• Lactoferrin variants and other antimicrobial peptides can be engineered

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 13 22:35:54 2022
    specific pathogen free mice are published as living twice as long and specific pathogen free marmosets live 18% longer, so producing physiologically harmless antimicrobial peptides at the human (Homo sapiens and branch species) germline genome that
    creates a functionalike to specific pathogen free humans could be a double digit lifespan increasing longevity technology that also increases wellness

    New synthetic higher antimicrobial lactoferrin veriants are published, making these into Y shaped tripeptide drugs or even * dendritic drugs could increase their effectiveness

    Synthetic lactoferrins and other antimicrobial drugs could be made with a fusion gene, whereever the base gene gets lots more productive activity during illness, perhaps puffiness, erythema, and encapsulation responses can be traced to gene expression,
    and then those genes made into fusion genes with DNA sequences that make improved synthetic lactoferrins, creating a system where if any cells are reacting to local illness they make synthetic lactoferrins locally

    Beneficial lactoferrins are a prominent protein in breastmilk, and have been engineered into much more potent antimicrobial and antitumor forms, so perhaps at other species feeding babies is associated with beneficial peptide and protein transfer, that
    can with research be made into human drugs, one place to look is bird mouth saliva and stomach contents, as the feeding bird regurgitates food into the mouth of its young, bees also do regurgitation feeding of young, also new greenleaf growth on a
    perennial could be associated with antipathogen antimicrobial, and antifungal and antiviral plant produced chemicals, some of which might be very different than peptides and proteins, these plant antimicrobials could possibly be found in or near stomata
    where there is a continuous mucous membrane like access to the interior of the leaf, another source of antimicrobials could be marsupial pouch milk, and even just the interior of marsupial pouches, at fish that are mouthbearers the mouth of the female
    fish may contain mucous with chemicals that are antimicrobial and benefit the baby fish

    Double decker pallets for within-container container shipping, maybe, visualize a 90 degree angle made of variable height metal or polymer slats have it fit into slots on the base pallet, then put another pallet on top of it, fitting the vertical slats
    into the slot, with a pole insertable at the 4th unconnected corner to give 4 corners of support, this causes an unswaying 2 layer pallet stack that a robot can easily grasp and take apart with electromagnet manipulators, the advantage of double height 2
    pallet stacks is being able to transport 60% more goods per container ship and container, other geometries are also possible

    Longevity technology, finding the 99th percentile of deleterious proteins, and the 99th percentile of most longevity beneficial proteins at humans (Homo sapiens and branch species) by doing all-human tissue homogenate, electrophoresis, then enteric
    coating the proteins and peptides to feed them, in a fractional factorial matrix dosing experiment to 96 well plate fish like zebrafish, 20K human (Homo sapiens and branch species) genes make 20K proteins but its my perception the number of different
    proteins at a human (Homo sapiens and branch species is longer than that, so at a fractional factorial matrix experiment that feeds four different protein electrophoresis gel lines to fish simultaneously then as few as 5000 zebrafish or 9 month lifespan
    mini-fish can be used, at 59¢/24 hours, $149 per 9 months/fish, this may be an order of magnitude less expense overseas like in China to make it $14.9 per fish, at 5000 fish this is $75,000 for enough fish, eating every singular electrophoretic
    fraction protein gel line as an enteric coated thing at their multiple times per day feeding, to find the 99th percentile of deleterious proteins and the 99th percentile of beneficial proteins, then at mice, epigenetically upregulate the 200 most
    beneficial proteins genes simultaneously, then have a group of epigenetically downregulating the 200 most deleterious genes, then have a group with both simultaneous epigenetic upregulation and downregulation, also do this to human tissue cultures
    verifying their longevization as well as the longevization of the mice, this produces a suite of 200-400 epigenetic RNA drugs that longevizes humans and increases wellness, the epigenetic drug suite can be airjected in depot form at the human (Homo
    sapiens and branch species) body so it lasts long enough to make epigenetic changes

