• NFT Image of a dessert Desert. Peace now. Peace always. (2/2)

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 8 20:11:29 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    Thorium nuclear reactors utilize fuel reprocessing, some plants, i think i read, concentrate metals to 14% of their dry mass, so it is possible tissue culture of those those plants could glom metals during thorium reactor material reprocessing
    efficiently, then

    Fractal surface ion exchange resin could be made and be better at ion exchange for reprocessing thorium reactor fuel, something like the way they make aquarium activated carbon with crystallilization holes, but repeated a few times to make fractal ion
    exchange resin
    Im kind of unclueful

    Thorium nuclear electricity reactors and coal plants during 2021 have water turbine areas, it seems possible that a nonwater working fluid or water with a harmless or even physiologically vegetationally beneficial additive could carry more warmth

    Does zeta function modified water exist, like even a hyperdilute diaper gel, except the opposite, an antigel, that lets water evaporate more avidly, benefitting steam turbine generators, thinking of chemicals that cause antimeiniscus at water in a tube,
    those chemicals might be antiwater-water adhesion and make more steam,

    does minimized solvation shell number water with ions in it evaporate differently, if high/few hydration shells effect steam generation beneficially at a power plant then they could add those harmless chemicals to the presteam turbine water

    Viewed as a mechanism, what parts of a thorium reactor have what functionality durations, doubling reactor life and halving required maintenance make for better financing, expansion washers and threaded thing lubricants,

    Lipstick is vibrantly colored and made of cheap wax and oil, wax crayons like 128 color containers could benefit from having the same color saturation as lipstick with added oil, i think children would enjoy vibrantly colored crayons at 128 packs

    Polymers that last a long time from dynamic diamagnetic compression perpendicular to any grain structure during their production, these could disintegrate in more predictable ways, more slowly, so things like bushings and any moving part contacts last
    longer, that makes electricity generators and wheel supports last longer for cheaper electricity, and better financing

    Argentium ag with ge alloy is a noncorroding stays bright alloy, actual metallurgists might instantly know if putting a little germanium in with Cu at switch contacts, circuit breakers, and even electrical socket prong and receptacle contacts, and usb or
    better computer connectors would make them longer lasting, more efficient, and less risky, aside from electrical contacts Ge brass could be a nontarnishing visual use metal, and a noncorroding plumbing thread metal,

    The Ge in the argentium alloy keeps silver from reacting with S, so germanium alloys at any production or manufacturing with sulfur around, like oil extraction field parts and refining chemical plants, and parts of coal plants could benefit from
    Germanium alloys at various things, connectors, and any component replaced more often than others, and an actual metallurist would know if Geferrous alloys are cheap and S resistant, as well as of course Gestainless alloys, Ge alloys may have marine
    applications as well as uses in geothermal electric plants where Sulphur water may occur

    Circuitbreakers are 10¢-1$ at

    Gold does surface passivate slightly, at things like neuron contacting brain interface conductor meshes, while they are still made from metal, germanium GeAu alloys could be better at staying fresh, and, a few % more affordable from Ge replacing Au

    In the Us and some other countries some vehicle fuels had added etoh which absorbs water from air, so sometimes vehicle fuel has a potentially metal changing pH, that suggests a new thing a pH buffer can be added to the engine and oil filter to minimize
    changes to metal and polymer at the vehicle, perhaps radiator antifreeze already has pH buffers, ph buffered antioxidant anticorrosion grease likely already exists for grease point service maintenance on nonvehicle manufacturing machines as well as
    vehicles and even heavy construction equipment and agricultural equipment and mining equipment, these products also likely have antioxidants, bicycles could use ph buffered antioxidant grease as could hinge oils and greases, hydraulic fluids could also
    benefit from pH buffering and antioxidants

    As a possible treatment for cancer, to block metastisis of a tumor, carbuncle like forming chemicals could be injected into the tumor mass, when they diffuse to the healthy tissue, the healthy tissue does a pimple like swell and surround to reduce
    disease spread strategy, the encarbuncled tumor can then be treated with less risk of stray oncocytes reaching the circulatory system and metasticizing at other tissues, the actual chemicals to inject into the tumor to carbuncleize it could just be
    carbuncle/pimple bacteria chemicals, possibly lipopolysaccharides

    Breastfeeding benefits babies immune systems, better absorption by the baby of the beneficial chemicals the breastfeeder produces could enhance the effectiveness of building baby immune systems, a ph neutralizing mucolytic delicious fluid could be
    squirted into the baby's mouth before breastfeeding, this strongly increases absorption from having a thinner stomach mucous layer, and promotes nondisintegration of the proteins by neutralizing stomach acid, they could measure improvements to immunity
    to illnesses.

