• Discontunous functions and the mwi, do DF have associated attributes, p

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 8 06:41:03 2022
    are there cataloged types of DF, where any new DF can be fit and its implications found, mwi universes immanentizing from each other could be treated as a discontinuous function, and schroedingers equation rewritten say 11 ways, each where mwi universes
    produced were treated as DF of different standards or types, then actual matter physics experiments could be done at each of the 11 variants to see if schroedingers equation was which type of discontinuous function, utilizing schroedingers equation as a
    narrowed to accuracy of type (based on actual physics experiments) would give schoedingers equation a bunch of discontinuous function math connectors, attributes, identities, each of which could be used to make new technologies and new physics, including
    mwi tests and technologies

    Thinking of ways of turning ch4 into more valuable chemicals, if pieoelectric quartz sand at a few $ per ton were willing to do siO2+ch4 ->ch4oh (methanol) +Si then that would be very cheap. Noticing that electricity makes fluorine gas out of caf, and o3
    out of o2 at air, if electrcity were cheap enough you could get the oxygen on quartz to react with things, so, different than doing that is floating the Quartz on a fluidized bed with an ultrasonic transduced aimed at it such that the flexing quartz made
    its own piezoelectricity, especially on the reactive surface, do this also in a high voltage van de graaf environment, it might be that energies are high enough that the ch4 reacts with the electrically intensified piezo quartz, a catalyst could make it
    work better and one catalyst might be Fe as a gas fluoride like fe2F6, Fe is a cheap stand in for ruthenium which causes ammonia making from ch4 and N gas 15,000 times more efficient, so, arcing charge from pieozo

    Technology improvements to disposable diapers that create even greater comfort and all-life benetits, microfiber cloth like baby washcloths feels really nice, i think broad area sheets of laser light shaped with a grating can make this texture at the
    interior and exterior of disposable diapers, also a polymer area that reflects natural moisture at the lower back could deliver, with time, across many diapers and age stages, beneficial epigenetic modifier supplements or drugs, these epigenetic
    modifications make the bany longer lived, more light triad, happier as a SWB measure, have white porcelain skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, more cognitively fluent and gaining higher g, intelligence, greater sexual pleasure and sexual avidity their
    entire lives, mentally weller and other epigenetic benefits. Notably a charity like the Gates foundation could research what packaging graphics and fiscal value point causes people to get particular disposable diapers for their children, then they could
    license that double digit more profitable diaper graphic and diaper style to any diaper company willing to put the health and wellness messages the charity crafts on the packages like ORT, making your baby feel better or even saving her life,
    Breastfeeding is best, keep breastfeeding! Moving towards opportunity, how to move to a town or city with great jobs and great schools for your rapidly growing child, plus of course really appealing images that lead to a URL with an entire complimentary
    E-book on raising children

    Fetus pleasure and learning cummerbund for pregnant women
    Cofocalized ultrasonics with beat frequencies, wavelets, solitons, and 1/10 wavelength of sound metamaterial transducers, photonic brain reading and photonic activation, cofocalized laser warmth at nucleus accumbens, neocortex, hippocampus, genital,
    prostate, nipple areas of fetus

    Reduce atherosclerosis with cofocalized ultrasonic beams and imaging beams that vibrate away atheorosclerotic plaque streaks and blobs without detaching them, 1/10 wavelength ultrasound based on metamaterials gives finer focus.

    Get pregnant with just a month of trying kit

    Baby blanket and crib

    Sex pleasure vibrators, voluntary vagina tightening insertive electrophoretic or transparent henna with multidose glide strip depot

    MRNA of people at simultaneously being considered 98th percetile sexy, arousing, and pleasure causing and pleasure experiencing while having lesbian or female with male sex, combined with 94th percentile of greatest frequency of spontaneous word use,
    audible moaning, and exclamatory noise during orgasm and multiple orgasm, finding the shared mRNA produced during audibly spontaneous, audibly real sex response shared amongst 3000 women and girls found with a porn site questionnaire, or also, a Turn
    your microphone on during masturbation, self pleasuring, and couples at the porn site then just find the 99.9th percentile of spontaneous audible moaning, words, and panting at women, girls, men, and boys visiting the porn/erotic site. Notably at rodents
    it is published that there are specific mRNAs produced during the first 4 strokes of the penis after intromission, and other mRNA produced

