• There are artificial arteries

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 8 20:24:11 2022
    during the 20th century i read research about how to keep them from getting gunked up, another way to keep them from getting gunked up is to use witricity or induction to electrify piezoelectric materials sheathing a multilayer artificial artery such
    that they vibrate, possibly ultrasonically to stir accumulated gunk off or keep it from attaching, possible doing a cleaning cycle while the person sleeps on a witricity mattress, besides piezoelectric layers at artificial arteries broadcast absorbed
    electricity like witricity could effect the body fluid contacting electrically responsive surface of the artery with oscillating e- so both negatively and positively charged proteins that gunk up the surface are repelled in alternation, electrowetting,
    or antielectrowetting might be possible, and change surface flow characteristics and gunk adhesion, this could also work on vascular stents that can absorb witricity, body access ports, and joint implants,

    A simple modification to liposuction nozzles and tips could cause less harm while improving aesthetic appearance and even heightening wellness. Ultrasonically stimulated knives glide through materials with minimal force, so a liposuction nozzle or
    abortion tool could glide through tissue, cutting and sucking it out with less blunt force, at liposuction being able to move through tissue with less force means that smaller contours can be produced with less effort more precisely, so a planned
    topology map of how much fat to suck out where can have smaller features and ultrasound co-imaging can guide the procedure, i read that sucking away the abdominal fat on obese rodents makes them live longer so this could benefit human longevity as well
    as be a cosmetic surgery procedure, also, when you think of sticking a vacuum tube in adipose tissue and sucking it up at 14.7 psi vacuum, if the fat is liquified and homogenized at, or just before, the probe tip, the procedure is faster, and the
    liposuction probe can be smaller and narrower for better aesthetics, that suggests putting another ultrasound tissue liqueifier or laser element at the tip of the probe to liquefy and homogenize the fat so it is a liquid goop for the suction tube. It is
    even possible that a vacuum suction tube with piezoelectric vibrating above human hearing would cause the liquiefied fat goop to travel easily without clogging, even at very aesthetically precise narrow tubes used for sculpting small features

    A regular refrigerator that saves some perhaps single digit % of energy is a household refrigerator with 2 dutch doors, and a seperate door for the freezer, at a one door fridge, my perception is that a lot of cool air slides out the bottom, and the air
    in the fridge gets mixed with room air from the fan effect of the door, splitting the refrigerator doors keeps the coolest air from spilling out the botton and if the top dutch door that accesses the most frequently used top shelf is half the size then
    there is only half as much warm air mixing, another slight advantage is that since people usually get top shelf items 60-80% of the fridge openings are top door, which saves the energy from what would have been an all one door cool air slide out.

    I think i may have previously made a note but beyond human hearing piezoelectric transducer microwiggling of radiator fins at air conditioners, building heat pumps, back of fridge cooling coils, PC CPU heatsinks, baseboard heaters with fins, automotive
    radiators and commercial refrigerated storage coolers could increase air mixing and be energy and $ efficient, also like the way sand moves is macroscopic at vibrating chladni plates, bigger shapes and movements of cooling air are possible on the fins if
    different ultrasonic tones are sequentially made by the out of human hearing range sonic transducer, moving the air and refreshing it, this could be a simple circuit like an audio toy music chip (1-10¢) that tells the amplifier that feeds the
    piezotransducer what sequence of frequency to make, which is a little cheaper than a microcontroller

    Ceiling fans are published as an effective way to increase comfort while saving energy, adaptive surfaces at airplane wings that slightly change their contours to be more efficient, ceiling fans with adaptive surfaces could cool/blend air for greater
    comfort even more efficiently, an ultra cheap alternative to a smart polymer surface is to vibrate the fan outside the range of human hearing at less than 19Hz with a cheap piezoelectric element, cheaper than that is just having an eccentric path pringle
    shape making wobble drive, like the nonrotational motors of those photovoltaic dancing character solar toys that has a magnetic winding that does a figure 8, Pringle, or lissajous rotation, the microwobbling could be measured as causing more air mixing,
    i don't know if microturbulent flow at the fan surface is effective, but if it is, a piezo sonic transducer at the fan at above human hearing frequencies could make it vibrate, there is even the possibility of making traveling waves of blade flexing if
    the fan and ultrasound emitter are physics resonantly tuned

    There are many technologies being researched to transform water into useful hydrogen and oxygen gas, i have read about hydration shells where in liquid water spheroid tesselated layers of h2o surround an ion or maybe a particle, some additives can reduce
    the number of hydration shells while others might increase it, changing the number of hydration shells might increase the energy efficiency of splitting water, so there could be an ion additive that does that, another approach is that for systems that
    use electrodes the nanosurface ball bearing look of the electrode might on its own effect the number of hydroshells, if it does, and customizing it makes the process more energy efficient then any of laser etching, chemical etching, laser peening or
    direct contact molding could make the better surface, direct contact molding is interesting because silicone polymers can actually get a direct impression from DNA, that is molecule sized nanotexturing, since the electrode is likely conductive a very
    soft near liquid metal electrode like a gallium alloy could pick up embossing of a hydration shell optimizing pattern from some embossing element

