• Better menstrual products like tampons, pads, and cervical cups,

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 4 05:23:26 2022
    i read the previous to a vaginal bacteria toxic shock group of occurrences caused hyerabsorbent, perhaps polymer or Acrylate material tampons and possibly pads to become unavailable I don't know but it is slightly possible this caused women and girls to
    use twice as many tampons and change them twice as often, new technology that creates a superabsorbent tampon or also pad to halve or even quarter the moments spent on menstrual care, and possibly halving or quartering the paper fiber resources used,
    hundred billion tampons and pads combined each year, making preexisting hyperabsorbent tampon technology OK to use because physiologically harmless bacteria neutral or antibacterial modifications are made to the hyperabsorbent tampon technology 1)
    enzymes added to surface layer and depth, bacterial cytomebrane lipid digesting enzymes that are harmless to vaginal tissue, both gram positive and gram negative cytomebrane digesting enzymes, and possibly also enzymes that digest yeast exterior material
    and the exterior material, vaginal probiotics exist now, and they could be bred or engineered to be immune to the surface membrane and material dissolving enzymes 2) laser treatment of tampon or pad exterior and precompression middle surface area to make
    them have a slightly jaggy dippy microphysical structure like wood, ob better newer tested surface variants, Science News magazine described how wooden cutting boards were strongly antibacterial compared to polymer cutting boards, it's possible the
    researchers attributed this to jagginess of the woods microsurface, lasers can simultaneously bulk etch square meters of tampon fiber or material at high velocities, giving both tampon and pad exteriors and interiors antibacterial effects, bacterial
    growth on previous hyerabsorbent tampons was, i perceived with having enough bacteria for the person to get toxic shock syndrome, so antibacterial microtexture and antibacterial enzymes could reestablish and make the kind of tampon women and girls only
    had to change half as often, using half as many tampons absent toxic shock risk.

