• Making large quantities of muons for muontricity and muon advantaged se

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 14 01:53:35 2022
    Muon atoms are 200 times smaller than electron atoms, thus in few-atom transistors like carbon nanotube and fullerene transistors each muonic atom, like a carbon atom, is 200 times smaller, providing about seven halving of transistor sizes with one
    technology, muonic semiconductors. At a different muonic semiconductor, a multi 3d/2d charge shape field effect transistor muons can give the FET 2^200 different analog like shapings of the charge in the transistor due to muon atoms being 200 times
    smaller, thus if the analog field shape of an FET can be read it can contain more separate bits of information in one transistor than the largest 2020AD CPU. To do muonic semiconductors a source of muons, produced in large quantities as cheaply as
    possible is to use a laser striking a foil machines, but with new foil replacements. Metal hydrides like palladium hydride store hundreds of times their own volume in hydrogen atoms, fully filling palladium hydride with hydrogen gas then using it to
    receive laser-on-foil shock energy delivers laser shock energy to hundreds of times more nuclei this way, which generates particles (kaons and pions) that turn into directionally motioned muons. To create the highest laser on foil shockwave energy at
    published femtosecond laser pulse duration muon generators it is possible overlapping nodal waves can be used. At 2D a central laser dot inside a 6 laser dot perimeter could create a laser shock overlapping pulse 7 additive peak amplitudes stacked high.
    This much larger amount of energy per foil atom could cause a variety of effects like more muons generated from more nuclei fused, to higher velocity muons, to some preferred ratio between muons and some other particle or radiation being generated to
    make high capacity laser foil muon generators physiologically harmless. 3D laser on foil shockwave amplitude stacking is also possible. Right after the 7 laser spot hologram could, various hundreds or thousands deeper in the foil could be another
    location for a second focused laser beam, whether a half-cup parabolic shape with its shockwave focus pointed towards the 7 stack central beam high amplitude shockwave area, or a kind of multihundred laser spot lace doily with all the beams converging on
    the central beam of the seven spot. Along with human designs for shockwave concentrators genetic algorithms running physics software could find variously the most intense combined laser foil shock, the most kaon/pion/muon generating laser foil shock, the
    most physiologically harmless high muon production shock. Engineers would design and contribute growthful GA seeds like facing the foil with a metal transparency grating, or its opposite highest absorption morphology. Noting sequential layers of
    electroplating or electroless plating to build up the foil gratings, refractors, and reflectors, and even negative refractive index superlenses could be plated as layers to make a laser percussing foil. It is possible that flinging nuclei together to
    collide them first uses energy sufficient to neutralize crystal lattice and electron orbital energy. Making the surface of the laser foil be liquid metal at STP obviates that energy. To make palladium hydride or other metal hydride liquid at STP,
    alloying with eutectic gallium indium could be possible. Another approach is simply to use a second broad beam laser to physically warm say the topmost 40 micrometers of hydrogen saturated palladium to be at unalloyed liquid metal temperatures. Another
    possibility is completely liquefying the palladium or other metal hydride and have it coat a thicker rigid easy to handle zirconium or beryllium oxide base foil/support. Zirconium is transparent to neutrons so it might omit interacting with muon
    generating kaons and pions. After a stream of muons is generated, possibly three orders of magnitude more from the three orders of magnitude more of palladium hosted hydrogen atoms, whose muon production could double again if two nucleon deuterium is
    hosted by the metal hydride, and, multiplied by 14 with the 2D center hexagon overlap, or multiplied by 28 with a 3D depthy half cup reflector, or multiplied by 280 with saggital depth muliple half cup reflectors and doilies, doubled from using
    metamaterials at the foil, and raised 1/3 from genetic algorithm optimization then each million muons generated at a previous unenhanced foil would now make 1.4*10^6 times more muons or 1.4 trillion muons.

