makes it so runny
    noses wiped on hands at children transmit illness less, the lactoferrin throat probiotic reduces the spread of bacteria that are associated with sore throat, a lung probiotic could reduce susceptibility to bacterial pneumonia, a mouth lactoferrin
    probiotic could reduce illnesses spread through saliva, with side benefit of possibly reducing dental plaque and gum disease, together these different probiotic antibacterial Make it so that coughs and sneezes are much less transmissive of illness

    and sneezes have some amount much less active bacteria

    Antiviral, and anti-virus probiotic and gene therapy, it is likely there are published papers on how immunizing against generic form capsids at a plurality of the most frequently occurring viruses could reduce both infection and transmission, it is also
    possible for aptamer peptides to glom to any virus capsid, with a side or extension to the peptide that says digest this to the immune system, adequate large volumes of the generic capsid attaching peptide can be made with a durable probiotic like B.

    Body lactoferrin production increases strongly with gene and network epigenetic modifiers, reducing most bacterial disease, epigenetics could cause the body to make much more lactoferrin

    Also noting Dave Pearce' Abolitionist manifesto infection decreasing and illness decreasing probiotics can be spread to most or all other species with a cns or plural brains

    To make it so children are better at sandwich making, Bread bags could be closed with even less effort if they had an adhesive coating at an inner annulus as far up the bag interior as you would usually find a bag tag, to close the bag just spin the
    bread bag or grab and squeeze the upper part of the bread bag, the adhesive would be between a post it and medical tape, one advantage of a bread bag that is easier to close is that children can make their own sandwiches without the bread getting stale.

    Deli sliced precut cheese slices in a grocery store packages adhered strongly to each other in 2021AD, making actual cheese oil and putting a very thin coating on each cheese slice makes them easier to separate, actual butter could be used instead of
    cheese oil could be used, this facilitates children making their own sandwiches

    A new way to slice vegetables like tomatoes is just like a multi parallel wire egg slicer, but with strong but soundless piezoelectric element vibrating the slicing wires, the slicing wires could also be improved to have an industrial diamond micrometer
    jaggy surface, at alibaba industrial diamond powder is $35/Kg so a piezoelectric tomato slicer with wires that had 10 mg of industrial diamond on it, or about 1/300 of 1 ¢ goes with a 1-3¢ piezo tranducer and an 11¢ battery and usb port with each full
    charge lasting months, so besides the plastic and wires of a regular egg slicer at perhaps 9¢, the entire electric tomato and other fruit and vegetable slicer would be 22-24¢, a way of cutting vegetables without a blade benefits children making
    sandwiches with tomato or sliced fruit layers, also as a simple statement professional food preparation equipment that is similar to the piezoelectric fruit and vegetable slicer and food processor rotors could be piezoelectrically vibrating with diamond
    wires and rotors as well, this piezoelectric micro vibrating rotor may also have a use at drink blenders

    Improving piezoelectric molecules and the nanostructure of their crystallinity, amorphousNess, and larger structure improves distance of flexion, force of flexion, and possibly energy efficiency, consider what is called flexible sandstone, it really
    moves a lot from being lots of slip planes as a laminated stack, so lamellar oriented crystal piezoelectric objects could be made, as an improvement

    Skin microbiome is associated with atopic dermatitis, acne, odor, psoriasis and other skin nonoptimalities, a keratin reactive skin coating, applied as a lotion, similar to transparent henna could contain antibiotics and attach the antibiotics to the
    skin, this terminates illness associated bacteria, which are replaced with beneficial skin bacteria resistant to the antibiotic Micheal reacted to attach to skin keratin, this lotion might only have to be reapplied once each three months noting henna
    lasts about 3 months, 1/2 year or yearly treatment might be possible if the keratin reactive antibiotic is delivered deeply into dermis with iontophoresis for gradual migration to skin surface, as far as antibiotics go, along with known antibiotic drugs
    and lactoferrin could be new peptide antibiotics that glom to the enzymes of the citric acid cycle passivation them, or other glomming other receptors essential to bacterial growth

