• Spinning magnetic stir bars gathered in place at the coronary artery pl

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 13 22:38:24 2022
    balloon angioplasty with paint coating prevents stuff breaking off and causing strokes, lipid surface reactive paint, cyanocrylate surgical glue paint and drain blocker, even protein reactive michael reaction paint are diffused out of the angioplasty
    balloon after it squishes the cholesterol flat

    Reflector behind chest or cofocal ultrasound liquefies coronary artery plaque, apertures could be used, as could waveguides, to make narrow beam ultrasonics, as well as volume filling gratings, this liquefaction could come after balloon angioplasty and
    paint, and be a 8 minute exposure where the circulatory fluid through the carotid is tapped and shunted through a filter to remove stroke causing particles for an hour during and after the 8 minute ultrasound exposure, its better to use only local
    anesthetic so the patient can continually comment on how they feel, another possibility is an ultrasonically vibrating balloon angioplasty balloon core that simply disintegrates away plaque at the areas it touches, sufficiently high ultrasonic power can
    be used to make sure the plaque is liquified, cholesterol plaques may have a different resonance frequency from artery tissue, ultrasound at that cholesterol frequency, made àt an angioplasty balloon would be especially harmless to the coronary arteries,
    resonant mass, external ultrasound driven, another possibility is a laser, with the light being on the surface of the angioplasty balloon, making slices smaller and shallower than the diameter of a brain capillary, repeatedly until the entire plaque is
    removed, this has the benefit of skipping the carotid shunt, the laser could be in a programmable outside machine, and reach the angioplasty balloon with a polymer fiber optic, because laser comminution might be impeded by erythroctes, the outer surface
    of the photonic angioplasty balloon would have a transparent goo layer that optically connects laser to plaque, based on the programmability of the machine a nurse or "photonic angioplasty tech" could do the procedure, making it 4-8 times more affordable
    than a physician, reaching more people beneficially

    I think wikipedia ghost imaging can be used to map the seafloor and floor of large bodies of freshwater, providing valuable mineral location information

    Diffusion gel balls at nasal sprays assist what were injected vaccines, peptides, epigenetic RNA drugs to be strong enough to function as snorted vaccines, peptides, and RNA epigenetic drugs, the ball is a depot that diifuses a drug at higher doses over
    many hours, to get the drug as near to the nasal membrane as possible gel balls have mucolytic chemistry, this technology increases the convenience of vaccination so more people are willing to get vaccinated, one thing a nasal ball .5mm could do is have
    gradually dissolving electrochemistry like a battery, with AgZn duometal chemistry of .01mm diameter, this causes the entire surface except one electrode to be an electrochemistry anode on the surface of the ball, pushing drug ions into the space around
    it like the nasal membrane

    Battery technology circular fractal depthy surface is a thing that increases anode/electrode surface area, this circular fractal can be cheaply accomplished with a grating/hologram and an etching laser doing many preassembly anodes/electrodes in

    at a different battery technology apply high voltage and current to electrodes/anode to purposefully grow dendrites before assembly into batteries, then use laser peening or laser excavation to flatten or remove the dendrites, this neutralization of
    dendrite locations preclude some dendrite growth at the electrodes/anode from exhausting what could be thought of as nucleation sites for dendrites, when actually assembled with battery chemicals into a battery this increases the number of recharge cycles

    At batteries that contain a liquid electrolyte the equivalent of hydration shells or solvation shells may effect chemical reactivity, various additives could effect the size of the solvation shells, smaller number of solvation shells could increase
    chemical reactivity delivering more current faster from a battery, minimized numbers of solvation shells could make recharging batteries faster