    To make even more muons change the pulse length from 7 published femtoseconds to 1 femtosecond, and at a 3 cm diameter foil percuss using 1024 nm frequency beams .5 micrometers apart to make it so 3 micrometers wide hosts 2 beams, and the 2 million
    separate beams at the diameter makes a total complete parallel beam count near 3.14 trillion laser spots. 1 quadrillion laser percusses per second (1 femtosecond each) makes the 1.4 trillion * 1 quadrillion pulses per second create 1.4 *10^25 muons in a
    directional stream, about 1100-1400 farads of muons. If instead of 100% duty cycle the laser only pulses 1% as often to keep long lived and cool then 11-14 farads of muons are produced, sufficient for many large multibillion or trillion element
    semiconductor chips that utilize the muon's 200 times smaller size to do computations

    Some other muon generating technologies are: cone or windsock shaped foil, this uses the same diameter beam entrance as a flat laser foil disk but easily exposes 14-16 times as much foil surface to lasers, and laser numbers could be multiplied with 16 to
    make lots more muons.

    Well known to muon producers and published is how superdense hydrogen exists and can be used as a laser foil. My metal hydride hosting hydrogen gas is hundreds of times less dense than a superdense hydrogen foil. C24 rolled up ball deuterium instead of
    hydrogen alkane wax is another hydrogen dense possible foil that is unfussy at STP

    Cycles or rounds of muonic atom atom creation, concentration, and laser foil shockwave muon generation when the laser is already zapping muonic atoms could produce variously huge, or 200 times more muons than it uses up. That is because the muonic atoms
    and muonic molecules are 200 times smaller than electron atoms and a laser beam can strike 200 times as many atoms, molecules, and nuclei simultaneously per unit area to get them to release kaons and pions to produce muon beams 200 times more intense
    from each laser beam. A kind of muon molecule foil that could be simple to make is a capacitor, or sprinlerized lawn. At a sprinklerized lawn a muon-saturated wire, which because it is muon saturated is made of muon atoms and is 200 times smaller leaks
    or sprays muons out of its tip attracted to a positively charged plate or electret. As the muons pool up on the plate, im reminded of a capacitor, the plate physically shrinks to 1/200th its size, it is now made of muonatoms. Then a computer sees the
    foil has shrunk 200 times and tells the femtosecond laser array to zap the shrunken foil to make 200 times as many muons per laser unit area. It is possible laser beams on muonic molecule foils or windsocks produce nuclear fusion that produces more
    energy than put into the system. As a novelty if 18G of water can be made into muonatoms and muonmolecules then 1 or 8 moles of muons shrink it to the 90mg volume. When the muons expand back to 18CCs from 9/10 of a cc they can do useful work like
    vibrating piezoelectric generator makes e- voltage swings from muonatoms bending them when they change size. Many piezoelectric elements already vibrate above a mhz, so muonic 2 microsecond duration is compatible with that as a way to make electricity
    from nuclei fusing and making muons. A new geometry of the metal foil could be a miltiple layers of wrapped thread geometry/ shredded wheat multilayer geometry could absorb more laser shock lightbeam in less area. If the thickness of the threads or wheat
    shreds is tuned to the physical wavelength that most absorbs the laser light. Doubling or quadrupling the energy density of the light, doubling or quadrupling the particle, especially muon creation of the laser struck foil. This size-color relation is
    what gives soap bubbles their color. A surface layer of visible/optical refractive index matching metamaterial or coating could also increase laser pulse absorbed intensity 20-30%, if a negative refractive index material is used then tesselated superlens
    shapes that can concentrate a light image to 20 nm even using a 400-1000 nm source can focus the shockwave light to 20-40 times energy intensity per nm^2. Also superlensing gives the ability to make laser light percussion shapes besides dots, like narrow
    featured sharp edge 2D lentils (), )(, |(, asterisks, fizeau-like concentric circles, and concentric double cresencents, laser tweezer shapes like annululus, particularly time-rotating annuluses, halftone moires, and, at 20 nm, integer multiples of the
    the repeating crystal unit cell of metal or other foil material crystals. Orbital angular momentum is an attribute of photons, i think, some physics mechanism to synchronize and drive up orbital angular momentum likely already exists, making homogenous
    high angular momentum photon beams could make a highly physical torqueing beam when it meets atoms at a foil. particle observed quantum entangled lasers

