• I looked at a copy of popular mechanics and tried to think of a new to

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 8 07:47:06 2022
    Better engines and transmissions, blowing the perimeter shockwave ignition atoms further out into the fuel air mixture with laser direction like laser tweezers or other effects, at better transmissions they coud do genetic algorithms and possibly it is
    in the financial benefit of a car or truck company to have 1111 prizes to any new transmission form better than a global median 2021AD transmission, like someone who knows things might say the efficiency of an automotive transmission relates to its gear
    ratio, so they are using some amazing new gear ratio multiplier, perhaps made possible by recent materials improvements like tiny contact area amorphous fullerene glass (harder than diamond) or rounded forms and teeth that actually drive better the more
    worn to a streamline shape they get (reminded of the rolls smoothly on all nnnnn bumps path square wheel, perhaps there will be genetic algorithm based transmissions, then noting

    Zeolites concentrate oxygen and nitrogen, which could cause oxygen enriched environment at car fuel use, perhaps a multiliter 100 liter oxygen tank providing accelleration , spin polarized gas can be made with either lasers or big magnets, spin
    polarizing either oxygen or nitrogen might give it greater separability at zeolites, to use zeolites more efficiently gas that remains gas at 11 or even 111 atmospheres of pressure could be sorted by zeolites 11 or 111 times faster, ignoring energy use
    to concentrate the gas, a 300-500 liter tank pneumatic air compressor is $100 or less on alibaba, and a 100 liter tank compressor is $56,

    Previously described is interferometry paint, complementing that are transparent or metal photonic waveguide washers that take light in from the side of the washer (ridged area of a dime) light pipe it to thousands or tens of thousands of locations on
    the washer face, where the light exits the washer and bounces off whatever the washer is flush with, based on the plurality of light reflection pickup pipes it is possible to see the 3D tightness of the washer, permitting it to be optimally fastenered
    into place, likely automatically, this high precision connection function likely has many uses including industrial robots and vehicle part-part coonections,

    Interferometry paint the transparent version, or a quantum dot paint that when squished changes colors like nonvisible UV colors could be used at the transparent dental appliances known as invisalign to communicate to the orthodontist, dentist or
    aestheticians computer how the reshaping pressure profile on the the teeth looked and was doing,

    This might not work at all but if you think of tire treads sticking up it might be possible to undercut or incise their bases with edges of lasers to give a tire tread resting on an incised neck, at fist this seems nonoptimal, but it makes it so a
    plurality of tire greads can bunch up together sideways making a differently grippy surface if the car is "drifting" sideways, maybe its better, if the base tread of the tire with the chunks above the undercuts has both horizontal and linear # or even UK
    flag tread divisions 🇬🇧 then water and flexion between tread surface features occurr

    it likely already exists, but the character and shape draw characters might be complete in unicode as text glyphs, and simple software could be written that translates any emoji, gif, jpg or mp4 or png file into its edge trace drawn shape equivalent
    would be nifty and kind of useful in that you could copy any image and paste it as unicode art, ascii art like ---;--(@ and many others is fun, unicode art that automatically shrinks to 144 optionally color characters would be fun, also the unicode data
    space is big enouh to make 11 octaves of 3 kinds of playable note per unique uncode glyph, control G used to be beep, about 1024 unicode note glyphs with 4 note lengths, 8 note letters, 11 octaves, 3 note tones, and a few hundred miscellaneous characters
    would be nifty

    At synthetic superaffordable gemstones and natural gemstones (artificial emeralds are about 18.5¢ a gram unfaceted at alibaba) lasers could carve and facet numerous slight and notable and genetic algorithm variations on 100K-ish starting types of gems
    and gem cuts like emerald cut with facets based on the golden mean ratio, art nouveau, 9-14th century shape styles, gothic, tiffany, modern styles, op art, optical element, fresnel, curvy line&-fresnel, gradient refractive image, grating, optical piping,
    fiber, and loopes and nests of curved loops, streamlined shapes, holographic, grating, and light piping that extends from diffraction grating separate spectral paths to blend them, something like making a silicone mold image of the most visually
    fascinating nongem mineral samples of all kinds, from fascinating etched meteorite patterns, to native metal nuggests, curved swirls in quartz, picture agates, steppy bismuth crystal, the miniature but laser detail high resoltion precise female
    collectible figurine scultptures including fairies, elves, mermaids, beautiful human women, and 3D nude self portraits, the internet surveyed upper 99.9th percentile of netsuke bottles, pi discs, and cloisonne art objects, 3D raised illuminated
    manuscript letters such as from the Book of Kells, i favor omitting making nonhuman animal gem objects, tree leaves, especially round tree leaves, fruits, seeds, nuts, the 10,000 most internet survey visually appreciated buildings on the registers of
    notable architecture of all countries, 7 up rounded pastel advertising graphics, computer heightened neoteny versions, internet surveyed, differentiated to greater neoteny, and internet surveyed again to be at the 99.9th percentile of visual appeal heads
    and bodies of the 10,000 most cited philosophers from all known cultures and ages, gem art derived from the 5000 most findable graphical impressions of people's idea of Atlantis,
    That's millions of laser carved and perhaps laser peened gemstone art objects from 4-24 mm big

    The flavor of deuterium water is described as slightly sweet, that suggests the replacement of hydrogen at food flavoring concentrates and scents like peppermint, vanilla, artificial white chocolate, cream, clove, cinnamon, spice flavors and scents used
    at fast foods, ice creams, body scents like perfumes and sexual avidity and attractant pheremones and perfumes, isosafrole, car and dwelling air fresheners, and toiletries could all have about a 50-98% chance of benefitting from partial or complete or
    patterned deuterium substitution at their flavoring molecules; a single substitution 50/50 chance of it being better smelling or tasting, but at a 4 scent or flavor deuterated ingredients suite there are 4 50/50 chances to improve the scent or flavor
    suite, so that's about 94% chance that the scent or flavor suite will be better for trying deuterated components, at things with neutral-good scents like fruits including avocados, mandarins, and apricots, perfuming the grocery fruit could cause greater
    voluntary fruit consumption and surveyed enjoyment, scented fruit and vegetables at children's school lunches could cause measurable increase in voluntary fruit and vegetable consumption. Along with the effect of deuterium on the scent and flavor
    chemicals known as small molecules, deuterated peptide flavors and flavor enhancers could also have distinct and preferrable flavors. The internet suggests $500/kg for deuterium although i think it could be much cheaper, that suggests 10-100mg of a
    flavoring, scent, or modified spice at 1/4 its mass as deuterium is 1/4 of one cent to 2.5¢ to utilize deuterium enhanced scents, flavorings, and spices