    mRNA of male ejaculation, a technology that supports and creates getting rid of the sexual refractory period at men and boys, complementing other previously described technology is looking at all the mRNAs produced a minute before ejaculation to 24
    minutes after ejaculation, those mRNA protein products or peptides or other physiochemistry may be a large part of where the 20th century AD refractory came from, modifying the genes epigenetics, perhaps hypermethylating them then causes a big reduction
    in refractory period making chemicals, this could remove hypersensitivity, permit continued thrusting after ejaculation, omit deflating the penis with ejaculation, permitting uninterrupted pleasure for the receiving woman, girl, man, or boy sex partner.
    On finding out which mRNA, if any, contribute to the 20th century sexual refractory period males could take a peptide or rna epigenetic drug to preclude the refractory period making them better sexual lovers. Similarly if any mRNA and associated genes
    are found that cause a 20th century AD refractory period, those women and girls could take an epigenetic drug to omit having a sexual refractory period, making them even better sexual lovers, with fresh layers of sexual stimulation causing multiple
    orgasms and above crescendo pleasures at the women and girls.

    Oral rehydration therapy , ort based on peptides or small molecules might be possible wikipedia says there is a rotavirus protein that causes most of the harm of diarrhea, called NSP4, its slightly possible that peptide aptamers that glom to nsp4 then
    change its shape to be inactive could be a thing that cures developing world child diarrhea, what already works is immunizing against rotavirus, so a technology like an oral immunization pill could get rid of a bunch of diarrhea as well. Wikipedia says
    ORT saved the lives of 25 million children out of 50 million, with greater use of a technology that has been around since the 20th century, foods that produce antigens and immunizes people grown from GMO crops could have been used to save 48 million of
    those children, as a rapidly engineerable example, the lowest denomination currency bill at any developing world country would have 11 doses of antigen to rotavirus producing yeast soaked into the currency bill's paper, just soaking the bill in fruit
    juice or tuber paste water for 48 hours would cause the yeast to grow and brew a non etoh drink. Along with the rotavirus antigen that immunizes against the most frequent 20th century cause of diarrhea sweetness peptides would be produced, that way the
    parent knows when they give their infant a big drink of the sweet liquid that it will benefit the child. Each 10 million currency bills, if they are 1/2¢ added each to print with a patch of yeast ink could relieve and prevent millions of cases of
    nonlethal diarrhea and save thousands of lives

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 3 19:52:36 2023
    Thinking of ways of turning ch4 into more valuable chemicals, if pieoelectric quartz sand at a few $ per ton were willing to do siO2+ch4 ->ch4oh (methanol) +Si then that would be very cheap. Noticing that electricity makes fluorine gas out of caf, and o3
    out of o2 at air, if electrcity were cheap enough you could get the oxygen on quartz to react with things, so, different than doing that is floating the Quartz on a fluidized bed with an ultrasonic transduced aimed at it such that the flexing quartz made
    its own piezoelectricity, especially on the reactive surface, do this also in a high voltage van de graaf environment, it might be that energies are high enough that the ch4 reacts with the electrically intensified piezo quartz, a catalyst could make it
    work better and one catalyst might be Fe as a gas fluoride like fe2F6, Fe is a cheap stand in for ruthenium which causes ammonia making from ch4 and N gas 15,000 times more efficient, so, arcing charge from pieozo

    Technology improvements to disposable diapers that create even greater comfort and all-life benetits, microfiber cloth like baby washcloths feels really nice, i think broad area sheets of laser light shaped with a grating can make this texture at the
    interior and exterior of disposable diapers, also a polymer area that reflects natural moisture at the lower back could deliver, with time, across many diapers and age stages, beneficial epigenetic modifier supplements or drugs, these epigenetic
    modifications make the bany longer lived, more light triad, happier as a SWB measure, have white porcelain skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, more cognitively fluent and gaining higher g, intelligence, greater sexual pleasure and sexual avidity their
    entire lives, mentally weller and other epigenetic benefits. Notably a charity like the Gates foundation could research what packaging graphics and fiscal value point causes people to get particular disposable diapers for their children, then they could
    license that double digit more profitable diaper graphic and diaper style to any diaper company willing to put the health and wellness messages the charity crafts on the packages like ORT, making your baby feel better or even saving her life,
    Breastfeeding is best, keep breastfeeding! Moving towards opportunity, how to move to a town or city with great jobs and great schools for your rapidly growing child, plus of course really appealing images that lead to a URL with an entire complimentary
    E-book on raising children

