• Bees, humans and any organism with beneficial probiotic bacteria at any

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 7 22:00:44 2022
    Acarbose blocks the absorption of sugars from the gi tract and makes mice live about 20% longer, if the longevity effect is caused by blocking sugars then an epigenetic drug that hypermethylates the genes that make the active sugar transport chennels at
    the cytomembrane, test epigenetic blocking of the 100 most occurring nutrients and metabolizables at the gi tract membrane to see if blocking any other common metabolizables like volatile fatty acids, propionate, butrate, and 5-11carbon vfa, also block
    lipids, of various molecular sizes, single and double amino acids, the tertiary chemical products of gi tract bacteria like skatole and colorants, some of these exclusions could make no uptake epigenetic drugs that increase lifespan midway between
    Acarbose and the 40% longevity increase of enerosorbents. Novel to me is a very strong light emitting pill or 1/10-1mm light emitting diode microparticle that uses spectroscopy absorption frequencies or nonsunburn near visible uv or blue light to
    disintegrate organic chemicals, including any antilongevity chemicals or carcinogens at the gi tract, inductive power and micro antennas, or possibly very bright nonvisible light through the abdomen and a 40-80 sun concentrator photovoltaic provide the
    watts of laser diode energy. Novelly, at people that eat a lot phototreatment could reduce the absorbable calories of food, making it so even people that eat a lot can be at their preferred svelte Ness of body form. Another approach that uses enzymes
    instead of light to detoxify food/gi tract chemicals and reduce absorbable calories could be at durable b. Durans and other long residence gi tract flora/probiotic with one dose per 2 centuries of living. To find these ultra durable multicentury
    probiotics they could measure poo from prepubescent bow head whales and bow head whales that are over 2 centuries old, similarly 400 year durability gi tract flora/probiotic species could be found comparing juvenile and 400 year old tortoises. The
    multicentury durable probiotics can then be genetically modified to contain a bunch of different longevity causing peptides, RNA drugs, and actual longevity producing molecules like the most wellness and possibly longevity producing plant polyphenols,
    anticancer chemicals like sulfofurane, and the active chemicals in longevity increasing reishi (20% lifespan increase) and lions mane fungi, rapamycin or better, centrophenoxine, metformin or better, 17 alpha estradiol or better, circulating gdf-11,
    klotho, dcis proteins, any new longevity and juvenescence proteins or peptides found with parabiosis, the active drug ceramides that are published as causing 10 times reduction and possibly production of wrinkles, noting the possibility this also reduces
    nondermal deep inside the body wrinkling, which depending on efficacy and physiological harmlessness another separate multicentury probiotic could make immunoactivating antigens that immunize, thus remove the oldification chemicals found with parabiosis
    procedures, immunizing against multiple forms of pneumonia is published as reducing human cardiovascular adverse events 40%, so immunizing against numerous pneumonias, immunize against low density and very low density lipoproteins/cholesterol, immunize
    against those chemicals found at gi tract contents that are deleterious based on what enterosorbents do, which makes a kind of immunization equivalent to 40% lifespan increase enterosorbents, as a different product it may be possible to immunoalert brain
    glia immunization like effect to any chemicals at the brain that are deleterious such as when senescent brain cells produce SASP chemicals so alerting the glia to remove SASP chemicals, but not their source neurons, could have a 11-37% brain longevity
    and juvenescence effect, immunizing against tooth decay and gum infection noting periodontal disease is associated with cardiovascular disease and precluding periodontal disease would then make people live longer, I perceive there may be experimentalthey,
    immunize against the illnesses that are absent at specific pathogen free mammals (specific pathogen free mice live twice as long, and specific pathogen free marmosets live 11-15% longer, suggesting that precluding not just 14 pathogens at marmosets but
    140 pathogens at people with immunization could bring marmosets and people to over 40% greater longevity, as a new thing it is possible there are enzymes produced at the body that are actually harmful, one example is the enzyme that turns testosterone to
    dihydrotestosterone, or enzymes involved in low density/lipoprotein synthesis, enzymes may exist that are coactive with deleterious parabiosis proteins, insulin like growth factor 1 and any enzymes that make mtor/mtor1 chemistry occur could be immunized
    against, enzymes that support the conversion of harmless physiochemicals to low density cholesterol, enzymes associated with the spleen, noting splenectomy makes mice live 14% longer, immunizing against any liver enzymes that degrade beneficial chemicals
    like the juvenescent parabiosis chemicals, and immunizing against enzymes that degrade dietary fruit and vegetable polyphenols or other beneficial phytonutrients, any enzymes that are part of the process the first multicentury durability probiotic that
    just makes beneficial things could also make epithalon, thymalin, beauty peptides and regeneration peptides, epigenetic up regulation of the 11 sequential most limiting factor enzymes at the TCA ATP production cycle could cause juvenescence and longevity
    increase comparable to, or much higher than nucleotide NMN which causes longevity increase and young rotarod performance at old mice, the probiotic bacteria could also make liver enzymes that are effective at neutralizing organic chemical carcinogens,
    removing 90-99% of the most common carcinogens before they reach the circulatory system and the liver which cleans up the rest. epigenetic modifying peptides and

    Creativity drug, tuberculosis during the 20th century and previously was/is thought to heighten creativity, hundreds of grams of tuberculosis bacteria grown at human tissue culture could be separated into 200 mass constituents, of both hydrophilic and
    hydrophobic form, human volunteers would be administered the 200 component chemicals once every 8 hours for 72 hours and do creativity tests and exercises on a computer, perhaps potentiated with a stimulant like dextroamphetamine that makes them type a
    lot. It could be that this finds a chemical from tb bacteria that increases creativity at a time duration and dose response basis, one that is found, if it is found, then 200 molecular/protein/lipid variants are tested on mice or rats, and because the
    molecular variants likely have different psychological effects, the mice or rats, noting there are published studies showing rats have empathy, with 90th percentile empathy, no outcast social role, and median or higher actual sex matings indicate which
    of the variants of the TB based creativity drug will most benefit individuals and the people around them. The high empathy creativity increasing drug is then made into a durable probiotic for voluntary human (Homo sapiens and branch species) utilization.
    This can also be improved by radiolabelling the tb culture, homogenizing and administering it to marmosets, and then finding out what tb chemical went where in the brain, that list of say 40 tb chemicals can be added to the 200 chomotography fractions
    tested on vulunteers, it is possible then that 1-8 tb chemicals are most effective at causing creativity, measured with psychology psychometric tests, then human volunteers test 16 molecular or protein variants of the 1-8 tb sourced drugs. That finds a
    90-99th percentile most creativity causing drug from the 96-99.5th percentile of creativity first tb drug group. Noting that tuberculosis is an organism producing the creativity drugs can be genetically ported to a new durable b. Durans probiotic. They
    could also look for small or large benefits to lifespan in rats or marmosets noting Huan studies show that people with active minds are Weller, live longer, and resist alzheimers. Another even better version of the drug or probiotic attaches localization
    peptides or moieties to the drug to concentrate it in creativity supporting and multiplying areas like the neocortex, the visual occipital lobe structures associated with visualization and the mind's eye, and the drug could come in two separate forms,
    each of which concentrated at one hemisphere or the other, also the corpus callosum. There is also the opportunity to decrease neural activity at areas that are associated with big5 neuroticism, suspicion, or perceived threat like the amygdala. These
    areas can be downregulated with the coadministration of localized GABA drugs. turn off amygdala while turning on creativity to cause more prosocial, good, and individual creativity objects, writing, media, planning, engineering, science including physics,
    and mathematics.