    As a keratin reactive antifungal that precludes and cures yeast infections from having the antifungal chemical attach to the mucous membranes of the vagina, using the Michael reaction, and, using an inserted iontophoresis drug migration technology like
    an electrically conductive expansion foam that contours with each vaginal canal,a deeper dermis antifungal depth is produced that allows the antifungal to gradually diffuse to the vaginal canal surface and last 365 days

    The internet says some peptides are associated with neurodegeneration, just changing 1-3 amino acids on a peptide can produce a peptide with opposite physiological effect, vasopressin and oxytocin differ at just two amino acids, and i perceive block each
    other, that suggests a few amino acids different at a neurodegeneration peptide could block the spontaneous amount of neurodegeneration receptor activity causing heightened wellness and lasting neuro wellness

    More energy generative wind turbines, i have seen a water propeller that has a little extra fanlike cone at its center, and this heightened the water propellers efficiency some number like 3%, it occurs to me wind turbines could also have these cones at
    their rotating center to perhaps produce a single digit greater efficiency

    It's possible perovskite photovoltaics could be made with different or supplemental atoms of different valencies, Cr is named for the many colors it makes and Cr could be added to perovskite photovoltaics to optimize light frequency response, or at
    light propelled spacecraft. Noting typically laser propulsion absorbers are at light propelled spacecraft designs these could be improved, noting negative refractive index photon hyperabsorbers could be better, especially those tuned to absorb soliton
    laser spacecraft propulsion light

    One use for multispectral multicolor photon propulsion of spacecraft is the different colors could be absorbable at differently angled absorbers, causing the ability of making angled propusion turns from the propulsive light being absorbed at an angle.

    Another way to make photon propulsion of spacecraft that can make angled turns is a photon absorbing angleable micro fingers absorber under computer guidance, this is almost identical to a mini projector micromirror device (10¢-1$ at alibaba) Mmd, only
    it absorbs light at computer guided angles to realize path changing forces at the spacecraft

    One light propulsive and spacecraft photovoltaic energy source is ambient milky way galaxy light, concentrated with optics onto a photovoltaic or concentrated to a light propulsion capable intensity, then the milky way light propelled spacecraft is
    motionized and can go faster and faster, and can turn

    Sonoluminescence at petroleum refining, it's possible sonolinescence could physically divide longer gooeyer unrefined alkanes into shorter more valuable alkane liquid fuels, online it says sonoluminsecent bubbles make/contain partially charged molecule
    fragments and radicals, and these could react with long gooey alkanes during sonoluminescence to divide the alkanes, making smaller alkanes, at a CPI petroleum refinery with transducers that produce sonoluminsecent bubbles, the other ions at the refining
    liquid could be added on purpose as say CN ion might be more alkane splitting than ON ion, and enriching the reactor with optimal sonoluminsecent bubble ions or radicals could increase yield and efficiency, the internet mentions that with the right sonic
    transducers produces regular standing waves that pulse sooluminescent bubbles in an area pattern each, i think, microsecond, the piezo transducers or other soundmakers including electromagnet and permanent magnet speakers, cavitating propellers and
    electrically oscillated plasma soundmakers and fluid whistles can be made larger and more efficient for sonoluminescence assisted petroleum refining

    So a plurally 11 times less dense piezo ceramic foam moves 11 times further from the same energy, and that is combined with plural cracker hole arrays to make separate wave additive vibrations at the transducer, increasing the amplitude of loudness, the
    transducer could be aimed or in a pumped hydrocarbon liquid whistle, and, if it can actually attach to a propeller reliably, be attached to a cavitation producing propeller

    Bulky center tapered distal parts ,,||,, piezoelements move more distance and move more fluid or air, making them produce more outward sonic energy than a rectangle or disk piezo transducer at the same energy, a sponge piezoelement could have 1/4 the
    mass but still electrically change shape the same distance amount and be fully powered with 4 times less current

    Think of a chunk rectangular or disc piezo element, then think of drilling a plurality of deep wells in it like periodic cracker holes, with a laser or molding, and filling the wells with conductive metal and using those contact wells to be electrical
    contacts that have 2-11 times more surface area of piezoelectric stimulation than previous simple back and front electrical contacts, it could be that this depthy multiwell gets more motion from less electricity, it also permits new 2D and 3D ways
    including undulations and concentric circle, high center energy waves to stimulate a sound making piezo element to have new additive motion waves, high amplitude waves produced at combined vibrations on the same piezoelectric slab or disk element, then
    these wave-additive vibrations on the same slab could create much higher amplitude sounds, that is louder sounds, of sonoluminsecent chemical reactor utility, also powering one group of well electrodes at say one interval or frequency, and another group
    of well electrodes at a different frequency makes periodic standing waves, and does other things that can be made from waves