    To harmlessly and beneficially make the most muons with the least stray radiation makes muontricity and muonatoms and muonmagnetic generators with the greatest physiological harmlessness and least shielding possible. Along with screening inkjet printed
    or rolled millifiore arrays of 184 elements including a stable isotope of each (deuterium, etc), different laser beams of different fentosecond and attosecond durations can be scanned on a 184 element and isotope sector foil. Another modifier of
    shockwave form may be light absorbing polymers like graphene or fullerene light pressure concentration beads on the foil surface. The diameter of a 300 carbon diameter equivalent fullerene or solid/onion carbon particle is about 20 nm, big enough to
    address with a metamaterial superlensed laser, then with having a sphere sit on a flat surface area of only 8-24 carbon atoms, and percussing it, the effect of laser hammering a ball bearing onto its minimal contact surface with a plane concentrates
    force per unit area 14-42 times making a much higher intensity shockwave at a smaller lattice/surface contact area, making more kaons and pions that then make more muons. As a cheaply producible 70¢-$4.99 1 cm^2 muon generating foil, well understood 14
    nm ic making technology can be used. It already makes $11-40 cm^2 multibillion element CPU chips with 20-40 photolithography layers. Use the same technology to make nail and flatside up cone features, and angled chisel tip features that when laser
    percussed/shocked at the top narrow the energy received and drive motion and vibration deeper into the foil's crystal structure. This custom shapes the muon generating shockwave to generate the most muons. Its possible to imagine that the ic MEMs feature
    force amplifier is only 8 layers thick, so is 2-5 times cheaper to make than a $11-40 Ic, muon production could go up 2-3 orders of magnitude from the angle tip of the chisel shape being 1/100th the area of the top of the chisel, making 100 times as many
    muons per laser pulse. Higher power lasers could go with 2^8 dendritic force branched structure pathways, multiplying muons produced by 256. At 8 layers, the ic technology laser foil could be just $1.4-70¢ to $4.99 produced in million laserfoil part

    Making the laser in a laser foil have 4 times shorter wavelength (235 nm Uv led/laser diode) compared with 1024 nm (YAG laser), could cause 4 times as intense shockwave per spot, and 16 times as many single wavelength sized parallel shockwave locations
    per foil, making uv leds/lasers produce 20 times more muons. Another way to make a laser foil produce more nucleus wiggling/shock pattern from laser percussing is just to go 100 polyfrequency at the lasers. That is, 100 separate already manufactured
    frequencies of laser diodes could be pulsed and chirped to make femtosecond or attosecond shockwave making pulses, then all 100 frequencies used simultaneously. From ir to uv semiconductor lasers This multiplies the number of muons 200-249 times and
    multiplies the number of percussion badwidth arrayed locations about 8.5 times. (As compared with a single 1024 nm Yag laser spot) together they might produce 2300-2700 as many muons per femtosecond.