    Sex pleasure vibrators and suction licker that flies like a drone. I think people that like sex technology objects would avidly appreciate a gentle shoe toe shaped quiet drone like flying wedge similar in shape to to the front 1/3 of a tennis shoe. This
    is inductively wirelessly powered of invisible harmless light concentrator photovoltaic powered, if you think of making a round lozenge shape wrapped in a venetian blind or fan grating you can see how this let's more than 90% of the lifting pressure
    difference air to pass while keeping the propellers from contacting anything. A white cowl of lovely and air passing form with vibrating nubs, ultrasonic transducer nubs, and a pleasure suction thing like a womanizer vibrato which can also function as a
    pleasure increasing clitoris pump is on the surface of the flying sex streamline object. The flying sex streamline object can also provide the man, and the woman with a different sensual, sexual, orgasmic pleasure. When masurbating the area between the
    upper base of my penis and the bellybutton is pleasurable enough that rubbing it causes an ejaculatory orgasm, so the wedge shaped flying sexual object could motionize silicone fronds on the man's top of penis base area up to near his bellybutton. Along
    with the previously described direct clitoral stimulation the upper side contacting the area above the vagina could have actuated rubbing fronds, iewing an image of a woman on top riding a man there was not direct clitoral stimulation unless she or he
    reached to the clitoris and stimulated it, with something about the 1/3 the size of a shoe, flies up underneath her to stimulate her clitoris when she's on all fours or lordosis posture and receiving a vagina from behind. The flying sex drone would have
    a camera or communicate with a camera and microphone to intensify its pressure and vibration, licking and sucking speed as she became more and more aroused driving her to orgasms and multiple orgasms, the vibrato could pulse on her clit at every deep

    Attaching more wires to each transistor, quadruple branching dendritic semiconductor that is like a dendritic polymer gives each quadrant of a feature 4 or 8 wires on it, so 16 wires come off each 1 nm transistor, the slight differences in each wire
    quantize the transistor to have 16 states, driving the transistor could be 2 things, mixed photovoltaic effect aggregate, 4 different tallness of multinm stacked tngs, even through the tallest is farthest from the junction it can still effect the
    junction from

    Dented corner cobblestone moire, actually you can get 8 times 8 separate wires, capacitors, quantum dot plates on a table attaching at a 1 nm transistor this way, just put the semiconductor on a 120 picometer resolution atomic force microscope stage,
    move it to one side, then IBM 1 nanometer feature size manufacturing technique another 1 nm cube or round on top of it, do that several times and you have an off center stack of cubes or rounds with stair-steppy 120 picometer sized electroless plating
    from electroless plating Pico droplets or vapor puts a conductor on the 120 picometer side lips, and once established, but with the 1 nm transistor shielded with a top nonconductive layer, the initial electroless plating site

    Electroless plating in a magnetic field, is it 3 or moretimes more capable of fine detail, or 3 or more times faster, with those numbers based on published triple activity and 6 times more molecular motion when a cobalt catalyst was exposed to a magnetic

    Silicone embossing can impress and duplicate at DNA sizes, repeated silicone application of ic layers at 200-400 picometer size builds up an integrated circuit, perhaps with sheet laser micro liquid production and various and advantageous forms of
    crystallinity of the ic layers, two lasers, one that liquefies the semiconductor layer at picometer depth, and another much higher power laser that does published laser refrigeration, possibly from both sides of the wafer, or also doing the process in a
    refrigerated environment like two compressor refrigerator - 100° F causes optimal crystallinity or amorphousness of the ic layers

