• Parts of this note are nearer to correct 2021 AD punctuation as an expe

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 14 01:44:20 2022
    Longevity technology: Scientists have already found the differences between the longest and shortest lived bats. They found 2089 gene variants between the two. Noting about 1000 of those genes are likely shared with humans (Homo sapiens and branch
    species), those thousand genes can be installed with gene therapy into mice, at 21 groups of 49 genes each, and 11 mice per group to get a p value on longevization effects. That is just 232 mice. It may be possible to do this with even fewer mice using a
    fractional matrix design procedure. After that, two to four rounds of different simultaneous potential longevity gene concentrating admixtures can be accomplished. Biomarkers of aging could be used to determine reduced aging prior to actual determination
    of 98th percentile longevity. Using biomarkers allows faster rounds of selection and remixing. Another completely different approach is to use the high N outdoor mouse dorm, combined with crispr/cas9 to generate mice with just 11 long lived bat genes per
    mouse among those genes that are shared with humans. The outdoor mouse dorm mice then have sex and babies. As these generations of mice reach 6-18 months they may have readable aging biomarkers, and the least aging mice grouped together to have babies
    again. Those progeny mice are then screened for most minimal aging at biomarkers of aging, making a round. This can also be done with bowhead whale genes, and 400 year lifespan tortoises and 400 year lifespan quahog clam genes. The abstract of comparing
    bat longevity genetics says, "Bats are the longest-lived mammals given their body size with majority of species exhibiting exceptional longevity. However, there are some short-lived species that do not exhibit extended lifespans. Here we conducted a
    comparative genomic and transcriptomic study on long-lived Myotis myotis (maximum lifespan = 37.1 years) and short-lived Molossus molossus (maximum lifespan = 5.6 years) to ascertain the genetic difference underlying their divergent longevities. Genome-
    wide selection tests on 12,467 single-copy genes between M. myotis and M. molossus revealed only three genes (CCDC175, FATE1 and MLKL) that exhibited significant positive selection. Although 97.96% of 12,467 genes underwent purifying selection, we
    observed a significant heterogeneity in their expression patterns. Using a linear mixed model, we obtained expression of 2,086 genes that may truly represent the genetic difference between M. myotis and M. molossus. Expression analysis indicated that
    long-lived M. myotis exhibited a transcriptomic profile of enhanced DNA repair and autophagy pathways, compared to M. molossus. Further investigation of the longevity-associated genes suggested that long-lived M. myotis have naturally evolved a
    diminished anti-longevity transcriptomic profile. Together with observations from other long-lived species, our results suggest that heightened DNA repair and autophagy activity may represent a universal mechanism to achieve longevity in long-lived
    mammals." Another way to gain greater mouse and human (Homo sapiens and branch species) longevity is to consider the M, Myotis bat as normal, and the shorter lived bat as having deleterious genes, a third bat midway between the two could also be
    characterized. This way it is possible to search for and likely find things the M. Molossus produces that actually decrease lifespan (interleukins, beneficial network or cascade "slowdown" physiochemicals, proteins like Brd2). The researchers method
    could be applied to long and short lived tortoises as well as quahog clams and the clams' shortest lived clam relatives.

    Well baby genetics, rounds of mouse and marmoset genetics, epigenetic drug benefits humans

    Persons at the 90th percentile of intelligence and above who have zero family history of birth defects may have a traceable genetics of being absent birth defects that can be made into RNA drugs and gene therapies that after testing at mice can be tested
    by volunteers who are planning a pregnancy.

    Diacetyl melatonin night be measured as being especially longevizing at the brain, while melatonin palmitate could especially benefit lipid rich regions, and the free base of melatonin can reach the other regions, it could be especially longevizing to
    take all three together,

    Longevity technology, the least change to an amino acid sequence that creates quaternary protein structure could be used at longevity producing proteins to make new varieties of those proteins likely with unique effects, possibly encouraging longevity,
    similarly at longevity proteins the least amino acid sequence change that removes quaternary structure could also make improved protein longevity drugs, a variety of protein structures for any particular near identical amino acid sequences could be
    screened at mice to see which is the most active at longevization form to turn into a human protein drug or gene therapy tested by volunteers.