    Psychedelic LSD might have even higher dose potency with an adjustment that gives it prferential membrane transport like DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide, has, just try three molecular variants of LSD, one with the methyl swapped out with DMSO, another with the
    DMSO moiety sticking out of the least electrical charge busy part of the molecule, and the third version is swapping the diethyl part with DMSO, similarly, the amino acid threonine or triple GGG glycine cause preferential transport across the blood brain
    barrier and could be placed on the LSD molecule, a good strong trip 300 microgram dose could become just 29 or 3 micrograms with one or two orders of magnitude greater passage at the blood brain barrier, this makes LSD 10 or 100 times more affordable as
    a recreational drug, going from $1, or $5-8 in the US to 1¢, or ,5-8¢, making LSD a highly affordable drug at the entirety of the developing world, sometimes called the third world. Notably, shipping or transporting just three grams of blood brain
    barrier passage favoring LSD is a million 300 microgram psychedelic experience equivalent doses. One novel way to ship and transport LSD is to custom make 3D printer polymer like edible polylactic acid filament that is 1-11% BBB passing advantaged LSD by
    mass, print 3D objects, and send them to people and places worldwide. Then, either the people can vend their LSD, removing small dose measured features from the 3D printed object, or complimentary LSD that is blood brain barrier passage advantaged can
    simply be sent to any person with a use for 3D printed objects, toys, or art objects, of physical NFTs (nonfungible tokens) with a communication sent out after the BBB passage advantaged LSD is distributed that it is nifty and wonderful to give away and
    share LSD. Ergot fungus is about $16-40/kg at alibaba, at 4% recoverable lysergic acid, and 60-80% yield making blood brain barrier passing adantaged LSD, 14 billion doses would be about $84,000-108,000 to make and provide all 2/2022 humans at earths
    population two 300 microgram 2/2022 LSD psychedelic experiences each. I think it is a good thing to do. Some unexpected benefits, beyond the peace benefits. Could be benefits to women's and children's well being.

    Cellulose made with different polystarches and polysugars that have variously more OH hydroxyl groups or less of them i think would have different wettability, drying ability, and softness at washcloths, towels, fabrics, and filtration cartridge elements,
    genetically engineered plants or bacteria could make the new hydroxyl amount celluloses and fibers from, likely as affordably as bacterial or mycelial or algal mats

    Gentle face soaps might partially work by increasing hydration at both living and nonliving corneum stratum skin layers, anticomedogenic thick oils, almost waxes, could be anticomedogenic from highly bacteriostatic high deuterium, once the oil did
    cumulatively penetrate the skin at a laser warmed, continuous 20-40 minute warm and perhaps radiometer percussed oil/near wax treatment it would stay in the nonliving stratum corneum for weeks or longer, it could contain skin brightening agents like
    optical brighteners and quantum dots for color and light diffusion effects, with slightly improved technology, the laser that warms the penetrating oil could cause durable color change at the color adjusting quantum dots or chromophores to make them
    change color to cover or diffuse away any freckle or blemish or lipofuscin spot, or even be a visible color themelves, like a pink glow on the nipples. The main effect though is durable nongreasy hydration. I do not know if scar reduction oils work, but
    a laser assisted skin oil or near wax could be scar reducing, particularly if routinely applied after any surgery, including C sections and cosmetic surgeries

    Nonanimal produced D amino acid containing vegetarian leather and silk; tissue culture grows the leather or silk, D amino acids make the materials resist being food for bacteria,

    I saw an ad for video editing software, and I've read AI generated text that is fairly functional on a multiparagraph comprhendability level, that makes me think that video editing software could do speech to text of an entire human originated video,
    including any onscreen words like PowerPoint presentations, then have the AI completely rewrite the spoken portion of the persons video, this increases the comprehension and retained learning of viewers, during production the AI enhanced video could then
    be played to the person editing the video at 1.5 times velocity and normal pitch to verify it still makes sense, communicates to a purpose, or has even greater recreational and entertainment value than the original

    Parallel acrobatics bars like the kinds girls use(d) on playgrounds could be funner, easier, and faster if they had long rotating sleeves on them that work like the rotating sleeves on pole dance poles but are horizontal, there is also something called a
    harmonic gear that might be useful

    Sometimes to some children the batter eating part of making a cake is an especially enjoyable part, its possible electric batter stirrers could come in different shapes that are easier and more enjoyable to lick batter off of, making the plug in stirrers
    out of ceramic would keep them from having a metallic flavor,

    Candy bars, often candy bars associated with vending machines could benefit charity, consider a candybar named I Win! now the people that paid 25¢ more for it would feel extra extremely good, because i think i read psychological research saying that
    people that share their deserved honest sucesses socially get even greater experienced benefit, i have a perception, but no actual research, that when people are generous from a win of some kind or unexpected bonus that generosity makes them especially
    happy, possibly with some durability of happiness, so, if i just wrote some code i happened to think was complete, started it up in the clous to do its multiminute, maybe quantum computing thing, i might be 3/4 in earnest when i got a I Win candybar or
    fizzy yet longevizing sweet beverage out of the machine; i could look at it two ways, by going for the I Win candybar that is 25¢ more i plant a tree or four from seed, immunize a toddler, or give a free longevity epigenetic drug treatment to 4 people,
    so, either way i feel like the phrase I Win works, either my code runs (I Win!) Or some lives got saved and some trees got planted (I Win!) The inner wrapper of the candybar that supports charity could mention the upsides of all the charities, so the
    thing is, what candy bar could possibly be good enough to be called I Win

    Reducing pollution at coal plants, use different wetnesses and coolnesses of exhaust gases, which likely differ from process steam but i will call wet steamy exhaust, use acoutics and coolers to concentrate wse, to make particulate concentrations that
    bunch up and maybe double or higher concentrate at things analogous to shock diamonds or chladni plates, if it is possible to bunch up air, possibly even with just a cheap compressor and a tube, then any pollution control you do to the double or
    quarduple pressure air might be 2-4 times more value effective, including spraying particulate removing washwater through thee wse, zapping the wse with grating produced sheets of laser light that turn harmful pm2.5 to some other size from laser
    comminution or even laser induced making of co2 from c particles,

    As a pretreatment for coal, to get rid of sulfur, noting that elemental sulfur has liquid, rubbery, and powder forms if the coal, such as coal dust, is heated to sulfurs liquification temperature and a new kind of chemical that is a sulfur wetting agent,
    like a surfactant for sulphur, possibly with a /\/\/O ampiphilic character dissove liquid sulfur in warm water permitting it to be lightly sluiced or centrifuged away, if the coal dust containing sulfur is only a few mm-cm thick on a fluidized bed at
    sulfur liquid temperature then plural air jets could do something like air powerwashing the liquid sulfur to diversion regions for removal before the coal is utilized