    I do not know much about it, but I perceive that cvd ic process might make either crystalline semiconductors or amorphous semiconductors, insulators, and conductive pathways. It is possible more kinds of crystals can be formed, or more varieties of
    amorphous (smooth, aggregate lumps, nano or picofoams (electrically capacitive optics and semiconductors, also if gas or even liquid filled semiconductive foams do sensing, capacitance, bandpass and bandgap of light and thz radiation, something new which
    because p n junction could be a gradient over 1mm has accumulated lightspeed effects, at a foam it might be possible to make, using the same number of atoms a really big And puffy quantum dot that does the same all electrons together lighthings, with the
    difference that a puffy quantum dot has much larger energy absorption area per atom, which might drive the hop up electron levels really high, so when they emit a photon it is a super high energy photon, possibly extreme uv, x ray, or gamma ray laser,
    but if that doesn't make an extreme uv, x ray or gamma ray laser then the right size of antta should do it, monoplaniar, two marble, 3 marble, 7 marble hexagons, bigger planar hexagons than that, c shaped/loop antenna shaped hexagons or true circles, and
    genetic algorithms optimizing antenna for from 1 atom (which kind of atom, and quantum entangled, spin polarized, or noting magnesium 25 has 5/2 and 1 or different orbital angular momentum which of the 6 spin states is best for high frequency emission.
    The marble group shapes can be made with an atomic force microscope, which might also be able to make a 3d antenna out of undulating hills, a slot antenna, that is something missing rather than something present makes the high frequency waves, or a to
    me a really different kind of antenna or light emitters where concentric ovals and circles cause quantum wave addition to stack up and make isolated atom like points at the focuses of the concentric atom around it, that might be called an atom corral.
    Anyway, if you adjust the actual atoms at the perimeter right you can make the central pile that looks like an atom have, compared with the euv fluorine eximer laser electronegativity 4, an electronegativity of 8 or 16, which is much higher and could
    cause emissions wavelengths to single digit nanometer emissions, noting fluorine eximer laser emits at about 17 nanometers. gaalso although a genetic algorithm and an an electrical engineer would come up with a very much better antenna I'm wondering
    about what looks like a when electrons physically move like at an antenna or a capacitor plate do they say spin - 1/2 prefer to move farther from their spin - 1/2 things. At a Pico meter high frequency energy antenaa if spin engineering improves output
    then a big magnet, or a laser can customize each part of a high energy antenna. Remembering an image of a genetic algorithm antenna that was 300% better than the previous human designed antenna it looked like tracing a single line tracing the edges of
    piled up rectangles. I do not know if it was as good at broadcasting as receiving. Silicone impression molding can duplicate DNA and antibody feature sizes, vapor deposition can make very small height piles of atoms to fill in a mold, and general area
    lasers I read can be gentle enough to move an atom at a timeI tend to perceive it not as making 1 laser but a whole typing paper sheet of numerous lasers planar light edge fiber like disk lasers and fiber lasers hyper concentrate light like a side view
    of a fluorescent trigonometry drawing instrument. like laser plasmonics move Whether it's puffy quantum dots or new genetic algorithm 5-1000 Pico meter antennas that make the euv x ray gamma ray lightwith applications to ultra high resolution medical, industrial, and mining imaging, as well as nonexcimer laser ic making light
    sources. Also it's possible that uv especially at spectrogralhic absorbtion frequencies improves catalysis, noting published uv light with methane reactions, it's likely that new x-ray and gamma ray laser diodes produce even higher ch4 chemical react
    ability and catalyst activity, similarly at large application catalysts like ammonia fertilizer production, catalytic converters on hydrocarbon vehicles if x ray and gamma ray lasers at alibaba are 25¢ a watt, and x-ray and gamma ray leads are 2.5¢
    then these technologies make food even cheaper and clean vehicle and coal plant exhaust 20 times cheaper, there are also applications at wastewater treatment for much less$ particularly at the developing world. Another use for foam based big puffy
    quantum dots besides x ray lasers is that if the quantum dot is say 100-300 nm wide it can be custom sculpted and stacked with ic making techniques, while still functioning as a single electron level atom, if each side of a big puffy quantum dot has half
    circles or cookie eating half circles out of it, 8 to a side, 20 sides then that is 2^320 bits of data that can possibly be asked about with a laser , new laser frequencies and even more optimal photovoltaic upconversion , makes a great spin glass or
    spin polarized, gradient refractive index like but still not crystalline, tertiary structure is negative refractive index metamaterial but all parts of the metamaterial are amorphous, a mathematical perception that different Fourier transforms or wavelets

    Could an optical material that converts light to solitons, or cheap chirping cause greater photovoltaic efficiency or better light sensors and cameras

    Better photovoltaic, utilize refrigerated wafer and laser nanometer or picometer depth liquefaction to make the pn junction at photovoltaic completely and optimally crystalline , some crystals also enable better longer plasmonic effects, noting plasmonic
    photovoltaics have already been produced, and noting thin things are transparent to light, with an optional transparency creating grating, a stacked photovoltaic with a photoelectric effect pn junction, a plasmonic photovoltaic beneath that, and a top
    layer of quantum dots or frequency doubling or tripling materials upconverts the ir in sunlight to higher more absorbed at photovoltaic frequencies frequency, silicone embossing printing with crystal producing refrigeration or laser refrigeration could,
    because silicone embossing and printing is cheap, make the photovoltaic an order of magnitude or more cheaper to produce than chemical vapor deposition ic process photovoltaic, at alibaba cvd photovoltaics are less than 14¢ per watt, an order of
    magnitude cheaper to make is just 1.4¢ a watt, which I perceive as being cheaper than any retail individual or commercial utility rate I've heard of. If 34% concentrator photovoltaics of 40-80 suns are produced with silicone embossing and laser
    crystallinity production, and the 40-80 suns ir and uv is converted to photovoltaically effective light, then that is like the equivalent to 80-160 suns, aside from the mechanism like a mirror, waveguide array, or very cheap 1$/kg polymer light pipe that
    concentrates the daylight

    Photovoltaic that works from moonlight, starlight, and city lightglow, make a 1 meter^2 cheap optical $1/kg polymer sheet or shape, have it feed a 11 cm^2 photovoltaic, possibly with a light responsive crystal that changes refractive index with
    illumination levels or temperature such that during the day when there is lots of light the ir warms or the uv adjusts the adjustable refraction index crystal to illuminate the concentrator photovoltaic during daylight, and a nonconcentrator photovoltaic
    that produces electricity on moonlit nights that can augment and top up electricity at a cheap residential ultracapacitor module, which stretches the night photoelectricity that runs moments of food refrigerator compressor activity as well as dwelling
    computers, iot, and a few people turning on restroom lights for a few minutes