    ch4 solvation shells and reactivity, a three chemical system could dissolve methane in a cooh lengthy or short alkane or polyunsatureated C=C lipid, then the solvation shells in the cooh-alkane could effect ch4 reactivity, and could increase ch4
    reactivity, so the third chemical is a solvation shell amount adjustor, another chemical or electrical discharge could then more easily combine ch4 together from dielectric breakdown of methane dissolved in the cooh-alkane or cooh-polyunsaturated
    molecule, as an example ch4 likely has high dissolvability in liquid butane, or cooh-butene, then that mix, sandwiched between electrodes is electric high voltage treated, breaking down the dielectric character of the methane dissolved in butane or
    butene, combining ch4 with ch4 to make a more valuable longer alkane, if it takes 1 high voltage kilowatt to generate the joule equivalent of 100 kilowatts of new ethane and higher molecular weight alkanes from zapping ch4 thats useful, the breakdown
    voltage to combine ethane with another ch4, is likely a different dielectric breakdown voltage, and so on with different dielectric breakdown voltages all the way up to octane, so at a chemical plant, different sequential voltages would be used to push (
    metaphor zone refining) the reaction products towards octane and nonane, tall chemical plants (petroleum crackers) are known to autosort the alkanes by mass, with heavy tar at the base, octane at the middle, and methane at the top, what is called tray
    packing could now include different high voltages of trays for dielectric breakdown of methane microbubbles introduced at the base, transforming the molecule and incorporating the electrically generated Ch3 and ch2 ions into the lighter than octane

    A well known approach to making reactive halogen-ch3 molecules, that i think could be reacted to form octane is the effect of UV light and bromination, the energy efficiency of the uv functionalized reaction depends on how cheap you can make UV, one
    approach is to look at the interval of laser diode and LED efficiency doubling times, and simply be optimistic that at 2040 Uv light sources are 90% efficient like red ones are now, another approach to energy efficient generation of uv light is frequency
    doubling and tripling crystals or upconverting quantum dots that move the 90% efficient red laser diode or LED to the ultraviolet range for ch4 halogenation, previously mentioned at my notes is how putting a transparency inducing grating on all sides of
    a semiconductor then putting a reflector layer around it could make all the light emitted retroreflect out the same direction, possibly more than doubling light output, this could be done at uv emitting LEDs and laser diodes now, noting chemical process
    engineering plants are big, with billions of gallons of hydrocarbons being produced there is the possibility an arc discharge lamp like low pressure sodium or helium with just a few spectral lines that can have frequency doubling and tripling crystals
    and upconverting quantum dots engineered to shift those few spectral lines produced into the UV, producing large size and energy UV emitters, however LED arrays are likely to be more energy efficient

    Xray halogenation of ch4, laser pulse on foil compared with medical tube x-ray, the efficiency of laser pulse on Ti or Cu foil at generating x rays and particles could be doubled at a sapphire disc coated with a 90% efficient red laser retroreflective
    mirror, the mirror sends the light pulse the way it came, repeating the laser percussion again, also the foil could be replaced with a cheap "aluminized mylar" type coating but made of ultrathin vapor deposited Ti, Cu, or bismuth, the effect is that the
    percussed area is only as deep as it needs to be, also the outermost laser facing layer could be halftone silvered(reflectorized) and the base sapphire layer be made wavy so the holographically positioned plural mini dots of laser get 100% unreflected
    laser percussing on the first percussion, then the retroreflective outer foil size laser percussion, then the retroreflection from the halftone outer surface causes another percussion, 11 rereflections and percussions and much or most of the first laser
    pulse is turned into xrays and particles this way, when making longer alkanes notably an xray could travel at a depth of meters in a chemical process industry reactor, ionizing thousands, or perhaps much higher numbers of methane molecules per each x-ray,
    making the ch3, ch2, ch1 able to reassemble as longer alkanes, compared with the number of ionizations and associated halogenations from uv, the number of travel pathway ionizations from xrays is much much higher, it may be 1000-10^6 times higher than
    uv, giving xrayed ch4 and other alkanes a very very large efficiency advantage at generating halogenated ch4 and octane from ch4 compared with uv