    It might be that lignite, even when comminuted into identical sized chunks, is heterogenous, suggesting some little chunks will make more pollutants than others, if that is an actual thing the energy plant could have fluidized beds with different airflow
    bouyancies, varying the residence time of individually laser/acoustic/spectroscopy x ray fluorrscence characterized lignite mini chunks, this differeny bouyancy causes them to produce less pollution while making coal warmth for power production 100 tons
    of coal/hr is only 100 million one gram lignite mini chunks to look at per hour with a laser and a computer, even 100mg of lignite micropellets can be characterized with the billion objects per hour, speeding on a plurality of 10 meter wide conveyor
    belts, 1cm deep,at 300 cm/second to characterize and even laser inscribe a label on each pellet, ten conveyor belts transports a million kilograms, 1000 metric tons per hour. When the laser, sensor, and computer find various deciles of pullutant effect
    at the lignite micropellets a hole drilling or cutting laser can change the shape of the lignite pellets so they have variously longest interval or warmest or coolest fluidized bed activity to produce the least pm, like pm2.5 emissions, also it is
    possible custom comminution of lignite mini pellets can create greater energy efficiency and more power from any particular quantity of lignite, lignite mini pellets at the upper third of energy density of material could be laser comminuted or sliced to
    be at regions of the fluidized bed tuned to getting the highest quality@velocity thermal energy out of them. At a physically wider area power plant the sorted lignite pellets could even be piled up or stored outside the conveyor system, such that higher
    and lower NOx, SOX, pm profiled, and any other pollutant categories are available for preferred use at different times of day, and different predicted weather, nox only turns to photochemical smog with day uv light, so it could be mostly cleanly used and
    atmospherically dissipated during non daylight hours, sox could have less or more near field pollution effect when the cities agricultural lands, and forests nearest the power generation stations had wet weather forecasts, i think i read that so2 or
    possibly it was just sukfur microparticulates is actually a cooling antiglobalwarming chemical, that suggests using the most sulfured 1/3 of the lignite pellets during forecast ddy weather and sunnier parts of the year, it is even possible the lignite
    mine itself could do the laser scanning and micropellet id based shaping, and sortation of the pellets, delivering to the power plants just those pellets that met their pollution reduction requirements and upper third of greatest lignite energy density
    preferences, the 1/3 to 1/2 the lignite microchunks that are under specification can be very cheaply stored above ground, to be utilized when a gechnology, like a bacterial conversion technology, is developed that then makes them a specifiable power
    plant fuel source, its possible a fluidized bed could have higher poluuting lignite minichunks at 2 gram sizes, causing nearer base of bed location and longer or warmer treatment, with medium lignite microchunks at 1.5cm midregion, and especially clean
    or enegy rich 1cm lignite minichunks near the upper part with the warmth exchangers

    A superdurable coating for cars could be a chemical vapor deposition layer of Os, W, Ir, Rhodium, that is either photo lithography patterned to be an optical grating os just lasered or e-beam lithographied to be a grating, i read that engraving a grating
    on metal makes it more optically transparent (note transparent aluminized food packages and balloons) and Os, Ir, rhodium have high durability and some of them brightness, the metal grating could be cross stacked, or like 1° stagger stacked like some #
    waffle french fry "fabrics" i have seen, both extending the thickness of the protective metal coating and placing two transparency gratings adjacent to each other. Putting the metal coating on a painted vehicle, including a quantum dot painted or pigment
    painted vehicle, using cold plasma deposition of metal or metal sputtering could be affordable like candy swappers and balloons with the laser or e-beam making the transparency enhancing gratings so the colors show through, as previously noted at other
    paint notes the quantum dots ckuld upconvert and downconvert Thz, IR, and Uv to make seperate continuous roygbiv combines to be white light glowing emissions, so a quantum dot active white car would gently emit even more white light than its illumination
    form, being visibly white even in colored light, the high abrasion resistance metal duogratings allow the white appearance of the car to be bright, with the entire paint surface having the hardness and blemish resistance of osmium, iridium, rhodium,
    tungsten, the highest abrasion resistance, hardness and strength superalloys as they are called, all of which can be made even more durable with laser peening, notably i have heard of gratings causing transparency at metal, even brighter optical
    characteristics of the paint coating and structure afe likely possible with metamaterials that do optical coupling and are made at the painted coated object such as a vehicle with the metamaterial forms made with photolithography, laser or e-beam
    sculpting, or even electret impressor molding surface roller or contour following embossing positive impressor maker vehicle all seamless surface or also panel technology, along with passenger vehicles this highly weather resistant abrasion resistant
    paint coating technology could be used at outdoor and indoor drones, dwelling wall and trim paint, building exterior paint, aircraft, and paint and coatings on civil engineering structures, pathways, parts of pathways that span gaps, and pathway guidance
    paint like crosswalks and private sector hyperdurable parking area markings, this paint and coating may also be especially durable at marine applications, heavy equpment, agricultural equipment and buildings,

    Electrical generator windings and motor windings, and transformer windings including electrical grid gransformers, and wireless power inductors like witricity or better could be soaked, or sprayed and ackjstically motionized to be fully coated with a
    layer of superinsulative high dielectric material, possibly including hafnjum having molecules, with an overcoat of ultra thin layer tungsten or abrasion resistant superalloy, that causes electromagnetic, motional, and thermal autorubing at things with
    electrical windings to be orders of magnitude less likely to develop an electrical short giving them much longer projected functional life, i think Elon Musk may have mentioned million mile before replacement of the electric motors on Tesla electric cars
    and vhicles, this coating could increaze that a bunch, i'd like to say one or two orders of magnitude based on the way the coating is likely 3 mohs hardness steps above previous electric motor wire insulation, this superdielectric and tungsten or
    superalloy coated electrical windings also benefits robots and social companion robots.