    The paranormal voices I hear say, but they have previously encouraged me to avoid considering anything they say that the previously alive can watch earth
    "watching television" but only the earth of their living period, greatly increasing longevity at all mammals, animals and fungi, if what I heard has actuality much greater longevity causes humans to have a much wider and richer range of earth viewing and
    possibly pleasurable reliving, sampling, and experience of being there. This might, along with the benefits of being eternally youthful with death optional among living persons cause placing internet content displaying technology objects like computers
    that also contain 11 different programming languages and phones at anyplace previously alive bodies or remains are placed at planet earth, Earth, and the 1949ad definition of universe to provide both wide ranging content and content that is new, fresh,
    and noting the voices I hear communicate "watch television" the television watching activity of viewing, and quite possibly guiding the new internet content that occurs at the previously alive body's or remains' location. I suggest four photovoltaic,
    nernst effect soil ion battery, ambient radio-frequency electromagnetic energy, previously alive computer programmable bitcoin and 23 other most valued and intraconvertable crypto currencies, with 82% of the crypto currency generated being placed in a
    directory titled with the persons name and the word money, and the other 18% invested in what using 2020Ad language are called index funds, or at the person's option fully aware that ecology and environment and what is considered at any social moment to
    be highly ethical mutual funds, as well as mutual funds that are index fund like samplings of the 400 companies with a number of patents greater than 1 patent, a technology focus, as well as an actual technology product available on planet Earth or
    anywhere at the 1949 science of physics universe humans, that is Homo sapiens live, and with the largest amount of company shares changing title during the previous 1600 twenty four hour periods, another the funds shares At 4 viewing monitors one of the
    monitors, technologically able to display 3 dimensional video or also other 3 dimensional content at the display, and the onscreen guiding and activating symbol starts focus on, that monitor which provides exclusively the 99.99th percentile of science of
    psychology Light Triad internet content and media, psychometricdo big magnets reduce bacterial decay, possibly, if they do, or if they activate tissue preserving chemicals like cobalt atom containing antibacterial quats then those body preserving
    chemicals, full body replacement of all h20 with Deuterium D2O is strongly antibacterial and can be accomplished with electromigration or iontophoresis of ph7 D2O internally from the GI tract, as well as internally through arteries, as well as externally
    through the dermis, with the external dermal electrophoresis preserving and optimally increasing the physical and facial beauty of the previously alive person. The voices I hear suggest that previously alive persons have sex, that is sexual activity,
    including penile intromission, that makes a previously alive body or individual soma preservative at the previously alive that combines vagina, penis, nipples anus, mouth, anus, prostate, and deep hip and thigh pillow humping pleasure nerves nerve
    activating pleasure drugs, and vasodilating drugs that cause circulatory fluid engorgement at the clitoris, entire clitoris including crura, clitoral hood, commisure, skene's glands, vaginal canal and pleasure foci of the internal vagina like the O-spot
    and A-spot, female anus, and, at the penis, a combination of erection causing and sustaining drugs with papaverine sufficient in quantity to cause a 16 month duration of erection, a gram of high potency papaverine mimetic opiate peptide active at the
    penile corpus cavernosum to produce and sustain penile erection with 700 picograms per 24 hours, also a Viagra functional replace all blood with a more oxygen carrying fluid such as a perfluorocarbon, notably entire body tissue preservation and are
    atfungi, notably spores and fruiting bodies, and also gi tract fecal probiotic that make epigenetic drugs that hypermethylate nociception genes and simultaneously produce nonhabituating antinociceptive opiate, gaba, anandamide, trace amine taar receptors,
    and ampa neuron activators, simultaneous with downregulation of delta Fosb is beneficial to both previously alive persons and living persons and other mammals. this is another ben, extended tissue culture living to benefit from millenia of life support
    life on pleasure drugs. I favor all humans, all persons, and all beings that live in what 1949Ad physicists called the universe be eternally youthful with death optional.

    The voices tell me some of the previously alive swap sex, that is sexual activity for money, beneficial to the Living, I think, as well as beneficial to the previously alive is to make swapping sex for money something that 90% of all living humans
    participate in, with benefit from sex providers who regularly swap sex for money being absent any sentient being taking, or proceeding as if entitled to, a different person who swaps sex for money's financial gains from providing sexual activity, also
    optimally, the swapping of sex for money is accompanied with the creation of a piece of media, optimally displaying the sexual activity in three dimensions, during 2020 this might be described as a video, that the person who provided money then has a
    copy of, and 28 year copyright to. The sex receiving person can then voluntarily place the sexual activity video publicly or viewable for money on the internet. I Treon Verdery am an objector to United States Copyright law, and if I wrote to one or more
    of the places I copied video from would be describable as a conscientious objector to united States and international copyright law. Because I object to copyright, and I note the sex seeker has 28 years of the right to exclude others, companies, and
    things like artificial intelligences, what recourse is suggested if the sex video is copied or reutilized? I suggest an absence of recourse, or any government, social, or reputational response, duty, or discouragement of the copying activity. notably at
    least at one or more occurences, while the sexual activity seeker or the sexual activity provider is at or physiologically chronologically beyond the 2020AD physiological telomere length of a 16 year old, whether they have gone through puberty or omitted
    going through puberty

    Epigenetic of beautiful plants
    Peptides that downregulate deltafosb at poo with high beneficial virulence, epigenetics that downregulate delta fosb, epigenetic of the simultaneous 99th percentile of anesthesia effectiveness at all tissues combined with the 99th percentile of mu opiod
    receptor pleasure, the engineered durable probiotic bacteria activates when a person thought to be unwell is orally administered a drink with an RNA, peptide, or less than 400 AMU chemical that epigenetic ally switches the delta fosb reducing genes to
    active and upregulated while also switching the production of mu opiate peptides on, also if the human (Homo sapiens and branch species) Gi tract cools more than 9% then the probiotic GI tract bacteria immediately changes to the form that produces
    peptides and RNA both that downregulate delta fosb, produces opiate peptides that cause anesthesia, and produces peptides and enkalphen coding RNA that cause a mu opiate high, the probiotic thrives above freezing, and produces 300-700 grams of a 60 parts
    opiate peptide 40 parts enkalphen coding RNA.

    Effect of magnetic dielectric on fiber optic function, transparent isotope magnetic optical fiber spin polarizing quantum dot light emitter coating spin polarize optical fibers or anything at all as a paint

    Longevity technology, find out if 99th percentile of different characteristics of the vagus nerve like number of branches and fineness of branches, Nerve conduction velocity and the various ratios of nerve transmitter types (glutamate, gaba, tyrosine
    others) as well as the amount of ion (MG, CA, na, K) channels at the nerve cell membrane, as well as anything else the vagus nerve actively secretes to its environment, as well as among mice bred to be long lived measure the mRNA profiles that describe
    all the things the vagus nerve makes and compare that to regular mice to find out if engineering just those genes or modulating them epigenetic ally causes otherwise regular mice, rabbits, and marmosets to be Weller, notably with greater longevity from a
    reduction in heart disease

    Epigenetic could harmlessly create 140-240% faster transit time of food, precluding unhealthy plumpness, making people svelte, and from reducing the volume of small intestine liquid digesta, pre-feces, and colon feces imitate the reduced chemical
    diffusion from enterosorbents that causes 40% greater longevity from enterosorbents.

    Longevity technology, 200 ion exchange resin varieties tested at mice to find greatest and also combinable component longevity increasers, save a fecal sample from each of the 1600 mice tested, then gather and characterize the actual chemicals
    enterosorbents absorb out of the system to increase longevity, it is also possible that if any of the ion exchange resins actually reduced mouse lifespan that those chemicals are beneficial chemicals in food or that are produced at gi tract bacteria, and
    that new probiotics or foods could create a superabundance of those beneficial chemicals that can then be measured as to increasing lifespan, omega 3 fa were discovered differently than this, but this protocol could have found omega 3 fa, noting oral
    ceramides that cause 10 times less wrinkles or perhaps 10times eentsier wrinkles, and omega 7 fa there could be many longevizing and wellness lipids, proteins, phytonutrients, and even unusual glycerides, sugars, and starch like polysugars findable with
    ion exchange resin longevity and wellness effect characterization.

