• Longevity technology to test, psilocybin or psychedelics generally are

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 8 03:48:59 2022
    Simultaneously, i may have read that greater cognitive function and openness to experience are correlated with greater longevity. That suggests that giving 1-5 doses of psychdelics to age batched marmosets, and then measuring if they live longer could
    find some psychedelic molecules to be longevity drugs.

    Magnetic plastic mulchable visqueen weed preventer that increases crop yields, there ade numerous published reports of magnetic fields increasing dry weight yield of crops, and fe2o3, ferrite, is cheaper than plastic. They could test to see if mixing
    agricultural film plastic with ferrite or printing it with ferrite microdots, then magnetizing the agricultural ground film increases yields. This increase in yields could happen two ways, the first way is the effect of the magnetic field on the plant.
    The second way is the effect of the ground up mulched magnetic visqueen added to the soil, where the ferrite particles are much nearer the roots. When you think of 18 or 40 planting seasons through plastic geotextiles that is a large accumulation of
    potentially highly beneficial magnetic ferrite in the soil

    Real vehicle engine laser spark plugs are published, and, although i may misunderstand the graph, provide about 10% more peak power as well as the ability to use more environmentally friendly lean air/fuel ratios. The thing is, how to make them 20 times
    cheaper, it could simply be that a spark electrical plug with a 3D spherical or tall oval discharge globe has 100s or 1000s of times more ignition surface area than a simple linear spark gap spark plug, and is even better than a laser only sparkplug,
    this is highly comparable to a miniature plasma globe (aliba less than $2) art object or toy, but with the plasma spherical or tall oval globe 1-11 mm diameter per spark plug. I suppose the screw in sparkplug's diameter would have to be wider than the
    zenith ball's diameter and height, or ceramic, so the center ball could radiate out spark threads. If the sparksphere is run at high enough frequency it could make 100k varied direction electric discharge threadlets during the time interval of each
    ignition. This could replace laser spark plugs, but happens to be even better with a laser. The laser would percuss the discharge sparks upward and outward when the gas ionized plasma, since it has a unique absorption frequency from being ir spectroscopy
    ions, gets light pressure and light based hyperheating of the sparks. Notably i read that elliptical duocolor two pulse lasers were 70% efficient at decomposing/disintegrating ch4, so that kind of laser aimed at the globe electrical discharge threads or
    even preceding them and pull/disintergrate/percussing them into being could be even more efficient. Also i previously wrote about how three trigonometric waves, superimposed has non lissajous oscilloscope output, so its possible an elliptical laser, duo
    or tricolor, with tripulse overlap effects could be even more than 70% effective at getting methane or other fuel to react. Besides passenger vehicles this reminds me of how SpaceX rockets that run off methane could benefit from combined plasma ball
    tripulse multicolor elliptical laser igniter combination technologies. Laser igniters are already 10% more forceful at peak and plasma sphere laser augmented igniters could produce even more peak force.

    As a possible new way to build wellness and longevity they could see if any viruses effect stem cells, stem cells have various kinds of earlier cell forms so they could see if viruses avoid infecting stem cells for some reason, and then duplicate that
    reason at other cells as an antivirus approach. If stem cells, like in bone marrow, do not get viruses that seems unusual, but if they do get viruses drugging stem cells, while they are still stem cells to get rid of the viruses then that could benefit
    every tissue and organ in the body that the stem cells migrate to and replenish. A few antivirals might already exist that are good for people. Also, its possible something that imitates methionine but is useless at viruses if given in some effective
    dose would cause the longevity benefits of a methionine restricted diet while also slowing or blocking a variety of viruses. Something like this happens with plants, "stem cells in plants constantly supply daughter cells to form new organs and are
    expected to safeguard the integrity of the cells from biological invasion. Here, we show how stem cells of the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem and their nascent daughter cells suppress infection by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). The stem cell regulator
    WUSCHEL responds to CMV infection and represses virus accumulation in the meristem central and peripheral zones. WUSCHEL inhibits viral protein synthesis by repressing the expression of plant S-adenosyl-L-methionine–dependent methyltransferases, which
    are involved in ribosomal RNA processing and ribosome stability. Our results reveal a conserved strategy in plants to protect stem cells against viral intrusion and provide a molecular basis for WUSCHEL-mediated broad-spectrum innate antiviral immunity
    in plants." that sort of makes me think an imitation of S adenosyl l methionine as a drug without methyls on it, or perhaps with acetyls on it might keep viruses from being" ribosomally processed" another thing that reduces the activity of sam-e
    methyltransferases is "the SAM-dependent methylases (EC 2.1.1) that use SAM-e as a substrate produce S-adenosyl homocysteine as a product.[4] S-Adenosyl homocysteine is a strong negative regulator of nearly all SAM-dependent methylases despite their
    biological diversity" so supplemental s adenosyl homocysteine (s-ahc) could be a new "ignore the methionine" antiviral drug, s-FluoroAHC could be a new super potent antiviral drug, and the epigenetics of making much more s-AHC than usual could be an
    epigenetics of reduced virus replication at all tissues of the body, of high specific value to wellness and longevity epigenetic ally upregulating s-ahc production genes and network amplifiers at the heart, lung, and epithelial vasculature, and gi tract
    could strongly preclude viral replication and harm at viral pneumonia, with its cardiac risks, decrease all influenza and common cold risks, and preclude degradation of vasculature and capillaries throughout the body during centuries of living,
    prevention of viral infection of the gi tract with a single dose epigenetic modifier peptide or rna drug decoanate right after parturition, or right after the blood brain barrier forms could automatically preclude much of the risk of lethal diarrhea in
    children under five. Using epigenetic upregulators of s-AHC injected into the genital area and spread with sonication, or given intravenously as a photoactivateable drug then illuminating the genitals to activate the S-AHC permanent epigenetic
    upregulator could block the transmission of viral herpes and viral genital warts, as well as preclude outbreaks in the infected. I do not know if bone marrow and leukocyte hiv could be blocked from replicating and being transmitted with s adenosyl
    methionine methyl transfer blocking epigenetic upregulation of s-adenosyl homocysteine, but it might work. If it does work it is a single 60-90 day gradual release peptide or rna epigenetic drug deconate pill or airjection that has localization moieties
    like peptides to bone marrow and leukocytes, that would make a beneficial hiv preventing drug for all persons doing needle sharing, sex workers, anal sex participants, and any at risk person. The effect of reducing methyl transfers from s-Ahc on the
    entire body, rather than just locations with virus effects might not be good for people. Right now it is 2022AD and a respiratory virus called covid-19 is being medicated against and immunized against. It is mildly possible that precluding 80% of the sam-
    e methyl transfers covid-19 uses to reproduce would make it so that every covid case infecting 2-3 others would infect just 2/3 of a new person per covid case, causing the COVID-19 virus to fizzle out from reduced replication. If they could verify s-ahc
    upregulation just at respiratory tract tissues also precludes much of the flu, colds, pneumonia, covid-19 and some heart disease risk it could be much more popular than the covid-19 immunization alone, they might even get to say something prosocial about
    how the epigenetic drug makes individuals money, "an extra month of free pay, whatever you earn; and its not that we're so generous, its just that the average person will experience 60 fewer sick days if they take the epi-sac pill and receive an extra
    month of earnings up front via their employer's projected savings". That is if it works, there are definitely great reasons to find new epigenetic drugs that preclude and reduce virus infections. I may have previously written about how epigenetically
    upregulating dendritic immune cell first illness recognizer function with a pill can increase the number of well days. Another possibility but i haven't looked it up are the epigenetics of more, and more easily triggered lysosomes, as well as
    epigenetically up regulating any mechanisms cells have that tell them to do apoptosis when they sense a virus, also epigenetically upregulating beneficial interferons to reduce viruses and cancer is likely possible and is supported by the existence of
    numerous interferon drugs that already exist. Linking an epigenetic modifier like an acetylation causing rna epigenetic drug or peptide epigenetic drug or small molecule epigenetic drug to a gradual exposure moiety like a 60 day decoanate pill or
    airjection or 40 day micheal reaction transparent henna epithelial epigenetic drug attachment using a breathed lung micropowder inhaler makes an interferon increasing epigenetic modification with just one dose, and with an advair like powder inhaler can
    be accomplished without visiting a doctor. Its possible that an epigenetic advair like powder inhaler could be 20-40mg of a 390-1K$/kg epigenetic peptide in a cardboard tube, or about 1/2 - 1 cent to manufacture