    Social companion robots and other robots, at a polymer surface could have microtubes through which exterior things can pass through, a design with a uvula flap or wiggly channel has an ultrasonic frequency that wiggles the exterior material to the robot
    interior, and a resonant frequency in ultrasound that drives material the other way out the channel, invisible to humans ultrasonically resonating channels pump chemicals from the surface to the interior where they are characterized, analogous to taste
    and smell

    Social companion robots skin is white, but can simultaneously have minute micrometer sized transparent optical channels, actual vertical transparent likely polymer pillars, in it, making the entire inner surface of the companion robot suitable for having
    plural cameras on it, from nonvisible to humans ordered transparency

    Actinase and cytoskeletonases are my words for any existing enzyme that metabolizes actin or other diffusion reducing cytoskeleton components this causes more dynamic faster cytoplasm chemistry, and this can be tuned to the same looseness of cells at
    fast developing fetuses, this could have numerous beneficial effects like increased motion of proteins, and at neurons faster response and initiation times could cause new heightened g intelligence from increased neuron responsiveness and recharge
    velocity, as could mongoose genetics, the genes that do this cytoskeletonase coding and production could be fusion genes activated at neurons and at any other tissues that benefit, such as the the cornea and lens (increasing flexibility regardless of age)
    , the liver, the dermis (but not connective tissue), the other-directional effect of increasing cytoskeleton and actin filaments in cells including the dermis could make support and connective tissues denser and stronger, reducing sag of all kinds,
    spinal disks and cartilige could benefit from having more cytoskeleton, with cytoskeletal improvements to the heart less cytoskeleton could (do things), and more cytoskeleton could (do other things)

    Nonerythrocyte non platelet circulatory fluid concentrate could be tested as to effect, if net beneficial, that's great, if net deleterious that suggests minimizing the concentrate's chemicals to below median in normal concentration circulatory fluid as
    thinned plasma then characterize to find optimal thinnedness or enrichment, epigenetic therapy could heighten or thin the plasma for optimum beneficial effects

    MWI test, a .5 cm cylindrical laser diode or cylindrical or triangular prism shape is wrapped with a polymer fiber optic that has a plurality of wavelengths at a plurality of pulse lengths (including continuous on) travelling through it, the 11 watt
    laser diode is turned on, and any numerically anomolous effects at the fiber optic are found, the laser diode is, each 3 seconds, varied over 3 billion different pulse lengths, and any anomolies of perturbation of the fiber optic winding are found, an
    enhanced version is to make an annulus laser diode that allows the fiber optic to go through or weave through the annulus, the all electrons up high, then light emission according to MWI theories i have read about produces parallel MWI universes in great
    number, originating from the small area of the laser diode, so this is a kind of saturate and wobble MWI detector,

    Ch4 orbital shape,

    Mass screening of catalysts, acceleration of a Mole of atoms or molecules from a small accelerator with each multielement sample, or multimolecule sample, tests/makes 6*10^19 different catalyst candidates per minute, cycle with spectroscopy to find and
    verify the catalyzed reaction products, the 10^19 different chemicals that go in the accelerator can be made with inkjet printing combinatorial overlap of high affordability elements that react together either from being zapped with an electron beam or a
    laser to make molecules, the mass screening of catalysts this way could find many new catalysts, so that is a way to make and test 6*10^19 new catalysts of CH4 to longer higher value hydrocarbons, each of the 300 highest volume commercial reactions (
    ammonia)could get new better catalysts this way