    Thinking of a satellite internet antenna, it seems possible that a fixed antenna is less effective when the broadcast angle is oblique rather than directly overhead, now think of a 20th century dish tv parabolic reflector, if it had raised fins taking up
    1% of its surface area that presented a tall linear ridge to signals coming from the right it could be perhaps 11% better at receiving and reflecting those signals to the actual antenna at its focus, some collection of these vertical glancing angle
    reflectors could gather signal from some area, then think of metal glitter flakes in a snowglobe, each metal flake most responsive to some incident angle, but the geometry of the 3D metal reflector flakes has room for fresnel like beam reflection
    pathways, or ordered gaps in the metal flake snowglobe antenna, then 3D print the snowglobe antenna out of resin and metal so everything stays at the right position and it is manufacturable, making a sphere omnidirectional antenna or fisheye lens antenna
    covers the entire sky with metal flake tesselated geometry radio wave pickup to concentrate parts, optimally this would make things like Elon Musk's satellite internet able to use more satellites at once, or provide good connection with funny angle
    satellites far from being overhead. Aircraft could use the full spherical 720° version to communicate with satellites, other planes, and the ground

    Comment on an internet article about a company that makes environmentally friendly solar panel backplanes, Laser peening iz zapping materials like metals or polymer composites with lase so they have 30-700% increased surface strength and toughness, laser
    peening of plastics is almost unpublished, but i did read that laser peening of composites made them 30% stronger, if this photovoltaic backing material responds well to laser peening then perhaps they could save 30% on materials to build photovoltaic
    backings of the same strength, lazers could also just peen a network of lines, like the back of a leaf on their panels for higher strength. With research on laser peening's effects on different plastkcs things like geotextiles, mass produced rain gutters,
    pvc utility pipe, and vehicle body panels could have the same strength with less material. I don't know if laser peening could possibly make concrete road surfaces more durable, but it could be tested, railcar wheel surfaces and railroad track metals,
    and any anti scratch surface including acrylic windows, and just possibly polymer/linoleum floors and even laser peened high durability carpet thread could all be laser peened if laser peening plastic works

    Shockwave atmosphere laser peening, i have read laser peening makes surfaces 30-700% stronger, one possible thing happening with laser peening is the generation of shockwaves at the surface, the atmosphere like gas density and ambient humidity may effect
    those shockwaves characteristics so they could try different than atmospheric pressure gas and various humidities to see if laser peening gets better, cofocalization is one thing but a completely different thing is arranging three laser beam circles so
    they overlap in the center and then zapping the circles sequentially or simultaneously to produce a greater shockwave or custom shockwave, or travelling shockwave overlap

    As a highly convienent longevity technology gene therapy to make a part or tissue of the body highly produce a longevizing dose of a peptide or protein, that could be a single nasal spray dose of a particular tissue optimized gene therapy everyone could
    take, it could even be a part of routine vaccination at infants, the gene therapy likely works better the longer lasting the tissue is, i read that nerves might last continually, so gene therapy of non brain nonCNS nerve tissue then produces longevity
    peptides or proteins for centuries, increasing lifespan and youthspan, it is likely there are other tissues besides nerve tissue that persist in original form throughout living, so those could also be longevity gene therapy peptide or protein producer
    tissues throughout living

    The way DC power is drawn from batteries may effect anode and cathode suface micro and nanoeffects or paasivation layers or dendrites which then effects voltage, power output, and battery longevity, a computer battery switching circuit that makes a
    connection and reconnection to a battery go on and off at milliseconds to microseconds can be characterized and tuned to find the DC utilization intervals, and rest intervals that cause the highest amount of higher voltage higher current and longest
    battery life from the same amount of battery chemicals, along with switching the power draw from each battery modules rapidly, while switching each of the separate batteries a refreshing thousand or a million times a second the electronics also combine
    different actual separate batteries together to provide continuous DC to the user or technology like personal vehicles, drones, aircraft, stationary battery uses at utilities' batteries and anything else plural rechargeable batteries are used for

    Cnc head wiggles less with 3 motors spinning, that gyroscopic action smooths all motiont

    Little solar fans exist that go in a car window that is down 1/8" of an inch, the fan blows air in all day, make almost exactly the same thing for portapotties, amazingly this does not seem to exist at alibaba.com although i thought of this idea earlier
    it may or may not have a note

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