    Beneficial rf energy for humans, and finding it with a financial incentive, hats with regerative of human tissue leds exist, and i think people use them to grow lusher head hair. This existing technology may work. A different technology is near field
    like radio-microwave-thz rf emission that causes the greatest beneficial response at human tissue culture tissue and entire live age batched marmosets. The advantage of finding rf frequencies that benefit humans is that data communications, including
    satellite internet, and especially inductive power at the dwelling can use these frequencies to send multiple watts around the dwelling. As a financial incentive it is possible some company would expose human hair follicle tissue culture plates to
    different radio frequencies to find out if any of them improve the lushness, color, or reversion of white color to original color human hair, 111 human hair tissue culture plates could be exposed to 1/20th the rf range of AC hum-radio-microwave-thz, 16
    hours a day for 14 day intervals, processing part of the rf spectrum in 40 weeks to find out if any of it is beneficial. Notably some rf frequencies cause yeast to grow 43.5 times better, 20% worse, and 70% more viably at a culture medium, "The growth of
    the yeast cells was obviously affected by the RF-EMF with a 43.5% increase when exposed for 30 h, and the growth-promoting effect decreased along with the radiation time and eventually turned to an inhibiting effect retarding growth by 20.7% at 89 h. The
    cell viability was improved to 70.1% at 8 h and reduced by 33.5% at 28 h. The superoxide accumulated in exposed cells as radiation time increased which may lead to the inhibition of viability and growth of the cells", a medical or electrocosmetic RF
    emitter like a hairclip or pillow that grows 43% lusher hair could mildly benefit many. This of course brings up finding out what lush hair RF does to the brain, exposing 3mm human tissue culture brain organoids or entire rats, who are actively taught
    new things their entire lives and measured as to RF effects is a way to find the most human brain benefitting RF for use at inductive power

    Trigonometric analog and automata computation
    To make ic fab features and repetitive elements that can do trigonometeric computing, it is possible that the direct production of remixable trigonometric waves (opposite/adjacent at triangle, rotated completely) ~ that are remixable makes new kinds of
    analog and digital and math equational computers. One very direct approach is a vertical 16-32 element deep, 16 element area feedforward field effect transistor array, another approach reminds me of the phrase waveform envelope where you have . - ' -. A
    horizontal expanse of little to tall parallel lines which together look like a trig wave, each of the vertical lines would be a field effect transistor with a growth of conduction zone that utilized moments to fill it up, at fullness, the top of each fet
    would then have a current collector, and the ic element then exports a trig wave through a "candelabrad" group of conductors to make a trig wave for further use, the repeated traversal of all the horizontal. - ' -. in the envelope produces an oscillating
    sinusoidal trigonometeric wave

    Illuminate the field effect transistors, make them out of voltage advantaged germanium, or make them out of THz switching speed indium phosphide

    Electric vaginal insert only does kegels during deep sleep, so the woman or girl is unaware she is doing hundreds of kegel exercises per sleep period, after 1-3 weeks of use orgasms are much stronger

    Afm or silicone embossed printing at 100 atom sized passive components make transistorless NAND based computers. The 100 atom silicone embossed version is just 160 picometers big on each side for 24 times smaller than 4 one nm transistors to make a NAND.
    Noting the shapes of the 100 atom NAND element can have many connection styles and shapes, genetic algorithms could use human produced 100 atom nand elements then use physics software to test out variations that include curves and asymmetries to see if
    even better all passive NAND elements with fewer atoms and faster velocities can be generated.

    Fiverr. Com all passive component based nand gates as a basis for much faster computer speeds

    The idea: computers can be built using only NAND gates in various arrangements. NAND is thus called a universal operator. I think building a NAND element out of only passive components, that is capacitors, resistors, and inductors is possible. If it is
    possible to make interconnectable NAND gates without transistors, then it is possible to build, using ic fab techniques, a computer without transistors. To me as a person that is enjoyable to think about, which is what pays technical professionals like
    you to find simple, cheap, makeable passive NAND designs.

    Some of the kinds of passive circuits i have heard of which could be part of a passive nand schematic are: RC oscillators, tank circuits, bandpass filters and notch filters, inductive transformers, electromagnetic halbach arrays, perhaps plurally, with
    interconnection, causing direct magnetic truth tables. Passive NAND technology can also possibly use nodal, antinodal, and root mean square attributes of overlapping RC circuits to make a NAND.