    Another way to mass screen catalytic elements and molecules is to use a laser pulse on foil matterflinger/accelerant, the output side of the metal foil is inkjet printed at 9600 pixels per inch or higher with overlapping combinatorial layers of
    uncombined elements, a gentle laser or electron beam then fuses the element or molecule (alumina) on the outer surface of the foil, this causes the 9600 ppi printed chemicals to form new molecules, then, in contact with the metal foil or 100 micrometers
    away a disc blank of the thing you would like to catalyze, like ch4 in thin polymer foam, after that a raster scanned laser on the back of the protocatalyst disc flings the various millions of potential catalysts onto the solid polymer methane foam disc,
    then spectroscopy is accomplished to find nonCH4 hydrocarbons, and if fortunate a plurality of cheap element catalysts are found, notably about 7% of the elements on the periodic table are catalytic, so imaginably if 1/10000 to 1% of the cheap element
    reacted inkjet combos are catalytic at methane, then each inch^2 contains anywhere from 2300 to 230,000 catalytic molecules, which is very encouraging

    are superconductors also catalysts like metals

    Up nerve conduction velocity epigenetically, longevizing nootropic effect

    There is a way to combine wikipedia ghost imaging GI with neural network topology, where some of the neural network topology like the input layer is analogous to the multipixel array camera at GI, this could cause or allow bulk loading of learning
    examples, maybe, at both photonic speeds and a completely new formulation of neural networks based on the GI bucket separate monopixel where what the monopixel codes is there/isn't there,

    Using wikipedia Ghost Imaging, GI, looking nondestructively at NAND gates, (any turing computer makeable from NAND gates),possibly in arrangements, using very high frequency, ultra low current AC traversing through the transistor system, or using ultra
    low current nonperturberative very high voltage to traverse the transistor system is kind of like using that anamolous electricity at photons during GI, making the unusual voltage or ac at just a few electrons is like the 1 pixel bucket at two path ghost
    imaging part, the advantage is that you could look at a horizontal plane ic from a vertical viewpoint and make a photonic or electron speed copy of the states of all the transistors,nearly instantly at photonic pulse frequency, sharing the contents of
    the horizontal IC without having a data bus or connectors, could be called Anywhere Bus, the vertical ICs can then do anything from act like coprocessors to any area of the horizontal IC, to utilizing software that has multiple alternative versions, or
    other predictive branches that could be taken to speed up computations, basically if the GI Anywhere Bus notices any subarea part of an IC is at >99% usage and bogged then the GI image uses Anywhere Bus to copy that activity level to a vertical IC, and
    parallelizes the two where it can

    The Lungfish hibernates and has about 200K genes, so if a 99th percentile of 20k human (Homo sapiens and branch species) genes are strongly longevizing like Cisd, gdf-11, klotho products then it is possible the lungfish has 9.7ish times as many,
    previously unknown longevity genes and gene products, lungfish tissue electrophoretic or mass fractions from both mid hibernation and while active could be tested on yeast and zebrafish to find the new longevity proteins and peptides

    Epigenetic drugs that upregulate (acetylate) the genes that make the proteins that do posttranslational processing could cause better protein form and functioning at all ages, which could have sustain youth effects and longevity effects

    Ghost imaging photolithography could make ic features much smaller, my ghost imaging idea as described here seems quasifictional, but perhaps it will get someone to think of a working way ,i think the numerous papers on ghost imaging already work;
    consider a large camera 300mm like a wafer, and, as described in wikipedia a giant 1 pixel photon bucket with a photolithographic pattern/mask on its beampath, according to ghost imaging i read about at wikipedia the giant 300mm camera wafer will have a
    detectable array identity picture on it even without being in the photolithography mask beamline, then it, combined with the 1 pixel photon bucket combined yield an image about 900 times larger than a photolithography mask, creating super high resolution,
    then, if each of the pixels on the camera wafer also has an outward pointing laser, triggered when the 300mm laser builds up pixels of imagery, even without being in the beam path, then a big curved mirror smallifies the ghost image to the size of the
    IC chip or a much smaller size for making smaller chips, actually i'm thinking this approach is backwards and it would work better if the bucket photon pixel were as small as you could get it, like .5nm quantum dot sized, because its repeated photonic
    stimulation and .5nm size could direct the spatial resolution of the system to be that small, using molecules to sense light could bring the resolution of the pixel bucket to 200 picometers, setting the spatial resolution with an ultramini one bucket
    pixel while providing 300mm of wafer as an array camera simultaneously might make really high resolution semiconductor chips