    Unknown to me, but its possible it works, is making a wire, saturating it with muons so all the atoms are muonatoms, then moving a magnetic field next to it to make muontricity. Because the magnetic field of the generator can be as large as an
    electricity generating stator/rotor pair, large amounts of muon current, to my perception farads of muons are then produced and have muonmotive force (muonEMF). These farads of muons could be stored in capacitors then used for completely new industrial,
    computing, chemistry, mining, semiconductor and picodevice and attodevice manufacturing. As one technology, mining, muonatoms are 200 times smaller than electron atoms 1) use a laser drill notably less powerful than oil drilling laser drills to make a
    1Km long drillhole 1/4 of a cm diameter, make 25-250 liters of muonatomic water from passing muons through ion containing conductive water. Keep the muontricity muons flowing into the water so the muonatoms stay muonic and 200 times smaller. 2) fill the
    1Km drillhole with muonwater. 3) let the muonwater turn back into electron atom water from not mounelectrifying it. The muonwater increases its volume 200 times in a fraction of a microsecond, acting as a rock crushing and disintegrating explosive a
    kilometer long and with meters of diameter of shockwave crushed rock along the Km of area. 4) drill two or more laser holes, a water supply and return drillchannel, and then water, heap leachate fluids then gather elements from the circulating in-situ
    heap kilomer spanning leachate fluids. This alternative to nitrogen explosives in mining is as efficient as the production of muons with magnetic muontricity generators, and possibly creates disintegrated rock 200,000-2 million times cheaper than TNT.
    This is a noticeably beneficial use of muon technology as during 2020AD garnering elements and calcining them may have utilized 7-16% of all energy, including mining, cement, gravel making. Muon technology ore leaching mining could make the elements
    garnered all about as cheap as magnesium chloride gathered from seawater. At alibaba.com the transport, apportionment, reaching of clients/product users can be about $40/metric ton or less. Muonic technology mining is likely to produce most elements at $
    40/metric ton, realized as the reached client's cost. Things as common as rebar and vehicle bodies could be made from tungsten, and battery ingredients become 4¢ per kilogram or less to the manufacturer.

    Another use of muon technology is changing all chemistry, including petrochemical chemistry, to take advantage of muon atom densifying temperature and refrigeration cycles. When a liter of seawater is made into muonic atoms by running muontricity through
    it, it concentrates the same amount of atomic and molecular vibration into 200 times less volume, possibly concentrating the vibration and raising the temperature of the liter of seawater from 373 kelvin to about 7400 kelvin. That causes all the elements
    to separate from each other, and causes an expanding gasball. Unless the gasball is freshly supplied with MHD muons it will expand back into electron atoms. The effect is that the postexpansion electrons will be very cold causing such benefits as
    superconductive less than liquid nitrogen temperatures, and what was, 2 microseconds previously a 7400°K element plasma now becomes something that can do something like autosorting elements from growth on seed crystals. This then makes seawater a useful
    source of elements for manufacturing. If at a heat conductive shape or geometry, a circle of matter is being shrunk with a trickle of muontricity, the shape can avoid disintegrating a tungsten cookie sheet it lays on. Lots of radiative cooling (light)
    occurs, cooling the shape to 400 Kelvin or less. Then the muons keeping it 200 times smaller aren't used, and the circle increases in diameter 200 times, making its average temperature just 2°K. Many many things are superconductive at that temperature.
    There is also the option of using a high temperature superconductor (280 kelvin) and only having to radiate 1/3 of the previous muonmaterial 7400 K away. That makes refrigeration and swing cycle cooling about 140 times faster. so, if plural circles are
    used and treated in cycles 1/2 or 1/4 of them will be in the superconductive state at all times, making minimally insulated muonatom electronatom pulsed muontricity side by side regions always have a cold stripe (superconducting wire) cold enough to be
    superconductive with only a source of muontrcity. I perceive i read that a superconducting generator or motor is more energy efficient, if that as well as much greater space efficient is true, then a muontricity superconductive muon-capacitor filling
    muon generator could produce lots more muons per cm^2 than a regular moving muonmagnetic field and muonatomic wire muon generator.

    Muonatom optical elements, 200 times greater nucleuses/picometer of density at muonatomic optics like mirrors, lenses, refractors, beamsplitters, gratings, fiber optics, polarizers, negative refractive index materials could all be effective and
    diminuative optics for doing optical bench, 90 degree corner x ray and gamma ray optics. And possibly atom and particle optics. alowpath superconductors

    Nanotechnology with muontricity could extract any element the nanoassebler had a use for from seawater. Notably this is a quark reapportionment fusion powered technology.

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