    Beauty technology, iontophoresis of locally long lasting anti-sag anti-gravity effect on dermis and deeper tissues like epigenetics modification drugs that upregulate collagen and elastin production, connective tissue proliferation and volume and any
    eignetics for genetics of fascia integrity, that makes the entire front view of the body and back view of the body, including arm flab firmer and sag resistant, with breasts and other surfaces of women and girls remaining very soft, anti-sag anti-gravity
    topical and other gene therapies could make skin as unsagged as during age 14 years this benefits both women and men

    Photonic ally activated and localized ejaculatory muscle drug growing growth hormone quadruple the ejaculatory muscle's mass causing much higher pleasure spontaneous clenching and pumped squirts during sexual activity

    A vibrator that makes travelling waves of high amplitude sound waves added together can be at a soft bulbed head like a Hitachi magic wand, or a wear in panties pantiliner like duostripe with long single stripe from the vaginal opening up and past the
    clitoris, at the bulb head a multiconductor array at a 1/2 bulb or whole piezoelectric ceramic or polymer bulb would send different crystal shape with changing amplitude doubled silmultaneous vibrations from two distal parts that travel along the
    piezoelectric bulb head, and move from one side to the other around and around making a pressing wave move, with the moving pressing wave feel like sexual pleasure vibrator vibrations, with the option of gradual to high vibration, the option of a
    travelling wave of not vibrating to strongly vibrating,

    Another improvement to a sexual pleasure vibrator is a transparent gel coating with a computer camera in it, not only does this detect the amount of pressure a woman or girl is using while pressing the vibrator to herself, her clitoral area, and the
    vaginal repeat thrusting depth, pressure, and thrusts per minute, the computer camera looks at the vagina to note engorgement, clitoral arousal and tumescence, flushed color, wetness, and expansion and lengthening of the vaginal canal from sexual arousal,
    visual measure of pulse rate, and even possibly blood pressure, these things then tell the sexual pleasure vibrator what part of an orasmic or multiorgasmic sequence or cycle the woman or girl is at, and the traveling wave vibrator makes the vibrations
    most associated with variously greatest longest, most minutes, orgasmic pleasure, and another travelling wave vibration with the most rapid 90th percentile of pleasure orgasm, one technology that maps to build up to orgasm is graphical little pulse rate
    mountains, where peak pulse rate occurs at orgasm, and the slope or steepness of the mountain graph could be responsive to travelling wave vibration sexual pleasure vibrator automatic intensity modulation, another thing about the computer camera being
    able to tell how much added pressure the woman or girl is putting on her vibrator, pressing it into her genitals when extremely aroused and actually during orgasm or multiple orgasm is that the computer camera sensing this pressure can vibrate at 111-200%
    of regular maximum vibrations providing a more on than fully on vibration, this is technologically possible because the vibrator briefly utilizes overcurrent and overvoltage to drive the vibrator vibrating element,
    The pleasure creation effect of other vibration styles could be effective, vibrations that are circular or orbital in piezoelectric motions might feel more pleasurable than just side to side piezoelectric vibrations, water ripple like vibrating waves
    that travel from the perimeter of the clitoris and clitoral hood, vibration intensifying towards the center, with each concentric travel to center ripple having more vibration sequentially until a very high vibration peak intensity is reached at the most
    optimal pleasure making area of the clitoris as the center of the ripple, so just pressing the piezo bulb vibrator at the upper exterior vagina, with the camera finding the clitoral hood and clitoris can do this, the camera finding the clitoral hood and
    clitoris is particularly effective at pantiliner like vibrators worn on the entire exterior vagina