    What is highly valued in your own solution is your own ideas. I am fairly likely to use a breadboard and multimeter to build your simple passive component NAND schematic. At any webpages or other publishing activity i will mention your name, giving

    , not needing to use

    Creative reading: an optical NAND-like element http://www.123seminarsonly.com/Seminar-Reports/018/37107676-Optical-Computing-What-Why-and-How-Optical-Logic-and-NAND.pdf

    Regarding using a stack of 2 or more halbach arrays to make a truth table sandwich, where a 1 or 0 laying on top of another 1 or 0 (N and S/n sandwich) causes sufficient repulsion at 1,1->0, and 0,0->1,with the varied 1/0->1 because the halbach arrays
    react to each others magnetism, all rf version, metamaterial light version

    Duocapacitor truth table sandwich could cause two concentric capacitors sandwiched next to another two to perturb each other with sufficient difference to make a useful output voltage. 1,1 puts so much energy on two sandwiched capacitors that the
    dielectric between them breaks down, and that single high current, perhaps travelling at a sandwich filling wire, then there is a precluder (pull down?) of another voltage at a second nand gate, sending a 0 effect along to the next nand. When just one of
    the capacitors (1,0) at the sandwich is full then there's no dielectric breakdown, the current omits reaching the sandwich filling wire, the actual current output is nil, and the is an absence of a pull down, at 0,0 the double nil current also is absent
    making a pull down voltage, causing a 1 to be experienced at the next nand element. or, rather than dielectric breakdown, 1,1 current saturation just causes femtosecond electrical pulses at the capacitors to change frequency, a rcl bandpass or notch
    filter can groom it for the next nand element.

    A resistor based nand gate could be like 0 or 1 alone is. 5-1.1v and 1 is anything above 2v, the comparator resistor could drop the voltage 1/2 so all of 0,1 1,0 0,0 would be,.5-1.1v and 1,1 makes 2v, when those voltages are then attached to a pull down
    circuit only 1,1 pulls the voltage to true 0v, leaving all the other combined OOPS

    Pchedelic mushroom growers at reddit,

    A staticw magnetic field, like from a N52 neodymium iron boron magnet (Ebay $4.80), or even from a sheet/tape of bendy plastic fridge magnet is much less fuss, and actually causes a higher yield on one measure of productivity than an electromagnet, with
    120 microTeslas producing a 2.09 times mutiplier of an active ingredient. To develop a superfriendly supereasy magnetic psychedelic mushroom growing technique that others can copy effortlessly i suggest growing three batches, two with a different
    standard sized ebay N52 magnet, and one where a vinyl fridge magnet like magnetic tape or uncut sheet is just wrapped around the culture bag.

    The electromagnetic version is a very slight field, which to my perception is at 1.06 amps/meter^2 about like 1/3 the power of the cheapest 3A $1 USB power supply.

    The easiest way to do something similar might be to get a $1 usb power supply, a one meter or 6 foot/2 meter usb extension cord, then just wrap only the first 3 feet/1 meter around the culture bag in a coil (duct tape optional) and make sure to have a
    charging load, like an extra phone or light, connected to the coiled around the bag cord. This is wildly nonexact, but using 1/2 the 2 meter usb cord provides about 1.5 A/Meter magnetic field around the culture bag (see note). Most people will already
    have an extra usb charger and phone, so the ebay cost is $2.99 for a 1 meter white usb cable.

    Note: my perception of the 1.06A/M^2 is that the coil would actually be about 1/3 of a meter diameter or about a foot distant from the center of a culture bag, and the same height or a little taller than the bag. Just coiling the usb cable around the bag
    results in a higher magnetic field. More is not always better, but encouragingly at a different species of mushroom the paper says increases in a preferred parameter went up continuously with increasing magnetic fields. That suggests that the ease of
    just coiling the usb cable around a culture bag may also provide a beneficial higher magnetic field. I could imagine an easiest is best head shop product where they have tested 3 lengths of usb cable, and variously a 1, 2, and 3 amp load to plug into the
    usb cable.

    Then there is also timing, the paper notes one mushroom thrives after 12 hour single exposure window. From what i read it seems like a mushroom grower would wait until they think the mycelium has spread to 3/4 of the bag to give the 12 hour single dose
    of magnetism.

    So the quick version is: its easy: just tape some permanent N52 ebay magnets to the outside of the bag for a few hours. Also just coil a usb cable around a different culture bag with your actively refilling phone or a light plugged into it for 12 hours.
    And of course, make a video and report your findings.

    More about those permanent magnets. If you search the internet you can find images of magnets being measured with a magnetometer ($35-62 aliexpress), with a fairly small neodymium magnet being about 200 microteslas, and a large one 1.2 teslas. (links).
    The paper says,
    "was found that weak magnetic field-assisted fermentation could increase the mycelial polysaccharide and flavonoid production of P. igniarius, and could enrich the monosaccharide composition of mycelial polysaccharides. At the same time, the weak
    magnetic field-assisted mode helped to improve the total antioxidant capacity and the superoxide anion radical-scavenging ability of P. igniarius. The maximum yield of mycelial flavonoids was 0.6918 mg/100 mL at a magnetic field strength of 120 mT, which
    was 2.09 times higher than that of the control. The maximum total antioxidant capacity was 10.1133 U/mL at a magnetic field strength of 180 mT, which was 55.69% higher than that of the control. "
    So, a typical ebay N52 disk magnet is/might be 100-240 microteslas, quite similar to the 120 microTeslas in the paper. Imaginably you would get a multipack of N52 disk magnets, then tape them to the outside of the culture bag.

    Another cheap easy and comprehsive approach to magnetizing an entire culture bag is to use fridge-magnet like vinyl magnetic tape ($2.60 at aliexpress, $17 at amazon) and just wrap the bag with it. This has a lower magnetic field than N52 disc magnet
    dots, but is very easy and could still be tested.

    Can you grow psychedelic mushrooms on cheap instant dinners?

    Online there's a link on how to grow mushrooms in brown rice culture. Sterile brown rice culture is almost the same, entertainingly, as $2.80 instant brown rice food bowls at amazon. So i thought, what if you just got a $14 multipack of brown rice bowls,
    and inoculated all six of them, just to see if they make psychdelic fruit or truffles.

    If anyone who grows psychedelic mushrooms would like to do this, i will be happy to give you free brown rice bowls off amazon. There's a couple ways, one is to search "brown rice bowl" at amazon, then put it on an amazon wishlist, you send your amazon
    wishlist id to Treonsverdery(a)gmail.com and i buy it for you. Be sure to put at least 2 kinds of rice bowls and venting technologies (cheap micropore tape, band aids, or something better you think of) and that way you'll get a unique rice bowl and
    venting technology.

    The other way is potentially more anonymous. Just get an email address and i paypal you $14 that you then use on rice bowls, to use the paypal option just copy n paste your favorite piece of writing that you already wrote, or image of art you made here
    in this thread with your paypal address

    I'm thinking i could do this for 8 psychedelic mushroom growers.