    Precluding pattern recruitment at people under 18 or older with amygdala size reduction that is absent effect on cognitive g, is genetics that preclude acting in anger and is beneficial.

    Single molecule magnets (SMM) are published and a topic of active research, i think these can be physically arranged in crystals as pluralities of AND and Not logic to make NAND crystals of five or six molecules each. At superconductive temperatures the
    magnetic NAND elements are very fast. The connectors that connect the NAND elements together could be streched conductive polymer monoatomic thickness mesh like PEDOT conductive polymer. Dip coating of the pedot mesh in a solution containing either
    entire NAND SMM molecular assemblies, or individual ANDs and Nots and evaporation of the solution leaves concentration of single molecule magnet molecules at the cross-pieces on the pedot filament, wiring things together. Another possibility for making
    purposed wires and connectors is to reengineer ligation enzymes from biology to cut pedot at particular places. This ligation enzyme applied at a wide area causes circuitizing structures to emerge. The result of mass production of generic blocks could
    make Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) geometry out of the pedot making connections between the SMM logic elements. Together that makes logic and a conductive pathway sufficient to make a new molecule logic computer. Without superconductive speedup
    this computer could be 8 times denser than 2021 AD 2 nm feature size computers, as well as 8 times more energy efficient at 40 picometer SMMs and Pedot connectors. There is also the possibility of making individual SMMs with plural logic elements in one
    molecule. Restriction enzymes recognize nucleotide sequences and then make a cut, pedot wrapped in DNA could simultaneously ligate the PEDOT conductor. Then the DNA would be washed or reacted off the PEDOT, leaving just the circuit wiring. It is possible
    to make depthy 3D conductors from networks of PEDOT, from stacks of lacey disks, Many magnetic logic elements are published and have been built.

    Epigenetic drugs or gene therapies that increase the size or number of physiogunk degrading proteosomes and lysosomes are possible wellness and longevity drugs.

    Things to do to zeolites, used at petroleum industry to get them to work better: cryogenic treatment, magnetic compression, lasering in transport channels, centrifuge pressing of chemicals on zeolite walls, the gradient of zeolite powder sizes, if
    thought of as a ceramic, ion implantation to give charged character, new internal geometries associated with the most surface area, zeolite synthesis with boron or carbon occasional atoms could make differently active zeolites, gallium and germanium are
    possible occasional atom swaps for aluminum and silicon as well. If fluidized bed industrial processes using zeolites are more effective then each zeolite nugget could be formed around an iron core or aluminum annulus, where induced electric fields make
    the zeolite core magnetic blob levitate above a permanent magnetic field, and vibrate at an optimal frequency. Vibrating at an optimal frequency adjusts the length of time that reactants are in the structural pores of the zeolite, although to make a
    fluidized bed gas jets might be much more efficient and ultrasonic transducers can vibrate the zeolite at an optimal frequency. Ultrasonic fracturing of zeolite can cause even higher surface area, improving catalytic reactivity. Zeolites contain many
    oxygen atoms at silico aluminates it is possible to replace these with sulfur or Se atoms to make new zeolites that do new things. Balloon zeolites like gaileo's thermometer float at a variety of neutral boyancies catalyzing things in a columner reactor
    at different levels, a balloon zeolite could just be like a prestressed ceramic ping pong ball laser melt-attached to the actual zeolite

    There is a single paper describing how exposure to "rain forest sounds" causes mice to live 17% longer. Test 4 volumes of rain forest sounds, and upoctaved versions, and fourier transform versions, as well as sped up and slowed versions on mice to verify
    longevity effects and upper span of a range of effectiveness. As a longevity producing technology at humans music players and computers could remix music with the components of rainforest sounds that cause longevity increase at mice, and marmosets.

