• New to me autophagy longevity technologies:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 28 20:23:42 2023
    Another possibility is a periodic genetic activation of the production of a non-autoimmune activating production of antigens at the surface of cytes, possibly those at the 40th percentile or less of cyte and tissue youthfulness, where the percentile is
    an experimentally quantified causative function at wellness and healthspan; this could possibly be quantified with mRNA transcript production’s deviation from a beneficial range (reminds me of engineering tolerance, the 2nd standard deviation at the
    non-preferred side of the distribution) Periodic activation of the beneficial new form of autophagy could be linked to the accumulation of a physiologically beneficial chemical (epithalon, thymosin, omega 3 DHA);

    New to me autophagy with high cytotype localization technology: I perceive I read about where two different receptor proteins, when both activated, caused a cyte to be exposed to a chemotherapy drug, causing fewer well cytes to be dosed with the
    chemotherapy; Responding to things like: At cytes that are at less than 30th percentile of wellness, longevity and healthspan heightening physiology, the translation/transcription protein generators receive instructions to make notably larger amounts of
    one normal type, but comparatively tissue and cyte unusual chemical, protein, or peptide transport channel, perhaps something that occurs less than 1/400th of a cytes’ external receptors or transport channels, and at perhaps less than 1 per 200
    different cytotypes and tissues, it then becomes 1/20th to 1/40th of the proportion of the cytes external transport channels and receptors enumerated amount, (twenty or ten times as populous as previously), and then an transport channel optimized
    autophagy causing protein, peptide, or genetic effect causes autophagy at that cyte; The concentration of the autophagy causer is 40 times greater at the 30th percentile nonwell cytes than at well, wellness, longevity and healthspan functionally active
    cytes; Technologically it seems possible that autophagy could be tuned to to be activated when the transport protein heightened autophagy causer is above 30 times that at an unaffected cyte;

    As a another supporting technology, it is possible a protein, peptide, or peptide effluxing transporter could be part of membrane accumulating cytotransport duo; at a well, longevity, wellness, and healthspan support heightening, functional cyte the
    transport and efflux of a particular protein, peptide or chemical from the duo, which could be spontaneously occuring at a nonmodified organism or human, would be about the same amount, they would omit accumulating the transported protein, peptide, or
    chemical at the cytoplasm; that would cause any autophagy activating chemicals, proteins, peptides, or gene products, to pass through well cytes above the 30th percentile causing a minimal amount at the cytoplasm of the 30th percentile of higher cyte;
    When the measure of the longevity functionality, wellness, and healthspan of an unwell cyte occurred it would cause the unwell cyte to make large numbers of the harmless chemical cytotransport structure, causing it to be 40 times more prevalent at the
    unwell cyte; natural endogenous circulation of things that that particular transport protein transports, would reach 40 times the usual amount, causing a gene at the cyte to make an autophagy causing molecule endogenous to they cyte; another technology
    is to have the autophagy causing protein, peptide, or chemical that is linked to a 40 times usual amount transport protein moeity for hieghtened transport to the 1th to 30th percentile cytes, be produced at a different area of the body, perhaps from just
    a few gram, or even one gram area of gene therapy;

    Technologies that could discern longevity, wellness, healthspan contributive and supportive cytes above the 20th percentile: mRNA, possibly gene therapy that caused presence of nonbeneficial mRNA, cytochemicals, proteins, or peptides, to cause

    Normalization algorithms create higher and higher longevity, wellness, and healthspan physiochemistry, it is possible that technologies that cause the least (0- 20th percentile) longevity, wellness, and healthspan supporting cytes to be quantified as
    they relate to the to other cytes at the body, to be as a relation to all the cytes at the body continuously or periodically, would cause double digit % increase in baseline longevity, wellness, and healthspan annually, this could physiochemically
    contribute to a percentage of longevity increase, and noting the continuous improvement of 20% more longevity, wellness, and healthspan cytes annually is likely larger than an annual accumulation of nonwell cytes, that like actuarial escape velocity,
    things move towards wellness, longevity, and healthspan faster than they wear out; The effect of multiple 20th percentile autophagy events causes the after autophagy organism to be accumulate towards what would previously have been 90th percentile or
    higher cyte function as to longevity, wellness, and healthspan physiochemistry; that similarity to actuarial escape velocity, which I have also read is called longevity escape velocity, is alogrithmically related to making each iteration of cytes that
    support longevity, wellness, and healthspan as the new computational basis for the percentiles. A technology I read about, which might be called gene switches, makes things like AND and OR as well as other logic forms out of simultaneous gene
    modification effects; The technological algorithm that supports the heightening of each iteration of 20th percentile or less’ autophagy to be based on a new foundation could be based on things like: gene therapy at the entire body causes harmless
    unique peptides or proteins to be produced, which then utilize mechanisms that are usual to move to the exterior cytomembrane of the cyte they are produced at, This labels each cyte with a non immunoreactive cytosurface diagnostic of what it is doing and
    making, it is possible the diagnostic proteins that make their way to the cytosurface are actually beneficial, noting the cyte is still alive, or also possibly beneficial to neighbor cytes, the (0-20th percentile) producers of just the completely
    beneficial interleukins, possibly some onconeutral neutral growth protein like BDNF, or if immunotransparency and absence of immunoreaction of any kind is beneficial, perhaps slight variations on water transport proteins (aquaporins), where variations
    from the usual protein amino acid sequence would let diagnostic things that cause the 40 times greater amount of transport channels to cause beneficial autophagy find and have effects on cytes at less than the 20th percentile; Gene logic could also just
    have quantifiable things effect logic, to cause the production of mRNA that makes the 40 times higher amount of autophagy transport channels at the cytomembrane; it is also possible that gene logic can just directly make autophagy functional effects
    directly at any cyte where the gene logic notes 0-20th percentile longevity, wellness, and helthspan physiochemistry;

    also possibly periodic wellness chemical accumulation (epithalon, thymosin, omega 3 DHA) that activates the production of “make transport channels” at the unwell cytes;

    Also possible is the unwell 20th perctile making 40 times more transport channels, and then a human, person, a member of a group of people, that is a homo sapiens, takes a drug to cause the autophagy, much more beneficial is an automated, periodic,
    automatic process, which could technologically be based around a one gram or less area of gene therapy that emits things that diagnose, modify and cause autophagy at cytes at the (0-20th percentile) of longevity, wellness, and healthspan, noting the
    continuously new distribution’s new foundation; Notably though, there is also the technology of a multihundred year longevity depot injection that just causes autophagy anywhere a group of antibodies (I perceive I read about fewer AMU versions of
    antibodies) note some unusual distribution of surface characteristics (proteins), also I think I read about antibodies that can glom to receptors to make them stay active, go less active, or just be neutrally at the cyte, this might function at
    cytotransport channels as well, possibly antibodies glomming unwell cytes

    Gene logic

    possible that without antibodies, this would cause autophagy at virus inected cytes from their being at 30th percentile or less of wellness quantifications, the incidental antiviral effect could be beneficial to both the person, and even possibly reduce
    the amount of viruses circulating at the population. The 30th percentile of wellness autophagy technology could be a nonimmunosystem new to me approach that kind of incidentally removes virus infected, oncocyte, and even possibly, fiberous nonutility
    tissue, which might be replaced with weller cytes. It is kind of like a new to me, multipurpose, new (30th percentile quantified effect at any nonoptimality) kind of senolytic, with different criteria than various intracyte deleterious products like

    the versionbs of these technologies or others that create longevity, wellness, and healthspan beneficial new versions of autophagyor germline enhancement or optimization

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