    Another technology of durable paints and quantum dots, and pigments is simply to drill a large plurality of depthy tube hollows with a top aperature with a large sheet of depthy light, millions or billions of deep tube apertures xrilled simultaneously
    with a depthy 3D laser shape made with a grating, after making the depthy tubes with the grating, at an array of aperature tubes similar to halftone dots a quantum dot color like roygbiv white emitting quantum dots or a pigment can be squegeed and
    acoustically ultrasonically wiggled to fill the aperture at depth of the deep tubes, that way even if there were crinkles that were restored the paint would still be white,a way to make that even more durable is to have a 1/7-1/11 tube diameter center
    column of metal, that, because it stands vertically allows light to reach the majority of the quantum dots or pigment, it is possible mixing bismuth in with tungsten or a superalloy makes a metal that actually expands as it cools, compressing the
    material around it to greater rigidity, from 1 nanometer feature sizes to 1 or even 11 micrometer wide tubes of mm and multimm depth there are technologies to make the apertures and tubes, even tubes with a center column or a all edges connected to the
    tube multilobed perimeter doily that strongly resist physical abrasion or white or color shift even from crinkling, scraping, dirt based cumulative sanding, detaching, or other physical action. Some kinds of quantum dot roygbiv emitting whites and
    colorants, and some pigments like minerals and colored mineral crystal powders are likely to keep being vivid even with chemical and electrical challenges

    Really really powerful laser tweezers, or high velocity ion impantation beam emitters could give catalytic converters like automotive catalytic converters and chemical process industry catalysts an order or magnitude or greater surface area from digging
    little angled pushed crescents and dips from where lasers or ions impact them, the ions could be anything from rapidly sublimates to gas frozen carbon molecules like cyclooctane bead polymers with a Se pedot like periodic mer group to give light
    adjustable charge for easy acceleration, to high mass 300C atom carbon atoms with subliming chemical filled lumens, to cheap ionizables like making an ionic co2 liquid, transitioning it to a solid sublimable ballistic microparticle then using a
    diamagnetic mass driver or ion conducts electricity at solid CO2 electroagnetic mass driver, the subliming catalyst shaping material just sublimes away

    String trimmers, that is weed eaters might or might not benefot from a right height to weedeat at a rotating very lightweight ball the boom or machine weight rests on, the string of a string trimmer is replaceable with laser peened metal or ceramic
    lengthy necklace hollow core beads strung on a pearl necklace, two knots per bead style, with a polymer string, that makes the string of the string trimmer last one or two orders of magnitude longer.

    I'm going through a magazine page by page trying to think og a new technology fo each page, on the chainsaw page it ocurred to me that there could be a saw, string trimmer lawn/brush mower or chainsaw that does the least harm to

    The plants, the internet says that different chainsaw blades can have much smoother cuts, "Because the angle of the cutter is only 10-degrees and shallow, this chainsaw is ideal for creating very smooth surfaces", which could be a source of reduced harm
    to plants, another possibility is something like a hyperpotent microgram or nanogram active plant hormone added to the chainsaw oil or in a wax you apply to the chainsaw before cutting that has some beneficial effect. Plant hormones are different than
    mammal hormones but picrogram to nanogram to microgram quantities are sufficient to have notable effects perw Kg of mammal, and highly affordable rna and peptide plant biological agents are possible, where a 100 nanogram dose contacting 1Kg of just cut
    surface tissue is 1/10,000th of a cent, even at $1000/G for a flurinated, ethynylized, D-molecule, cyclized peptide or amino acid, with some commercial similar but not fluorinated or ethynlized peptides and entire puified antibody proteins at near $320/G
    or less, the rna or peptide plant homone mimics could stiulate the plants production of its own antibacterial antifungal, and antiviral genes, keeping the cut site from rotting, depending on if the chainsaw was making topiary, where branching and leggy
    growth would be minimized, or regrowth actively encouraged at both the cut site and the entire bush, tree, plant, or at lawnmowing and perennial agriculture cutting and harvesting with automated crop harvest such as new wheats, barleys, rices, soybeans,
    possibly corn, it is possible drone based string trimmers that wipe out unwanted weeds could utiize trimmer strings coated, waxed, or oiled with peptides or RNA drugs that interrupt the genes of PMAT at ipmat cytoreproductive cycle, freezing apical
    meristem based plant growth and blocking the ipmat production of seeds and runners, one example would be cane forming sometimes fruit forming brambles, with the entire plant growth stopped and cane and fruit reproduction stopped from anything from
    cutting for clearing contact by drones to minimal contact, very fast visit length, peptide or rna biological active component delivery to bigger areas of plants, including brambles, weeds, and what are called invasive plant species on roadsides, the
    Roadsides of Oregon and other locations then become absent fruiting, runner, and cane reproducing brambles, i think i read these brambles were completely new to the state of Oregon in the middle of the 20th century, so their systematic removal with
    drones adminstering plant biologicals causes the nonopimality to be less than 8-100 years duration. At native and human preferred species drones can administer biologicals that block the growth of thorns, making it possible to hike many trails barefoot,
    plants vary, but drones sensing nutrient or sunlight surplus at any particular plant or tree location could deliver active plant biologicals that start the growing and budding season early, continue it longer and favor the growth of apical meristem

    Vibrators that make audio the person being stimulated or vibrated does not hear, and that the person next to the sexual bed partner does hear, perhaps if they are only 3 feet away, narrowly focused shaped sound makes i want to be so wet for you... So wet
    for you, fuck me, fuck me now, i want you inside me, inside me, tongue my clit, hug me, hug me and touch me all over, and hundreds of other phrases could be said, in a an arousing voice, kind of like whispers, edge of perception music lyrics and
    sometimes easy to hear obvious statements, the person using the vibrator would know which statements the vibrator like an insertive hoberman vibrator or insertive lovesense vibrator, was making, but might not notice the vibrator was talking to her or his
    partner while it was pleasuring them all day, evening, and while they sleep

    $99 hedge trimmers at amazon and $20 or less at alibaba, a laser tape measure is about $3.99 at alibaba, i think an electric hedge trimmer, being rigid and easy for software to locate in space, could use the laser level, a phosensor or camera, and
    optionally what wikipedia calls gost imaging to turn the hedge trimmer blade on and off as the blade action surface, possibly detectably including a distal tip, intersects the hedge being trimmed and turns the trimmer on at sculpting material removing
    range, and off if it gets too near or far the center of the hedge, sequential mini passes build up a flat hedge surface, or if the cadlike yard planning easy graphic software says make a rounded or spherical streamlined shape topiary the hedge trimmers
    make that/guide that into being. Another improvement to power tools is using witricity or better power transmission making them weigh much less,

    The concept, which might be valid, is that aerobic compost heaps, including yard waste digest about 8-9 times faster than aerobic versions and also smell better, going with the idea of cheap electricity and alibaba compressors at $3 each, it could be
    possible to make something between an air cutting jet and an aquirium bubbleator that forces air through compost heaped haphazardly on it, not only does it make useable soil 8-9 times faster it smells better, i think they should skip doing it if it makes
    noise, another compost ingredient that might make dirt from compost faster is the deliquescent amino acid PCA, Potassium PCA, or bacteria immune potassium dextro form PCA could make it so compost was always wet, speeding coversion of compost to soil an
    order of magnitude faster, pca is even cheaper if a biologically engineered composting bacteria makes it