    Genetic algorithms applied to rock crushers and other ore powder makers could increase rock crushing efficiency typically more than 30%, some possible GA seeds are alternate sizes of |/ rock crushers, high pressure pulse at |/ rock crushers, circular
    grinding component at |/ rock crushers, as well as |/ with grating or screen segments (grating holes) so eentsy particles, mineral dust are directed out of the rock crusher, use of water slurries at circular and |/ rock crushers, and liquid nitrogen as a
    breaks-into-more pieces additive, are some genetic algorithm seeds, other genetic algorithm seeds could be the size of multicontact point serrated teeth at circular rock crushers, very high pressure circular and |/ rock crushers that make more ore powder
    directly (noting
    amorphous fullerene glass is 1000 times harder than diamond very high pressure rock crushers and serration without the contact surface wearing out are possible), also noting the idea of an amorphous fullerene glass (AFG) sanding rotating disk that does
    not wear out over decades of use, even large 1kg mineral chunks can be pressed into the rotating disk to make an all ore powder product, genetic algorithms that use different granule or even tooth sizes and angles at an AFG sanding disk could develop
    optimal sanding disks for different minerals

    One automated way to comminute minerals is to drill a hole in the chunk, fill the hole with TNT or other cheap explosive gel, group say a metric ton in a hard walled container and detonate the TNT in patterns with ultrasound, because the mineral chunks
    squish/percuss from many exterior directions simultaneously they are comminuted into smaller powders and gravels than just the drilled channel with TNT alone would do, as GA seeds detonation from center of container and perimeter of container and polka-
    dot of container could be used to make the finest powders with the least TNT, making ore powders more efficiently and cheaply is beneficial as it makes the elements especially metals that things are made of much cheaper, i may have read that rock
    crushing was only 2-3% efficient during the 20th century AD, if that can go up to 8-11% (triples) then many elements become much cheaper

    Inverted pyramid 3D optimized version of the |/ plate crusher form could be more efficient and notably faster as the oscillating crushes of the saggital direction can have transverse mineral crushes between squeezes, this could double the velocity at
    which minerals are crushed

    I read a study where they did nanoimpressions of antigens on silicone, and when the silicone was administered to animals they had a successful antibody making response, that suggests silicone (or better) microbeads at an oral pill or nasal spray can
    immunize against deleterious body chemicals (Brd2, interleukins, others derived from parabiosis experiments) without an actual antigen, silicone (or better) is very cheap to plurally repetitively contact print, interestingly if IC 2-3 nm fab process
    immersion lenses are used it might be possible to directly print antibody functionalikes on silicone, come up with some combinatorial variations and do a fractional factorial experiment design to develop new better working antigens/immunizations faster,
    i think the researchers may have thought of including the antigen activator keyhole limpet protein, silicone impression version, as well as using different charged surface character of silicone characteristics,

    Active pv charge under ic fab printed antigens

    One thing that may not work but is fun to think about is the force lines of a magnet being like shifting, wobbling cellular automata (Trees or Life) when they come near something magnetic, they could design a layered 3d magnet that can do logic
    operations or vector matrix operations instantly when the 2 3D foozles are placed next to each other, it would be extra-fun if the first magnetic protrusion flipped another magnetic protrusion which then in turn flipped back the first protrusion, i think
    i have seen a game like that,,, self similarity of layers of magnetic field, engineered to have the bulgy field lines between magnets mean something, and is self similar at smaller and smaller size scales, if the flip causes flip causes flip thing works
    then its embedment at eentsy as well as full size scale makes a count up to some number then port the digit to the next largest magnetic bulge layer, as a nano or micro-scopic thing, the effect of lasers (magnetooptical effect) along with transparency
    causing gratings could be used, as could transparent dysprosium firm ion gels to make optically scannable/readable magnetic sequential counters, so the magnetic computer's state can be read at a plurality of positions, once you have a sequential counter
    you can make automata computations, although analog computing is better, and an opportunity at magnetic cellular automata computation exists, or even more analog than that, a magnetic neural network, magnetism may seem slow compared with terahertz indium
    phosphide transistors but consider the velocity of magnetic analog computing and magnetic cellular automata when the magnetic material is superconductive, this could make magnetic counters (clocks) nearly instantaneous, with femtosecond or attosecond
    adjustment of the magnetic field, which does computation