    Fetus pleasure and learning cummerbund for pregnant women
    Cofocalized ultrasonics with beat frequencies, wavelets, solitons, and 1/10 wavelength of sound metamaterial transducers, photonic brain reading and photonic activation, cofocalized laser warmth at nucleus accumbens, neocortex, hippocampus, genital,
    prostate, nipple areas of fetus

    Reduce atherosclerosis with cofocalized ultrasonic beams and imaging beams that vibrate away atheorosclerotic plaque streaks and blobs without detaching them, 1/10 wavelength ultrasound based on metamaterials gives finer focus.

    Get pregnant with just a month of trying kit

    Baby blanket and crib

    Sex pleasure vibrators, voluntary vagina tightening insertive electrophoretic or transparent henna with multidose glide strip depot

    MRNA of people at simultaneously being considered 98th percetile sexy, arousing, and pleasure causing and pleasure experiencing while having lesbian or female with male sex, combined with 94th percentile of greatest frequency of spontaneous word use,
    audible moaning, and exclamatory noise during orgasm and multiple orgasm, finding the shared mRNA produced during audibly spontaneous, audibly real sex response shared amongst 3000 women and girls found with a porn site questionnaire, or also, a Turn
    your microphone on during masturbation, self pleasuring, and couples at the porn site then just find the 99.9th percentile of spontaneous audible moaning, words, and panting at women, girls, men, and boys visiting the porn/erotic site. Notably at rodents
    it is published that there are specific mRNAs produced during the first 4 strokes of the penis after intromission, and other mRNA produced

    mRNA of male ejaculation, a technology that supports and creates getting rid of the sexual refractory period at men and boys, complementing other previously described technology is looking at all the mRNAs produced a minute before ejaculation to 24
    minutes after ejaculation, those mRNA protein products or peptides or other physiochemistry may be a large part of where the 20th century AD refractory came from, modifying the genes epigenetics, perhaps hypermethylating them then causes a big reduction
    in refractory period making chemicals, this could remove hypersensitivity, permit continued thrusting after ejaculation, omit deflating the penis with ejaculation, permitting uninterrupted pleasure for the receiving woman, girl, man, or boy sex partner.
    On finding out which mRNA, if any, contribute to the 20th century sexual refractory period males could take a peptide or rna epigenetic drug to preclude the refractory period making them better sexual lovers. Similarly if any mRNA and associated genes
    are found that cause a 20th century AD refractory period, those women and girls could take an epigenetic drug to omit having a sexual refractory period, making them even better sexual lovers, with fresh layers of sexual stimulation causing multiple
    orgasms and above crescendo pleasures at the women and girls.

    Oral rehydration therapy , ort based on peptides or small molecules might be possible wikipedia says there is a rotavirus protein that causes most of the harm of diarrhea, called NSP4, its slightly possible that peptide aptamers that glom to nsp4 then
    change its shape to be inactive could be a thing that cures developing world child diarrhea, what already works is immunizing against rotavirus, so a technology like an oral immunization pill could get rid of a bunch of diarrhea as well. Wikipedia says
    ORT saved the lives of 25 million children out of 50 million, with greater use of a technology that has been around since the 20th century, foods that produce antigens and immunizes people grown from GMO crops could have been used to save 48 million of
    those children, as a rapidly engineerable example, the lowest denomination currency bill at any developing world country would have 11 doses of antigen to rotavirus producing yeast soaked into the currency bill's paper, just soaking the bill in fruit
    juice or tuber paste water for 48 hours would cause the yeast to grow and brew a non etoh drink. Along with the rotavirus antigen that immunizes against the most frequent 20th century cause of diarrhea sweetness peptides would be produced, that way the
    parent knows when they give their infant a big drink of the sweet liquid that it will benefit the child. Each 10 million currency bills, if they are 1/2¢ added each to print with a patch of yeast ink could relieve and prevent millions of cases of
    nonlethal diarrhea and save thousands of lives

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)