• Weight loss drug

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 1 19:58:23 2023
    Just as fingers form callouses it is possible the epithelial lining of the GI tract could be treated with a chemical that does not pass the epithelia to reach the body that thickens the layer of the epithelia making a smaller amount of nutients diffuse
    through. Even a 30% reduction of diffusion of fats carbohydrates would take a person from 2000 calories a day of eating to just 1300 calories of nutrition assisting weight loss, one possible source is the actual chemicals in dermis that cause thickening,
    attached to a moiety that keeps it from passing the epithelium and delivered in an enteric capsule so it gets past the stomach

    some person on quora asked Would a 3-dimensional magnetic field attract a magnet in the 4th dimension?, so I wrote, Well, I might get this gist of your question, and I do not know, but it is a nifty idea.

    Basically I think you are thinking about 4D as being other than time.

    The pedantic reply would be, scientists talk about 3D+t with time as the fourth dimension, so one way to interpret your question is: Does anything magnetic done in 3D effect t (time), or even some other spatial or non spatial dimension? Not that I have
    heard of, but who knows.
    The notes I made on your question say

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