• To find something outside of Hilbert space:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 1 19:54:50 2023
    list off things it has to do, and is precluded from doing. Then find things that are outside that; possible example: could the abstraction of a turing machine be outside Hilbert space because it is not an elaborated euclidean sytem or thing, it is a
    looping repositioning thing. Also a nonorientatable surface or object like a klein thing or mobius loop might exclude orthagonaility and be inner productless. Also at a turing machine or 1,1,0 automata you could possibly make one with a non-orientable
    mobius strip as the tape it runs on. To make one you might need 3D, but skip vectors, and can skip the inner product thing completely. “A Hilbert space is an abstract vector space possessing the structure of an inner product that allows length and
    angle to be measured” Similarly the 1,1,0 automata might be runnable on a non-hilbert space thing. Maybe a circular 1,1,0 automata radial blob could exist and compute without length and angle. Or a turing machine instead of a [direction and quantity]
    vector could just have assembly language like instructions that just repeatedly modified their content at a grid or matrix; that makes a thing that omits the “vector” that hilbert space might require. Similarly at what I perceive as the paranormal,
    if hilbert space prefers 3 things, but the paranormal only do 2, then the paranormal could be outside of hilbert space, and notably paranormal activity would be a nonquantum system. That even though no one knows what it is or how it works. Scientific
    verification of the paranormal could possibly create a checkbox knowledge array just from finding out how the paranormal matches up, or does not match up to Hilbert space things in the set of behaviors and intrinsic characteristics
    One online thing says, “Hilbert spaces have inner products, so notions of perpendicularity(ororthogonality), and orthogonal projection are available.” Orthagonalness seems like it might be possible for something to completely lack it; what about a
    non-orientable surface? If these exclude orthogonality, then they might, if made of some other thing, be physical objects outside of a hilbert space description. Klien or mobius thing is I think a non-orientatable (non orthagonal) surface/shape. What
    if you put a zipper along the center of a mobius loop,with orientation neutral meshing teeth; whenzipped it makes two overlapping loops, zipped it looks like a mobius loop.
    What is a little amusing here is that instead of some 20th century AD books exploring quantum physics as a generator of consciousness, A mathematical matching up of the requirements of hilbert space and finding out where consciousness or the paranormal
    doesn’t fill all the check boxes to qualify as being Hilbert spacial could show that consciousness and/or the paranormal is outside quantum physics. That less than hilbert space and also different than hilbert space group of characteristics creates a
    vast new area of technologyizable beneficial things. So missing the checkboxes on “qualifies as Hilbert spacial” could be a beneficial source of new things.

    Wikipedia says, “Mathematically, a pure quantum state can be represented by a ray in a Hilbert space over the complex numbers” so, rummaging for original content, yet again, the radioactive loop nested MWI universe generator, or a different topology
    of it beyond nesting, which includes a “flip” might, like a knot, only fit in higher dimensionality (like 3D) That is different than a 1D or 2D photon-electron event. So technologically, is there some easy fun variation on MWI radioactive loop
    nesting, or some niftier technology, that makes a flip to knot, Crochet a MWI universe connection space.
    A 3d crochet of MWI nests/connections and mapping could have more possible degrees of freedom, sort of like a greater number of vertice connections; more than a measured or resolved at a quantum event with just 2 branches like an electron photon thing.
    The elctron photon thing might be 1D or 2D so it has less connectors possible per point or vertice where it lives.
    Having three or four connectors on a vertice (from nesting topology/degreed of freedom) would mean the nestized geometry MWI might be theorized to produce 3 or 4 seperate universes per event rather than just one near clone universe. Perhaps the
    crocheting of the nested overlapping MWI universe generators could even have direction of flow effects, waterhammer, or valving as to things like the optical loop providing a data repository to the quicker mini loop or radioactive lump.
    So, there is the possibility that a person developing a mathmematical description of the nested loop MWI connector might notice or produce things in their new equations which lead to new MWI technologies and possibly MWI testability. Sort of like saying,
    if the mathematicians think of it, the physicists and engineers can use the math as a creative launch point to do their things.
    GSK: Could topical tyramine or perhaps more likely, niacin cause localized higher blood flow, causing the other ingredients in a beauty cream or antidermatitis cream to have greater transport to the tissue, like beauty pepetides with tyramine get more
    capillary accessability

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