    Other ways to increase the absorbance capacity of even reestablished hyerabsorbent tampons have to do with the tampon being able to absorb much more liquid and gunk, once able to do that, another tampon modification to make them come out very easily even
    if their volume is larger from absorbing more bodily fluids, many gels and hydrogels are electrically responsive, i think it is possible there could be an ultraffordable Acrylate gel, similar to a diaper gel, that absorbs much more water when electricity
    is applied to it, notably tampons at alibaba.com are 1¢ each, and i think pads are 1-2¢ and a diaper gel diaper is about 2¢, if an electrically activateable Acrylate, Polymethylmethacrylate, or chemically treated to swell to 2000 times it's original
    volume modified starch diaper gel can be made to be hyper water absorptive from the voltage and current of a zinc-air or magnesium ion, or edible metal ion/polymer battery then perhaps the original fluid absorption amount of a reestablished harmlessly
    antibacterial hyerabsorbent tampon or pad can be increased, an engineer who specialized in conductive metal or metal ion filter paper batteries, perhaps with conductive polymer Pedot inkjet or roller printed, or much cheaper ion rich rubbery but minute
    alginate gel electrical paths where at full tampon interior and exterior or menstrual pad interior and exterior, the very cheap mass printable conduction pathways that electrify the electrohyperwaterabsorbing Acrylate or treated starch, notably, the 2¢
    gel baby diapers come printed in encouraging baby themes, so a lot of electrically conductive printing could happen at imaginably 1/10th of a cent to 1/4 of a cent at a tampon or pad interior and exterior, noting the chemistry, i am not sure but I think
    it is possible to make a filter paper or tampon fiber battery using only dissolved edible ions like Zn, Mg, potassium and possibly physiologically beneficial amounts or heart disease reducing lithium, with different metal ions on layered filter paper or
    tampon or pad fiber, a tampon that cues an electro responsive hyperabsorptive gel via 1/10 of 1¢ printed alginate ion gel conductive pathways to absorb more bodily fluid than a 20th century AD superabsorbent tampon or pad, after printing and spraying
    with electrically hyper fluid absorbent gel, the tampon precompression or being shaped into a useful tampon shape is, even though it functions from conducting electrical charge is completely without solid metal or wires, and is harmless to eat, and place
    for extended periods of time in the vagina, or I have read about putting a tampon in the anus, there is another feature to an ionic electricity tampon or menstrual pad, the voltage and current are optimally absent sensation to the tampon or pad user,
    with possible paper ionic batteries making .29 to. 8 volts at not much current, i have not researched the electroactive Acrylate water absorbers effectiveness at less than a volt, so if low voltage water or body fluid glomming cheap Acrylate or modified
    starches already exist, this is more functional, it also seems possible to do original materials research and find an electroactive water or body fluid absorbing material that functions at voltages less than the tampon or pad utilizers sensation of
    electricity amount, another thing that is mildly supportive of very low voltage water absorption enhanced gels is that display liquid crystals change shape, furling and unfurling at what i at least imagine to be .49-.7 of a volt, liquid crystals change
    shape in response to minute voltages but as far as I perceive are high $/G materials without any electrical water or even oil or lipid absorption amplification, with the possibility that an electric ion superfluid absorption tampon or pad could function,
    then changing the tampon half as often goes with it absorbing more bodily fluids and becoming a larger volume than a different kind of tampon, it's possible that between the perceptually smaller OB tampon, and the length of a cardboard or polymer
    applicator Tampon there could be some longer tampon of narrower or usual diameter that is fiber/polymer constructed to swell with elongation, while swelling to only 100-149% of nonenhanced tampon diameter, the tampon gets longer from absorbing more
    menstrual fluids and materials, but the diameter increase at 100-149% is mild enough, with testing different diameter swelling amounts to find the optimal diameter swell that uses the e- gel active tampon pad's greater absorptivity, another technology
    enhancement to an e- hyperabsorptive tampon is to coat the surface, especially the part of the tampon nearer the cervix have some kind of physiologically benign anticoagulant or clot dissolver, and a physiologically benign mucolytic mucous dissolver and
    mucous thinner, both of these are I think possible with mucolytic enzymes, clot dissolving enzymes, possibly physiologically benign phospholipid like some choline variants, if the liquidness of menstrual fluids is benignly increased then its possible the
    tampon's absorption effect will function better and although I'm absent data, there would be less blobby or thickened material to clean at the vagina when taking a shower during menstruation, these mucolytic and clot dissovers could be pretty affordable
    raising the manufacturing spending on a 1 ¢ alibaba tampon 1/10 of a cent to a cent, also mucolytic and clot dissolving enzymes or benign choline or other phospholipid surfactant might be antibacterial spontaneously, or reduce the risk of toxic shock
    syndrome from dissolving biofilm like bacterial mucous or bacterial biofilm habitats, another anti toxic shock cheap protein is lactoferrin or even more active lactoferrin partial proteins, lactoferrin protein gloms to Fe atoms/molecules removing the Fe
    as a nutrient source, causing bacteria to perhaps cease reproducing or perhaps halts their bioprocesses because there is not sufficient Fe in a lactoferrin dosed environment to make fresh supplies f bacteria continuing to be alive bacterial proteins,
    notably menstruation fluid may have a lot of Fe, so a bacteria static or bacteriocidal dose of lactoferrin coud be 11-111 milligrams of lactoferrin diffusing from the surface of the tampon or pad, lactoferrin powder is $20-200/Kg,so 100 mg would be from
    2/10ths of a ¢ to 2¢ manufacturing $ at a 1¢ alibaba tampon, notably though researchers have made ultra effective Fe glommers from partial versions of the lactoferrin protein, if these are 2-11 times as effective as lactoferrin at being bacteriocidal
    or bacteria static then the better than lactoferrin Fe glommer protein could be 1/10 of 1¢ to 1¢,or as affordable as 2/100ths of 1¢ to 2/10 of a cent so with lactoferrin or more advanced lactoferrin based bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic anywhere from
    2/100ths of a ¢ to 1/10 of a ¢ is manufacturing $ amount for a tampon that might be able to completely minimize the occurrence of toxic shock syndrome at e- hyperabsorbent tampons, as well as harmlessness increased 20th century AD superabsorbent
    tampons, also as a possibly much more mg or just possibly microgram amount per tampon bacterial growth minimizing toxic shock precluding bacterial nutrient glomming protein, or possibly aptamer peptide that gloms ions, non Fe elemental nutrients
    essential to bacterial reproduction and continued existence, possibly Zn, Mg, S, P, these could be elements or ions tens, hundreds, or thousands of times less in uG or picogram per ml than Fe at menstrual fluid and vaginal mucous, if that functions then
    the ¢ manufacturing goes to amounts like 2/1000ths of a ¢ to 2/100ths of a ¢ based on $200/2000 per Kg novel element glomming and sequestering peptide or protein so a toxic shock/bacterial nonoptimality precluding tampon whether a relaunched 20th
    century AD superabsorbent tampon or the e- fluid hyperabsorption tampon that can be changed less often than a relaunched superabsorbent tampon is very near maintaining alibaba.com 1¢ tampon amount