    At an analog neural network, arbitrary current precision, feed forward with magnetism to analog hidden layer,

    Three things that may cause a hormesis response fMRI fields, nonionic electification of dermis, tissue temperatures of 109°F, at legwarmer; tissue temperature of 40 °F any one of these or all of them could be tested to see if they have a mRNA response,
    both local to the treatment area and at other distal tissue in the body, i think i read fMRI fields somehow change calcium ions, so doing repeated 1/2 body MRI scans at a group of mice with monozygotic twins going untreated could find shared mRna
    expression at the treated mice, some of those mRNA could be a hormetic reaction, at electricity sensationlessly applied to the dermis as the treatment a similar protocol with mice would be used to find mRNA differences at body areas far from the
    electricity as well as mRna differences at biopsies of the electrified tissue, similar mRNA profile differences would be measured at the warmed and cooled mouse body parts, then to see if any of the different new mRNA are hormetic, trace them to genes
    then epigenetically upregulate them and measure any increase in wellness or longevity, if the potentially hormetic treatments actually reduce mRNA expression then downregulate their source genes epigenetically (hypermethylation)

    Epigenetic eyedrops benefit cornea, lens, and retina

    If its possible to iontophoresize something as big as bacteria then a dental bite tray could iontophoretically drive beneficial bacteria through the gums onto the deep tooth surface, preserving teeth

    % of genome shared between people and yeast and 400 year lifespan toroises and yeast, and the longevity increasing differences between those two, then use crispr/cas9 to have all tortoise yeast shared genes and all human-yeast shared genes, at 5%
    replaced to 100% replaced in steps of 5 percentage points, see which yeast live longer using flow cytometry on the 40 samples, then take the upper 35% of tortoiseness or homo sapienness, or 14 yeast cultures then use crispr/cas9 to generate the big set
    of 16K different yeast with genetic combination of tortoise with human genes, grow and multiply these yeast in a shared culture flask then after 99.9% have died sort them with a flow cytometer (10 million cells a minute) to find the 99th percentile of
    longevity, and the genes that cause longevity, two different branch approaches are now possible 1) use crispr/cas9 to modify the living 99.9th of longevity yeasts genome (a different mix of tortoise and homo sapiens combinatorics) again, and select out
    99.9th percentile again, 2) use a mutagen on the 99.9th percentile yeasts and reculture, 1) has the advantage of always increasing longevity at each round, 2) has the advantage of building new genes out of 1), with each 100 ml of tissue culture
    containing, imaginably 2^32 (5 billion) different mutation variations, the 99.9th percentile longest lived yeast centrifugally separable from dead yeast is about 5 million living yeast to use flow cytometry on, then there are a number of approaches to
    making this into a homo sapiens and branch species longevity drug or gene enhancement B) epigenetic drugs that mimic the yeasts longevity gene activation, D) completely synthetic restatements of the yeast-400 year lifespan tortoise and homo sapiens genes
    can be tested as germline modifications to mice and marmosets to verify longevity increase before making a gene therapy tested at volunteers, these same procedures can also be utilized at 400 year lifespan quahog clams

    Yeast cultures of 11K yeast per droplet or human tissue gel could be injected into 400 year lifespan quahog clams at 100 different sites (stereotactic injection) then they could see if any of the particular tissue areas of the clam successfully diffuse
    longevity chemicals to the yeast or human tissue culture as measured from the yeast or tissue culture living longer (track the source yeast or tissue culture for green fluorescent protein, GFP), each of the 100 yeast or tissue spots can also have a
    couple absorbent resin beads to absorb what it is the yeast or human tissue is getting from the clam at each location for further characterization as a possible longevity drug