    One advantage of pantiliner like sexual pleasure vibrators like travelling wave piezo vibrators that stimulate the clitoral area and clitoris is that they can be worn while women or girls sleep, and various sleep stage, REM detectors, some of which are
    phone apps can make sexual pleasure vibrations during dreaming sleep that result in verifiable pulse rate mountain graph orgasms while asleep, this could be experienced as highly pleasureable sleep dreams or satisfyingly orgasmic very sexual sleep dreams,
    it is also possible 9 or more orgasms and build up sexual pleasure can occur each overnight sleep period, causing the woman or girl to have a much more pleasureable life even if she does not remember the orgasms and sexy dreams, a variation on a
    travelling wave camera pantiliner like sexual pleasure vibrator is a form for use with a female or male sex partner basically the pantiliner vibrator and the panties that keep it from moving around have an aperture for fingers or an erect penis, that way
    each sexual thrust of the male and pull back out for another I thrust can be accompanied with clitoral stimulation, it's possible the I thrust feels better to women and girls than the pullback, so the sexual pleasure vibrator might vibrate more on the
    pullback to make an intensified sex pleasure to make up for the reduced stimulation of a penis pullback, other women or girls might like and prefer making the inthrust super extra pleasurable with clitoral area and clitoris vibration from the pantiliner
    like sexual pleasure vibrator during each penile inthrust, possibly of greatest vibration intensity and pleasure at beginning of inthrust, or ramping with the duration of each inthrust, the panties with the vaginal canal penis access aperture would be
    sheer and super soft at the surface, with a silkscreen of feels like soft skin silicone micro dots that provide a skin like exterior feel to the penis for when the penis pops out during sex and rubs against the panties that position the pantiliner like
    sexual pleasure vibrator, such a vibrator might also be enjoyed by lesbians doing scissoring with the pantiliner vibrator intensifying clitoral sensation during the most pleasureable components of lesbian scissoring to intensify them

    Notably two travelling wave piezo vibrators each 1-2 cm away at the side from the clitoris and clitoral hood can send vibrations through tissue, such that the area between the vibrating piezoelement does amplitude increasing acoustic waveform addition,
    and what are called beat frequencies, this pleasures the clitoral hood, clitoris and commisure without a vibrating element directly placed on these, this has the big advantage of leaving the clitoris and clitoral area completely available to the tongue
    of a sex partner and benefits everyone that likes cunnilingus, including lesbians and bisexual women and girls as well as men and boys, and also makes clitoral stimulation with fingers with a partner be vibration hyperpleasured, as well as making it so
    that at women or girls masturbating with their fingers on the clitoral area and clitoris that is simultaneous with overlapping acoustic vibration waves at the clitoris and clitoral area, computer camera and software at the pantiliner like vibrator could
    dynamically adjust the clitoral vibration to go with the finger motion velocity, including faster rubbing or other faster finger motions as pleasure and involvement increasers that tell the vibrator to vibrate more powerfully or at a particularly
    pleasureable or orgasm triggering acoustic frequency, perhaps from what is called a beat frequency, this vibrator amplifies the pleasure of both masturbation and cunnilingus

    One new thing a sexual pleasure vibrator could do is come up with a completely pleasurable travelling wave additive vibration that feels highly pleasurable even after an orgasm, i favor getting rid of the sexual refractory period at all persons using
    voluntary eugenics, genetics, gene therapy and optionally epigenetics, noting that, during the 20teens there were women who on having a good orgasm would move their lesbian lovers hands away from their vagina, and there is also sex videos of heterosexual
    women doing similar things with male sex partners, as a guy with a penis I notice the glans/head of the penis becomes no sexually hyper sensitive, the shaft of my penis still feels pleasure from stroking after ejaculation, that suggests the big
    technological improvement to women's and girls sexual pleasure vibrators is, are there any external vagina areas that still feel super pleasureable rather than nonpleasureably sensitive when vibrator stimulated even though a female orgasm has occurred,
    Cofocalized acoustics, overlapping traveling waves and computer camera ways to localize the vibration to just the areas of the outer and inner vagina that still experience great pleasure from vibration even right after orgasm or multiple orgasm are
    possible, this provides the advantage of multi hour completely pleasureable continuous vibration localized masturbation among women and girls

