• Credit unions preferentially loan locally

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 8 20:23:05 2022
    when people join or also at an update online people could specify their credit union activity preferences like reduced fees or interest for first time property aquirers, an insurance fund that offsets risk making vehicle loans have more qualifiers, or
    even all members equal no extend to various groups fiscal activities. They could even calculate an upper 50% of stability and creditworthiness of particular members and display a "Refer a friend to be a new member" message at ATM screens and receipts to
    grow with stability

    Bike helmets have holes in them for ventilation, the edges of the holes could have rounded bumps and volutes that make the air more turbulent and slightly cooling, maybe, at least it works on fans, i have seen 3D printed compressed bubble looking tires
    strong enough for a vehicle, perhaps an air passthrough polymer solidigon lace bicyle helmet could be very cool and breezy with the majority of its space being air gaps to the head, engineering could make this more comfortable unsticky head gear work for
    two wheeled motorized vehicles and aircraft.

    During 2022 they found out a particular herbicide was linked to cancer, they could add anticancer chemicals to herbicides and perhaps other mass use chemicals, one them is plug in air fresheners, so that reduction in cancer occurs in mice, butylated
    hydroxytoluene and other plastics industry antioxidants might do this, dose potency can be increased, maybe, variations on BHT that are most longevizing and better at preventing cancer like, moving the - OH to different locatations, or making ethyl,
    propyl, other C amount hydroxy toluenes

    A fingertip bare, forefinger covering masturbation finger sheath for women and girls could be pleasureable bring the sensation of and at the finger together with vibrations to the clitoris, a wireless witricity power supply could give it electricity with
    a thin rfid sticker like antenna, a new kind of vibration based on the physically moving micromirror array chip might or might not be possible, or other vibration sources to provide the vibration.

    Cantor's diagonilization or overlain square weave high resolution imaging, with cantors diagonilization to produce a new infinity you just extend things by an integer then note it makes sense, if you take two tent square meshes and overlay them you get a
    moire of littler but highly predictable squares, so as a video camera could you take a lensed light path, an image, but i will call it a beam, run it through a beamsplitter onto two regular pixel sensors, but have offset meshes in front of each one then
    use a highly predictable piezoelectric vibrator on one of the meshes (or sensors) so that a multitude of eenstsier squares (or masking occlusions) are generated, each of these subsquares has a different if less bright color and CMYK, the sensor reports
    digitally on the partial area it does see, and the software knows which moire mini square configuration it was produced with and stitches the image together, piezoelectric AFM stages can position to picometers, and MHz vibration velocities are normal so
    the piezo subsample generator should work, the effect is to get billions or more pixels out of what are two multimillion pixel megapixel chips, and image velocities might be fast from 7THz indium phosphide light sensors, this video camera is between a
    raster scan and a 1950's fast rotating color wheel studio tv camera but lens beamsplitter piezomesh and 2 imagers could be cheap enough for phones and car cameras but also work for satellite imaging and space telescopes

    Partial image remnant polygons

    Could a more active version of the cancer preventing p53 tumor supressing gene, administered to people with focal cancer block metastasis (spread) using CRISPR/cas9 causing people to live longer?

    I read about a robot that looks at plants and figures out what chemicals will make each of the plants grow better, assisting that would be a laser or sprayink that would label the plants so a different robot could provide the growth and wellness
    promoting chemicals, a drone version that flies over the plants and lasers a code onto each plant might be more optimal

    The internet says 38% of the electricity used for lighting goes for street lighting, during the 1990s the lights angled out from macroscopically shaped polymer prisms, it seems like beamspread could be more precisely laid out with 1/2cm precision light
    spread patterns, this could be possible with very precise non tesselated lens material made with CAD, so instead of an angly bowl they would computer make sumething like an every angle different crunchy geode, or if going for physical smoothness a
    contoured flowy lens, physical smoothness might decrease gunk accumulation and reduce cleaning $, if all lighting is 3% of all electricity used and 1/5 of the energy can be saved then that is sort of like saving the electricity use of over 11 million
    people, similarly, office and classroom lighting that goes from homogenous sheets of homogenously prismatic tesselated plastic to CAD computer developed polyformgeode look gradients could save even more energy, the manufacturing process can be very
    similar to 1990s homogenous polyprism sheets, streetlighting to my perception has a more gradient dappled effect than office lighting so street lighting might be better

