• Wikipedia ghost imaging-> beamsplitter alternate path heightened cataly

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 14 02:01:17 2022
    Electrical stalagtites, stalagmites, and petroleum and other industry zeolites grown in an electric charge field and a magnetic flux: adjust any of wide tube narrow tube, hollow tubes look like crystals vertices you get to adjust which elemental atoms
    are at vertices, drawersides, compare a new kind of activated carbon or charcoal or ion exchange resin where because it is filled up with ion water then warmed to crystallize the effect of electricity and the effect of magnetism effect size and charge of
    crystal clumps. Cheap reusable electret charge making salt like rochelle salt, when it makes activated carbon or zeolite produces immediate contact area negative or positive electret. An electret zeolite could be much more catalytic at chemical process
    industries/petroleum industry because i read that electrified catalysts can be 650% or 300% more active, and another paper from the graph seems to suggest 1000-10,000% greater activity at electrically supplied charged ammonia making catalysts. To make a
    really super active electrically conducting zeolite, even though i perceive petroleum catalyst zeolite to be an insulator just zap it with a million to billion microbeam hole drilling laser at a 11 cm diameter blob, then utilize a spray of electroless
    plating solution, ultrasonically penetrated through the drilled holes, this makes all million to billion thru holes into conductive dots at the interior of the zeolite, then because a million holes in 11 cm diameter makes the holes just 100 nm apart.
    That means only a low voltage, imaginably 1/10-1 volt is needed for electricity to spark gap jump between the metal filled holes at the interior of the laser drilled, metal-fills-drillholes zeolite, this, as described, based on the heightened
    effectiveness of published other forms of electrically powered catalysts being from 6.5-100 times more producing of preferred reaction, and preferred reaction product make the zeolites orders of magnitude better at making petroleum products. Noting the
    extreme environments of some refining and Chemical process industries processes it is possible to fill the drillholes with electroless plating solution that deposits electrically conductive nickel chromium alloy, like chemical resistant hastelloy. If the
    thickness of the plating of the laser drill holes is highly adjustable utilizing different %ages of plating metal then startling things like voltage conductive but only 1 nm thick platings of super durable materials like tungsten, vanadium, ruthenium,
    and even, using a nonaqueous polar solvent, titanium or iron, or cobalt, or lanthanide metals is possible and affordable. The actual path of the electricity that makes a conductor dot zeolite hypercatalytic can be based on such varied conductor/
    electricity source designs as a big "bag/cube/retaining wall of rocks" surrounded with chainlink fence i once saw, to the exterior of the 11 cm diameter zeolite having an electricity from induction inkjet printed multicm size antenna that might look like
    an RFID antenna printed on it. The diamond weave metal bag around thousands of 11 cm zeolites with 11% surface hastelloy plating on it permits zeolite sphere or other shape always a conductibe pathway contact, and CPI reagent/chemical flow through the
    metal diamond bag, and noting different chemistry occurs at different heights of a petroleum or CPI reactor, at each column packing tray location there could be a chainlink fence-ish container of zeolite shapes/rocks/other geometries. It might not be
    easier, but it might be smoothly catalytic to have a coninuous gradient of loose floating galileo's neutrally bouyant thermometer zeolites at the column/reactor. Also, in published work on not just electrified catalysts, having the catalyst operate in a
    magnetic field heightens catalytic effect. Some ways of putting magnetism on/with 11 cm zeolite forms are 1) temperature demagnetism dubious, but very cheap 1 tesla, alibaba 1 cent disk or other shape permanent magnet at the center of each zeolite blob.
    2) making the hastelloy RFID antenna on the outside of the zeolite blob be 2-4 times larger and have a thick silkscreened ferrite layer or internal electromagnet to make magnetism with, and the bigger RFID like inductor which i think can be very cheaply
    inkjet printed on, picks up EM emitted at an antenna within the column or other shaped CPI/petroleum reactor. This has the additional energy efficiency effect of all the EM/RF that does not reach zeolite blobs simply adding to process chemistry
    supporting column warming, 3) I'm just assuming the petroleum catalytic zeolite noodles that look 3mm cylinder width, 4-7cm long are the right size. These could be super cheaply printed, or 3-7% surface area metal thread wrapped as they come out of the
    extruder. This has the effect of looking like a 3mm times 7mm wire inductor. An ultraffordable wire coil no core inductor is 3/10 of 1¢, the 1¢ ones are nearer the size of a zeolite noodle. if the zeolite extruder machine is working well i think it can
    extrude a ((O)) inducible magnetism cheap fe2o3 ferrite slotted surface for fluid flow tubular simultaneous catalytic volume and induced electricity magnet.

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