    Noting that it's possible to find the things that cause greater over a century tissue feedings, 40 100k-1 million year endolith cultures, kings Holly, fairy ring fungi,

    300 fungi c elgans or drosophila or daphnia or Mason bees (so as to find longevity wellness and juvenescence that also effects honeybees and sting less bees)

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 3 19:37:06 2023
    Acarbose blocks the absorption of sugars from the gi tract and makes mice live about 20% longer, if the longevity effect is caused by blocking sugars then an epigenetic drug that hypermethylates the genes that make the active sugar transport chennels at
    the cytomembrane, test epigenetic blocking of the 100 most occurring nutrients and metabolizables at the gi tract membrane to see if blocking any other common metabolizables like volatile fatty acids, propionate, butrate, and 5-11carbon vfa, also block
    lipids, of various molecular sizes, single and double amino acids, the tertiary chemical products of gi tract bacteria like skatole and colorants, some of these exclusions could make no uptake epigenetic drugs that increase lifespan midway between
    Acarbose and the 40% longevity increase of enerosorbents. Novel to me is a very strong light emitting pill or 1/10-1mm light emitting diode microparticle that uses spectroscopy absorption frequencies or nonsunburn near visible uv or blue light to
    disintegrate organic chemicals, including any antilongevity chemicals or carcinogens at the gi tract, inductive power and micro antennas, or possibly very bright nonvisible light through the abdomen and a 40-80 sun concentrator photovoltaic provide the
    watts of laser diode energy. Novelly, at people that eat a lot phototreatment could reduce the absorbable calories of food, making it so even people that eat a lot can be at their preferred svelte Ness of body form. Another approach that uses enzymes
    instead of light to detoxify food/gi tract chemicals and reduce absorbable calories could be at durable b. Durans and other long residence gi tract flora/probiotic with one dose per 2 centuries of living. To find these ultra durable multicentury
    probiotics they could measure poo from prepubescent bow head whales and bow head whales that are over 2 centuries old, similarly 400 year durability gi tract flora/probiotic species could be found comparing juvenile and 400 year old tortoises. The
    multicentury durable probiotics can then be genetically modified to contain a bunch of different longevity causing peptides, RNA drugs, and actual longevity producing molecules like the most wellness and possibly longevity producing plant polyphenols,
    anticancer chemicals like sulfofurane, and the active chemicals in longevity increasing reishi (20% lifespan increase) and lions mane fungi, rapamycin or better, centrophenoxine, metformin or better, 17 alpha estradiol or better, circulating gdf-11,
    klotho, dcis proteins, any new longevity and juvenescence proteins or peptides found with parabiosis, the active drug ceramides that are published as causing 10 times reduction and possibly production of wrinkles, noting the possibility this also reduces
    nondermal deep inside the body wrinkling, which depending on efficacy and physiological harmlessness another separate multicentury probiotic could make immunoactivating antigens that immunize, thus remove the oldification chemicals found with parabiosis
    procedures, immunizing against multiple forms of pneumonia is published as reducing human cardiovascular adverse events 40%, so immunizing against numerous pneumonias, immunize against low density and very low density lipoproteins/cholesterol, immunize
    against those chemicals found at gi tract contents that are deleterious based on what enterosorbents do, which makes a kind of immunization equivalent to 40% lifespan increase enterosorbents, as a different product it may be possible to immunoalert brain
    glia immunization like effect to any chemicals at the brain that are deleterious such as when senescent brain cells produce SASP chemicals so alerting the glia to remove SASP chemicals, but not their source neurons, could have a 11-37% brain longevity
    and juvenescence effect, immunizing against tooth decay and gum infection noting periodontal disease is associated with cardiovascular disease and precluding periodontal disease would then make people live longer, I perceive there may be experimentalthey,
    immunize against the illnesses that are absent at specific pathogen free mammals (specific pathogen free mice live twice as long, and specific pathogen free marmosets live 11-15% longer, suggesting that precluding not just 14 pathogens at marmosets but
    140 pathogens at people with immunization could bring marmosets and people to over 40% greater longevity, as a new thing it is possible there are enzymes produced at the body that are actually harmful, one example is the enzyme that turns testosterone to
    dihydrotestosterone, or enzymes involved in low density/lipoprotein synthesis, enzymes may exist that are coactive with deleterious parabiosis proteins, insulin like growth factor 1 and any enzymes that make mtor/mtor1 chemistry occur could be immunized
    against, enzymes that support the conversion of harmless physiochemicals to low density cholesterol, enzymes associated with the spleen, noting splenectomy makes mice live 14% longer, immunizing against any liver enzymes that degrade beneficial chemicals
    like the juvenescent parabiosis chemicals, and immunizing against enzymes that degrade dietary fruit and vegetable polyphenols or other beneficial phytonutrients, any enzymes that are part of the process the first multicentury durability probiotic that
    just makes beneficial things could also make epithalon, thymalin, beauty peptides and regeneration peptides, epigenetic up regulation of the 11 sequential most limiting factor enzymes at the TCA ATP production cycle could cause juvenescence and longevity
    increase comparable to, or much higher than nucleotide NMN which causes longevity increase and young rotarod performance at old mice, the probiotic bacteria could also make liver enzymes that are effective at neutralizing organic chemical carcinogens,
    removing 90-99% of the most common carcinogens before they reach the circulatory system and the liver which cleans up the rest. epigenetic modifying peptides and

    Creativity drug, tuberculosis during the 20th century and previously was/is thought to heighten creativity, hundreds of grams of tuberculosis bacteria grown at human tissue culture could be separated into 200 mass constituents, of both hydrophilic and
    hydrophobic form, human volunteers would be administered the 200 component chemicals once every 8 hours for 72 hours and do creativity tests and exercises on a computer, perhaps potentiated with a stimulant like dextroamphetamine that makes them type a
    lot. It could be that this finds a chemical from tb bacteria that increases creativity at a time duration and dose response basis, one that is found, if it is found, then 200 molecular/protein/lipid variants are tested on mice or rats, and because the
    molecular variants likely have different psychological effects, the mice or rats, noting there are published studies showing rats have empathy, with 90th percentile empathy, no outcast social role, and median or higher actual sex matings indicate which
    of the variants of the TB based creativity drug will most benefit individuals and the people around them. The high empathy creativity increasing drug is then made into a durable probiotic for voluntary human (Homo sapiens and branch species) utilization.
    This can also be improved by radiolabelling the tb culture, homogenizing and administering it to marmosets, and then finding out what tb chemical went where in the brain, that list of say 40 tb chemicals can be added to the 200 chomotography fractions
    tested on vulunteers, it is possible then that 1-8 tb chemicals are most effective at causing creativity, measured with psychology psychometric tests, then human volunteers test 16 molecular or protein variants of the 1-8 tb sourced drugs. That finds a
    90-99th percentile most creativity causing drug from the 96-99.5th percentile of creativity first tb drug group. Noting that tuberculosis is an organism producing the creativity drugs can be genetically ported to a new durable b. Durans probiotic. They
    could also look for small or large benefits to lifespan in rats or marmosets noting Huan studies show that people with active minds are Weller, live longer, and resist alzheimers. Another even better version of the drug or probiotic attaches localization
    peptides or moieties to the drug to concentrate it in creativity supporting and multiplying areas like the neocortex, the visual occipital lobe structures associated with visualization and the mind's eye, and the drug could come in two separate forms,
    each of which concentrated at one hemisphere or the other, also the corpus callosum. There is also the opportunity to decrease neural activity at areas that are associated with big5 neuroticism, suspicion, or perceived threat like the amygdala. These
    areas can be downregulated with the coadministration of localized GABA drugs. turn off amygdala while turning on creativity to cause more prosocial, good, and individual creativity objects, writing, media, planning, engineering, science including physics,
    and mathematics.