    Do any limiting factors become newly prominent with untreated age, besides mitochondria

    Topical pore dilation peptides, if they exist, and if pores dilate, are a possible ingredient to topical drug delivery creams and ointments, as the dilated skin micropores let through more stuff also 1-4 minute automatically extinguishing thioclycollate
    treatment (Nair that only lasts a minute) could dissolve dead skin keratin layer with exposures too brief to irritate skin, and cause greater absorption of a simultaneously administered drug

    At snorted or even eaten pills the kind of vasculature dilation and capillary action that niacin produces could cause higher faster uptake of drugs, protein drugs, and antibodies, there are published vasodilating peptides, some as small as 2 peptides

    Vacuum cleaner, or roomba deliquescent, warm to steam, or condense that to water for making a gradual carpet steam cleaner

    Hilsch vortex tubes, air compressors, vacuums, and leaf blowers could all make less noise if their apertures were tuned, like whistles to produce dissipative soliton waveforms that deposit energy much more thinly over their travel path, this produces a
    very quiet appliance that might just barely be heard a mile away, nonaversively, or with precision engineering not heard at all

    Near noiseless hilsch vortex tubes based on dissipative soliton tuned nozzles are likely possible, as is near noiseless air compression, there are likely many patents on gas compression, one that is new to me, that has minimal noise, is simply a
    centrifuge rotating at 28K or more times per second, (dental drills rotate at 40K) so any noise it makes is above the range of human (Homo sapiens and branch species) hearing, the centrifuge could also have magnetic bearings (optional), based on alibaba $
    for computer assisted magnetic levitation toys and displays magnetic bearings can be cheap, the quietest cheapest air compressors or this compression centrifuge can be used to pressurize vortex tubes, leaf blowers, home vacuums with dirt-motionizing
    pressure jets, central HVAC, vehicle ventilation, coanda effect bladeless fans, ceiling fans with mixing airjets for faster room cooling,

    Longevity technology, turn a pill excipient into a longevity drug, hyperenterosorbents, 13,000 times its mass in water marine mucins like hagfish mucin could be tested as enterosorbents
    Moieties on mucins could cause preferntial attachment to hydrophobic or hydrophilic intestinal chemicals and bacteria, with one or the other perhaps having greater longevization response, mucin mucoprotein could be microencapsulated or thin enough to
    allow rapid absorption of the common pill's main drug before the mucin puffs up with water, the pill's main drug that gets mucin effected is released gradually, creating 8-16 hour ibuprofen and 48 hour naproxen, the emphasis though is on a popular
    headache pill/analgesic that has longevizing effects, with daily eneterosorbents mice live 40% longer, doing something like that for analgesics as an excipient reaches more people b durans lkm512 probiotic, CFUs as analgesic pill ingredient, take once
    and the better b durans lasts years

    Silicone impressions as excipients that present anticardiovascular disease antigens, like dental infection antigens, the ingredient is 100% silicone but the antigen pattern on the silicone causes a published immune response, antigens to say 18 different
    human Specific Pathogen Free bacteria and viruses made out of rapidly mass producible silicone polymer could be an "its not a drug" longevity enhancing pill excipient

    Paint dielectric bands on a antenna, does this make two option of construction in phase or out of phase effects from two (or more) wave-in locations at different calculable distances, compare coax with two .5 cm areas with dielectric removed, separated
    by 3 inches, does this duosignal allow for better DSP (digital signal processing) than an antenna that is just a full cm of bare wire sticking out from the coax insulation/dielectric, consider putting halftone or polkadot pattern of holes in the actual
    and metaphorical coax, slot antennas exist so cut slots in the coax insulator, genetic algorithms design antennas 300% better than people so use these as seeds for GA