    If it works, or also if it doesn't, post about it or just tell me and i will write about it here.

    here's brown rice bowls on amazon, some are organic, sprouted, mixed with barley and may have more trace nutrients: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Microwave+brown+rice&crid=36Z8CFTH0O0HL&sprefix=microwave+brown+rice%2Caps%2C664&ref=nb_sb_noss

    Here's the brown rice cubensis culture instructions. These are quite different than just injecting a rice bowl with culture. https://njelliott.medium.com/expand-your-mind-how-to-grow-psychedelic-mushrooms-using-uncle-bens-rice-cd4e272301e6

    I've got no idea if they are super wonderful, but the thriftiest culture injections i've seen, including truffle species are at https://thesporedepot.com/ at $7 (5 for $35),i've only spent a few minutes looking around but 17.50-20.50 per single syringe
    is typical. If you'd like a complimentary spore syringe and are trying out the ricebowl culture thing, just write Treonsverdery(a)gmail.com with a couple different spore species preferences, especially non cubensis species, and i will fund that or a
    different inoculation.

    Eat one of the ricebowls, they seem dry to me so perhaps inject more water into the ones you use for culturing mushrooms.

    Venting technology is up for you to decide. The simpler it is the better for the people that culture psychedelic mushrooms or truffles on prepackaged rice bowls. The simplest thing i can think of is an electric drill bit or awl soaked in isopropanol
    going through the tougher bowl side, then applying a breathable band aid (cheap, easy, obvious, but untested) or micropore tape (published as effective) immediately onto the aperture.

    It could be that the dense package form of the brown rice makes it much less effort to grow pschedelic truffles without any repackaging. Some instructions on growing psychedelic truffles are at https://mushplanet.com/cultivation-techniques/growing-
    truffles-philosopher-stones/ this actually looks easier than mushroom growing, and from what i read mostly consists of using particular truffle making species and letting the mycelium grow for a couple months.

    NMN as a fungi growth additive

    Making a fast psychedelic drink from 1 week old full colonization area mycelium makes for even more convenient culture, more rapid success, and at people and companies that vend psychedelic drugs double or quadruple speed productivity. First convert the
    starch in the young but psychedelic mycelia into sugar, add amylase and water, to turn all the starch into soluble sugar. A few hours later a 9 oz ricebowl full of mycelium is 18 oz of sugarsweet liquid. Drink directly or fridge freeze concentrate to
    make 4 oz of sugar saturated liquid, a syrup, that as a result of osmotic syrup effects omits growing bacteria, preserving the freshness and psychedelic effects. Add prervatives if desired. using the lowest temperature possible to make hard candy, make
    the syrup into candy pschedelic edibles. Nonwarming candy can also be made from the syrup by mixing it with cocoa butter or melted "candy bark" at about 98 degrees. Interestingly it is possible to grow sugar crystals on a string, its remotely possible
    that crystal sugar edible forms grown from the syrup would contain enough active ingredients to provide a psychedelic experience while the crystal sugar form kept the active ingredients fresh. The fun thing though is just inoculating the premade rice
    bowl, amylasing the mycelia that grows after a week, and simply drinking and sharing the potentially or actually palatable sweet liquid, preferably with people you already, or will, like a lot.

    Topical niacin as a sex drug, or also vasoactive peptides, pde5 inhibitor peptides, with transparent henna michael reaction, surgical glue, or michael reaction transparent henna peptides or also niacin iontophoretically delivered,
    Vaginal canal vasodilates because of topical niacin perhaps 1/4 inch, causing the vaginal canal to be 1/2 an inch tighter from topical 1-3 month durability michael reaction niacin, iontophoresis of keratin reactive niacin or high potency halogenated
    fluoroniacin causes deep vaginal vasodilation increasing female and male pleasure enhancing tightness an entire 1/2 inch on each side, making the vaginal canal an inch smaller diameter, also because the iontophoresis can place the keratin reactive niacin
    or vasodilation/vasocongestive peptide at a depth of 1.5-3 cm the time release dose is from a much larger depot and unaffected by epithelial vaginal canal surface renewal causing it to last 180-700 days. Similarly the glans and shaft of the penis can be
    treated topically or iontophoretically causing both greater girth and glans size from swelling as well as heightened pleasure sensitivity.

    The iontophoretic or topical but durable peptides or also niacin could be deposited/painted in particular forms at the vaginal canal and clitoris, clitoral hood, and commisure area to give the greatest pleasure to women and girls while also strongly
    pleasuring men and boys, the first 4 cm of vaginal entry area could get a higher iontophoretic dose, causing the pleasureable to the male sensation of entry to be particularly snug and warm. Then the A-spot anterior at the vaginal canal could get a high
    dose, with an annular shape to squeeze the penis tightly all around at that area, the increased penile effect on the a-spot increases the woman or girls pleasure, and, if the male is motivated by moving back and forth right in the tightest particularly
    adjusted to be pleasureable anterior part of the vagina then he repeatedly stimulates the woman or girls a-spot, giving her more pleasure.

    Deep strong hard fast penile or sex toy thrusting is often appreciated by women and girls, to cause the male to go deeper automatically, make the latter inner third of the vaginal canal the tightest and warmest it can be (with iontophoretized supplements
    or drugs) that the woman or girl finds comfortable and sexy. That extra tightness and warmth causes spontaneous and unplanned seeking to thrust in that part of the vagina, imaginably increasing deep thrusting 200%,because it is possible the male's body
    automatically seeks the most pleasureable area of a vagina, hand, or pleasure sheath like a fleshlight to stroke, it is possible added tightness and warmth at the deep vagina automatically causes deeper strokes, this also benefits the woman or girl as
    the back wall of her vagina where the o-spot is gets percussed and stimulated a lot more, to thrust more deeply more frequently the male might also thrust harder or stronger, providing even more sexual stimulation to the woman or girl.

    Regeneration peptides or curcurmin extracts or halogenated curcurmin iontophoretically transported with michael reaction durability make abrasions heal in some fraction, half or quarter the time at both vagina and penis, this increases comfort at having
    sex numerous hours and times per day. Along with everybody benefitting, among the benefits are reduction of any sexually transmitted infection, suggesting that this technology strongly benefits sex workers and their clients. The anal canal and rectum are
    then beneficial areas to iontophoretically deliver abrasion healing peptides and small molecules. It would be up to the sex worker to favor vasodilating and vasocongestive peptides at the anus and rectal sphincter to enhance both the sex workers
    experience of anal sex as well as the client experiencing a tighter and warmer anal sex experience, likely with greater amounts of motions and vocalizations of enjoyment from the sex worker.