    Hyper Compression of tampon's could increase total fluids absorbed per tampon use, vacuum packed supercompressed washcloths and sponges are at the $1/1.25 store, for women and girls that would prefer to change tampons less frequently or use less $ to get
    enough tampons for an entire menstrual period, rapid expansion supercompressed tampons could possibly put twice the absorbent fibers in an ob or applicator tampon sized object, it's up to the woman or girl if they would like the twice as many
    supercompressed tampon fibers to lengthen as it absorbs much more menstrual fluid or if diameter increase is their preference, at twice the absorptive fiber supercompressed tampons there is a possibly completely unnecessary opportunity to make the tampon
    exterior friction minimized with plant sourced biopolymer plastic ease of motion, like inkjet spraying slippery but hyperporous polylactic acid biopolymer on the exterior of the tampon, another variation on a change the tampon less often swells to larger
    size tampon is to paint or spray a draws moisture from air or anything deliquescent material like the amino acid NaPCA or KPCA, PCA is benign enough to be in cosmetic moisturizers for bare skin and i think is physiologically harmless if eaten, so it
    might be compatible with the vagina and vaginal canal for any kind of tampon

    Making it so toxic shock risk reduced superabsorbent tampons that a person can change less frequently and use fewer tampons per entire menstrual period have the safety attribute of saving many more lives and precluding more illnesses like heart disease
    so the more convenient and less expensive superabsorbent and e- hyperabsorbent tampons can have lasting function and benefit, some edible element ions cause wellness increases, anticancer Se in the tampons and pads, numerically the reduction of cancer
    and heart disease from Se tampons and pads could be orders of magnitude greater amounts of people than had toxic shock syndrome, with continued wellness and saved lives compared even with the numbers on the 20th century hyerabsorbent tampons thought to
    be associated with toxic shock syndrome, another beneficial ion to add to the tampons or pads is micro dose lithium, at humans, Japanese that live in regions with tap water with higher lithium, sort of near 1 mg lithium absorbed from drinking water per
    24 hours, had, i do not actually remember 10-30% fewer heart attacks, also c elegans live 36-39% longer at a higher equivalent dose than the heart beneficial lithium in drinking water dose, so, at tampons, some electroactive hyperabsorptive tampon could
    be changed once a day and diffuse 1-4 mg of lithium ion from the tampon's surface coating, a hyerabsorbent no electric tampon might get changed twice a day and have 1-2 mg of lithium diffuse to the woman or girl's body, anticancer antiheart disease daily
    dosages of element Se are possibly 40-200 micrograms, or 1/20th to 2/10 of a single milligram, both Se and lithium are near or less than 1/100th of one cent per tampon or pad diffused dose, this has almost no fiscal effect on 1¢ alibaba.com tampons
    electricity conduction patterns, which might be cheaply makeable from inkjet printing alginate gel MG, Zn, or other edible metal ion branched leaf electrical pathwaysampons restart because zinc air battery creates no feel able minute e- surface charge
    that precludes growth of bacteria and toxic shock bacteria, laser microtextures cellulose or other tampon material just like a wood surface is antibacterial

    Yay vaginas, I like vaginas, some women and girls may have varying feelings about scent when they change used tampons, pads or reusable menstrual cups, cyclodextrins are edible geometric starches like odor reducing Febreze, starch is really cheap, and
    some starch repeating polymolecule forms are I think, unable to be used as food by almost any bacteria, including vaginal and lung bacteria, as well as bacteria at surgical sites, or under bandages or band-aids, a starch made of repeating xyitol units
    might be nonedible to bacteria, so rather than an odor removing Febreze cyclodextrins, an ultra high surface area nonedible to bacteria cycoxyitol or other nonedible to bacteria polycarbohydrate starch made from chirally novel linked sugars like
    levosugar starch, besides levo and dextro sugars I think there can be other nonchiral but geometrically non compatible with bacteria's carbohydrate digestion or modification enzymes, repeating a sugar with multiple axises of symmetry is a possible
    nonlevo nondextro sugars and starches are possible I think like maybe ortho position polysugars to make Febreze like nonedible to bacteria cyclostarches/dextrins, at menstrual tampons and pads, could be cheap to make and at tens to hundreds of mg of
    bacteria nonedible Febreze odor removing cyclo starch per tampon or pad women and girls changing their tampon or pad would experience less odor which might be appealing to some menstruating women and girls and completely nonrelevent to others.

    Things similar to cyclodextrins Febreze, that because of their novel polysugar constructors are nonedible to bacteria have numerous medical and technological uses, the extra powder excipient at breathe a puff asthma inhalers and lung friendly breathe new
    better, more enjoyable, longevity causing and intelligence raising puff on an unlit cool paper tube, cyclostarch custom drug availability and body absorption curves, graphs and profiles so that if you breathe superenjoyable peptide drugs contained in
    pulsatilely melting physiologically harmless novel cyclosugar polymer material one inhalation can pulsatilely make a sequence of intense recreational drug rushes, each stronger than the one before it from attaching notably different brain specific area
    concentrating locatinalizing peptides and each few seconds a new rush pulse is released from the inhaled cyclosugar, the multipulse cyclosugar could even be made with compressed N2O or CO2 to wiggle itself, abruptly solublizing the happiness, longevity,
    and intelligence increasing peptide, protein or other chemical recreational drug

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