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 4 00:11:39 2023
    Better engines and transmissions, blowing the perimeter shockwave ignition atoms further out into the fuel air mixture with laser direction like laser tweezers or other effects, at better transmissions they coud do genetic algorithms and possibly it is
    in the financial benefit of a car or truck company to have 1111 prizes to any new transmission form better than a global median 2021AD transmission, like someone who knows things might say the efficiency of an automotive transmission relates to its gear
    ratio, so they are using some amazing new gear ratio multiplier, perhaps made possible by recent materials improvements like tiny contact area amorphous fullerene glass (harder than diamond) or rounded forms and teeth that actually drive better the more
    worn to a streamline shape they get (reminded of the rolls smoothly on all nnnnn bumps path square wheel, perhaps there will be genetic algorithm based transmissions, then noting

    Zeolites concentrate oxygen and nitrogen, which could cause oxygen enriched environment at car fuel use, perhaps a multiliter 100 liter oxygen tank providing accelleration , spin polarized gas can be made with either lasers or big magnets, spin
    polarizing either oxygen or nitrogen might give it greater separability at zeolites, to use zeolites more efficiently gas that remains gas at 11 or even 111 atmospheres of pressure could be sorted by zeolites 11 or 111 times faster, ignoring energy use
    to concentrate the gas, a 300-500 liter tank pneumatic air compressor is $100 or less on alibaba, and a 100 liter tank compressor is $56,

    Previously described is interferometry paint, complementing that are transparent or metal photonic waveguide washers that take light in from the side of the washer (ridged area of a dime) light pipe it to thousands or tens of thousands of locations on
    the washer face, where the light exits the washer and bounces off whatever the washer is flush with, based on the plurality of light reflection pickup pipes it is possible to see the 3D tightness of the washer, permitting it to be optimally fastenered
    into place, likely automatically, this high precision connection function likely has many uses including industrial robots and vehicle part-part coonections,

    Interferometry paint the transparent version, or a quantum dot paint that when squished changes colors like nonvisible UV colors could be used at the transparent dental appliances known as invisalign to communicate to the orthodontist, dentist or
    aestheticians computer how the reshaping pressure profile on the the teeth looked and was doing,

    This might not work at all but if you think of tire treads sticking up it might be possible to undercut or incise their bases with edges of lasers to give a tire tread resting on an incised neck, at fist this seems nonoptimal, but it makes it so a
    plurality of tire greads can bunch up together sideways making a differently grippy surface if the car is "drifting" sideways, maybe its better, if the base tread of the tire with the chunks above the undercuts has both horizontal and linear # or even UK
    flag tread divisions 🇬🇧 then water and flexion between tread surface features occurr

    it likely already exists, but the character and shape draw characters might be complete in unicode as text glyphs, and simple software could be written that translates any emoji, gif, jpg or mp4 or png file into its edge trace drawn shape equivalent
    would be nifty and kind of useful in that you could copy any image and paste it as unicode art, ascii art like ---;--(@ and many others is fun, unicode art that automatically shrinks to 144 optionally color characters would be fun, also the unicode data
    space is big enouh to make 11 octaves of 3 kinds of playable note per unique uncode glyph, control G used to be beep, about 1024 unicode note glyphs with 4 note lengths, 8 note letters, 11 octaves, 3 note tones, and a few hundred miscellaneous characters
    would be nifty

    At synthetic superaffordable gemstones and natural gemstones (artificial emeralds are about 18.5¢ a gram unfaceted at alibaba) lasers could carve and facet numerous slight and notable and genetic algorithm variations on 100K-ish starting types of gems
    and gem cuts like emerald cut with facets based on the golden mean ratio, art nouveau, 9-14th century shape styles, gothic, tiffany, modern styles, op art, optical element, fresnel, curvy line&-fresnel, gradient refractive image, grating, optical piping,
    fiber, and loopes and nests of curved loops, streamlined shapes, holographic, grating, and light piping that extends from diffraction grating separate spectral paths to blend them, something like making a silicone mold image of the most visually
    fascinating nongem mineral samples of all kinds, from fascinating etched meteorite patterns, to native metal nuggests, curved swirls in quartz, picture agates, steppy bismuth crystal, the miniature but laser detail high resoltion precise female
    collectible figurine scultptures including fairies, elves, mermaids, beautiful human women, and 3D nude self portraits, the internet surveyed upper 99.9th percentile of netsuke bottles, pi discs, and cloisonne art objects, 3D raised illuminated
    manuscript letters such as from the Book of Kells, i favor omitting making nonhuman animal gem objects, tree leaves, especially round tree leaves, fruits, seeds, nuts, the 10,000 most internet survey visually appreciated buildings on the registers of
    notable architecture of all countries, 7 up rounded pastel advertising graphics, computer heightened neoteny versions, internet surveyed, differentiated to greater neoteny, and internet surveyed again to be at the 99.9th percentile of visual appeal heads
    and bodies of the 10,000 most cited philosophers from all known cultures and ages, gem art derived from the 5000 most findable graphical impressions of people's idea of Atlantis,
    That's millions of laser carved and perhaps laser peened gemstone art objects from 4-24 mm big

    The flavor of deuterium water is described as slightly sweet, that suggests the replacement of hydrogen at food flavoring concentrates and scents like peppermint, vanilla, artificial white chocolate, cream, clove, cinnamon, spice flavors and scents used
    at fast foods, ice creams, body scents like perfumes and sexual avidity and attractant pheremones and perfumes, isosafrole, car and dwelling air fresheners, and toiletries could all have about a 50-98% chance of benefitting from partial or complete or
    patterned deuterium substitution at their flavoring molecules; a single substitution 50/50 chance of it being better smelling or tasting, but at a 4 scent or flavor deuterated ingredients suite there are 4 50/50 chances to improve the scent or flavor
    suite, so that's about 94% chance that the scent or flavor suite will be better for trying deuterated components, at things with neutral-good scents like fruits including avocados, mandarins, and apricots, perfuming the grocery fruit could cause greater
    voluntary fruit consumption and surveyed enjoyment, scented fruit and vegetables at children's school lunches could cause measurable increase in voluntary fruit and vegetable consumption. Along with the effect of deuterium on the scent and flavor
    chemicals known as small molecules, deuterated peptide flavors and flavor enhancers could also have distinct and preferrable flavors. The internet suggests $500/kg for deuterium although i think it could be much cheaper, that suggests 10-100mg of a
    flavoring, scent, or modified spice at 1/4 its mass as deuterium is 1/4 of one cent to 2.5¢ to utilize deuterium enhanced scents, flavorings, and spices