    Epigenetics of greatest sensitivity of pleasure nerves can be iontophoretically installed (RNA or peptide epigenetic modifying supplements or drugs) at the vaginal canal, clitoris, clitoral hood, commissure, skene's glands, and deep clitoral crura, and
    at men and boys the glans and shaft of the penis,

    Gardening glove dots

    Longevity technology, 111 most beneficial all upside gene products like proteins enzymes receptors cytoplasmic chemicals, then do molecular modelling to find versions of those proteins and other chemicals

    Mcr3 epigenetics at brain, single dose upregulates causes greater sexual avidity during existence

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 3 19:45:57 2023
    Magnetic plastic mulchable visqueen weed preventer that increases crop yields, there ade numerous published reports of magnetic fields increasing dry weight yield of crops, and fe2o3, ferrite, is cheaper than plastic. They could test to see if mixing
    agricultural film plastic with ferrite or printing it with ferrite microdots, then magnetizing the agricultural ground film increases yields. This increase in yields could happen two ways, the first way is the effect of the magnetic field on the plant.
    The second way is the effect of the ground up mulched magnetic visqueen added to the soil, where the ferrite particles are much nearer the roots. When you think of 18 or 40 planting seasons through plastic geotextiles that is a large accumulation of
    potentially highly beneficial magnetic ferrite in the soil

    Real vehicle engine laser spark plugs are published, and, although i may misunderstand the graph, provide about 10% more peak power as well as the ability to use more environmentally friendly lean air/fuel ratios. The thing is, how to make them 20 times
    cheaper, it could simply be that a spark electrical plug with a 3D spherical or tall oval discharge globe has 100s or 1000s of times more ignition surface area than a simple linear spark gap spark plug, and is even better than a laser only sparkplug,
    this is highly comparable to a miniature plasma globe (aliba less than $2) art object or toy, but with the plasma spherical or tall oval globe 1-11 mm diameter per spark plug. I suppose the screw in sparkplug's diameter would have to be wider than the
    zenith ball's diameter and height, or ceramic, so the center ball could radiate out spark threads. If the sparksphere is run at high enough frequency it could make 100k varied direction electric discharge threadlets during the time interval of each
    ignition. This could replace laser spark plugs, but happens to be even better with a laser. The laser would percuss the discharge sparks upward and outward when the gas ionized plasma, since it has a unique absorption frequency from being ir spectroscopy
    ions, gets light pressure and light based hyperheating of the sparks. Notably i read that elliptical duocolor two pulse lasers were 70% efficient at decomposing/disintegrating ch4, so that kind of laser aimed at the globe electrical discharge threads or
    even preceding them and pull/disintergrate/percussing them into being could be even more efficient. Also i previously wrote about how three trigonometric waves, superimposed has non lissajous oscilloscope output, so its possible an elliptical laser, duo
    or tricolor, with tripulse overlap effects could be even more than 70% effective at getting methane or other fuel to react. Besides passenger vehicles this reminds me of how SpaceX rockets that run off methane could benefit from combined plasma ball
    tripulse multicolor elliptical laser igniter combination technologies. Laser igniters are already 10% more forceful at peak and plasma sphere laser augmented igniters could produce even more peak force.

    As a possible new way to build wellness and longevity they could see if any viruses effect stem cells, stem cells have various kinds of earlier cell forms so they could see if viruses avoid infecting stem cells for some reason, and then duplicate that
    reason at other cells as an antivirus approach. If stem cells, like in bone marrow, do not get viruses that seems unusual, but if they do get viruses drugging stem cells, while they are still stem cells to get rid of the viruses then that could benefit
    every tissue and organ in the body that the stem cells migrate to and replenish. A few antivirals might already exist that are good for people. Also, its possible something that imitates methionine but is useless at viruses if given in some effective
    dose would cause the longevity benefits of a methionine restricted diet while also slowing or blocking a variety of viruses. Something like this happens with plants, "stem cells in plants constantly supply daughter cells to form new organs and are
    expected to safeguard the integrity of the cells from biological invasion. Here, we show how stem cells of the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem and their nascent daughter cells suppress infection by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). The stem cell regulator
    WUSCHEL responds to CMV infection and represses virus accumulation in the meristem central and peripheral zones. WUSCHEL inhibits viral protein synthesis by repressing the expression of plant S-adenosyl-L-methionine–dependent methyltransferases, which
    are involved in ribosomal RNA processing and ribosome stability. Our results reveal a conserved strategy in plants to protect stem cells against viral intrusion and provide a molecular basis for WUSCHEL-mediated broad-spectrum innate antiviral immunity
    in plants." that sort of makes me think an imitation of S adenosyl l methionine as a drug without methyls on it, or perhaps with acetyls on it might keep viruses from being" ribosomally processed" another thing that reduces the activity of sam-e
    methyltransferases is "the SAM-dependent methylases (EC 2.1.1) that use SAM-e as a substrate produce S-adenosyl homocysteine as a product.[4] S-Adenosyl homocysteine is a strong negative regulator of nearly all SAM-dependent methylases despite their
    biological diversity" so supplemental s adenosyl homocysteine (s-ahc) could be a new "ignore the methionine" antiviral drug, s-FluoroAHC could be a new super potent antiviral drug, and the epigenetics of making much more s-AHC than usual could be an
    epigenetics of reduced virus replication at all tissues of the body, of high specific value to wellness and longevity epigenetic ally upregulating s-ahc production genes and network amplifiers at the heart, lung, and epithelial vasculature, and gi tract
    could strongly preclude viral replication and harm at viral pneumonia, with its cardiac risks, decrease all influenza and common cold risks, and preclude degradation of vasculature and capillaries throughout the body during centuries of living,
    prevention of viral infection of the gi tract with a single dose epigenetic modifier peptide or rna drug decoanate right after parturition, or right after the blood brain barrier forms could automatically preclude much of the risk of lethal diarrhea in
    children under five. Using epigenetic upregulators of s-AHC injected into the genital area and spread with sonication, or given intravenously as a photoactivateable drug then illuminating the genitals to activate the S-AHC permanent epigenetic
    upregulator could block the transmission of viral herpes and viral genital warts, as well as preclude outbreaks in the infected. I do not know if bone marrow and leukocyte hiv could be blocked from replicating and being transmitted with s adenosyl
    methionine methyl transfer blocking epigenetic upregulation of s-adenosyl homocysteine, but it might work. If it does work it is a single 60-90 day gradual release peptide or rna epigenetic drug deconate pill or airjection that has localization moieties
    like peptides to bone marrow and leukocytes, that would make a beneficial hiv preventing drug for all persons doing needle sharing, sex workers, anal sex participants, and any at risk person. The effect of reducing methyl transfers from s-Ahc on the
    entire body, rather than just locations with virus effects might not be good for people. Right now it is 2022AD and a respiratory virus called covid-19 is being medicated against and immunized against. It is mildly possible that precluding 80% of the sam-
    e methyl transfers covid-19 uses to reproduce would make it so that every covid case infecting 2-3 others would infect just 2/3 of a new person per covid case, causing the COVID-19 virus to fizzle out from reduced replication. If they could verify s-ahc
    upregulation just at respiratory tract tissues also precludes much of the flu, colds, pneumonia, covid-19 and some heart disease risk it could be much more popular than the covid-19 immunization alone, they might even get to say something prosocial about
    how the epigenetic drug makes individuals money, "an extra month of free pay, whatever you earn; and its not that we're so generous, its just that the average person will experience 60 fewer sick days if they take the epi-sac pill and receive an extra
    month of earnings up front via their employer's projected savings". That is if it works, there are definitely great reasons to find new epigenetic drugs that preclude and reduce virus infections. I may have previously written about how epigenetically
    upregulating dendritic immune cell first illness recognizer function with a pill can increase the number of well days. Another possibility but i haven't looked it up are the epigenetics of more, and more easily triggered lysosomes, as well as
    epigenetically up regulating any mechanisms cells have that tell them to do apoptosis when they sense a virus, also epigenetically upregulating beneficial interferons to reduce viruses and cancer is likely possible and is supported by the existence of
    numerous interferon drugs that already exist. Linking an epigenetic modifier like an acetylation causing rna epigenetic drug or peptide epigenetic drug or small molecule epigenetic drug to a gradual exposure moiety like a 60 day decoanate pill or
    airjection or 40 day micheal reaction transparent henna epithelial epigenetic drug attachment using a breathed lung micropowder inhaler makes an interferon increasing epigenetic modification with just one dose, and with an advair like powder inhaler can
    be accomplished without visiting a doctor. Its possible that an epigenetic advair like powder inhaler could be 20-40mg of a 390-1K$/kg epigenetic peptide in a cardboard tube, or about 1/2 - 1 cent to manufacture