    Sex pleasure vibrators and suction licker that flies like a drone. I think people that like sex technology objects would avidly appreciate a gentle shoe toe shaped quiet drone like flying wedge similar in shape to to the front 1/3 of a tennis shoe. This
    is inductively wirelessly powered of invisible harmless light concentrator photovoltaic powered, if you think of making a round lozenge shape wrapped in a venetian blind or fan grating you can see how this let's more than 90% of the lifting pressure
    difference air to pass while keeping the propellers from contacting anything. A white cowl of lovely and air passing form with vibrating nubs, ultrasonic transducer nubs, and a pleasure suction thing like a womanizer vibrato which can also function as a
    pleasure increasing clitoris pump is on the surface of the flying sex streamline object. The flying sex streamline object can also provide the man, and the woman with a different sensual, sexual, orgasmic pleasure. When masurbating the area between the
    upper base of my penis and the bellybutton is pleasurable enough that rubbing it causes an ejaculatory orgasm, so the wedge shaped flying sexual object could motionize silicone fronds on the man's top of penis base area up to near his bellybutton. Along
    with the previously described direct clitoral stimulation the upper side contacting the area above the vagina could have actuated rubbing fronds, iewing an image of a woman on top riding a man there was not direct clitoral stimulation unless she or he
    reached to the clitoris and stimulated it, with something about the 1/3 the size of a shoe, flies up underneath her to stimulate her clitoris when she's on all fours or lordosis posture and receiving a vagina from behind. The flying sex drone would have
    a camera or communicate with a camera and microphone to intensify its pressure and vibration, licking and sucking speed as she became more and more aroused driving her to orgasms and multiple orgasms, the vibrato could pulse on her clit at every deep

    Attaching more wires to each transistor, quadruple branching dendritic semiconductor that is like a dendritic polymer gives each quadrant of a feature 4 or 8 wires on it, so 16 wires come off each 1 nm transistor, the slight differences in each wire
    quantize the transistor to have 16 states, driving the transistor could be 2 things, mixed photovoltaic effect aggregate, 4 different tallness of multinm stacked tngs, even through the tallest is farthest from the junction it can still effect the
    junction from

    Dented corner cobblestone moire, actually you can get 8 times 8 separate wires, capacitors, quantum dot plates on a table attaching at a 1 nm transistor this way, just put the semiconductor on a 120 picometer resolution atomic force microscope stage,
    move it to one side, then IBM 1 nanometer feature size manufacturing technique another 1 nm cube or round on top of it, do that several times and you have an off center stack of cubes or rounds with stair-steppy 120 picometer sized electroless plating
    from electroless plating Pico droplets or vapor puts a conductor on the 120 picometer side lips, and once established, but with the 1 nm transistor shielded with a top nonconductive layer, the initial electroless plating site

    Electroless plating in a magnetic field, is it 3 or moretimes more capable of fine detail, or 3 or more times faster, with those numbers based on published triple activity and 6 times more molecular motion when a cobalt catalyst was exposed to a magnetic

    Silicone embossing can impress and duplicate at DNA sizes, repeated silicone application of ic layers at 200-400 picometer size builds up an integrated circuit, perhaps with sheet laser micro liquid production and various and advantageous forms of
    crystallinity of the ic layers, two lasers, one that liquefies the semiconductor layer at picometer depth, and another much higher power laser that does published laser refrigeration, possibly from both sides of the wafer, or also doing the process in a
    refrigerated environment like two compressor refrigerator - 100° F causes optimal crystallinity or amorphousness of the ic layers