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 14 01:43:01 2022
    balloon angioplasty with paint coating prevents stuff breaking off and causing strokes, lipid surface reactive paint, cyanocrylate surgical glue paint and drain blocker, even protein reactive michael reaction paint are diffused out of the angioplasty
    balloon after it squishes the cholesterol flat

    Reflector behind chest or cofocal ultrasound liquefies coronary artery plaque, apertures could be used, as could waveguides, to make narrow beam ultrasonics, as well as volume filling gratings, this liquefaction could come after balloon angioplasty and
    paint, and be a 8 minute exposure where the circulatory fluid through the carotid is tapped and shunted through a filter to remove stroke causing particles for an hour during and after the 8 minute ultrasound exposure, its better to use only local
    anesthetic so the patient can continually comment on how they feel, another possibility is an ultrasonically vibrating balloon angioplasty balloon core that simply disintegrates away plaque at the areas it touches, sufficiently high ultrasonic power can
    be used to make sure the plaque is liquified, cholesterol plaques may have a different resonance frequency from artery tissue, ultrasound at that cholesterol frequency, made àt an angioplasty balloon would be especially harmless to the coronary arteries,
    resonant mass, external ultrasound driven, another possibility is a laser, with the light being on the surface of the angioplasty balloon, making slices smaller and shallower than the diameter of a brain capillary, repeatedly until the entire plaque is
    removed, this has the benefit of skipping the carotid shunt, the laser could be in a programmable outside machine, and reach the angioplasty balloon with a polymer fiber optic, because laser comminution might be impeded by erythroctes, the outer surface
    of the photonic angioplasty balloon would have a transparent goo layer that optically connects laser to plaque, based on the programmability of the machine a nurse or "photonic angioplasty tech" could do the procedure, making it 4-8 times more affordable
    than a physician, reaching more people beneficially

    I think wikipedia ghost imaging can be used to map the seafloor and floor of large bodies of freshwater, providing valuable mineral location information

    Diffusion gel balls at nasal sprays assist what were injected vaccines, peptides, epigenetic RNA drugs to be strong enough to function as snorted vaccines, peptides, and RNA epigenetic drugs, the ball is a depot that diifuses a drug at higher doses over
    many hours, to get the drug as near to the nasal membrane as possible gel balls have mucolytic chemistry, this technology increases the convenience of vaccination so more people are willing to get vaccinated, one thing a nasal ball .5mm could do is have
    gradually dissolving electrochemistry like a battery, with AgZn duometal chemistry of .01mm diameter, this causes the entire surface except one electrode to be an electrochemistry anode on the surface of the ball, pushing drug ions into the space around
    it like the nasal membrane

    Battery technology circular fractal depthy surface is a thing that increases anode/electrode surface area, this circular fractal can be cheaply accomplished with a grating/hologram and an etching laser doing many preassembly anodes/electrodes in

    at a different battery technology apply high voltage and current to electrodes/anode to purposefully grow dendrites before assembly into batteries, then use laser peening or laser excavation to flatten or remove the dendrites, this neutralization of
    dendrite locations preclude some dendrite growth at the electrodes/anode from exhausting what could be thought of as nucleation sites for dendrites, when actually assembled with battery chemicals into a battery this increases the number of recharge cycles

    At batteries that contain a liquid electrolyte the equivalent of hydration shells or solvation shells may effect chemical reactivity, various additives could effect the size of the solvation shells, smaller number of solvation shells could increase
    chemical reactivity delivering more current faster from a battery, minimized numbers of solvation shells could make recharging batteries faster