    There are possibly billions of LED lightbulbs, and i read they are UV emitters with a white light emitting phosphor coating, it is likely the phosphor coating absorbs some of the light it generates, at a different thing MgO and ZnO sunscreens there was
    development of nanosized particles that made these nearer to being optically transparent, it is possible nanoparticle transparency could get even better, or that transparent sunscreen particle technology could be used, and it is possible that the
    improved transparency microparticles could be the form used at LED light bulb phosphors to improve their light output, saving energy

    This fatty acid might be modified with halogens, localization peptides, or even deuterated, to be more active at receptors, making it more effective as a longevity drug, "fatty acid called dihomo-gamma-linoleic acid plays an important role. As it is
    produced by the lysosomes, the fatty acid kickstarts a chain reaction of cellular messaging that extends the lifespan of C. elegans. Crucially, the scientists were then able to dial up the fatty acid signaling to effectively control the worms' lifespan,
    increasing it from an average of 17 days to between 20 to 25." the genes that direct the sequential reaction cascade could be longevity genes, even alleles already at the human population, that increase lifespan, making them beneficial for human eugenics.
    "The research was led by Baylor College of Medicine's Dr. Meng Wang"

    Joint and bone implants that last for centuries go well with multicentury human lifespans, there are various materials and coatings and i think the surface texture and form of these makes a difference in how long they last, to make thousands of different
    surface textures to test, engraving lasers (2022 functional to engrave from 10nm up to mm) can make a plurality of feature shapes and gradients, like printers marks and hashes on test implants, then measure the effects to find the textures and forms with
    the highest compatibility, adhesion, and durability, this also works with 3d etched forms like open or D velcro single sides, and autowetting microtroughs and antiwetting pillars, also, laser peening effects corrosion resistance, so laserpeening hashed
    gradient arrays to find laser treatments that have physiochemical compatibility advantages, ulrasound may have less than 30 micrometer resolution so might be used to bulk scan thousands of gradient hashes on each test implant.

    Combined with probiotics, three plant species material makes drosophila live 60% longer, to increase effect these could be fluorinated or chlorinated, three plant species: Emblica officinalis, Terminalia bellirica and Terminalia chebula are mentioned

    Garment dryers could be more energy efficient and reduce static cling with having conductive paint lines inside the drum that electrify the drying garments, just like charged fibers repel very low current nonwarming high voltage could the cause partially
    dried garments microfiber surface texture to stand up, much like the leaves of a leyden jar fluff out during partial dryness, this increases surface area of the minute fibers on the surfaces of garments, drying them faster and exposing more evaporative
    surface area, drying faster, more fully humidifying the same volume of air for more energy efficiency, its also possible that just having grounded conductive dryer drum lines would remove static electricity from garments

    Do you think anyone has ever made an electrically controlled ferrofluid gyroscopic toy or robot yet? Pull the feo goop towards the center with electromagnets and it spins faster

    At a quora.com question about valve springs i wrote At a comment Shastwat Puri says “30%” of an ICE engine goes to compressing valve springs. That’s amazing that 30% of an ICE engine’s energy goes to compressing valve springs, the unreflected
    upon first thought is could an electrical solenoid somehow do better. I actually find the 30% number confusing. Wave (waffle) springs? Unimaginably durable multileaf irises like old camera parts? Some tradeoff between leakiness and energy savings? low
    mass carbon fiber stem valves with little electrically close able apertures on them? aerodynamic stem valves? Not only cars, but the cost savings to cargo ships and railways and shipping trucks and delivery vans could make material things cheaper

    I read that dust on planetary space rovers caused slower motion, tesla coils doing the hair stands on end effect with pulses and surface waves might repel dust or fling it off, another possibility is replacing wheels with inverse peristaltic pumps
    where the rotor is inside a big lump sort of like a beanbag chair that deforms and elongates and rebalances plumply to inchworm or oscillating plum its way travelling the planetary surface, smaller em powered inverse peristaltic pumps could travel on the
    surface of photovoltaics zen gardening the dust away to the sides

    As a toy that would sound better someone could make and analog player piano or music box, instead of square nubs causing plinking, or activating teeth on a comb at a little hand cranked tube the vibrating stylus could press into curves of varying shape
    modulating the vibration rate, it might sound like a composed melody with continually varying notes theramin

    I read that up to 20% of the human genome is associated with longevity, find the shared genes with 4000 year bristlecone pines and million year lifespan endoliths and upregulate or downregulate these at mice to find human longevity gene variants.

