• Chromotography fractals and chevrons let you slice column like fimo to

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 14 05:43:05 2022
    Magnetic zone refining chromatography

    10¢ kg alibaba cellulose, h2so4 or water acid cellulose gel, ultra high intensity coanda effect airknife ripples and blows gel from surface drying it to make super cheap industrial chromotography column packing, cheaper even than that might be aluminum
    oxide from clay gel, fluffed and permeablized with 9-40% cellulosic gel.

    Sexuality enjoyment technology. I perceive some females and males enjoy, at a nonverbal level of their own personal presence of being, what is described as a sexual gaze, that at women could be a nonlanguage enjoyment of a man or woman' gaze angle,
    direction, and object. A kind of enoyable preconscious or unconscious

    New super cheap catalysts. The internet says carbon tubes like long capless buckytubes have catalytic action because they donate an electron. A different ruthenium cesium catalyst is 15,000 times more catalytic from having a .6amp current go through it
    to cause what the paper calls hopping protons. That suggests nongraphenesque linear C-C and unsaturated C=C and cyclic polymers *if zapped with positive or negative electret treatment* could be catalytic from their electron or proton surplus character.
    Also, at polymers that are already conductive like Pedot doping them with cheap ion implantation could make them actively catalytic. Polymers and plastics are a hundred (2020 Cobalt) or thousands (2020 Palladium) of times cheaper than some metals. One
    thing i recently read about was how a magnetic and electric field made a cobalt catalyst variously 300% more active. So as a technology a microparticle of magnet, like neodymium iron boron, or much more warmth tolerant aluminum nickel cobalt, could be
    coated with pedot, and to survey what works a bunch of other separate types of conductive polymers. Then the polymer coated magnets would be ion implanted with all the semiconductor dopants N, P, B, ge, al, as, Se, Ag,as well as ion implanted with the
    value +6,7,8 dopants like Os, Cr, vanadium, and all the lanthanides could be tested as dopants then measured as to their catalytic effect at the 100 most economically valuable chemical process industry reactions. Electricity could also be passed through
    the conductive polymer

    Preventative or cure for SIDS. Have the crib the baby is laying on have a plurality of gel stripes. This gel is actually the same kind of ultrasoft transparent gel in typing wrist rests. Have the outer surface of the gel be slightly hydroscopic or
    deliquescent so all the skin surface of a diapered baby touches a warm, soft, comfy, just slightly moist from retroreflected skin moisture spot at 1-2 cm intervals. A camera and computer watch the baby's breathing, position, and heartrate. If the
    software notices a shallowness of breathing with a 1 per 10K chance of becoming SIDS, then the computer uses 20¢ alibaba ultrasonic transducers to, in a way that the baby likes, create beat frequency ultrasound overlaps that pass through the baby's head,
    at any position, to cause vibration and even possibly tongue motion in the baby's mouth, this is possibly as enjoyable or more enjoyable to the baby than popular vibrating electric pacifiers. It does notably cause greater baby alertness and waking which
    prevents respiration and heart slowdown that might have something to do with SIDS. Another more direct approach is to have the ultrasound beat frequencies directly wiggle the diaphragm muscle and its nerves into a much more active but highly pleasant
    state. This state could be just as tissue moving and nerve exciting as a wand vibrator is, but the vibrations and sensory intensification happen at the baby's biggest breathing muscle

    Longevity technology insulin radiostaining map ilgf radiostaining map, P53 tumor supressor gene epigenetically activated with acetylation everywhere insulin and insulin like growth factor 1 concentrate a bunch prevents many cancers. I dont think
    arteries and arterioles have their own capillary blood supply to their 1-3 mm (circle of willis o4

    Pharmaceutically active drugs produced at the human body are beneficial immune epigenetic tail nestling, taar1 receptors, impulsive mbti P type, possibly above 80th percentile 2020 ad big five neuroticism, genetic as well as skin bacteria do the same
    beneficial thing nibbling toenails is 6-16 month contraceptive for both people with ovaries and people with testis