    Beneficial rf energy for humans, and finding it with a financial incentive, hats with regerative of human tissue leds exist, and i think people use them to grow lusher head hair. This existing technology may work. A different technology is near field
    like radio-microwave-thz rf emission that causes the greatest beneficial response at human tissue culture tissue and entire live age batched marmosets. The advantage of finding rf frequencies that benefit humans is that data communications, including
    satellite internet, and especially inductive power at the dwelling can use these frequencies to send multiple watts around the dwelling. As a financial incentive it is possible some company would expose human hair follicle tissue culture plates to
    different radio frequencies to find out if any of them improve the lushness, color, or reversion of white color to original color human hair, 111 human hair tissue culture plates could be exposed to 1/20th the rf range of AC hum-radio-microwave-thz, 16
    hours a day for 14 day intervals, processing part of the rf spectrum in 40 weeks to find out if any of it is beneficial. Notably some rf frequencies cause yeast to grow 43.5 times better, 20% worse, and 70% more viably at a culture medium, "The growth of
    the yeast cells was obviously affected by the RF-EMF with a 43.5% increase when exposed for 30 h, and the growth-promoting effect decreased along with the radiation time and eventually turned to an inhibiting effect retarding growth by 20.7% at 89 h. The
    cell viability was improved to 70.1% at 8 h and reduced by 33.5% at 28 h. The superoxide accumulated in exposed cells as radiation time increased which may lead to the inhibition of viability and growth of the cells", a medical or electrocosmetic RF
    emitter like a hairclip or pillow that grows 43% lusher hair could mildly benefit many. This of course brings up finding out what lush hair RF does to the brain, exposing 3mm human tissue culture brain organoids or entire rats, who are actively taught
    new things their entire lives and measured as to RF effects is a way to find the most human brain benefitting RF for use at inductive power

    Trigonometric analog and automata computation
    To make ic fab features and repetitive elements that can do trigonometeric computing, it is possible that the direct production of remixable trigonometric waves (opposite/adjacent at triangle, rotated completely) ~ that are remixable makes new kinds of
    analog and digital and math equational computers. One very direct approach is a vertical 16-32 element deep, 16 element area feedforward field effect transistor array, another approach reminds me of the phrase waveform envelope where you have . - ' -. A
    horizontal expanse of little to tall parallel lines which together look like a trig wave, each of the vertical lines would be a field effect transistor with a growth of conduction zone that utilized moments to fill it up, at fullness, the top of each fet
    would then have a current collector, and the ic element then exports a trig wave through a "candelabrad" group of conductors to make a trig wave for further use, the repeated traversal of all the horizontal. - ' -. in the envelope produces an oscillating
    sinusoidal trigonometeric wave

    Illuminate the field effect transistors, make them out of voltage advantaged germanium, or make them out of THz switching speed indium phosphide

    Electric vaginal insert only does kegels during deep sleep, so the woman or girl is unaware she is doing hundreds of kegel exercises per sleep period, after 1-3 weeks of use orgasms are much stronger

    Afm or silicone embossed printing at 100 atom sized passive components make transistorless NAND based computers. The 100 atom silicone embossed version is just 160 picometers big on each side for 24 times smaller than 4 one nm transistors to make a NAND.
    Noting the shapes of the 100 atom NAND element can have many connection styles and shapes, genetic algorithms could use human produced 100 atom nand elements then use physics software to test out variations that include curves and asymmetries to see if
    even better all passive NAND elements with fewer atoms and faster velocities can be generated.

    Fiverr. Com all passive component based nand gates as a basis for much faster computer speeds

    The idea: computers can be built using only NAND gates in various arrangements. NAND is thus called a universal operator. I think building a NAND element out of only passive components, that is capacitors, resistors, and inductors is possible. If it is
    possible to make interconnectable NAND gates without transistors, then it is possible to build, using ic fab techniques, a computer without transistors. To me as a person that is enjoyable to think about, which is what pays technical professionals like
    you to find simple, cheap, makeable passive NAND designs.

    Some of the kinds of passive circuits i have heard of which could be part of a passive nand schematic are: RC oscillators, tank circuits, bandpass filters and notch filters, inductive transformers, electromagnetic halbach arrays, perhaps plurally, with
    interconnection, causing direct magnetic truth tables. Passive NAND technology can also possibly use nodal, antinodal, and root mean square attributes of overlapping RC circuits to make a NAND.

