• MWI:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 1 10:24:49 2023
    A possible way to make an already observed object have nondeterminacy again https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20712-how-to-be-in-two-places-at-the-same-time/ : “Physicists have questioned whether large objects can follow quantum laws ever since
    Erwin Schrödinger’s thought-experiment suggested a cat could exist in a superposition of being both alive and dead.
    The idea is to zap a glass sphere 40 nanometres in diameter with a laser while it is inside a small cavity. This should force the sphere to bounce from one side of the cavity to the other. But since the light is quantum in nature, so too will be the
    position of the sphere. This forces it into a quantum superposition.”…” The new experiment, in contrast, would put the glass sphere in two entirely distinct places at once, with no overlap.” So, nudge something with a quantum source.

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 1 10:25:39 2023
    if MWI universes propagate at a lightcone rather than instantly, then just possibly nudging them with a quantum system, like the glass globes, early enough could circumscribe the physical are of the MWI universe, perhaps limiting it to the volume of a
    human or a computer chip. The thing is, this might only produce nondeterminacy at some subset of possible things a person could measure at a system. Although a laser zapping glass globes to make their physical location nondeterminate (rather than just
    some electron photon thing) seems to suggest big area-spanning effects from quantum nudging.

    Also, noting the glass globes can be superposed with a laser could there be large-area naturally occuring effects that “restore” preobservation quantum nondeterminacy at astrophysicist-study-sized objects; “When they apply quantum mechanics –
    which successfully describes the behaviour of very small objects like atoms – to the entire cosmos, the equations imply that it must exist in many different states simultaneously, a phenomenon called a superposition. Yet that is clearly not what we
    Cosmologists reconcile this seeming contradiction by assuming that the superposition eventually “collapses” to a single state. But they tend to ignore the problem of how or why such a collapse might occur”

    MWI: is it ethically beneficial to generate new universes populated only by one happy boltzmann brain? A utilitarian, and I am thinking of David Pearce, and likely me, could compare/contrast boltzmann brains to solving (FTF, AFS, others) a society.
    Finely tuned lasers might do it.

    MWI: “If many worlds is correct – and many physicists think it is – my actions shape the course not just of my life, but of the lives of my duplicates in other worlds.
    “In the many-worlds interpretation, when you make a choice the other choices also happen,”David Deutsch”. That suggests that things might be more ethical with software that automatically placed a list of highly beneficial things at any to-do list
    the person wrote. Nifty phone app as well.

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 1 10:28:29 2023
    It is possible a reverse-superobserver could do beneficial repairs on the universe. Somewhat startlingly, half of all of a group are definitionally below average; that suggests that using a reverse-superobserver to cause half the universe to be reverse-
    superobserved into nondeterminacy, then, if development makes sense, puposefully observe the recently re-nondermined region. Half of the newly reobserved half would then be above average; this causes the universe to be 3/4 above average.
    This 3/4 above average could be amplified to 99% or higher above the previous average. Gamete choice, where people optimize the sperm or eggs they use to create children could be the re-resolved thing to make 99% or greater above the previous dissolved
    and recreated universe’ average composition.

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 1 10:27:13 2023
    “This concept sprouts from eternal inflation, our best explanation for why the universe looks as it does. In the split second after the big bang, the idea goes, space-time expanded exponentially.” It is possible that the MWI supports something other
    than a big bang, and further, even if there was a big bang, the geometry of the starting event would have a wide number of varying original geometries. If you make a list of all the geometries you can think of, the likelihood that the one drawn
    stoachastically would be spherical inflation, would be really improbable. I might be ignorant about the math meaning of stochastic item from a list. I do not know what would be more probable, but if you grab a stochastic item off a list of thought-of (
    and as yet unthought-of) geometries, the likelihood of any particular geometry is miniscule. Rather drastic sounding is the possibility that a universe origin could be figured out from finding out which math identities apply more to what seems-to-be-
    reality. As a sample math identity… It is very very likely different than the median, mean or mode of a pile of data, Very likely universe origin math is completely different than an average, “Using the ‘its from a math average math motif”;
    twentieth century AD Englihs language version of “make believe”: the universe origin was of a size midway between the largest galaxy and a hydrogen atom” so about the size of a …(oil tanker/ski resort/child sized snowball)” With different than
    that “make believe” example, “average” is a kind of math definitional space, so a math-cabable person could think of other “organizing math motifs”. A person at stackexchance.com says, “For example, the Pythagorean theorem proves something
    exact about the properties of triangles, even if we cannot measure any triangle with infinite precision.” So reapplicability of the pythagoean theorem, even with numbers with of imprecise measurements, as well as the ability to swap out any of the
    actual numbers with lettered variables at an equation is like a mathematics motif.
    You could look at what most every physics observable thing or system has, then weight (math word) the origin to have some of that too. Then, theoretically, once you have a non big-bang theory that is a pastiche of what is known about other things, you
    do new fresh observations and experiments to rule out parts of the pastiche. Then you get a extraneous-stuff trimmed out version of a universe origin theory, one that skips depending on a stoachastic sample from a list, like I perceive big bang to be.

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  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 2 00:24:12 2023
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