    Nmn and nr NAD, and ATP surplus endogenously produced at uterus, uterine linings, placenta, and fallopian tubes can be measured as causing weller zygotes, conceptuses, blastocysts, fetuses, children and the people over 18 or also puberty effected persons
    that they become. Also the endogenous production of NMN, NR, NAD, ATP surplus at the female tissues and organs of getting pregnant and having a baby can cause both oocytes and sperm to have longer functional lifespan and 2, 4, 8, or 16 times longer well
    baby fertilizability at the female reproductive system. Producing NMN and ATP attached to a harmless or beneficial cell membrane transport peptide or moiety at the oocytes travel path and arrival at the uterus creates a 6-48 day duration of the ability
    to be fertilized at each ovulated oocyte. This causes between double to 16 times higher likeliness of getting voluntarily pregnant. During 2016is AD 85 out of 100 women actively trying to get pregant conceived and, i think, had a baby within 365 days. If
    female reproductive tract enrichment or also endogenous production of NMN, NR, NAD, ATP cause much longer window of fertilizability then up to 95 out of 100 females seeking voluntary pregnancy could get pregnant in the first month of trying, this is
    notably beneficial with high effectivess get pregnant kits that utilize genetically enhanced or genetically optimized sperm that is mass produced with sperm tissue culture and available at physical department stores, internet sites like Amazon.com,
    walmart.com, aliexpress.com, ebay.com, independent websites, grocery stores, what during 2020AD are called Dollar stores, as well as minimarts and convenience stores, as well as vending machines. As a technology the get pregnant kit would have either
    an oral pill that does highly localized gene editing with crispr/cas9 or a better technology like a longevity causing virus (example: immunizing against pneumonia causes people to have about 40% fewer adverse cardiovascular events, so, a completely
    asymptomatic 72 hour virus related to pneumonia but perhaps living only at throat then creates the immune response equivalent to, or beneficially greater than, the heart health supporting pneumonia vaccine. Such a virus could be used just like an
    adenovirus or better gene therapy vector virus to cause women seeking pregnancy to experience gene therapy that causes surplus body produced NMN, NR, NAD, ATP to be at the female reproductive tract, fallopian tubes, uterus, uterine aqeous diffusive
    mucous environment, and ovaries. Genetic get pregnant with genetically enhanced or optimized sperm kits' enhancements that cause a larger number of zygotes, blastocysts, and fetuses to be superwell and pass the Quality control processes of the pregnant
    woman's body are technologies based on TCA cycle (NMN, ATP, others) surpluses of beneficial physiochemicals from the gene therapy pill in the kit. One calculation of the cost of a delicious blue and white or green and white chewable gene therapy gummy
    form, is 1/4 of a cent for the chewable gummy, and at artificial edible tissue culture fish sticks at $20/Kg or much less then 1mg of beneficial virus produced at a tissue culture is just 4/100th of one cent. So the part of a get pregnant kit that causes
    weller and 3-20 times sooner pregnancy is .29 of 1 ¢. Some women or companies could also make a get pregnant kit that contains 90 pills of NMN linked to a localization peptide, and ATP linked to a localization aptamer like peptide. Where the
    localization brings them to the female reproductive tract, fallopian tubes, uterus, uterine diffusive aqeous material and mucous as well as the beginnings of a placenta. At alibaba 8 mer amino acid peptides are about $10/gram and NMN is about 40 cents a
    gram. Just 3 mg/24 hours of superlocalized TCA cycle physiochemicals for 90 consecutive dosing days, in a 1¢ enteric coated pill is more, about $3.29 for the 90 day three months supply. The benefit is that the woman, i think, has a 95 out of 100 chance
    of conceiving a child. This can be made as little as 80-90 cents if the woman is able to take 2 pills, once a month, for three consecutive months. Each of those pills which are kind of the size of a large multivitamin, contains D-cyclic peptide localizer
    aptamer, with an enzymatically dividable linker between it and ATP/NMN on one side and a super long lasting depot effect producing lipid dodecanate at the different side. The circulating drug depot dodecanoate form keeps the active ingredient
    functionally circulating at effective levels for several weeks per oral pill. If the oral pill is large and fizzy enough, or is one or two 24 gram creamy buttery candy bon bons then the circulating decanoate depot adminstration could last 3 months (90
    days from a single candy)

    and ATP that simultaneously transfects the throat and This could increase the number of instances where a missed menstrual period becomes a planned well live baby to be 60-80% higher. twin studies, oocyte thriving day quantity periods traced to genetics,
    basis of epigenetic, germline heightened ability to get voluntarily pregnant

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