    What is highly valued in your own solution is your own ideas. I am fairly likely to use a breadboard and multimeter to build your simple passive component NAND schematic. At any webpages or other publishing activity i will mention your name, giving

    , not needing to use

    Creative reading: an optical NAND-like element http://www.123seminarsonly.com/Seminar-Reports/018/37107676-Optical-Computing-What-Why-and-How-Optical-Logic-and-NAND.pdf

    Regarding using a stack of 2 or more halbach arrays to make a truth table sandwich, where a 1 or 0 laying on top of another 1 or 0 (N and S/n sandwich) causes sufficient repulsion at 1,1->0, and 0,0->1,with the varied 1/0->1 because the halbach arrays
    react to each others magnetism, all rf version, metamaterial light version

    Duocapacitor truth table sandwich could cause two concentric capacitors sandwiched next to another two to perturb each other with sufficient difference to make a useful output voltage. 1,1 puts so much energy on two sandwiched capacitors that the
    dielectric between them breaks down, and that single high current, perhaps travelling at a sandwich filling wire, then there is a precluder (pull down?) of another voltage at a second nand gate, sending a 0 effect along to the next nand. When just one of
    the capacitors (1,0) at the sandwich is full then there's no dielectric breakdown, the current omits reaching the sandwich filling wire, the actual current output is nil, and the is an absence of a pull down, at 0,0 the double nil current also is absent
    making a pull down voltage, causing a 1 to be experienced at the next nand element. or, rather than dielectric breakdown, 1,1 current saturation just causes femtosecond electrical pulses at the capacitors to change frequency, a rcl bandpass or notch
    filter can groom it for the next nand element.

    A resistor based nand gate could be like 0 or 1 alone is. 5-1.1v and 1 is anything above 2v, the comparator resistor could drop the voltage 1/2 so all of 0,1 1,0 0,0 would be,.5-1.1v and 1,1 makes 2v, when those voltages are then attached to a pull down
    circuit only 1,1 pulls the voltage to true 0v, leaving all the other combined OOPS

    Pchedelic mushroom growers at reddit,

    A staticw magnetic field, like from a N52 neodymium iron boron magnet (Ebay $4.80), or even from a sheet/tape of bendy plastic fridge magnet is much less fuss, and actually causes a higher yield on one measure of productivity than an electromagnet, with
    120 microTeslas producing a 2.09 times mutiplier of an active ingredient. To develop a superfriendly supereasy magnetic psychedelic mushroom growing technique that others can copy effortlessly i suggest growing three batches, two with a different
    standard sized ebay N52 magnet, and one where a vinyl fridge magnet like magnetic tape or uncut sheet is just wrapped around the culture bag.

    The electromagnetic version is a very slight field, which to my perception is at 1.06 amps/meter^2 about like 1/3 the power of the cheapest 3A $1 USB power supply.

    The easiest way to do something similar might be to get a $1 usb power supply, a one meter or 6 foot/2 meter usb extension cord, then just wrap only the first 3 feet/1 meter around the culture bag in a coil (duct tape optional) and make sure to have a
    charging load, like an extra phone or light, connected to the coiled around the bag cord. This is wildly nonexact, but using 1/2 the 2 meter usb cord provides about 1.5 A/Meter magnetic field around the culture bag (see note). Most people will already
    have an extra usb charger and phone, so the ebay cost is $2.99 for a 1 meter white usb cable.

    Note: my perception of the 1.06A/M^2 is that the coil would actually be about 1/3 of a meter diameter or about a foot distant from the center of a culture bag, and the same height or a little taller than the bag. Just coiling the usb cable around the bag
    results in a higher magnetic field. More is not always better, but encouragingly at a different species of mushroom the paper says increases in a preferred parameter went up continuously with increasing magnetic fields. That suggests that the ease of
    just coiling the usb cable around a culture bag may also provide a beneficial higher magnetic field. I could imagine an easiest is best head shop product where they have tested 3 lengths of usb cable, and variously a 1, 2, and 3 amp load to plug into the
    usb cable.

    Then there is also timing, the paper notes one mushroom thrives after 12 hour single exposure window. From what i read it seems like a mushroom grower would wait until they think the mycelium has spread to 3/4 of the bag to give the 12 hour single dose
    of magnetism.

    So the quick version is: its easy: just tape some permanent N52 ebay magnets to the outside of the bag for a few hours. Also just coil a usb cable around a different culture bag with your actively refilling phone or a light plugged into it for 12 hours.
    And of course, make a video and report your findings.

    More about those permanent magnets. If you search the internet you can find images of magnets being measured with a magnetometer ($35-62 aliexpress), with a fairly small neodymium magnet being about 200 microteslas, and a large one 1.2 teslas. (links).
    The paper says,
    "was found that weak magnetic field-assisted fermentation could increase the mycelial polysaccharide and flavonoid production of P. igniarius, and could enrich the monosaccharide composition of mycelial polysaccharides. At the same time, the weak
    magnetic field-assisted mode helped to improve the total antioxidant capacity and the superoxide anion radical-scavenging ability of P. igniarius. The maximum yield of mycelial flavonoids was 0.6918 mg/100 mL at a magnetic field strength of 120 mT, which
    was 2.09 times higher than that of the control. The maximum total antioxidant capacity was 10.1133 U/mL at a magnetic field strength of 180 mT, which was 55.69% higher than that of the control. "
    So, a typical ebay N52 disk magnet is/might be 100-240 microteslas, quite similar to the 120 microTeslas in the paper. Imaginably you would get a multipack of N52 disk magnets, then tape them to the outside of the culture bag.

    Another cheap easy and comprehsive approach to magnetizing an entire culture bag is to use fridge-magnet like vinyl magnetic tape ($2.60 at aliexpress, $17 at amazon) and just wrap the bag with it. This has a lower magnetic field than N52 disc magnet
    dots, but is very easy and could still be tested.

    Can you grow psychedelic mushrooms on cheap instant dinners?

    Online there's a link on how to grow mushrooms in brown rice culture. Sterile brown rice culture is almost the same, entertainingly, as $2.80 instant brown rice food bowls at amazon. So i thought, what if you just got a $14 multipack of brown rice bowls,
    and inoculated all six of them, just to see if they make psychdelic fruit or truffles.

    If anyone who grows psychedelic mushrooms would like to do this, i will be happy to give you free brown rice bowls off amazon. There's a couple ways, one is to search "brown rice bowl" at amazon, then put it on an amazon wishlist, you send your amazon
    wishlist id to Treonsverdery(a)gmail.com and i buy it for you. Be sure to put at least 2 kinds of rice bowls and venting technologies (cheap micropore tape, band aids, or something better you think of) and that way you'll get a unique rice bowl and
    venting technology.

    The other way is potentially more anonymous. Just get an email address and i paypal you $14 that you then use on rice bowls, to use the paypal option just copy n paste your favorite piece of writing that you already wrote, or image of art you made here
    in this thread with your paypal address

    I'm thinking i could do this for 8 psychedelic mushroom growers.