    Psychedelic LSD might have even higher dose potency with an adjustment that gives it prferential membrane transport like DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide, has, just try three molecular variants of LSD, one with the methyl swapped out with DMSO, another with the
    DMSO moiety sticking out of the least electrical charge busy part of the molecule, and the third version is swapping the diethyl part with DMSO, similarly, the amino acid threonine or triple GGG glycine cause preferential transport across the blood brain
    barrier and could be placed on the LSD molecule, a good strong trip 300 microgram dose could become just 29 or 3 micrograms with one or two orders of magnitude greater passage at the blood brain barrier, this makes LSD 10 or 100 times more affordable as
    a recreational drug, going from $1, or $5-8 in the US to 1¢, or ,5-8¢, making LSD a highly affordable drug at the entirety of the developing world, sometimes called the third world. Notably, shipping or transporting just three grams of blood brain
    barrier passage favoring LSD is a million 300 microgram psychedelic experience equivalent doses. One novel way to ship and transport LSD is to custom make 3D printer polymer like edible polylactic acid filament that is 1-11% BBB passing advantaged LSD by
    mass, print 3D objects, and send them to people and places worldwide. Then, either the people can vend their LSD, removing small dose measured features from the 3D printed object, or complimentary LSD that is blood brain barrier passage advantaged can
    simply be sent to any person with a use for 3D printed objects, toys, or art objects, of physical NFTs (nonfungible tokens) with a communication sent out after the BBB passage advantaged LSD is distributed that it is nifty and wonderful to give away and
    share LSD. Ergot fungus is about $16-40/kg at alibaba, at 4% recoverable lysergic acid, and 60-80% yield making blood brain barrier passing adantaged LSD, 14 billion doses would be about $84,000-108,000 to make and provide all 2/2022 humans at earths
    population two 300 microgram 2/2022 LSD psychedelic experiences each. I think it is a good thing to do. Some unexpected benefits, beyond the peace benefits. Could be benefits to women's and children's well being.

    Cellulose made with different polystarches and polysugars that have variously more OH hydroxyl groups or less of them i think would have different wettability, drying ability, and softness at washcloths, towels, fabrics, and filtration cartridge elements,
    genetically engineered plants or bacteria could make the new hydroxyl amount celluloses and fibers from, likely as affordably as bacterial or mycelial or algal mats

    Gentle face soaps might partially work by increasing hydration at both living and nonliving corneum stratum skin layers, anticomedogenic thick oils, almost waxes, could be anticomedogenic from highly bacteriostatic high deuterium, once the oil did
    cumulatively penetrate the skin at a laser warmed, continuous 20-40 minute warm and perhaps radiometer percussed oil/near wax treatment it would stay in the nonliving stratum corneum for weeks or longer, it could contain skin brightening agents like
    optical brighteners and quantum dots for color and light diffusion effects, with slightly improved technology, the laser that warms the penetrating oil could cause durable color change at the color adjusting quantum dots or chromophores to make them
    change color to cover or diffuse away any freckle or blemish or lipofuscin spot, or even be a visible color themelves, like a pink glow on the nipples. The main effect though is durable nongreasy hydration. I do not know if scar reduction oils work, but
    a laser assisted skin oil or near wax could be scar reducing, particularly if routinely applied after any surgery, including C sections and cosmetic surgeries

    Nonanimal produced D amino acid containing vegetarian leather and silk; tissue culture grows the leather or silk, D amino acids make the materials resist being food for bacteria,

    I saw an ad for video editing software, and I've read AI generated text that is fairly functional on a multiparagraph comprhendability level, that makes me think that video editing software could do speech to text of an entire human originated video,
    including any onscreen words like PowerPoint presentations, then have the AI completely rewrite the spoken portion of the persons video, this increases the comprehension and retained learning of viewers, during production the AI enhanced video could then
    be played to the person editing the video at 1.5 times velocity and normal pitch to verify it still makes sense, communicates to a purpose, or has even greater recreational and entertainment value than the original

    Parallel acrobatics bars like the kinds girls use(d) on playgrounds could be funner, easier, and faster if they had long rotating sleeves on them that work like the rotating sleeves on pole dance poles but are horizontal, there is also something called a
    harmonic gear that might be useful

    Sometimes to some children the batter eating part of making a cake is an especially enjoyable part, its possible electric batter stirrers could come in different shapes that are easier and more enjoyable to lick batter off of, making the plug in stirrers
    out of ceramic would keep them from having a metallic flavor,

    Candy bars, often candy bars associated with vending machines could benefit charity, consider a candybar named I Win! now the people that paid 25¢ more for it would feel extra extremely good, because i think i read psychological research saying that
    people that share their deserved honest sucesses socially get even greater experienced benefit, i have a perception, but no actual research, that when people are generous from a win of some kind or unexpected bonus that generosity makes them especially
    happy, possibly with some durability of happiness, so, if i just wrote some code i happened to think was complete, started it up in the clous to do its multiminute, maybe quantum computing thing, i might be 3/4 in earnest when i got a I Win candybar or
    fizzy yet longevizing sweet beverage out of the machine; i could look at it two ways, by going for the I Win candybar that is 25¢ more i plant a tree or four from seed, immunize a toddler, or give a free longevity epigenetic drug treatment to 4 people,
    so, either way i feel like the phrase I Win works, either my code runs (I Win!) Or some lives got saved and some trees got planted (I Win!) The inner wrapper of the candybar that supports charity could mention the upsides of all the charities, so the
    thing is, what candy bar could possibly be good enough to be called I Win

    Reducing pollution at coal plants, use different wetnesses and coolnesses of exhaust gases, which likely differ from process steam but i will call wet steamy exhaust, use acoutics and coolers to concentrate wse, to make particulate concentrations that
    bunch up and maybe double or higher concentrate at things analogous to shock diamonds or chladni plates, if it is possible to bunch up air, possibly even with just a cheap compressor and a tube, then any pollution control you do to the double or
    quarduple pressure air might be 2-4 times more value effective, including spraying particulate removing washwater through thee wse, zapping the wse with grating produced sheets of laser light that turn harmful pm2.5 to some other size from laser
    comminution or even laser induced making of co2 from c particles,

    As a pretreatment for coal, to get rid of sulfur, noting that elemental sulfur has liquid, rubbery, and powder forms if the coal, such as coal dust, is heated to sulfurs liquification temperature and a new kind of chemical that is a sulfur wetting agent,
    like a surfactant for sulphur, possibly with a /\/\/O ampiphilic character dissove liquid sulfur in warm water permitting it to be lightly sluiced or centrifuged away, if the coal dust containing sulfur is only a few mm-cm thick on a fluidized bed at
    sulfur liquid temperature then plural air jets could do something like air powerwashing the liquid sulfur to diversion regions for removal before the coal is utilized