    It occurs to me sometimes feces has streaks or striations, they could study this if it exists and find out why, then modify longevity yogurt probiotic lkm512 to have striation continuity next to the gi tract membranes causing greater effect,

    17 alpha estradiol makes mice live 19% longer, perhaps a peptide mimetic drug or peptide aptamer could do even better by addressing the interaction cascade downstream or upstream of the 17 alpha estradiol receptor

    Little sleeve and arm hole buttons could be wirelessly electrically rechargeable and display color effects and graphics like emojiis on hands and arms, button format is robust enough to stand washing, fun for human physiological children

    Where i live crosswalks have worn off busy roads and the decals detached, quick laser etching of the roads would make the paint or decals adhere better, could be done with push trolleys or even drones

    Comment on an article on how parylene-c on Cu cools Ic boards 7 times better, it is likely researchers have already though about this but could the fluoro version of poly(2-chloro-p-xylylene) be an even better heat conductor? Also newatlas has an article
    on isotopically pure silicon wires, would using deuterium, a few hundred $/Kg, instead of hydrogen at the parylene-c change heat conduction. Also parylene-c researchers have likely already compared different crystallinity/amorphous forms for better
    cooling. An idea that has a slight chance of working is a very thin liquid metal gallium indium Cu layer to provide liquid metal cooling advantages.

    Edited Comment on robots that hop up in the air 100 feet, I read dust is a challenge for planetary rovers, perhaps during a hop up the () could also shimmy, shake oscillate, or vibrate releasing dust, and shaking dust off of high intensity high
    concentration factor photovoltaics that the hopping robot could use with a main base powered laser (or em antenna, witricity) to recharge a lightweight battery. Dust removing jumping tumbleweeds powered by lasers could roll around planetary surfaces

    Comment on a sun blocking hammock, This [item commented on] weighs 18.5kg, that's really a lot. Could perhaps 4 200g drones stably lift and maintain position of a big flat piece of ultra thin siliconized nylon (among the lightest camping fabrics) and a
    400 gram battery beam witricity to keep them up and aloft for sun moderation? Also more drones a bigger battery and a tilt to the fabric could keep rain off. Drones can be surrounded with superporous cowls, sort of like AT&T logo spheres with slots so
    they do not have sticky outy parts and are more durable.

    Kites stay up in the air from wind, and spherical balloons lift and blow around, but i have not heard of a kite that uses wind to blow through something like a biggified hoberman sphere to turn long spirals resembling drill bits or rotaty wind chime
    icicles to generate upward lift from a propeller at the top of the rotating icicles. This spherical kite would spontaneously fly upwards, genetic algorithms could develop and test many variations on twisty icicles and lift propellors, its just imaginable
    that at a plurality of twisty icicles in one sphere it could harvest wind energy from many different directions, its going a little further but a minimal leak helium balloon made of the near leakless weather balloon stuff could be a neutral bouyancy or
    lifting balloon for the sphere, a slightly similar thing, an omnidirectional ship wind rotator that powers a ship already exists

    Childrens toy, $1.25 store helium balloon but with lots of extra non gas containing plastic margin, the plastic margin is kite shaped, so it is a 1.40 self flying kite

    Gene chips and aptamer chips detect things, micromirror 1024/megapixel computer projector chips MMD exist, if you put the gene and aptamer chip chemistry on the little wiggling MMD leaves can you get much better detection from the wiggling causing
    microstirring, also if you electrically charge the sensor MMD leaves can you bond more chemical, better producing greater sensor latitude at measuring both entsier amounts and being able to measure high amounts above the previous saturation limits, its
    possible highly energetic wiggling during a rinse cycle could refresh the chip for multiple re-uses, along with medical and manufacturing uses this sensor could be used at robots for chemodetection in air, smelling, at social companion robots and
    agricultural robots that smell plants to see when they are ripe or what the plant's nutritional status is

    Micromirror computed projector chips exist, and medical diagnostic saliva and pee body fluid tests exist, could a 1/10-1¢ piezoelectric vibrating long element on a pee test microvibrate the body fluid test so the results develop 4 times faster or can
    pick up chemicals at 4 times rarer concentrations? 4 times rarer concentration detection means things previously too dilute to find can be detected, increasing the number of things that can be detected like covid, STI, the sex of a fetus or other tests,
    at $1-10 on alibaba.com an MMD chip might do an even better job of vibrating. For a piezoelectric body fluid test, lcd display pregnancy testers with battery and wires are $. 3