    I do not know much about it, but I perceive that cvd ic process might make either crystalline semiconductors or amorphous semiconductors, insulators, and conductive pathways. It is possible more kinds of crystals can be formed, or more varieties of
    amorphous (smooth, aggregate lumps, nano or picofoams (electrically capacitive optics and semiconductors, also if gas or even liquid filled semiconductive foams do sensing, capacitance, bandpass and bandgap of light and thz radiation, something new which
    because p n junction could be a gradient over 1mm has accumulated lightspeed effects, at a foam it might be possible to make, using the same number of atoms a really big And puffy quantum dot that does the same all electrons together lighthings, with the
    difference that a puffy quantum dot has much larger energy absorption area per atom, which might drive the hop up electron levels really high, so when they emit a photon it is a super high energy photon, possibly extreme uv, x ray, or gamma ray laser,
    but if that doesn't make an extreme uv, x ray or gamma ray laser then the right size of antta should do it, monoplaniar, two marble, 3 marble, 7 marble hexagons, bigger planar hexagons than that, c shaped/loop antenna shaped hexagons or true circles, and
    genetic algorithms optimizing antenna for from 1 atom (which kind of atom, and quantum entangled, spin polarized, or noting magnesium 25 has 5/2 and 1 or different orbital angular momentum which of the 6 spin states is best for high frequency emission.
    The marble group shapes can be made with an atomic force microscope, which might also be able to make a 3d antenna out of undulating hills, a slot antenna, that is something missing rather than something present makes the high frequency waves, or a to
    me a really different kind of antenna or light emitters where concentric ovals and circles cause quantum wave addition to stack up and make isolated atom like points at the focuses of the concentric atom around it, that might be called an atom corral.
    Anyway, if you adjust the actual atoms at the perimeter right you can make the central pile that looks like an atom have, compared with the euv fluorine eximer laser electronegativity 4, an electronegativity of 8 or 16, which is much higher and could
    cause emissions wavelengths to single digit nanometer emissions, noting fluorine eximer laser emits at about 17 nanometers. gaalso although a genetic algorithm and an an electrical engineer would come up with a very much better antenna I'm wondering
    about what looks like a when electrons physically move like at an antenna or a capacitor plate do they say spin - 1/2 prefer to move farther from their spin - 1/2 things. At a Pico meter high frequency energy antenaa if spin engineering improves output
    then a big magnet, or a laser can customize each part of a high energy antenna. Remembering an image of a genetic algorithm antenna that was 300% better than the previous human designed antenna it looked like tracing a single line tracing the edges of
    piled up rectangles. I do not know if it was as good at broadcasting as receiving. Silicone impression molding can duplicate DNA and antibody feature sizes, vapor deposition can make very small height piles of atoms to fill in a mold, and general area
    lasers I read can be gentle enough to move an atom at a timeI tend to perceive it not as making 1 laser but a whole typing paper sheet of numerous lasers planar light edge fiber like disk lasers and fiber lasers hyper concentrate light like a side view
    of a fluorescent trigonometry drawing instrument. like laser plasmonics move Whether it's puffy quantum dots or new genetic algorithm 5-1000 Pico meter antennas that make the euv x ray gamma ray lightwith applications to ultra high resolution medical, industrial, and mining imaging, as well as nonexcimer laser ic making light
    sources. Also it's possible that uv especially at spectrogralhic absorbtion frequencies improves catalysis, noting published uv light with methane reactions, it's likely that new x-ray and gamma ray laser diodes produce even higher ch4 chemical react
    ability and catalyst activity, similarly at large application catalysts like ammonia fertilizer production, catalytic converters on hydrocarbon vehicles if x ray and gamma ray lasers at alibaba are 25¢ a watt, and x-ray and gamma ray leads are 2.5¢
    then these technologies make food even cheaper and clean vehicle and coal plant exhaust 20 times cheaper, there are also applications at wastewater treatment for much less$ particularly at the developing world. Another use for foam based big puffy
    quantum dots besides x ray lasers is that if the quantum dot is say 100-300 nm wide it can be custom sculpted and stacked with ic making techniques, while still functioning as a single electron level atom, if each side of a big puffy quantum dot has half
    circles or cookie eating half circles out of it, 8 to a side, 20 sides then that is 2^320 bits of data that can possibly be asked about with a laser , new laser frequencies and even more optimal photovoltaic upconversion , makes a great spin glass or
    spin polarized, gradient refractive index like but still not crystalline, tertiary structure is negative refractive index metamaterial but all parts of the metamaterial are amorphous, a mathematical perception that different Fourier transforms or wavelets

    Could an optical material that converts light to solitons, or cheap chirping cause greater photovoltaic efficiency or better light sensors and cameras

    Better photovoltaic, utilize refrigerated wafer and laser nanometer or picometer depth liquefaction to make the pn junction at photovoltaic completely and optimally crystalline , some crystals also enable better longer plasmonic effects, noting plasmonic
    photovoltaics have already been produced, and noting thin things are transparent to light, with an optional transparency creating grating, a stacked photovoltaic with a photoelectric effect pn junction, a plasmonic photovoltaic beneath that, and a top
    layer of quantum dots or frequency doubling or tripling materials upconverts the ir in sunlight to higher more absorbed at photovoltaic frequencies frequency, silicone embossing printing with crystal producing refrigeration or laser refrigeration could,
    because silicone embossing and printing is cheap, make the photovoltaic an order of magnitude or more cheaper to produce than chemical vapor deposition ic process photovoltaic, at alibaba cvd photovoltaics are less than 14¢ per watt, an order of
    magnitude cheaper to make is just 1.4¢ a watt, which I perceive as being cheaper than any retail individual or commercial utility rate I've heard of. If 34% concentrator photovoltaics of 40-80 suns are produced with silicone embossing and laser
    crystallinity production, and the 40-80 suns ir and uv is converted to photovoltaically effective light, then that is like the equivalent to 80-160 suns, aside from the mechanism like a mirror, waveguide array, or very cheap 1$/kg polymer light pipe that
    concentrates the daylight

    Photovoltaic that works from moonlight, starlight, and city lightglow, make a 1 meter^2 cheap optical $1/kg polymer sheet or shape, have it feed a 11 cm^2 photovoltaic, possibly with a light responsive crystal that changes refractive index with
    illumination levels or temperature such that during the day when there is lots of light the ir warms or the uv adjusts the adjustable refraction index crystal to illuminate the concentrator photovoltaic during daylight, and a nonconcentrator photovoltaic
    that produces electricity on moonlit nights that can augment and top up electricity at a cheap residential ultracapacitor module, which stretches the night photoelectricity that runs moments of food refrigerator compressor activity as well as dwelling
    computers, iot, and a few people turning on restroom lights for a few minutes

    The paranormal voices I hear say, but they have previously encouraged me to avoid considering anything they say that the previously alive can watch earth
    "watching television" but only the earth of their living period, greatly increasing longevity at all mammals, animals and fungi, if what I heard has actuality much greater longevity causes humans to have a much wider and richer range of earth viewing and
    possibly pleasurable reliving, sampling, and experience of being there. This might, along with the benefits of being eternally youthful with death optional among living persons cause placing internet content displaying technology objects like computers
    that also contain 11 different programming languages and phones at anyplace previously alive bodies or remains are placed at planet earth, Earth, and the 1949ad definition of universe to provide both wide ranging content and content that is new, fresh,
    and noting the voices I hear communicate "watch television" the television watching activity of viewing, and quite possibly guiding the new internet content that occurs at the previously alive body's or remains' location. I suggest four photovoltaic,
    nernst effect soil ion battery, ambient radio-frequency electromagnetic energy, previously alive computer programmable bitcoin and 23 other most valued and intraconvertable crypto currencies, with 82% of the crypto currency generated being placed in a
    directory titled with the persons name and the word money, and the other 18% invested in what using 2020Ad language are called index funds, or at the person's option fully aware that ecology and environment and what is considered at any social moment to
    be highly ethical mutual funds, as well as mutual funds that are index fund like samplings of the 400 companies with a number of patents greater than 1 patent, a technology focus, as well as an actual technology product available on planet Earth or
    anywhere at the 1949 science of physics universe humans, that is Homo sapiens live, and with the largest amount of company shares changing title during the previous 1600 twenty four hour periods, another the funds shares At 4 viewing monitors one of the
    monitors, technologically able to display 3 dimensional video or also other 3 dimensional content at the display, and the onscreen guiding and activating symbol starts focus on, that monitor which provides exclusively the 99.99th percentile of science of
    psychology Light Triad internet content and media, psychometricdo big magnets reduce bacterial decay, possibly, if they do, or if they activate tissue preserving chemicals like cobalt atom containing antibacterial quats then those body preserving
    chemicals, full body replacement of all h20 with Deuterium D2O is strongly antibacterial and can be accomplished with electromigration or iontophoresis of ph7 D2O internally from the GI tract, as well as internally through arteries, as well as externally
    through the dermis, with the external dermal electrophoresis preserving and optimally increasing the physical and facial beauty of the previously alive person. The voices I hear suggest that previously alive persons have sex, that is sexual activity,
    including penile intromission, that makes a previously alive body or individual soma preservative at the previously alive that combines vagina, penis, nipples anus, mouth, anus, prostate, and deep hip and thigh pillow humping pleasure nerves nerve
    activating pleasure drugs, and vasodilating drugs that cause circulatory fluid engorgement at the clitoris, entire clitoris including crura, clitoral hood, commisure, skene's glands, vaginal canal and pleasure foci of the internal vagina like the O-spot
    and A-spot, female anus, and, at the penis, a combination of erection causing and sustaining drugs with papaverine sufficient in quantity to cause a 16 month duration of erection, a gram of high potency papaverine mimetic opiate peptide active at the
    penile corpus cavernosum to produce and sustain penile erection with 700 picograms per 24 hours, also a Viagra functional replace all blood with a more oxygen carrying fluid such as a perfluorocarbon, notably entire body tissue preservation and are
    atfungi, notably spores and fruiting bodies, and also gi tract fecal probiotic that make epigenetic drugs that hypermethylate nociception genes and simultaneously produce nonhabituating antinociceptive opiate, gaba, anandamide, trace amine taar receptors,
    and ampa neuron activators, simultaneous with downregulation of delta Fosb is beneficial to both previously alive persons and living persons and other mammals. this is another ben, extended tissue culture living to benefit from millenia of life support
    life on pleasure drugs. I favor all humans, all persons, and all beings that live in what 1949Ad physicists called the universe be eternally youthful with death optional.

