• Sex avidity frequency goes up with paleness bremelanotide aphrodisiac p

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 14 02:00:24 2022
    two approaches to this periodicity of administration of the mRNA bremelanotide causes the production of are a pill, iontophoretic dermal applique, or nasal spray that contains a bremelanotide and flibanserin associated mRNA in a plural enteric
    microdissolving time sequenced mini pill like contacâ„¢. The bremelanotide mRNA drugs would cause a fresh rapid rush of sexual avidity, erotic visual noticing, and genital awareness at both chromosomal sexes once every 16 minutes that lasts 8 minutes.
    Other drugs besides bremelanotide that cause high sexual avidity, higher frequency of sexual thoughts, and measureably more frequent initiation of sex with a partner exist. Among them 2-CB, cocaine, and methamphetamine are drugs i have heard of
    Additionally, the brain localization of just the things about cocaine that cause greater sexual avidity, arousal, and initiation of sexual contact would co-occur with the start of the 16 minute mRNA of paleness bremelanotide and mRNA of flibanserin. The
    brain localization of just the sexy part of cocaine and just the sexual avidity part of aphrodesiac 2-CB drug, and just the sexual avidity part of methamphetamine could be found by linking these drugs to brain localization aptamers that preferentially
    accumulate at fMRI and positron emission tomography of volunteers with the 99.9th percentile of a combination of high voluntary partner sexual activities per 24 hours, high spontaneous incidence frequency, and physical sexual arousal height sexual
    thoughts, fantasies, and initiations of partner sexual activity at both chromosomally female persons and chromosomally male persons. Noting that these specific brain areas, and possibly pelvic ganglion areas might have only approximate brain localization
    maps with peptide aptamers, a fresh group of 100K new stable isotope labelled peptide aptamer variations on nearest brain area localization can be tested on paid volunteers to find superspecific brain localization peptides and peptide aptamers to the
    fMRI and positron emission tomography brain areas of high sexual avidity, and high physiological sexual arousal, and high orgamic intensity and multiplicity of orgasms, as well as brain activation areas of paid vulunteers who immediately want to restart
    sexual motion and touch after their first orgasm. Similarly 100K new map variants of peptide localization drugs, including peptide aptamer location drugs can be characterized to map to microspecific areas of the pleasure and enjoyment causing parts the
    sexual orgasm, with or without partner then causes a very large multiminute nucleus accumbens, pallidum, along with other pleasure centers 16 minute rush from each orgasm. Notably rodents produce unique mRNA from orgasm events so it is very likely humans(
    Homo sapiens and branch species) also activate a specific gene or genes when having an orgasm. Notably this gene expressed during orgasm could be made into a fusion gene that makes a nucleus accumbens, pallidum, and other pleasure center localization
    peptide, that is linked to another receptor tail nestling, and thus receptor activation causing pleasure, thrill, rush, glow, stimulant effect at the nucleus accumbens and pallidum, and other pleasure centers. This stimulation rush effect at dopamine
    receptors, trace amine (TAAR) receptors and anandimide receptors extends the pleasure caused by an orgasm with a 16 minute pleasure rush that causes, from dopamine stimulation and viagra like PDE-5 decrease, measurably increased sexual motions,
    automaticity of sexual motions, and increased clitoral, vaginal and penile tumescence. The effect of orgasm on people with penises is greater immediate and automated movement of continued and continuing sexual contact as well as more intense harder
    immediate penile rigidity so the person with a penis-in-vagina stays hard after orgasm and continues to thrust, pleasuring the person with a vagina. Causing person with a penis orgasm and ejaculation to immediately cause a continued and increasing penile
    hardness and rigitity comes from the mRNA produced with intromission of a penis in a vagina and several thrusts (published at rodents) being made part of a fusion gene that produces a penile corpus cavernosum localization peptide linked to an opiate
    peptide that functions like papaverine to cause immediate increased and sustained penile hardness or also strong sustained clitoral and possibly vaginal tumescence. Before and after orgasm the penis stays as rigid as papaverine can cause, and before and
    after orgasm the clitoris and vaginal canal, and optimally vaginal distal O-Spot and A-spot are as tumescent as simultaneous papverine functionalike opiate peptide simultaneously experienced with a viagra-like PDE-5 decreaser can cause. At both people
    with penises and people with a clitoris and vagina, the sustained genital capability and rigidness/turgor that lasts 40 minutes after first orgasm, and the increased automaticity of movement and sexual avidity at all partners from woman on top sex
    positions, and the increased automaticity of thrusting and sexual avidity of all partners during man on top get rid of what was called the sexual refractory period during the 20th century AD.

    New sex drug, at female marmosets do a parabiosis like experiment where the plasma concentrate of female marmosets in mating season/sexual avidity period who show the greatest number of first sexual moves towards males, the highest receptivity to male
    marmoset sexual moves, and the greatest number of voluntary matings is gathered, concentrated, and infused into both female marmosets not in season, male marmosets, and at drug immunopassivated mice, in female and male mice. Because mice are smaller than
    marmosets it is possible to administer 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 64 times the concentration of plasma proteins and peptides and other factors to the mice, optimally this finds a 16 times greater sexual avidity than marmosets in mating season dose. When the
    circulatory system physiochemicals that cause sexual avidity with female initiation are found they can be engineered into yeast and made at sufficient quantities to test on 700 human volunteers as iontophoretic transdermal appliques and nasal sprays.
    People then chracterize, review, and improve the aphrodesiac chemicals and they are then mass produced as voluntary sex heightening drugs for all people of all ages globally, then, if found both sexual avidity and quality of living beneficial, the
    aphrodisiac physiochemicals, perhaps most or all of them can be traced to peptides and protein analogs/homologous genes at the human genome. To cause all of the entire post parturition humans (Homo sapiens and branches)to have heightened sexuality that
    causes voluntary female initiated sexual activity 7 times per 24 hours. I perceive the majority of the marmoset high sexual avidity during mating season genes already exist at humans and just modifying the germline genomes of all humans globally to have
    multiple copy numbers, more effective promotor sequences, hardwired epigenetic upregulation, and linking, with a synthetic fusion gene, continuous 24 hour like sex 7 times a day, everyday, production of the aphrodisiac physiochemicals at a high mass and
    volume product like circulating globulin benefits all humans (Homo sapiens and branch species)

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