    Its an unfounded idea, but a combination of LSD and MDMA administered to mice and marmosets could cause greater lifetime gentleness, and greater gentleness is associated with a reduction in heart disease. 11 combination drug administrations spaced a week
    apart in mice, and every 14 days at marmosets 11 times could be measured as reducing heart disease. The combination of MDMA and LSD guarantees the lab animals an enjoyable good trip. At humans (Homo sapiens and branch species) with a genetic
    predisposition to cardiovascular disease LSD with MDMA could be administered during the twenties and forties to cause cardiobeneficial gentleness.

    Spin and spin angular momentum when automatically observed by a machine, such as at an electric generator with an observer possibly produce larger amounts of mwi universes from the observer instantiation. The observer machine could have 40 steps of
    thoroughness at 2D/3D span of observation oscillation observer at 7.5 THz (indium phosphide), or if the observer can be photonic, an attosecond or zeptosecond laser; more and more discontinuity or steps in zepto-observation amounts may make more
    observable MWI wobble, detectable as otherwise unexplainable data trends

    Noting slicone impression pharmceuticals, could nanopatterned food produce bags discourage food rotting by imitating the shape of antimicrobials peptides, no? I thought otherwise as well, shoe liners could have autosterilization polymer but likely not as
    well as an 11ยข alibaba combination uv led, battery, and energy transducer at shoes.

    all the ball bearings from one column of a binomat, least deviating center, are the most predictable, treating ball bearings and cylindrical bearings with meltable cores with laser warming, and sort again at binomat until they are an order of magnitude
    more predictable, pressing ball bearings into a nanotextured pattern

    Ferrite sheaths on receiving antennas improve various attributes 30% or 70%, noting phones and wifi are microwave frequencies, ferrite sheaths could have 1mm or smaller physical banding or stripes. Banding or stripes could make effective genetic
    algorithm seeds to develop better receive and send antennas

    It might or might not be possible to make a physical analog computer that does elliptical curve factoring, a system that could do this is an analog large field effect transistor where the actual physical saturation makes/can be described with the y, z, x
    equations i read about at wikipedia, then if it doesn't factor the field effect transistor is adjusted, notably 15 billion transistors (non field effect) are at a 2019AD CPU, if each of those transistors is replaced with a depthy field effect transistor
    then factoring could go 15 billion times faster with a purpose built chip.

    At 3D mineral systems and atomic orbitals, symmetry often occurs in more than 3 zyx directions simultaneously like the "tip of the crystal pencil" having 4, 6, 8 converging facets. It is possible that when physicists consider symmetry breaking that the
    universe may have more embedded symmetry than bilateral symmetry, and that it may be used as an explainer as well as be testable. The higher amounts or geometries of symmetry could be sought, found, and technologized

    At photovoltaics the manufacturing cost difference between a solar concentrator photovoltaic and a regular photovoltaic might be nothing, making light piping on residential roofs could be as cheap as water or gel in clear polymer tubes directing their
    light onto the concentrator photovoltaic possibly making photovoltaic power much cheaper per Watt. This technology already exists

    GA washing machine impeller 30% better: genetic algorithms have improved marine propellers 30%, so i think they could do the same thing with washing machine impellers moving more water with less energy. Refrigerator compressors come in different styles,
    perhaps they could be improved with genetic algorithms.

    Active noise cancelleling washers and dryers could be engineered.

    Baso4 paint is published as reflecting 98.1% of light. The baso4 paint electromigrates to be even whiter than cooling paint, iontophoretic roller aligns baso4 crystals and at paint sprayers a charged 1/2 and 1/2 annulus right after the nozzle that draws
    baso4 particles to droplet hind surface, that might make the painted surface whiter and more cooling. It could be possible for drones to diamagnetically adjust paint like with white bismuth molecules that migrate diamagnetically to be farther from the
    surface leaving baso4 on the front surface to heighten radiative cooling, notably the white bismuth underlayer could function as a heat conductor to the radiative upper surface.

    The voices i hear seem to suggest that owning a house and land at the time of becoming previously alive has social position benefits. In many countries there are surplus houses and land like Japan in the countryside. Acquiring one of these house and land
    combinations is as affordable as $16.5K in the US, with either the option to own it outright or $40-80 a month to finance

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