• research findings are published in author Jayeeta Saha

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 14 01:57:58 2022
    Sustainable Chem. Eng Journal of American Chemical Society, 2021. I misunderstood the numbers, 300% yield increase rather than 6.5 times better, but 6.5 times better mobility increase. A kind of nanoparticle that is useful as a chemical process industry
    catalyst as well as a mining technology explosive accelerant is the catalytic surface attached to an EM antenna. I wondered what the catalytic effects of electrically active cobalt metal surfaces are i looked it up and found out they were 650% more
    catalytic, when combined with magnetism (cobalt is magnetic), that immediately suggests cheaper electric magnetic catalytic surfaces that make mining explosives explode 6.5 times faster, or gasoline be prepared en masse 6.5 times faster at 6.5 times less
    chemical process energy, based on the previously described hedgehog or koosh of metal linked to a multinanometer antenna like a nano"bowtie" or nanobranch yagi antenna *--|><| where the hedgehog or koosh is electrified from the EM that reaches the
    nanoantenna. To make the gasoline 6.5 times more efficiently large amounts of koosh-yagi nanoantennas in the metric tons would be used to make the global liquid fuel, > 1 trillion $ annual industry 6.5 times more efficient. One technology that can do
    this is 1 cubic volume meter making of hedgehog-nanoantennas per ten hours manufacturing process. It goes like this, above the 1 meter square area is a laser grating coupled to the air, or a higher refractive index gas like compressed cheap argon, xenon,
    or CF4 with a large plurality of microbeams of 14 nm size cast onto the base surface with negative refractive index superlenses that can make 14 nm features from subwavelengths of visible and UV light. Then at the base the light is projected on a surface
    with a plurality of nanoholes, similar to an air hockey table transports/pressure coats the baseplate with either electroless plating 8% metal solution or transports a metal alloy that is liquid at STP like gallium indium nickel, iron, or cobalt blend.
    Then, in plural laser engraving from the top plate the meter^2 is laser etched at 14 nm feature size, en masse, in bulk, from having the single main big laser above the top layer made into about 80 million laser etch beams with a grating at both y and x
    directions of the square meter. Laser multibeams on FeNi invar metal are capable of etching anything from single atom thickness depth to multiatom thickness depth. The plural CAD drawn grating makes it so the microbeams draw an antenna like yagi or "
    bowtie" a connector, and a multinanometer multimillion atom asterisk like blob. The asterisk like blob when in use at a chemical process industry reactor or gasoline making reactor then functions as an electrified nickel, iron, or cobalt, or dysprosium,
    or lanthanide series catalyst. The material is homogenous so the antenna part as well as the reactive hedgehog part are made of the same thing. Noting that a cubic meter of production every 11 hours makes a lot of electrical EM catalyst nanoshapes, and
    than asterisk and antenna can be 1-16 nm thick, 80 million * 80 million * 499 million catalyst nanostructures are produced each 11 hours, an amount similar to 10^25th individual catalyst form objects are produced. When the interval per layer of lasers
    etching and drying the electroless plating solution channelized up through the air hockey aperture base, or the liquid metal channelized up through the base is about 380 KHz-400k layers produced per second, which as it goes along with a very established
    and facile 400KHz laser pulse frequency that is less than 11 times a 2020AD computer frequency, makes 380-400K laser cuts and trims on the metal on the base plate per second. Then, again at 400-800KHz the completed nanocatalyst forms with antennas have
    to be moved off the air hockey table base to make new ones. A comparatively simple, fast, way to move each meter^2 of monolayer antennas is to have big grooves or trenches with holes on the bottom spaced at millimeter spacing on the air hockey table base,
    the completed catalyst antennas are then moved en masse a millimeter to the side with a multibillion laser tweezer array, or the completely manufactured catalysts with nanoantennas are moved to travel 1 mm through magnetic field pushing or pulling, made
    possible because the mm wide trenches have magnets or electromagnets as part of their structure. Another possibility that could work, although there is a size mismatch, is ultrasonic transducers make scanning or sweeping chladni patterns in the top
    monolayer of catalyst antenna forms, motionizing the forms into the mm wide treches. These trenches or grooves also have lots of big apertures and something like an electrostatic particle attractor to pull completed catalyst nano forms through the
    grooves and gather them in gram and kilogram heaps of powder. Notably, because the system motionizes the monolayer of completed catalyst forms once every 400K or 800K times a second, and the usual distanced traveled is 1/2-1 mm, the laser tweezers,
    magnetic pushing, or chladni motionizing only has to make the catalyst antenna forms travel about 140 Km/hour into the collecting grooves for the air hockey base plate to always to have a fresh surface, likely made of ptfe fluoromer or silicone, CVD
    diamond, but possibly pure metal like tungsten plate, or perhaps better, tungsten oxide or titanium dioxide. The advantage of bare metal or Ti/W oxide is that raster scanning lasers from the top can zap any adherent metal gunk to monoatomic metal ion gas,
    gently fanned out, leaving the PTFE, silicone, CVD diamond or metal oxide completely clean to mass produce nanoforms on. (140 Kilomers per hour from 400K one mm distances per second, or about .4 * 1000 meters per second, which is also .4 * 360
    kilometers per hour, or about 140 kilometers per hour) that produces 1 cubic meter of catalytic nanoantenna forms per 11 hours. At 8760 hours per year that is similar to 800 cubic meters produced per 365 days. If an antenna catalyst makes gasoline 6.5
    times faster at a conentration of 1 part per 1000, or, at a fast swimming catalyst, electromagnetic response self stirring catalyst 1 part per million, and each cubic meter has a mass of 3-7 million grams, or 3-7K kilograms, then 3-7 billion gallons of
    gasoline can be made, and about 200-300 one cubic meter nanocatalyst machines could make sufficient catalyst for 2020 1 trillion gallon annual gasoline utilization, but utilizing just 14% as much energy, and 1/6.5th the amount of refineries. This, if
    nanoantenna energized nanocatalysts