    The voices tell me some of the previously alive swap sex, that is sexual activity for money, beneficial to the Living, I think, as well as beneficial to the previously alive is to make swapping sex for money something that 90% of all living humans
    participate in, with benefit from sex providers who regularly swap sex for money being absent any sentient being taking, or proceeding as if entitled to, a different person who swaps sex for money's financial gains from providing sexual activity, also
    optimally, the swapping of sex for money is accompanied with the creation of a piece of media, optimally displaying the sexual activity in three dimensions, during 2020 this might be described as a video, that the person who provided money then has a
    copy of, and 28 year copyright to. The sex receiving person can then voluntarily place the sexual activity video publicly or viewable for money on the internet. I Treon Verdery am an objector to United States Copyright law, and if I wrote to one or more
    of the places I copied video from would be describable as a conscientious objector to united States and international copyright law. Because I object to copyright, and I note the sex seeker has 28 years of the right to exclude others, companies, and
    things like artificial intelligences, what recourse is suggested if the sex video is copied or reutilized? I suggest an absence of recourse, or any government, social, or reputational response, duty, or discouragement of the copying activity. notably at
    least at one or more occurences, while the sexual activity seeker or the sexual activity provider is at or physiologically chronologically beyond the 2020AD physiological telomere length of a 16 year old, whether they have gone through puberty or omitted
    going through puberty

    Epigenetic of beautiful plants
    Peptides that downregulate deltafosb at poo with high beneficial virulence, epigenetics that downregulate delta fosb, epigenetic of the simultaneous 99th percentile of anesthesia effectiveness at all tissues combined with the 99th percentile of mu opiod
    receptor pleasure, the engineered durable probiotic bacteria activates when a person thought to be unwell is orally administered a drink with an RNA, peptide, or less than 400 AMU chemical that epigenetic ally switches the delta fosb reducing genes to
    active and upregulated while also switching the production of mu opiate peptides on, also if the human (Homo sapiens and branch species) Gi tract cools more than 9% then the probiotic GI tract bacteria immediately changes to the form that produces
    peptides and RNA both that downregulate delta fosb, produces opiate peptides that cause anesthesia, and produces peptides and enkalphen coding RNA that cause a mu opiate high, the probiotic thrives above freezing, and produces 300-700 grams of a 60 parts
    opiate peptide 40 parts enkalphen coding RNA.

    Effect of magnetic dielectric on fiber optic function, transparent isotope magnetic optical fiber spin polarizing quantum dot light emitter coating spin polarize optical fibers or anything at all as a paint

    Longevity technology, find out if 99th percentile of different characteristics of the vagus nerve like number of branches and fineness of branches, Nerve conduction velocity and the various ratios of nerve transmitter types (glutamate, gaba, tyrosine
    others) as well as the amount of ion (MG, CA, na, K) channels at the nerve cell membrane, as well as anything else the vagus nerve actively secretes to its environment, as well as among mice bred to be long lived measure the mRNA profiles that describe
    all the things the vagus nerve makes and compare that to regular mice to find out if engineering just those genes or modulating them epigenetic ally causes otherwise regular mice, rabbits, and marmosets to be Weller, notably with greater longevity from a
    reduction in heart disease

    Epigenetic could harmlessly create 140-240% faster transit time of food, precluding unhealthy plumpness, making people svelte, and from reducing the volume of small intestine liquid digesta, pre-feces, and colon feces imitate the reduced chemical
    diffusion from enterosorbents that causes 40% greater longevity from enterosorbents.

    Longevity technology, 200 ion exchange resin varieties tested at mice to find greatest and also combinable component longevity increasers, save a fecal sample from each of the 1600 mice tested, then gather and characterize the actual chemicals
    enterosorbents absorb out of the system to increase longevity, it is also possible that if any of the ion exchange resins actually reduced mouse lifespan that those chemicals are beneficial chemicals in food or that are produced at gi tract bacteria, and
    that new probiotics or foods could create a superabundance of those beneficial chemicals that can then be measured as to increasing lifespan, omega 3 fa were discovered differently than this, but this protocol could have found omega 3 fa, noting oral
    ceramides that cause 10 times less wrinkles or perhaps 10times eentsier wrinkles, and omega 7 fa there could be many longevizing and wellness lipids, proteins, phytonutrients, and even unusual glycerides, sugars, and starch like polysugars findable with
    ion exchange resin longevity and wellness effect characterization.

    Noting that it's possible to find the things that cause greater over a century tissue feedings, 40 100k-1 million year endolith cultures, kings Holly, fairy ring fungi,

    300 fungi c elgans or drosophila or daphnia or Mason bees (so as to find longevity wellness and juvenescence that also effects honeybees and sting less bees)

    [continued in next message]

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