    If the sap in trees moved more it could benefit tree wellness and growth, an elastic tree trunk wraparound of various testable lengths that has piezoelectric acoustic shape makers could noninvasively move sap within the tree trunk, and then that motions
    effects on growth, fruiting, and even healing ill trees could be measured, nonaudible to humans acoustic waves are possible, its also possible the tree wellness wraparound could be photovoltaically powered

    Tree seeds could be placed on the soil contacting base of lawn ornaments, that way at yards where lawn ornaments were neglected a tree would grow in their place adding beauty and fiscal value to the area

    I may have heard or read that english ivy is not good for the buildings it climbs, its possible to create a building exterior that is compatible and encouraging of climbing ivies, perhaps sequential spray layers on the building to waterproof the vertical
    parts of the structure so that nearness of wet leaves up on the buildings surface is harmless, as well as a holdfast outer layer that the ivy grows to attach to that has a non-pry-apartable layer beneath it, the visual effect of the building verticals
    before and after the ivy covers it is beneficial to make beautiful and white

    Instead of a disco mirror ball a nuclear plant cooling tower) ( mirror 3D form festive object

    Noting oil on water at thin layers makes colored iridescence, but that it changes when moved, is there a very high mass cooh food oil that is so stiff that when applied to a cake as an iridescent thin layer stays lively and colorful while being durable
    and nonflowing, this is a new to me kind of food decoration

    If the granules on sandpaper were piezoelectric then charge fluctuations might cause it to repel dust and be cleaner, but almost certainly not because grinding causes stuff to get into sandpaper between particles

    Theory about reducing birth defects, nmn ups mitochondrial output, if it actually reaches the developing fetus general betterness from nmn could reduce birth defects, similarly the way niacinamide causes mitochondria to divide into eentsy high numbers
    then a high fat diet plumps up the superplurality of mitochondria to then be simultaneously big and larger in number could be a pill and diet that reduces birth defects

    The epigenetics of having highly regular teeth and gums may preclude some of the risk of birth defects

    Frozen microwaveable vegetables might be eaten more if they could be microwaved in the bag you get them in, just making the bags out of a different polymer does it

    Instead of breading on fast food nuggets and patties they could use granulated vegetables like pumpkin, carrot, these would be processed to be neutral like breading, the greater vegetable amount eaten could benefit people

    Longevity technology, drugs that block uptake of amino acids and possibly nucleotides at the cell membrane could make things live longer by decreasing translation and transcription and might longevize like caloric restriction

    Gawkable thing, people as far as i know havent made cooperative or sequenced gems like they have with glass optics like telescopes, since many synthetic gems are cheap you could have a fresnel topaz several cm long the brought really bright specular
    light to a diamond, but besides optics nested gems might be a thing

    It is imaginable but would benefit from verification that putting mentally well cancer and heart disease patients on antidepressants could increase survival amounts, this could be measured on laboratory mammals first,

    Legos made with a polymer that is compatible with dry erase markers make decorating things children build particularly ok

    Optimizing hedgerows, new hedgerows with trees and other plants that support each other, hedgerows to my perception are long and something slightly similar the bioswale is different and more rain focused than an optimized hedgerow

    Single family dwellings are published as increasing happiness among women, ways to increase the number of single family dwellings are automated construction, driverless cars bringing people to more affordable land, making more single family dwellings
    possible, an 8 room 4 bedroom prefabricated house islikely makeable with 2 alibaba modular $9600 houses stacked on each other

    Thinking of jello salad like transparent fill of the same refractive index as actual gems included in the fill, the fill would also be the same color as the gem

    I doubt its compatible with long distance flights, but could jet aircraft be glidery enough to use less fuel at holding patterns at busy airports to save $ on fuel making flying a little cheaper

    Ive seen a vortex shedding ship propellor but not a vortex shedding aircraft propellor, a likely possible technology, i just looked there is already a patent

    Benefitting people that do not have fluoridated water, especially children is once annual fluoride bubblegum, perhaps on one's birth date in April

    The element Ce is published as increasing longevity over 40% in a nonmammal

    It might be twins, codefective, isolate genes of defect

    Piezopump oxygen separator

    Is drone

    Gg zap k

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 4 00:21:54 2023
    [continued from previous message]