    now the catalyst i saw published that caused the fuel making fisher-troph reaction to be 6.5 times better used cobalt, electrical charge on the cobalt, and magnetism simultaneously. All three of these can be accomplished with the cubic meter nanocatalyst-
    antenna making machine. The first layer of material/electroless plating material is, so it works, is iron or cobalt dissolved in a nonaqeous polar solvent like NH3, or something unlikely like sulfur hexafloride. The machine can then expose the plated
    flat, but laser trimmed and shaped forms to O3, ozone, and reaction velocitizing light. That makes the electromagnetic material ferrite, or a cobalt version of ferrite. Not only is ferrite well known in electrical transformers and magnets i read it makes
    antennas 30 or 70% better when they have a Ferrite sheath.
    1/14th of mass as cobalt easy to have as outer layer.

    Recycling may be possible, if it can be reused and recycled 11 times it gets a wonderful order of magnitude cheaper

    Compare a drop of food coloring taking 24 hours to diffuse in a cup of water compared with 3s when stirred with a spoon, that's about 28K more different water molecule-colorant molecule per unit time. If the stirred water colorant molecule is actually a
    fuel making catalyst, and the catalyst either makes the reaction possible or doubles it's productivity then catalyst molecules that swim and stir all on their own cause reactions and products 56,000 times faster. Two or three shapes *--@--|><| in whats
    mostly a laser stamped Electrified induction catalyst shape can make it so when you put an oscillating magnetic field at a chemical reactor, like a beaker on a magnetic stir bar base You can accelerate, pulse, change the direction of, and even be so
    intensely moving or magnetic induction heating of a nanoform catalyst with antenna so as to give it a hyperchemically reactive melted liquid surface. To make a hedgehog and "bowtie" antenna into a rapid swimming in a magnetic field nanoform, just have
    the laser flat engrave what looks like an RFID flat tag or "@" between the antenna part and the hedgehog/asterisk part.

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