    ch4 solvation shells and reactivity, a three chemical system could dissolve methane in a cooh lengthy or short alkane or polyunsatureated C=C lipid, then the solvation shells in the cooh-alkane could effect ch4 reactivity, and could increase ch4
    reactivity, so the third chemical is a solvation shell amount adjustor, another chemical or electrical discharge could then more easily combine ch4 together from dielectric breakdown of methane dissolved in the cooh-alkane or cooh-polyunsaturated
    molecule, as an example ch4 likely has high dissolvability in liquid butane, or cooh-butene, then that mix, sandwiched between electrodes is electric high voltage treated, breaking down the dielectric character of the methane dissolved in butane or
    butene, combining ch4 with ch4 to make a more valuable longer alkane, if it takes 1 high voltage kilowatt to generate the joule equivalent of 100 kilowatts of new ethane and higher molecular weight alkanes from zapping ch4 thats useful, the breakdown
    voltage to combine ethane with another ch4, is likely a different dielectric breakdown voltage, and so on with different dielectric breakdown voltages all the way up to octane, so at a chemical plant, different sequential voltages would be used to push (
    metaphor zone refining) the reaction products towards octane and nonane, tall chemical plants (petroleum crackers) are known to autosort the alkanes by mass, with heavy tar at the base, octane at the middle, and methane at the top, what is called tray
    packing could now include different high voltages of trays for dielectric breakdown of methane microbubbles introduced at the base, transforming the molecule and incorporating the electrically generated Ch3 and ch2 ions into the lighter than octane

    A well known approach to making reactive halogen-ch3 molecules, that i think could be reacted to form octane is the effect of UV light and bromination, the energy efficiency of the uv functionalized reaction depends on how cheap you can make UV, one
    approach is to look at the interval of laser diode and LED efficiency doubling times, and simply be optimistic that at 2040 Uv light sources are 90% efficient like red ones are now, another approach to energy efficient generation of uv light is frequency
    doubling and tripling crystals or upconverting quantum dots that move the 90% efficient red laser diode or LED to the ultraviolet range for ch4 halogenation, previously mentioned at my notes is how putting a transparency inducing grating on all sides of
    a semiconductor then putting a reflector layer around it could make all the light emitted retroreflect out the same direction, possibly more than doubling light output, this could be done at uv emitting LEDs and laser diodes now, noting chemical process
    engineering plants are big, with billions of gallons of hydrocarbons being produced there is the possibility an arc discharge lamp like low pressure sodium or helium with just a few spectral lines that can have frequency doubling and tripling crystals
    and upconverting quantum dots engineered to shift those few spectral lines produced into the UV, producing large size and energy UV emitters, however LED arrays are likely to be more energy efficient

    Xray halogenation of ch4, laser pulse on foil compared with medical tube x-ray, the efficiency of laser pulse on Ti or Cu foil at generating x rays and particles could be doubled at a sapphire disc coated with a 90% efficient red laser retroreflective
    mirror, the mirror sends the light pulse the way it came, repeating the laser percussion again, also the foil could be replaced with a cheap "aluminized mylar" type coating but made of ultrathin vapor deposited Ti, Cu, or bismuth, the effect is that the
    percussed area is only as deep as it needs to be, also the outermost laser facing layer could be halftone silvered(reflectorized) and the base sapphire layer be made wavy so the holographically positioned plural mini dots of laser get 100% unreflected
    laser percussing on the first percussion, then the retroreflective outer foil size laser percussion, then the retroreflection from the halftone outer surface causes another percussion, 11 rereflections and percussions and much or most of the first laser
    pulse is turned into xrays and particles this way, when making longer alkanes notably an xray could travel at a depth of meters in a chemical process industry reactor, ionizing thousands, or perhaps much higher numbers of methane molecules per each x-ray,
    making the ch3, ch2, ch1 able to reassemble as longer alkanes, compared with the number of ionizations and associated halogenations from uv, the number of travel pathway ionizations from xrays is much much higher, it may be 1000-10^6 times higher than
    uv, giving xrayed ch4 and other alkanes a very very large efficiency advantage at generating halogenated ch4 and octane from ch4 compared with uv