    An article online describes making hydrogen absorb into silicon nitride to store hydrogen much more effectively for use in vehicles, and that this is a use of mechanoscemistry, they used a ball tumbler to provide the mechanochemistry, sonic stimulation
    of the silicon nitride powders can deliver a much stronger force at a wider range of intensity than tumbling balls, usind focoused sound to do 3D printing, i read, "As those bubbles oscillate, the temperature inside them rises to about 15,000 degrees
    Kelvin (14,727 ºC or 26,540 ºF) and the pressure within them climbs to over 1,000 bar (14,504 psi). Although this sudden increase in temperature and pressure only lasts for picoseconds (trillionths of a second), it causes the resin to solidify at the
    exact location of the bubble." that is many orders of magnitude more mechanochemistry force to cause even better hydrogen storage, perhaps also in non silicon nitride materials, also with sound you can make custom waveforms and solitons to produce new
    kinds of processes and even higher energies, sound mechanochemistry could be even cheaper than tumbling balls

    An online item uses focalized sound to do 3D printing of hardenable plastic goop inside a body, comment, A slight variation on this is to puff or decrease the volume of foams inside medical implants like hip joints to expand them slightly for better
    retention once they set or shrink them slightly to improve comfort. Drug implants like nexplanon or multicentury longevity drug implants could have their interiors sonically modified to calibrate, update, and reinvigorate dosages, Also at the building
    and construction industry everything from nails, to other fasteners to rebar could be sonically swell tightened or shrunk slightly with a robot or hand tool that had a focused sonic emitter, making things last longer or be more easily repaired or recycled

    I might have made a note of this previously, an alibaba computer mini projector is less than $6, use that or some laser pointers to highlight or project "yum!" or healthy! on foods in a refrigerator that the computer camera sees and recognizes as healthy
    or low calorie, optional would be a turn-offable speaker that says one word, the name of a healthy food in the fridge. Another thing that might work is having the car interior's camera notice you eating fast food and suggesting a fast food restaurant
    alternative menu item that is healthy or fewer calories, people could get it because they have human physiological children and care for them, and unintentionally benefit themselves, from what i read, fast food is nonotimal for children, so they and
    their human physiological parents should avoid it

    In a book on the many worlds interpretation of physics the wave function is (perhaps has to be) described with a differential equation, my math book says differential equations cannot be used to describe all functions, are there kinds of differential
    equations that have various different simultaneous solutions with some variables or symbols rolled up and excluded from the differential equations different simultaneous solutions, if so, then among the plurality of simultaneous solutions are there some
    that generate MWI tests or technologies more easily, like that group of solutions which preserve EM math glyphs at a particular solution, utilizing that solution at the rest of the MWI math might make electromagnetic machines and technologies easier to
    actually build out of electricity and magnets, another thing about wave function differential equations with multiple differing simultaneous solutions is 1) where does the information go? 2)are there trivial multipliers where say you multiply things to
    get a bunch of sort of ratioed identical equations (1/4 2/8 4/16) where just doing the rest of the mwi math with the bigger ratio multiple suggests physical technology amounts of things, so like instead of solving the schoedinger equation and the rest of
    the mwi math you would use a ratio multiple and state what happens to an entire coloub of electronness to make it easier for technologists to conceive of new MWI technologies 3) some of the the equivalent multiple solutions may have what are sometimes
    called unphysical solutions, or, notably, even differing unphysical solutions at identical physical solutions, can any of the apparently unphysical solutions be tested or used to extend or question physics theories and even though they are thought
    unphysical solutions be tested to find new physics, maybe a computer could find the very least unphysical solutions, like only one math glyph making a solution unphysical, automatically, and then an actual physicist could look at that least unphysical
    equation with one math glyph change to think of a single idea physics change that could make it work, it isn't actually a thing as far as i know, but Feynman had the developable idea that there could be just one electron in the universe, it could be
    anywhere, and just appeared to be everywhere because it was faster than light, so novel physics could come from humans thinking about a one math glyph different nonphysical solution, and then these new ideas can be tested with actual experiments

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