    Thorium nuclear reactors utilize fuel reprocessing, some plants, i think i read, concentrate metals to 14% of their dry mass, so it is possible tissue culture of those those plants could glom metals during thorium reactor material reprocessing
    efficiently, then

    Fractal surface ion exchange resin could be made and be better at ion exchange for reprocessing thorium reactor fuel, something like the way they make aquarium activated carbon with crystallilization holes, but repeated a few times to make fractal ion
    exchange resin
    Im kind of unclueful

    Thorium nuclear electricity reactors and coal plants during 2021 have water turbine areas, it seems possible that a nonwater working fluid or water with a harmless or even physiologically vegetationally beneficial additive could carry more warmth

    Does zeta function modified water exist, like even a hyperdilute diaper gel, except the opposite, an antigel, that lets water evaporate more avidly, benefitting steam turbine generators, thinking of chemicals that cause antimeiniscus at water in a tube,
    those chemicals might be antiwater-water adhesion and make more steam,

    does minimized solvation shell number water with ions in it evaporate differently, if high/few hydration shells effect steam generation beneficially at a power plant then they could add those harmless chemicals to the presteam turbine water

    Viewed as a mechanism, what parts of a thorium reactor have what functionality durations, doubling reactor life and halving required maintenance make for better financing, expansion washers and threaded thing lubricants,

    Lipstick is vibrantly colored and made of cheap wax and oil, wax crayons like 128 color containers could benefit from having the same color saturation as lipstick with added oil, i think children would enjoy vibrantly colored crayons at 128 packs

    Polymers that last a long time from dynamic diamagnetic compression perpendicular to any grain structure during their production, these could disintegrate in more predictable ways, more slowly, so things like bushings and any moving part contacts last
    longer, that makes electricity generators and wheel supports last longer for cheaper electricity, and better financing

    Argentium ag with ge alloy is a noncorroding stays bright alloy, actual metallurgists might instantly know if putting a little germanium in with Cu at switch contacts, circuit breakers, and even electrical socket prong and receptacle contacts, and usb or
    better computer connectors would make them longer lasting, more efficient, and less risky, aside from electrical contacts Ge brass could be a nontarnishing visual use metal, and a noncorroding plumbing thread metal,

    The Ge in the argentium alloy keeps silver from reacting with S, so germanium alloys at any production or manufacturing with sulfur around, like oil extraction field parts and refining chemical plants, and parts of coal plants could benefit from
    Germanium alloys at various things, connectors, and any component replaced more often than others, and an actual metallurist would know if Geferrous alloys are cheap and S resistant, as well as of course Gestainless alloys, Ge alloys may have marine
    applications as well as uses in geothermal electric plants where Sulphur water may occur

    Circuitbreakers are 10¢-1$ at

    Gold does surface passivate slightly, at things like neuron contacting brain interface conductor meshes, while they are still made from metal, germanium GeAu alloys could be better at staying fresh, and, a few % more affordable from Ge replacing Au

    In the Us and some other countries some vehicle fuels had added etoh which absorbs water from air, so sometimes vehicle fuel has a potentially metal changing pH, that suggests a new thing a pH buffer can be added to the engine and oil filter to minimize
    changes to metal and polymer at the vehicle, perhaps radiator antifreeze already has pH buffers, ph buffered antioxidant anticorrosion grease likely already exists for grease point service maintenance on nonvehicle manufacturing machines as well as
    vehicles and even heavy construction equipment and agricultural equipment and mining equipment, these products also likely have antioxidants, bicycles could use ph buffered antioxidant grease as could hinge oils and greases, hydraulic fluids could also
    benefit from pH buffering and antioxidants

    As a possible treatment for cancer, to block metastisis of a tumor, carbuncle like forming chemicals could be injected into the tumor mass, when they diffuse to the healthy tissue, the healthy tissue does a pimple like swell and surround to reduce
    disease spread strategy, the encarbuncled tumor can then be treated with less risk of stray oncocytes reaching the circulatory system and metasticizing at other tissues, the actual chemicals to inject into the tumor to carbuncleize it could just be
    carbuncle/pimple bacteria chemicals, possibly lipopolysaccharides

    Breastfeeding benefits babies immune systems, better absorption by the baby of the beneficial chemicals the breastfeeder produces could enhance the effectiveness of building baby immune systems, a ph neutralizing mucolytic delicious fluid could be
    squirted into the baby's mouth before breastfeeding, this strongly increases absorption from having a thinner stomach mucous layer, and promotes nondisintegration of the proteins by neutralizing stomach acid, they could measure improvements to immunity
    to illnesses.