    Genetic algorithms applied to rock crushers and other ore powder makers could increase rock crushing efficiency typically more than 30%, some possible GA seeds are alternate sizes of |/ rock crushers, high pressure pulse at |/ rock crushers, circular
    grinding component at |/ rock crushers, as well as |/ with grating or screen segments (grating holes) so eentsy particles, mineral dust are directed out of the rock crusher, use of water slurries at circular and |/ rock crushers, and liquid nitrogen as a
    breaks-into-more pieces additive, are some genetic algorithm seeds, other genetic algorithm seeds could be the size of multicontact point serrated teeth at circular rock crushers, very high pressure circular and |/ rock crushers that make more ore powder
    directly (noting
    amorphous fullerene glass is 1000 times harder than diamond very high pressure rock crushers and serration without the contact surface wearing out are possible), also noting the idea of an amorphous fullerene glass (AFG) sanding rotating disk that does
    not wear out over decades of use, even large 1kg mineral chunks can be pressed into the rotating disk to make an all ore powder product, genetic algorithms that use different granule or even tooth sizes and angles at an AFG sanding disk could develop
    optimal sanding disks for different minerals

    One automated way to comminute minerals is to drill a hole in the chunk, fill the hole with TNT or other cheap explosive gel, group say a metric ton in a hard walled container and detonate the TNT in patterns with ultrasound, because the mineral chunks
    squish/percuss from many exterior directions simultaneously they are comminuted into smaller powders and gravels than just the drilled channel with TNT alone would do, as GA seeds detonation from center of container and perimeter of container and polka-
    dot of container could be used to make the finest powders with the least TNT, making ore powders more efficiently and cheaply is beneficial as it makes the elements especially metals that things are made of much cheaper, i may have read that rock
    crushing was only 2-3% efficient during the 20th century AD, if that can go up to 8-11% (triples) then many elements become much cheaper

    Inverted pyramid 3D optimized version of the |/ plate crusher form could be more efficient and notably faster as the oscillating crushes of the saggital direction can have transverse mineral crushes between squeezes, this could double the velocity at
    which minerals are crushed

    I read a study where they did nanoimpressions of antigens on silicone, and when the silicone was administered to animals they had a successful antibody making response, that suggests silicone (or better) microbeads at an oral pill or nasal spray can
    immunize against deleterious body chemicals (Brd2, interleukins, others derived from parabiosis experiments) without an actual antigen, silicone (or better) is very cheap to plurally repetitively contact print, interestingly if IC 2-3 nm fab process
    immersion lenses are used it might be possible to directly print antibody functionalikes on silicone, come up with some combinatorial variations and do a fractional factorial experiment design to develop new better working antigens/immunizations faster,
    i think the researchers may have thought of including the antigen activator keyhole limpet protein, silicone impression version, as well as using different charged surface character of silicone characteristics,

    Active pv charge under ic fab printed antigens

    One thing that may not work but is fun to think about is the force lines of a magnet being like shifting, wobbling cellular automata (Trees or Life) when they come near something magnetic, they could design a layered 3d magnet that can do logic
    operations or vector matrix operations instantly when the 2 3D foozles are placed next to each other, it would be extra-fun if the first magnetic protrusion flipped another magnetic protrusion which then in turn flipped back the first protrusion, i think
    i have seen a game like that,,, self similarity of layers of magnetic field, engineered to have the bulgy field lines between magnets mean something, and is self similar at smaller and smaller size scales, if the flip causes flip causes flip thing works
    then its embedment at eentsy as well as full size scale makes a count up to some number then port the digit to the next largest magnetic bulge layer, as a nano or micro-scopic thing, the effect of lasers (magnetooptical effect) along with transparency
    causing gratings could be used, as could transparent dysprosium firm ion gels to make optically scannable/readable magnetic sequential counters, so the magnetic computer's state can be read at a plurality of positions, once you have a sequential counter
    you can make automata computations, although analog computing is better, and an opportunity at magnetic cellular automata computation exists, or even more analog than that, a magnetic neural network, magnetism may seem slow compared with terahertz indium
    phosphide transistors but consider the velocity of magnetic analog computing and magnetic cellular automata when the magnetic material is superconductive, this could make magnetic counters (clocks) nearly instantaneous, with femtosecond or attosecond
    adjustment of the magnetic field, which does computation