    If it works, or also if it doesn't, post about it or just tell me and i will write about it here.

    here's brown rice bowls on amazon, some are organic, sprouted, mixed with barley and may have more trace nutrients: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Microwave+brown+rice&crid=36Z8CFTH0O0HL&sprefix=microwave+brown+rice%2Caps%2C664&ref=nb_sb_noss

    Here's the brown rice cubensis culture instructions. These are quite different than just injecting a rice bowl with culture. https://njelliott.medium.com/expand-your-mind-how-to-grow-psychedelic-mushrooms-using-uncle-bens-rice-cd4e272301e6

    I've got no idea if they are super wonderful, but the thriftiest culture injections i've seen, including truffle species are at https://thesporedepot.com/ at $7 (5 for $35),i've only spent a few minutes looking around but 17.50-20.50 per single syringe
    is typical. If you'd like a complimentary spore syringe and are trying out the ricebowl culture thing, just write Treonsverdery(a)gmail.com with a couple different spore species preferences, especially non cubensis species, and i will fund that or a
    different inoculation.

    Eat one of the ricebowls, they seem dry to me so perhaps inject more water into the ones you use for culturing mushrooms.

    Venting technology is up for you to decide. The simpler it is the better for the people that culture psychedelic mushrooms or truffles on prepackaged rice bowls. The simplest thing i can think of is an electric drill bit or awl soaked in isopropanol
    going through the tougher bowl side, then applying a breathable band aid (cheap, easy, obvious, but untested) or micropore tape (published as effective) immediately onto the aperture.

    It could be that the dense package form of the brown rice makes it much less effort to grow pschedelic truffles without any repackaging. Some instructions on growing psychedelic truffles are at https://mushplanet.com/cultivation-techniques/growing-
    truffles-philosopher-stones/ this actually looks easier than mushroom growing, and from what i read mostly consists of using particular truffle making species and letting the mycelium grow for a couple months.

    NMN as a fungi growth additive

    Making a fast psychedelic drink from 1 week old full colonization area mycelium makes for even more convenient culture, more rapid success, and at people and companies that vend psychedelic drugs double or quadruple speed productivity. First convert the
    starch in the young but psychedelic mycelia into sugar, add amylase and water, to turn all the starch into soluble sugar. A few hours later a 9 oz ricebowl full of mycelium is 18 oz of sugarsweet liquid. Drink directly or fridge freeze concentrate to
    make 4 oz of sugar saturated liquid, a syrup, that as a result of osmotic syrup effects omits growing bacteria, preserving the freshness and psychedelic effects. Add prervatives if desired. using the lowest temperature possible to make hard candy, make
    the syrup into candy pschedelic edibles. Nonwarming candy can also be made from the syrup by mixing it with cocoa butter or melted "candy bark" at about 98 degrees. Interestingly it is possible to grow sugar crystals on a string, its remotely possible
    that crystal sugar edible forms grown from the syrup would contain enough active ingredients to provide a psychedelic experience while the crystal sugar form kept the active ingredients fresh. The fun thing though is just inoculating the premade rice
    bowl, amylasing the mycelia that grows after a week, and simply drinking and sharing the potentially or actually palatable sweet liquid, preferably with people you already, or will, like a lot.

    Topical niacin as a sex drug, or also vasoactive peptides, pde5 inhibitor peptides, with transparent henna michael reaction, surgical glue, or michael reaction transparent henna peptides or also niacin iontophoretically delivered,
    Vaginal canal vasodilates because of topical niacin perhaps 1/4 inch, causing the vaginal canal to be 1/2 an inch tighter from topical 1-3 month durability michael reaction niacin, iontophoresis of keratin reactive niacin or high potency halogenated
    fluoroniacin causes deep vaginal vasodilation increasing female and male pleasure enhancing tightness an entire 1/2 inch on each side, making the vaginal canal an inch smaller diameter, also because the iontophoresis can place the keratin reactive niacin
    or vasodilation/vasocongestive peptide at a depth of 1.5-3 cm the time release dose is from a much larger depot and unaffected by epithelial vaginal canal surface renewal causing it to last 180-700 days. Similarly the glans and shaft of the penis can be
    treated topically or iontophoretically causing both greater girth and glans size from swelling as well as heightened pleasure sensitivity.

    The iontophoretic or topical but durable peptides or also niacin could be deposited/painted in particular forms at the vaginal canal and clitoris, clitoral hood, and commisure area to give the greatest pleasure to women and girls while also strongly
    pleasuring men and boys, the first 4 cm of vaginal entry area could get a higher iontophoretic dose, causing the pleasureable to the male sensation of entry to be particularly snug and warm. Then the A-spot anterior at the vaginal canal could get a high
    dose, with an annular shape to squeeze the penis tightly all around at that area, the increased penile effect on the a-spot increases the woman or girls pleasure, and, if the male is motivated by moving back and forth right in the tightest particularly
    adjusted to be pleasureable anterior part of the vagina then he repeatedly stimulates the woman or girls a-spot, giving her more pleasure.

    Deep strong hard fast penile or sex toy thrusting is often appreciated by women and girls, to cause the male to go deeper automatically, make the latter inner third of the vaginal canal the tightest and warmest it can be (with iontophoretized supplements
    or drugs) that the woman or girl finds comfortable and sexy. That extra tightness and warmth causes spontaneous and unplanned seeking to thrust in that part of the vagina, imaginably increasing deep thrusting 200%,because it is possible the male's body
    automatically seeks the most pleasureable area of a vagina, hand, or pleasure sheath like a fleshlight to stroke, it is possible added tightness and warmth at the deep vagina automatically causes deeper strokes, this also benefits the woman or girl as
    the back wall of her vagina where the o-spot is gets percussed and stimulated a lot more, to thrust more deeply more frequently the male might also thrust harder or stronger, providing even more sexual stimulation to the woman or girl.

    Regeneration peptides or curcurmin extracts or halogenated curcurmin iontophoretically transported with michael reaction durability make abrasions heal in some fraction, half or quarter the time at both vagina and penis, this increases comfort at having
    sex numerous hours and times per day. Along with everybody benefitting, among the benefits are reduction of any sexually transmitted infection, suggesting that this technology strongly benefits sex workers and their clients. The anal canal and rectum are
    then beneficial areas to iontophoretically deliver abrasion healing peptides and small molecules. It would be up to the sex worker to favor vasodilating and vasocongestive peptides at the anus and rectal sphincter to enhance both the sex workers
    experience of anal sex as well as the client experiencing a tighter and warmer anal sex experience, likely with greater amounts of motions and vocalizations of enjoyment from the sex worker.

    Epigenetics of greatest sensitivity of pleasure nerves can be iontophoretically installed (RNA or peptide epigenetic modifying supplements or drugs) at the vaginal canal, clitoris, clitoral hood, commissure, skene's glands, and deep clitoral crura, and
    at men and boys the glans and shaft of the penis,

    Gardening glove dots

    Longevity technology, 111 most beneficial all upside gene products like proteins enzymes receptors cytoplasmic chemicals, then do molecular modelling to find versions of those proteins and other chemicals

    Mcr3 epigenetics at brain, single dose upregulates causes greater sexual avidity during existence

    [continued in next message]

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