    If the sap in trees moved more it could benefit tree wellness and growth, an elastic tree trunk wraparound of various testable lengths that has piezoelectric acoustic shape makers could noninvasively move sap within the tree trunk, and then that motions
    effects on growth, fruiting, and even healing ill trees could be measured, nonaudible to humans acoustic waves are possible, its also possible the tree wellness wraparound could be photovoltaically powered

    Tree seeds could be placed on the soil contacting base of lawn ornaments, that way at yards where lawn ornaments were neglected a tree would grow in their place adding beauty and fiscal value to the area

    I may have heard or read that english ivy is not good for the buildings it climbs, its possible to create a building exterior that is compatible and encouraging of climbing ivies, perhaps sequential spray layers on the building to waterproof the vertical
    parts of the structure so that nearness of wet leaves up on the buildings surface is harmless, as well as a holdfast outer layer that the ivy grows to attach to that has a non-pry-apartable layer beneath it, the visual effect of the building verticals
    before and after the ivy covers it is beneficial to make beautiful and white

    Instead of a disco mirror ball a nuclear plant cooling tower) ( mirror 3D form festive object

    Noting oil on water at thin layers makes colored iridescence, but that it changes when moved, is there a very high mass cooh food oil that is so stiff that when applied to a cake as an iridescent thin layer stays lively and colorful while being durable
    and nonflowing, this is a new to me kind of food decoration

    If the granules on sandpaper were piezoelectric then charge fluctuations might cause it to repel dust and be cleaner, but almost certainly not because grinding causes stuff to get into sandpaper between particles

    Theory about reducing birth defects, nmn ups mitochondrial output, if it actually reaches the developing fetus general betterness from nmn could reduce birth defects, similarly the way niacinamide causes mitochondria to divide into eentsy high numbers
    then a high fat diet plumps up the superplurality of mitochondria to then be simultaneously big and larger in number could be a pill and diet that reduces birth defects

    The epigenetics of having highly regular teeth and gums may preclude some of the risk of birth defects

    Frozen microwaveable vegetables might be eaten more if they could be microwaved in the bag you get them in, just making the bags out of a different polymer does it

    Instead of breading on fast food nuggets and patties they could use granulated vegetables like pumpkin, carrot, these would be processed to be neutral like breading, the greater vegetable amount eaten could benefit people

    Longevity technology, drugs that block uptake of amino acids and possibly nucleotides at the cell membrane could make things live longer by decreasing translation and transcription and might longevize like caloric restriction

    Gawkable thing, people as far as i know havent made cooperative or sequenced gems like they have with glass optics like telescopes, since many synthetic gems are cheap you could have a fresnel topaz several cm long the brought really bright specular
    light to a diamond, but besides optics nested gems might be a thing

    It is imaginable but would benefit from verification that putting mentally well cancer and heart disease patients on antidepressants could increase survival amounts, this could be measured on laboratory mammals first,

    Legos made with a polymer that is compatible with dry erase markers make decorating things children build particularly ok

    Optimizing hedgerows, new hedgerows with trees and other plants that support each other, hedgerows to my perception are long and something slightly similar the bioswale is different and more rain focused than an optimized hedgerow

    Single family dwellings are published as increasing happiness among women, ways to increase the number of single family dwellings are automated construction, driverless cars bringing people to more affordable land, making more single family dwellings
    possible, an 8 room 4 bedroom prefabricated house islikely makeable with 2 alibaba modular $9600 houses stacked on each other

    Thinking of jello salad like transparent fill of the same refractive index as actual gems included in the fill, the fill would also be the same color as the gem

    I doubt its compatible with long distance flights, but could jet aircraft be glidery enough to use less fuel at holding patterns at busy airports to save $ on fuel making flying a little cheaper

    Ive seen a vortex shedding ship propellor but not a vortex shedding aircraft propellor, a likely possible technology, i just looked there is already a patent

    Benefitting people that do not have fluoridated water, especially children is once annual fluoride bubblegum, perhaps on one's birth date in April

    The element Ce is published as increasing longevity over 40% in a nonmammal

    It might be twins, codefective, isolate genes of defect

    Piezopump oxygen separator

    Is drone

    Gg zap k

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)