    It might be that lignite, even when comminuted into identical sized chunks, is heterogenous, suggesting some little chunks will make more pollutants than others, if that is an actual thing the energy plant could have fluidized beds with different airflow
    bouyancies, varying the residence time of individually laser/acoustic/spectroscopy x ray fluorrscence characterized lignite mini chunks, this differeny bouyancy causes them to produce less pollution while making coal warmth for power production 100 tons
    of coal/hr is only 100 million one gram lignite mini chunks to look at per hour with a laser and a computer, even 100mg of lignite micropellets can be characterized with the billion objects per hour, speeding on a plurality of 10 meter wide conveyor
    belts, 1cm deep,at 300 cm/second to characterize and even laser inscribe a label on each pellet, ten conveyor belts transports a million kilograms, 1000 metric tons per hour. When the laser, sensor, and computer find various deciles of pullutant effect
    at the lignite micropellets a hole drilling or cutting laser can change the shape of the lignite pellets so they have variously longest interval or warmest or coolest fluidized bed activity to produce the least pm, like pm2.5 emissions, also it is
    possible custom comminution of lignite mini pellets can create greater energy efficiency and more power from any particular quantity of lignite, lignite mini pellets at the upper third of energy density of material could be laser comminuted or sliced to
    be at regions of the fluidized bed tuned to getting the highest quality@velocity thermal energy out of them. At a physically wider area power plant the sorted lignite pellets could even be piled up or stored outside the conveyor system, such that higher
    and lower NOx, SOX, pm profiled, and any other pollutant categories are available for preferred use at different times of day, and different predicted weather, nox only turns to photochemical smog with day uv light, so it could be mostly cleanly used and
    atmospherically dissipated during non daylight hours, sox could have less or more near field pollution effect when the cities agricultural lands, and forests nearest the power generation stations had wet weather forecasts, i think i read that so2 or
    possibly it was just sukfur microparticulates is actually a cooling antiglobalwarming chemical, that suggests using the most sulfured 1/3 of the lignite pellets during forecast ddy weather and sunnier parts of the year, it is even possible the lignite
    mine itself could do the laser scanning and micropellet id based shaping, and sortation of the pellets, delivering to the power plants just those pellets that met their pollution reduction requirements and upper third of greatest lignite energy density
    preferences, the 1/3 to 1/2 the lignite microchunks that are under specification can be very cheaply stored above ground, to be utilized when a gechnology, like a bacterial conversion technology, is developed that then makes them a specifiable power
    plant fuel source, its possible a fluidized bed could have higher poluuting lignite minichunks at 2 gram sizes, causing nearer base of bed location and longer or warmer treatment, with medium lignite microchunks at 1.5cm midregion, and especially clean
    or enegy rich 1cm lignite minichunks near the upper part with the warmth exchangers

    A superdurable coating for cars could be a chemical vapor deposition layer of Os, W, Ir, Rhodium, that is either photo lithography patterned to be an optical grating os just lasered or e-beam lithographied to be a grating, i read that engraving a grating
    on metal makes it more optically transparent (note transparent aluminized food packages and balloons) and Os, Ir, rhodium have high durability and some of them brightness, the metal grating could be cross stacked, or like 1° stagger stacked like some #
    waffle french fry "fabrics" i have seen, both extending the thickness of the protective metal coating and placing two transparency gratings adjacent to each other. Putting the metal coating on a painted vehicle, including a quantum dot painted or pigment
    painted vehicle, using cold plasma deposition of metal or metal sputtering could be affordable like candy swappers and balloons with the laser or e-beam making the transparency enhancing gratings so the colors show through, as previously noted at other
    paint notes the quantum dots ckuld upconvert and downconvert Thz, IR, and Uv to make seperate continuous roygbiv combines to be white light glowing emissions, so a quantum dot active white car would gently emit even more white light than its illumination
    form, being visibly white even in colored light, the high abrasion resistance metal duogratings allow the white appearance of the car to be bright, with the entire paint surface having the hardness and blemish resistance of osmium, iridium, rhodium,
    tungsten, the highest abrasion resistance, hardness and strength superalloys as they are called, all of which can be made even more durable with laser peening, notably i have heard of gratings causing transparency at metal, even brighter optical
    characteristics of the paint coating and structure afe likely possible with metamaterials that do optical coupling and are made at the painted coated object such as a vehicle with the metamaterial forms made with photolithography, laser or e-beam
    sculpting, or even electret impressor molding surface roller or contour following embossing positive impressor maker vehicle all seamless surface or also panel technology, along with passenger vehicles this highly weather resistant abrasion resistant
    paint coating technology could be used at outdoor and indoor drones, dwelling wall and trim paint, building exterior paint, aircraft, and paint and coatings on civil engineering structures, pathways, parts of pathways that span gaps, and pathway guidance
    paint like crosswalks and private sector hyperdurable parking area markings, this paint and coating may also be especially durable at marine applications, heavy equpment, agricultural equipment and buildings,

    Electrical generator windings and motor windings, and transformer windings including electrical grid gransformers, and wireless power inductors like witricity or better could be soaked, or sprayed and ackjstically motionized to be fully coated with a
    layer of superinsulative high dielectric material, possibly including hafnjum having molecules, with an overcoat of ultra thin layer tungsten or abrasion resistant superalloy, that causes electromagnetic, motional, and thermal autorubing at things with
    electrical windings to be orders of magnitude less likely to develop an electrical short giving them much longer projected functional life, i think Elon Musk may have mentioned million mile before replacement of the electric motors on Tesla electric cars
    and vhicles, this coating could increaze that a bunch, i'd like to say one or two orders of magnitude based on the way the coating is likely 3 mohs hardness steps above previous electric motor wire insulation, this superdielectric and tungsten or
    superalloy coated electrical windings also benefits robots and social companion robots.