    Noting the technology of using or making different beat frequencies at adjustable frequency piezoelectric sexual pleasure vibrators, these frequencies could be anything from 1/4 Hz, that is one feel able sonic pulse every 4 seconds to wand vibrator like
    Hz frequencies, to the physics resonance frequency cumulative energy effect producing frequency that is different at each clitoris and clitoral hood, at a camera computer sexual pleasure vibrator imaging could see what scanned frequency causes resonant
    energy accumulating vibration at the clitoris, the computer could remember the frequencies of every woman or girl that used the vibrator, and at handheld and partner held vibrators have an easy to use It goes to 11 button or rotor position to make the
    resonant vibration setting active

    Some other areas that sexually pleasurable localized acoustic vibrators with resonance can reach is the more sensitive and pleasure capable outer third of the vaginal canal, the o-spot and A-spot, and the G-spot if it exists

    It benefits all humans to find the genetics of multiorgasmic women with vaginal canal pleasure area be as much vaginal surface area, length, and depth actively sex pleasured as possible, compared with perhaps just the outer third of the vagina being
    sexually pleasureable among 20th century AD women, technologically, the 99.99th percentile of greatest sexual pleasure and motion feeling vaginal depth and vaginal canal surface women's percentage may already be most of the vaginal canal, once these 99.
    99th percentile people are located it is likely the genetics of entire vaginal canal length being pleasure nerve containing are findable, using those genes produces beneficial full vaginal length sexual motion sensation and full vaginal length sexual
    pleasure nerve sensation that are directly findable genetics that then are voluntary options when conceiving children with enhanced gametes, full vaginal canal pleasure reception genes are voluntary eugenics that are beneficial to put at the genomes of
    all persons with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X chromosomes, as well as all men,

    A sex pleasure and all hip area sexual function improver causing the ability to have vaginal and clitoral tissue swell and engorge from arousal, an amplification of clitoral and vaginal pleasure, and a heightening of the feel of on hip surface and
    buttocks erogenous zone sensation, and, at men heightened penis pleasure and the ability to have very firm erections from slight sexual stimuli and more spontaneous erections without stimuli kind of like a preteen male, as well as possibly greater
    pleasure from receptive anal sex can all be produced with an iontophoretic drug patch that adheres to the pelvic ganglion or the other name of the genital nerve multiplexing nerve bundle, from obvious direct drugs like tyrosine or dopamine stimulants
    that increase nerve conduction velocity to gaba antagonists that remove the slowdown effect of gaba at gaba pelvic ganglion nerves, to drugs that increase nerve voltage that I think are likely to exist and might already be antiepileptic drugs and
    peptides, to moderate intensity glutamate excitatory effect increasing drugs, i do not know if nerves, as compared with neurons have excitatory acetylcholine druggability effect, if they do then there are a number of preexisting acetylcholine receptor
    nootropics that could be utilized, also it makes sense that a sexual improvement iontophoretic pelvic ganglion applique actually be good for people so components Ike epithalon, Gdf-11,klotho protein, thymalin, and an epigenetic drug that upregulates DNA
    repair enzymes could all be iontohoretically delivered to the pelvic ganglion or other genital area nerve bundle to increase its youthspan and preserve its function throughout living, technologically two 1¢ alibaba batteries iontophoretically energizes
    an applique similar to a 3¢ drug delivery patch, with 1¢ ic logic and 1/10 of ¢ RFID tag like wiring, that makes it possible for the iontophoretic applique to only turn on for 20 minutes/24 hours conserving battery energy so that a new applique,
    optimally can be used every 1-3 months, considering the bodywide pill dose of the nerve active drugs is often near 100 mg, and on the way to the pelvic ganglion 24 grams of tissue gets drug saturated, then the actual amount of iontophoresisized drugs are
    about 20-40 micrograms, millionth of a gram per 24 hours, or just 1.2 milligrams of each drug at a 3 month applique, the drugs and proteins are, possibly, less than $1000/kg,so 1 milligram is just 1/10 of ¢, if the iontophoretic applique contains 8
    variously nerve stimulating and youthspan increasing drugs then all 8 drugs together is about 1¢ at a 3 month sex pleasure and sex capacity increasing iontophoretic applique that is about 7-9 cents or less each to manufacture, the audience is anyone
    that likes sex, anyone with a partner they would like to be a better sexual lover for, and any person, of any age that masturbates including children

    [continued in next message]

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