    At agricultural plants seeds could have their non embryo/germ starch part partially laser drilled out and the volume replaced with a high potency insecticide, or a plant drug or a mycrhizzial probiotic, this is not that different than coated seeds

    Friendly microorganism preserving dermidicide and other antimicrobial peptides produced at the skin of a cow or other milk giving mammal are genetically engineered to be at 100 times concentration/high dose and are verified that it causes less pathogenic
    organism count in milk, the milk producing mammals are then genetically engineered to make high dose dermidicide and other antimicrobials in the dermis of the milk mammal, these new strains or breeds of agricultural milk producing mammal then benefit
    farmers, notably at the developing world

    Plural acetylation of all the genes that code for all the protein and lipid components of milk could cause food milk mammals to produce either much nutritionally richer milk, or just more milk, as an epigenetic therapy this could be given in one dose, or
    the epigenetic modifying RNA suite could be made into a new gene creating breeds of milk mammals that produce much richer more nutritive milk or just more milk

    Some mammal produces the largest amount of milk per gram or kilogram of organism, it could be shrews as their babies have to consume lots more calories to stay warm, or, it could be the fastest weight gain per 24 hours baby mammal, and cetacacians might
    be those mammals, once found, those genes of highest milk production at a mammal can be copied into cows and other agricultural milk producing mammals, causing much greater milk production, this benefits both the developed and developing world

    Tall clover or vetch as a protein new to me kind of nitrogen and protein hay, they could breed or engineer the hay-height clover or vetch

    The body makes NAD, a dinucleotide so it likely the body could be engineered to make NMÑ endogenously causing youthful physiology and increasing longevity at humans (Homo sapiens and branch species),

    another use of NMN and NAD is at agricultural plants and silvicultural trees, when engineered plants make lots of NAD or NMN it is possible they are more disease resistant and faster growing, faster growing agricultural plants make farmers and
    agribusinesspeople earn more

    Epigenetic drug that upregulates NAD production is possible and is a longevity and juvenescence epigenetic drug, also, find the three most rate-limiting chemicals at the TCA cycle, that have a genetic basis, and modify their epigenetics and genes to make
    them so abundant as to cease being limiting factors, measure the juvenescence and longevity increase at mice to verify it, then verify benefit and absence of deleterious effects at marmosets, then make a human (Homo sapiens and branch species) gene
    therapy drug, if that is verified as being only beneficial then it can become a part of the human (Homo sapiens and branch species) germline globally

    Add small central laminar flow fan to hilsch vortex tube center to get the warm air to exit 10 times faster, causing cold air to remain colder also the vortex tube could have multiple apertures right on the physical form and a suction fan to pull cold
    air from the vortex tube surface apertures into a separate cold air pipe

    Double wall vacuum plenum tube keeps cold air cold on multimeter journeys (cheap dewar tube), carpet vacuum uses cold hilsch vortex tube air to make dirt, especially gooey dirt brittle, so passes of the vacuum cleaner break the dirt particles off the
    carpet, resulting in cleaner carpet, at central HVAC dewar tube or the air ducts interior painted white could deliver a few single digit % more efficiency at cooling and heating rooms from radiating less along the intrahouse duct path increasing energy

    As a blanket that keeps people cool the top layer could be painted with the white roof paint i read about that is over 98% reflective and cools roofs a single digit number of degrees from radiant emission, the middle and bottom layer could have lots of
    voids or holes or eyelets stiched into the fabric structure making an invisible lace the blankets box baffle construction instead of being a box baffle is like a square of the distance diagram where the base is 1 cm^2 but the perimeter is 4 cm^2, so the
    cooling blanket would be shaped like a deflated sphere with 4 radiant emission cm^2 for every cm^2 in contact with the body, combined with a multiplier of coolness from the radiant paint this could be 11% cooler than no blanket

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