    Another technology of durable paints and quantum dots, and pigments is simply to drill a large plurality of depthy tube hollows with a top aperature with a large sheet of depthy light, millions or billions of deep tube apertures xrilled simultaneously
    with a depthy 3D laser shape made with a grating, after making the depthy tubes with the grating, at an array of aperature tubes similar to halftone dots a quantum dot color like roygbiv white emitting quantum dots or a pigment can be squegeed and
    acoustically ultrasonically wiggled to fill the aperture at depth of the deep tubes, that way even if there were crinkles that were restored the paint would still be white,a way to make that even more durable is to have a 1/7-1/11 tube diameter center
    column of metal, that, because it stands vertically allows light to reach the majority of the quantum dots or pigment, it is possible mixing bismuth in with tungsten or a superalloy makes a metal that actually expands as it cools, compressing the
    material around it to greater rigidity, from 1 nanometer feature sizes to 1 or even 11 micrometer wide tubes of mm and multimm depth there are technologies to make the apertures and tubes, even tubes with a center column or a all edges connected to the
    tube multilobed perimeter doily that strongly resist physical abrasion or white or color shift even from crinkling, scraping, dirt based cumulative sanding, detaching, or other physical action. Some kinds of quantum dot roygbiv emitting whites and
    colorants, and some pigments like minerals and colored mineral crystal powders are likely to keep being vivid even with chemical and electrical challenges

    Really really powerful laser tweezers, or high velocity ion impantation beam emitters could give catalytic converters like automotive catalytic converters and chemical process industry catalysts an order or magnitude or greater surface area from digging
    little angled pushed crescents and dips from where lasers or ions impact them, the ions could be anything from rapidly sublimates to gas frozen carbon molecules like cyclooctane bead polymers with a Se pedot like periodic mer group to give light
    adjustable charge for easy acceleration, to high mass 300C atom carbon atoms with subliming chemical filled lumens, to cheap ionizables like making an ionic co2 liquid, transitioning it to a solid sublimable ballistic microparticle then using a
    diamagnetic mass driver or ion conducts electricity at solid CO2 electroagnetic mass driver, the subliming catalyst shaping material just sublimes away

    String trimmers, that is weed eaters might or might not benefot from a right height to weedeat at a rotating very lightweight ball the boom or machine weight rests on, the string of a string trimmer is replaceable with laser peened metal or ceramic
    lengthy necklace hollow core beads strung on a pearl necklace, two knots per bead style, with a polymer string, that makes the string of the string trimmer last one or two orders of magnitude longer.

    I'm going through a magazine page by page trying to think og a new technology fo each page, on the chainsaw page it ocurred to me that there could be a saw, string trimmer lawn/brush mower or chainsaw that does the least harm to

    The plants, the internet says that different chainsaw blades can have much smoother cuts, "Because the angle of the cutter is only 10-degrees and shallow, this chainsaw is ideal for creating very smooth surfaces", which could be a source of reduced harm
    to plants, another possibility is something like a hyperpotent microgram or nanogram active plant hormone added to the chainsaw oil or in a wax you apply to the chainsaw before cutting that has some beneficial effect. Plant hormones are different than
    mammal hormones but picrogram to nanogram to microgram quantities are sufficient to have notable effects perw Kg of mammal, and highly affordable rna and peptide plant biological agents are possible, where a 100 nanogram dose contacting 1Kg of just cut
    surface tissue is 1/10,000th of a cent, even at $1000/G for a flurinated, ethynylized, D-molecule, cyclized peptide or amino acid, with some commercial similar but not fluorinated or ethynlized peptides and entire puified antibody proteins at near $320/G
    or less, the rna or peptide plant homone mimics could stiulate the plants production of its own antibacterial antifungal, and antiviral genes, keeping the cut site from rotting, depending on if the chainsaw was making topiary, where branching and leggy
    growth would be minimized, or regrowth actively encouraged at both the cut site and the entire bush, tree, plant, or at lawnmowing and perennial agriculture cutting and harvesting with automated crop harvest such as new wheats, barleys, rices, soybeans,
    possibly corn, it is possible drone based string trimmers that wipe out unwanted weeds could utiize trimmer strings coated, waxed, or oiled with peptides or RNA drugs that interrupt the genes of PMAT at ipmat cytoreproductive cycle, freezing apical
    meristem based plant growth and blocking the ipmat production of seeds and runners, one example would be cane forming sometimes fruit forming brambles, with the entire plant growth stopped and cane and fruit reproduction stopped from anything from
    cutting for clearing contact by drones to minimal contact, very fast visit length, peptide or rna biological active component delivery to bigger areas of plants, including brambles, weeds, and what are called invasive plant species on roadsides, the
    Roadsides of Oregon and other locations then become absent fruiting, runner, and cane reproducing brambles, i think i read these brambles were completely new to the state of Oregon in the middle of the 20th century, so their systematic removal with
    drones adminstering plant biologicals causes the nonopimality to be less than 8-100 years duration. At native and human preferred species drones can administer biologicals that block the growth of thorns, making it possible to hike many trails barefoot,
    plants vary, but drones sensing nutrient or sunlight surplus at any particular plant or tree location could deliver active plant biologicals that start the growing and budding season early, continue it longer and favor the growth of apical meristem

    Vibrators that make audio the person being stimulated or vibrated does not hear, and that the person next to the sexual bed partner does hear, perhaps if they are only 3 feet away, narrowly focused shaped sound makes i want to be so wet for you... So wet
    for you, fuck me, fuck me now, i want you inside me, inside me, tongue my clit, hug me, hug me and touch me all over, and hundreds of other phrases could be said, in a an arousing voice, kind of like whispers, edge of perception music lyrics and
    sometimes easy to hear obvious statements, the person using the vibrator would know which statements the vibrator like an insertive hoberman vibrator or insertive lovesense vibrator, was making, but might not notice the vibrator was talking to her or his
    partner while it was pleasuring them all day, evening, and while they sleep

    $99 hedge trimmers at amazon and $20 or less at alibaba, a laser tape measure is about $3.99 at alibaba, i think an electric hedge trimmer, being rigid and easy for software to locate in space, could use the laser level, a phosensor or camera, and
    optionally what wikipedia calls gost imaging to turn the hedge trimmer blade on and off as the blade action surface, possibly detectably including a distal tip, intersects the hedge being trimmed and turns the trimmer on at sculpting material removing
    range, and off if it gets too near or far the center of the hedge, sequential mini passes build up a flat hedge surface, or if the cadlike yard planning easy graphic software says make a rounded or spherical streamlined shape topiary the hedge trimmers
    make that/guide that into being. Another improvement to power tools is using witricity or better power transmission making them weigh much less,

    The concept, which might be valid, is that aerobic compost heaps, including yard waste digest about 8-9 times faster than aerobic versions and also smell better, going with the idea of cheap electricity and alibaba compressors at $3 each, it could be
    possible to make something between an air cutting jet and an aquirium bubbleator that forces air through compost heaped haphazardly on it, not only does it make useable soil 8-9 times faster it smells better, i think they should skip doing it if it makes
    noise, another compost ingredient that might make dirt from compost faster is the deliquescent amino acid PCA, Potassium PCA, or bacteria immune potassium dextro form PCA could make it so compost was always wet, speeding coversion of compost to soil an
    order of magnitude faster, pca is even cheaper if a biologically engineered composting bacteria makes it

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