    At an analog neural network, arbitrary current precision, feed forward with magnetism to analog hidden layer,

    Three things that may cause a hormesis response fMRI fields, nonionic electification of dermis, tissue temperatures of 109°F, at legwarmer; tissue temperature of 40 °F any one of these or all of them could be tested to see if they have a mRNA response,
    both local to the treatment area and at other distal tissue in the body, i think i read fMRI fields somehow change calcium ions, so doing repeated 1/2 body MRI scans at a group of mice with monozygotic twins going untreated could find shared mRna
    expression at the treated mice, some of those mRNA could be a hormetic reaction, at electricity sensationlessly applied to the dermis as the treatment a similar protocol with mice would be used to find mRNA differences at body areas far from the
    electricity as well as mRna differences at biopsies of the electrified tissue, similar mRNA profile differences would be measured at the warmed and cooled mouse body parts, then to see if any of the different new mRNA are hormetic, trace them to genes
    then epigenetically upregulate them and measure any increase in wellness or longevity, if the potentially hormetic treatments actually reduce mRNA expression then downregulate their source genes epigenetically (hypermethylation)

    Epigenetic eyedrops benefit cornea, lens, and retina

    If its possible to iontophoresize something as big as bacteria then a dental bite tray could iontophoretically drive beneficial bacteria through the gums onto the deep tooth surface, preserving teeth

    % of genome shared between people and yeast and 400 year lifespan toroises and yeast, and the longevity increasing differences between those two, then use crispr/cas9 to have all tortoise yeast shared genes and all human-yeast shared genes, at 5%
    replaced to 100% replaced in steps of 5 percentage points, see which yeast live longer using flow cytometry on the 40 samples, then take the upper 35% of tortoiseness or homo sapienness, or 14 yeast cultures then use crispr/cas9 to generate the big set
    of 16K different yeast with genetic combination of tortoise with human genes, grow and multiply these yeast in a shared culture flask then after 99.9% have died sort them with a flow cytometer (10 million cells a minute) to find the 99th percentile of
    longevity, and the genes that cause longevity, two different branch approaches are now possible 1) use crispr/cas9 to modify the living 99.9th of longevity yeasts genome (a different mix of tortoise and homo sapiens combinatorics) again, and select out
    99.9th percentile again, 2) use a mutagen on the 99.9th percentile yeasts and reculture, 1) has the advantage of always increasing longevity at each round, 2) has the advantage of building new genes out of 1), with each 100 ml of tissue culture
    containing, imaginably 2^32 (5 billion) different mutation variations, the 99.9th percentile longest lived yeast centrifugally separable from dead yeast is about 5 million living yeast to use flow cytometry on, then there are a number of approaches to
    making this into a homo sapiens and branch species longevity drug or gene enhancement B) epigenetic drugs that mimic the yeasts longevity gene activation, D) completely synthetic restatements of the yeast-400 year lifespan tortoise and homo sapiens genes
    can be tested as germline modifications to mice and marmosets to verify longevity increase before making a gene therapy tested at volunteers, these same procedures can also be utilized at 400 year lifespan quahog clams

    Yeast cultures of 11K yeast per droplet or human tissue gel could be injected into 400 year lifespan quahog clams at 100 different sites (stereotactic injection) then they could see if any of the particular tissue areas of the clam successfully diffuse
    longevity chemicals to the yeast or human tissue culture as measured from the yeast or tissue culture living longer (track the source yeast or tissue culture for green fluorescent protein, GFP), each of the 100 yeast or tissue spots can also have a
    couple absorbent resin beads to absorb what it is the yeast or human tissue is getting from the clam at each location for further characterization as a possible longevity drug

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